Harbinger: A Journal of Art & Literature | 2018-2019

Published by Texas Tech University

Published by Texas Tech University


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Sarah G. Huerta

I look down at the map

that cost me five euros

and about twice as many

blisters on my feet

caused by my shitty American sandals

on too uneven sidewalks.

A rough sketch of synagogues

of the past are highlighted

in white. They are all churches

and restaurants now, one

of the hundred Jews left in Sevilla

tells me in broken English.

I step through to the other side

of the curtain separating the single room


Is it even my place

to cry? A spiritualist

raised Catholic, imposing myself

in the remains of the Jewish Quarter,

a lighter way to say ghetto,

or quarantine, barely able

to read about the atrocities

my family’s church committed

through new stains dirtying my glasses.

poetry 7

I exit through a small hall,

the walls covered in mirrors,

and I walk until

I am facing ten of myself.

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