Harbinger: A Journal of Art & Literature | 2018-2019

Published by Texas Tech University

Published by Texas Tech University


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He had an untrimmed beard, and long hair so oily that it was a surprise the US hadn’t

invaded it yet. These features did not fit with the clothes he was wearing, which were so

new that it wouldn’t be a surprise to anyone if they still had the tags on.

“Now we will begin the unobtrusive and painless procedure. The woman on my left

is Mrs. Lydia Manchester. Mrs. Manchester is a teacher and mother of four, who can’t

seem to find that elusive thing we call ‘happiness.’ Mrs. Manchester has tried all that she

could hope to try: Drugs, therapy, taking a walk; but none of these seem to provide the

right antidote for her struggle with depression. However, thanks to the kind donation

from Xavier, Mrs. Manchester will be able to find that which she seeks most,” the man

on stage said, causing an eruption of applause from the audience. Even Aaron found

himself applauding along, giving a nod of approval to his wife next to him.

Physicians were led onto the stage, and they began the procedure. “For those of you

who are still doubtful of the effectiveness of HappinessPlus, we will be putting MRI machines

over the patient’s heads, so we can see exactly what’s going on up there,” The man

on stage said, as the doctors continued to prepare the equipment. The doctors inserted

a small needle into the back of each patients’ neck, and placed suspended bowl-shaped

machines over the heads of both patients. A live MRI depiction of both patients’ brains

were displayed on a projection ten feet above them. “Now, the areas of the brain in red

are where brain activity is most active. As you all can see, these areas of the brain that are

most associated with happiness, are some of the least active parts of Mrs. Manchester’s

brain. As the procedure commences, keep your eyes on the change in these parts,” the

man on stage said, pointing to the projection with a laser-pointer. Aaron noticed that

the man forgot to mention Xavier’s brain, which seemed to also lack a certain glow

in those same regions. Very soon after, a small amount of liquid began to drain from

Xavier, into the machine. The machine then processed this fluid, and moved it into the

back of Lydia’s neck. Aaron was impressed by the fact that neither of the participants

flinched during the whole process. As soon as the procedure finished, the man on stage

drew everyone’s attention to the changes in the MRI readings. The auditorium erupted

in applause when everyone noticed that the parts of Lydia’s brain that were a dull red,

lit up like a Christmas tree. When the procedure was finished, and all of the medical

equipment was removed, both participants were asked to stand up. Aaron couldn’t help

but notice the immediate change in Xavier’s demeanor. It looked as if dark circles had

formed around his eyes; and his already nonchalant look, turned into one of unrepentant

apathy. The man on stage told Lydia to step to the forefront of the stage, while

Xavier was left behind the darkness of the closing curtain.

Alas! I present to you all a changed woman. No longer will she be burdened with the

hardships bestowed by depressive thoughts. Now, for only $1,000 per month, you and

your loved ones can be bestowed with the gift of happiness,” the man said, throwing his

arms out toward Lydia, as if presenting the first patient to be cured of cancer. The audience

took a moment to look upon Lydia. There were hush whispers among the audience,

who were dazzled by the confident posture, bright eyes, and beaming smile that exuded

fiction 27

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