PRESSIdeas June 2020 issue

The Graphic Arts Magazine

The Graphic Arts Magazine


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used for pigment dispersion that guarantees

the best performance and a cost-efficient


Key benefits of Xeikon’s IDERA platform

for corrugated packaging printers and


• High throughput with a post-print,

single-pass printing press. Ready to

print on uncoated and coated boards

• Xeikon developed food safety compliant

water-based inkjet inks to drive print

performance and cost

• An open ecosystem that works together

with various best-in-class partners –

peripheral equipment, workflow, camera

inspection, and more – to get to the

best integrated solution

• A true digital transformation capability

supported by Xeikon’s X-800 workflow

for corrugated packaging

• Color management and profiling tools

as well as integration with third-party

manufacturing and MIS software

Filip Weymans, Xeikon’s Vice President

of Marketing, states, “With more than 30

years of innovation and experience in digital

printing, we are still leading the way. Xeikon

is recognized as an advisor in many key

markets, such as graphic arts and labels,

and now in the corrugated market. Xeikon

is a true technology-agnostic advisor in the

digital transformation that print manufacturing

processes are undergoing. We are excited

to be bringing Xeikon and Flint Group

knowledge and expertise to the corrugated

market with IDERA and our broad range of

consulting and advisory services.”

Natural cosmetic ingredients gaining popularity

Natural ingredients with antibacterial and antiviral qualities are the most sought after.

The coronavirus pandemic is raising demand

for natural ingredients from the personal

care industry. The use of such ingredients

in cosmetic & personal care products is

increasing, whilst consumers are buying

natural & organic products to improve their

personal immunity. Ecovia Intelligence

(formerly known as Organic Monitor) expects

demand to remain buoyant after the current


Australian companies are reporting a surge

in demand for lemon myrtle, which is used

in hand sanitizers and cleaning products.

Australian Natural Products, the largest

producer, is planting 180,000 new lemon

myrtle and anise myrtle trees to ramp up


Tea tree oil, well-known for its antibacterial

and antiviral properties, is also experiencing

a coronavirus boost. It is used in a wide

range of personal care and home care

products. Based in New South Wales, Gelair

has developed a line of tea tree oil-based

cleaning products for the maritime industry.

Virus fears are leading commercial ships

and cruise liners to use Gelair products to

decontaminate ducted ventilation systems.

Aloe vera, already established in the personal

care industry, is also experiencing high

demand. The use of aloe vera has extended

from companies to consumers making

hand sanitizers at home. Seeing the shift in

purchasing behaviour, the American supplier

Desert Harvest has started producing

hand sanitizers for the first time. Amyris, a

producer of sustainable ingredients, has

also launched natural

hand sanitizers under

its Pipette brand.

The natural essential

oils company EO

Products has increased

production of its hand

sanitizers 16-fold since

the virus outbreak.

Other natural

ingredients in high

demand include

eucalyptus oil, propolis,

and oregano. Asian

ingredient suppliers

are reporting a spike in

demand for eucalyptus

oil. In Indonesia, the

Agriculture Ministry

is actively using

eucalyptus oil to help

stop the transmission of

the coronavirus. It has

developed ointments,

balms, inhalers and diffusers.

The popularity of cannabidiol (CBD) is also

continuing during the coronavirus crisis. CBD

is featured in many new product launches,

including hand sanitizers, creams, lotions

and balms. The UK online retailer Alphagreen

is reporting a doubling of interest in CBDbased

products since the virus outbreak.

Consumers are buying CBD products to help

give them relieve from anxiety, insomnia and


Many natural & organic food retailers are

reporting a sales surge during the current

crisis. Consumers are turning to natural

& health products to improve their overall

health and wellness, as well as disease

prevention. With COVID-19 changing the

way we meet and clean, expect to see more

natural ingredients in the products we use.

Sustainable Cosmetics Summit

The growing use of natural / green materials

in cosmetic & personal care products

is regularly featured at the Sustainable

Cosmetics Summit. The next editions of this

executive summit will be in New York (28-30th

September) and Paris (2-4th November).

June 2020


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