October 2006 - Repton School

October 2006 - Repton School

October 2006 - Repton School


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No. 309 <strong>October</strong> <strong>2006</strong><br />

THE ARCH<br />


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OLD REPTONIAN SOCIETY <strong>2006</strong><br />

President: P M Franklin-Adams (H’58)<br />

President Elect: Robert T J Bond (P’68)<br />

Vice President: Robert A Holroyd (Headmaster)<br />

Chairman: Robert T J Bond (P’68)<br />

Chairman Designate: James M Ross (H’68)<br />

Secretary: Mike Stones (Staff)<br />

Hon Treasurer: John S Wallis (L’71)<br />

Assistant Secretary: Chris G F Charter (Staff)<br />

Elected Committee Members<br />

Peter H Neil (P’75) [2002]<br />

Adam M Sinclair (L’78) [2002]<br />

Nicky M Oborn (G’91) [2003]<br />

Ken V Gregory (C’47) [2004]<br />

Simon J Oborn (O’89) [2005]<br />

James T Leavesley (N’75) [2005]<br />

John F R Hird (P’60) [2005]<br />

John F M Walker (H’46 & Ex Staff) [Life Member]<br />

Ex Officio Members<br />

Simon D Armstrong (C’63) Lancashire & Cheshire<br />

Martin Grayshon (C’61) Yorkshire<br />

T Richard Pepper (H’49) Midlands<br />

A J (Tony) Boyce OBE (N’43) West Country<br />

Brian J O’Neil (M’49) Eire<br />

Eddie Y-F Niem (L’66) Hong Kong<br />

Ibrahim Dikko (N’83) Nigeria<br />

Edward J L Budd (B’38) Canada<br />

Philip R Hechle (H’50) East Africa<br />

Nicholas P Le Poidevin (C’64) Law Society<br />

W H (Bill) Summ (N’58) Masonic Lodge<br />

Hamer J E Boot (S’95) Football Club<br />

Frank W S Russell (O’69) Pilgrims Cricket Club<br />

A E (Tony) Bishop (P’72) Golf Club<br />

C M (Mike) Keep (O’69 & Staff) Hockey<br />

Sanjiv Basu (O’89) Eton Fives<br />

Richard C E Lowther (B’85) Tennis<br />

C Edward Wilkinson CBE TD DL (C’46) Governors Representative<br />

Chris G F Charter Foundation Director<br />

The Old <strong>Repton</strong>ian Society<br />

1 High Street<br />

<strong>Repton</strong><br />

Derbyshire DE65 6GD<br />

Tel: 01283 559320 Fax: 01283 559250<br />

E mail: or@repton.org.uk<br />

Website: www.orsociety.com<br />

<strong>School</strong> Website: www.repton.org.uk<br />

Editorial Team:<br />

Chris Charter & Mike Stones.<br />

The deadline for articles for the next edition<br />

(May 2007) is 15 th March 2007<br />


Patrick Franklin-Adam (H’58)<br />

A Day in the Life of a President<br />

‘Even The President took a half-term holiday!’<br />

I have to say that I have<br />

thoroughly enjoyed<br />

being your President<br />

during this gloriously hot<br />

English summer – just<br />

like “the good old days”<br />

when the summer term<br />

used to end up with a<br />

“timeless two-innings<br />

House cricket-match<br />

final”. Great fun and<br />

happy memories!<br />

From where I sit <strong>Repton</strong> is in great shape. Both Gaudy and Speech<br />

Day were memorable occasions. The grounds are in immaculate<br />

condition - well done to the Bursar and his team - and the spirit in the<br />

<strong>School</strong> almost seems electric. It is a great place to be and the boys and<br />

girls there are very lucky and fortunate.<br />

Speech Day will stick in my mind forever. Arriving through “The<br />

Arch” the Jazz Band was “in full flow” on Pears <strong>School</strong> Steps. The<br />

quality of music<br />

made me tingle.<br />

It was like a<br />

dream – I could<br />

not believe it was<br />

happening.<br />

The marquee was<br />

the length and<br />

breadth of the<br />

paddock with all<br />

parents, pupils<br />

and guests inside<br />

(in scorching<br />

heat) and this<br />

marquee was then turned into a night-club for the “Leavers’ Ball” in<br />

the evening. For someone who has never won an academic prize in his<br />

life and therefore, in the bad old days, never been allowed into Prize<br />

Giving (in Pears <strong>School</strong> in those days) I found it all most enjoyable.<br />

Prior to picnic lunches in the grounds the Chamber Orchestra and<br />

Choir were producing the most wonderful sounds in The Garth…. I<br />

had to pinch myself to check I wasn’t dreaming. The standard of<br />

music was of the very highest quality and in that setting, a wonder to<br />

behold. I was very proud to be an Old <strong>Repton</strong>ian.<br />

I also have to compliment the parents in smart attire on such a hot day<br />

as they played their part in making this very important last day of the<br />

<strong>School</strong> year such a memorable occasion, not only for the leavers, but<br />

for the community as a whole.<br />

In the background one could constantly hear the sound of “ball on<br />

willow” all day as the <strong>School</strong> played The Pilgrims…It was magic and<br />

will live long in my memory.<br />

I felt there was a distinct feeling of “belonging” which, to my mind,<br />

means that the <strong>School</strong> is under very good leadership, with excellent<br />

support.<br />

I almost had to pinch myself….had I been dreaming? Well played<br />


3 rd <strong>October</strong> 1 st XI v St Bede’s (a)<br />

Girls’ 1 st XI v Kimbolton (a)<br />

Subscription Concert Mozart 250 th<br />

Anniversary<br />

7 th <strong>October</strong> 1 st XI v Shrewsbury (a)<br />

Girls’ 1 st XI v Worksop<br />

8 th <strong>October</strong> Fashion Show<br />

10 th <strong>October</strong> 1 st XI ISFA Cup 2 nd Round<br />

Girls’ 1 st XI v Rugby (a)<br />

31 st <strong>October</strong> 1 st XI v Wolverhampton GS (a)<br />

Girls’ 1 st XI v Dean Close (a)<br />

Subscription Concert Pacifica String Quartet<br />

4 th November Sale of Work<br />

7 th November 1 st XI v Thomas Alleynes<br />

Girls’ 1 st XI v Cheltenham College (a)<br />

11 th November 1 st XI v Malvern<br />

Girls’ 1 st XI v Uppingham (a)<br />

OR Society AGM 6 pm<br />

OR Annual Reception 6.45 pm<br />

OR Annual Dinner 7.30 pm<br />

[Booking form enclosed]<br />

12 th November Remembrance Sunday<br />

14 th November 1 st XI v Manchester GS<br />

Girls’ 1 st XI v Loughborough HS<br />

18 th November 1 st XI v Bolton<br />

Girls’ 1 st XI v Wrekin<br />

DIARY OF EVENTS <strong>2006</strong> - 2007<br />

21 st November 1 st XI v Charterhouse (a)<br />

Girls’ 1 st XI v Denstone (a)<br />

25 th November 1 st XI v Grange <strong>School</strong> (a)<br />

Girls’ 1 st XI v Bromsgrove<br />

28 th November Subscription Concert Kenneth Page<br />

Foundation Concert<br />

30 th November The Pedants<br />

1 st December The Pedants<br />

2 nd December The Pedants<br />

Girls’ 1 st XI V Trent (a)<br />

5 th December Girls’ 1 st XI v Felsted (a)<br />

9 th December 1 st XI v Liverpool Ramblers<br />

Girls’ 1 st XI v Dean Close<br />

10 th December Carol Service<br />

11 th December Christmas Band Concert<br />

12 th December Christmas Band Concert<br />

13 th December End of Term<br />

8 th January Lent Term Starts<br />

1 st February House of Commons OR Reception to<br />

launch the 450 th Anniversary celebrations<br />

[Booking form enclosed]<br />

21 st March Lent Term Ends<br />

16 th April Summer Term Starts<br />

30 th June Speech Day<br />

CHAIRMAN OF THE SOCIETY – Robert Bond (P’68)<br />

This is my last year as Chairman of your Society and I have been honoured to work with such a<br />

dedicated General Committee and Executive Committee. You will notice the new look, all colour Arch<br />

which, I think you will agree with me, is an excellent publication. Your Secretary and Assistant<br />

Secretary have been able to find new printers who have been able to produce a better quality<br />

publication at a smaller cost than the previous publishers.<br />

As we head towards the 450 th anniversary of the <strong>School</strong> I have continued to represent the Society on the<br />

Headmaster's 450 th committee and I am looking forward to a number of special events during 2007. I<br />

urge you all to subscribe to "<strong>Repton</strong> to the End" about which you will have all received information as I<br />

think this will be a wonderful memento.<br />

You will also read in this edition about the <strong>School</strong> Register which is to be published in 2007. I<br />

encourage you to complete as soon as possible the form that was sent to you with the May edition of<br />

The Arch.<br />

I would like to conclude by thanking the Committee, the Executive Committee and particularly Mike Stones and Chris Charter for<br />

their continued support.<br />

ANNUAL DINNER AT REPTON – SATURDAY 11 th NOVEMBER <strong>2006</strong><br />

This years Annual Dinner will be held at <strong>Repton</strong> on Saturday 11 th November. The AGM will be in the Library at 6 pm and it<br />

is hoped as many ORs as possible will be able to attend the meeting. The Reception will be either in the Undercroft or the 400<br />

Hall, depending on numbers. Dinner will be in Pears <strong>School</strong> at 7.30 pm. The President of the Society, Patrick Franklin-<br />

Adams will be in the Chair. A booking form is enclosed with The Arch. Please book your tickets as soon as possible. If you<br />

would like any help in contacting any of your contemporaries please call the Assistant OR Secretary on: 01283 559320 or e<br />

mail: or@repton.org.uk<br />


Dear ORs,<br />


Chris Charter has suggested to me that the <strong>October</strong> edition of The Arch would be a good<br />

time for me to give you an annual update on the progress of the <strong>School</strong>, and I am very<br />

pleased to have the opportunity to do so.<br />

No one epitomised the <strong>Repton</strong> spirit more than Scottie Cheshire, who sadly died on<br />

February 16 th this year, and whose life, so generously lived, was beautifully encapsulated in<br />

Barry Downing’s obituary in the May edition of this publication. I was fortunate in having<br />

the opportunity to meet Scottie on a number of occasions before his death and as we sat and<br />

chatted on The Paddock, watching Scottie’s beloved XI play below us, what struck me<br />

about him was a passion for standards combined with a complete lack of snobbery. He<br />

clearly wanted the very best for the <strong>School</strong>, but was as much a champion and the friend of<br />

the trier in 05 as he was of the star sportsman and academic. I suppose something of<br />

Scottie’s influence filtered through to me even in those brief meetings, as when, a few<br />

months after his death, I was challenged in The Hall by a formidable young lady seeking a<br />

Sixth Form place ‘to sum up <strong>Repton</strong> in three words’ (Headmasters are grilled themselves<br />

these days, as much as doing the grilling), and from somewhere within found myself giving<br />

the answer ‘Standards without snobbery’. I hope that when Scottie takes his place amongst<br />

the Valhalla of <strong>Repton</strong> indispensables, he will approve of that response. The more I see and<br />

breathe of <strong>Repton</strong>, the more convinced I am that its openness, its ability to achieve its goals<br />

whilst maintaining a relaxed and friendly feel, its stylish yet down to earth character are rare attributes indeed in the modern public<br />

school world, and ones we must continue to cherish as we go forward. Yet this nurturing of the <strong>Repton</strong> spirit is not, in my view,<br />

incompatible with an ambition to set our goals even higher for the benefit of all the boys and the girls at the <strong>School</strong>. So Thoreau’s<br />

words ‘not failure, but low aim is crime’ have been at the forefront of my thinking as we have grown as a <strong>School</strong> over the past year.<br />

The academic life of a <strong>School</strong> is at its heart about great teaching and the golden relationships between staff and pupils that shape<br />

careers and kindle the interests that last a lifetime. By contrast, league tables are a journalistic wheeze designed to sell newspapers.<br />

Nonetheless, if they are there, it is important that <strong>Repton</strong> does well in them, and I was pleased to see <strong>Repton</strong>’s percentage of A and B<br />

grades at A level rise from 72% to 79% this year, resulting in a climb of 42 places in the Daily Telegraph table. This has been a hard<br />

won improvement, with new tutorial and appraisal systems, the introduction of electronic reporting and enhanced emphasis on the<br />

mastery of exam technique all making considerable extra demands of Common Room and the pupils. Some have found these changes<br />

difficult to accept, but if they are to the benefit of the boys and girls then we must take them in our stride and particular<br />

congratulations must go to Tim Owen, Academic Deputy, on the way in which he has masterminded this move forward. We will aim<br />

to do even better next year. Yet whilst I am grateful to Common Room for its superb professionalism, I am equally conscious that the<br />

best teaching must go beyond the confines of the examination syllabus and that is why we have laid such an emphasis on the<br />

reinvigoration of the academic societies over the past year. Ian McClary’s Debating Society is now so stylish that his meetings in the<br />

Tithe Barn could stand comparison with the senior university societies and indeed our debaters did take the floor in the Durham Union<br />

earlier on in the year. Equally, the Science Department’s Lecture Series, Lit Soc and The Economic and Geography Societies continue<br />

to grow apace and are fine examples of the dedication of Common Room and the full boarding ethos that is at the heart of the <strong>School</strong>.<br />

And how important it is that in this age of accountability and tables, <strong>Repton</strong> continues to nurture real characters amongst its staff,<br />

exposing the boys and girls to the kind of powerful and constructive influences, (thankfully not all of them out of the text book), that<br />

will shape their lives for good in the future. Sadly, as ever this year, we say good bye to a number of our teachers who belong to this<br />

special group, amongst them outstanding schoolmasters of over thirty years’ inspirational service to the <strong>School</strong> such as Andrew Cox<br />

and Tim Scott, and handsome tributes are paid elsewhere in this edition to them all. ORs will be pleased to know that we have in<br />

every case been fortunate enough to replace them with men and women of equal calibre.<br />

Setting the highest of standards outside the classroom too has always been a <strong>Repton</strong> hallmark and I am pleased to have this<br />

opportunity to bring ORs up to date with developments in a number of key areas. Drama is, in my view, the ultimate team game in a<br />

school and how pleasing it has been this year to see Guy Levesley build on term time successes here by reviving the <strong>Repton</strong> tradition<br />

of taking a production to the Edinburgh Festival. This is an invaluable experience for our boys and girls, offering them not only the<br />

opportunity to develop their own acting skills in a new and stimulating non-school context, but also to work together with boys and<br />

girls from nearby Chellaston Comprehensive <strong>School</strong> as joint members of ‘Rep Theatre.’ Last year’s Real Inspector Hound, with<br />

Henry Cooper in vintage form as Mrs Drudge, won first class reviews and this summer’s A Servant to Two Masters, although for<br />

some reason playing, in common with many of the other shows, to smaller audiences than last August, again won the plaudits of<br />

discerning critics. None of you who saw Jeremy Bournon’s Speech Day Art Show will need convincing of the quality of the pupils’<br />

work in this area. It was stunning not only in the poise of its draughtsmanship but also in the intellectual challenge it presented to the<br />

viewer, without in any sense seeking to shock for its own sake. How extraordinary it is to think that over the past 97 years, <strong>Repton</strong> has<br />

had only four Heads of Art, namely Charles Clarke (1909 –1922), Arthur (Artie) Norris (1922-1952), Dennis (Des) Hawkins (1952-<br />

1985) and Jeremy. Dennis, Arthur and Charles would be proud of the way in which their legacy is being sustained by the current<br />

generation of <strong>Repton</strong>ians. Design, by contrast, in an area where <strong>Repton</strong> needs to grow rapidly and in the arrival of Ian Setterington,<br />


HEADMASTER’S REPORT continued<br />

former Head of Art and Design at Leeds Grammar <strong>School</strong>, we have just the man to make that happen. Richard Dacey leaves us this<br />

summer after twelve distinguished years as Director of Music to move to the position of Head of Performing Arts at Guthlaxton<br />

College and I am grateful to Richard for all that he has achieved here, particularly in the area of musical theatre, where he has<br />

excelled. His successor will be John Bowley, (38) one of the country’s leading professional tenors who is now moving into school<br />

mastering full time having previously combined his recording career with spells at Eton and St Paul’s. I know that all ORs will wish<br />

John well in building on the many strengths of <strong>Repton</strong> music and in making us even better in the future. One venture we have<br />

undertaken this summer with this goal in mind has been the inaugural staging of the <strong>Repton</strong> Strings Summer <strong>School</strong>, a course that has<br />

attracted top international performers and teachers as well as players of a more junior level, and we hope that this will grow in years to<br />

come and have a major impact on our musical life here. The Michaelmas term will also see the beginning of the tenure of the<br />

<strong>School</strong>’s Resident String Quartet, ‘The Navarra’, a group of the country’s most vibrant and expert young players who will be able to<br />

use the <strong>School</strong>’s facilities to further their own careers whilst developing <strong>Repton</strong>ians’ understanding of the arts of orchestral playing<br />

and composition.<br />

Moving from the Concert Hall to the Parade Ground, I continue to be a great admirer of Colin Carrington’s leadership of the Corps,<br />

and believe that the <strong>Repton</strong> contingent is one of the strongest in the public school world. I am regularly surprised by the variety of<br />

activities that <strong>Repton</strong> cadets benefit from on their Wednesday afternoon sessions and vacation courses – activities that still really<br />

stretch the mind and body to the limit despite today’s litigious culture. The fact that we continue to do this in a safe and varied way<br />

speaks volumes for the meticulous planning of Colin and his team – no wonder Group Captain Phillip Owen, who knows a thing or<br />

two about working under pressure having commanded Her Majesty’s Air Forces in the Falklands, described the Contingent as the<br />

‘best he had ever seen’ in the Annual Inspection last year.<br />

<strong>Repton</strong> has traditionally had the strongest of reputations on the sports field, and sustaining this following the move to full coeducation<br />

is no easy task. So it gives me particular pleasure to report this year on a fine season for the XI, and even more importantly, for the<br />

Cricket Club as a whole, which augurs well for the future of the Pilgrims. Peter Bradburn’s expertly coached U14 XI remained<br />

undefeated, benefiting in part from the influx of talent from the prep schools following the introduction of the Donald Carr Trophy<br />

two years ago, and Mike Todd’s Second ХІ won four out of five completed matches. This widespread success unquestionably had<br />

much to do with the tone that Mr Watson’s First ХІ set for all the teams. A strong squad was sent down to Rugby early in the season<br />

and were defeated, possibly thinking they would win automatically, but following that defeat they went from strength to strength,<br />

recording fine victories over Malvern, Free Foresters, Derby Friars, Oakham, Uppingham, Worksop, Wolverhampton G S, Carey GS<br />

(Melbourne), Nottingham High <strong>School</strong> and KES Birmingham – amassing over nine hundred runs in three innings in the final week of<br />

term and also winning the infamous East Midlands ‘Group of Death’ in the Public <strong>School</strong>s 20:20 competition! This was followed by a<br />

splendid <strong>Repton</strong> occasion, the ‘last 16’ 20:20 against Uppingham held on the Square on a fabulously warm June Friday evening. Prep,<br />

for once, was cancelled and the whole <strong>School</strong> relaxed on the Paddock applauding both sides’ excellent play to the accompaniment of<br />

James Blunt, Franz Ferdinand and the Kaiser Chiefs at the fall of a wicket or the hitting of a boundary. I must confess I had been<br />

sceptical before the event, but the behaviour of the pupils won me over and I hope this type of occasion will become a firm fixture in<br />

the <strong>Repton</strong> calendar alongside the traditional game. The XI, one of the strongest seen on the Square for many years, and containing, in<br />

Christopher Paget and Paul Borrington, two boys who played for Derbyshire in full First Class matches whilst still at school,<br />

eventually succumbed in the National Quarter Finals to a world class Millfield side, but they lost nothing in defeat compiling a score<br />

of 187 in 20 overs. What I particularly like about Mr Watson’s team is that they refuse to engage in the mindless banter that so afflicts<br />

much of modern cricket. On the Square, “well-bowled” means “well bowled” and nothing else. The tennis players have adopted this<br />

same unfussy yet steely approach, and although the senior squad needs another year to mature to its full strength and challenge again<br />

for the national title it won last year, the boys and girls across the year groups recorded impressive victories over Rugby, Shrewsbury<br />

and Bromsgrove. Mrs Bordoli’s athletes too have represented us well wherever they have travelled and the Kropacsy Relays were a<br />

delightful event. Our girls’ hockey is now very finely tuned under the leadership of Simon Clague and Martin Jones (C 97), star of the<br />

UK Commonwealth Games Team in Melbourne, and following two consecutive National Championships we are well placed, but not<br />

complacent, as next season approaches. After a quiet couple of seasons the boys’ Hockey XI once again became County Champions<br />

last year and reached the final of the Midlands Tournament, beating Oakham and Uppingham before losing 3-2 to Worksop in an<br />

excellent Final. The forthcoming soccer season is assessed elsewhere in The Arch and at this stage we are quietly hopeful. You may<br />

be interested to know that, strong as our sport is, I do not always feel that we look like winners when we travel to other schools and<br />

the Director of Sport, Roger Thompson and I have recently held a meeting with all the Heads of Sport to address this important point.<br />

The Bursar has written in detail elsewhere in this edition on the many development projects which have been completed in the past<br />

year and although schools are primarily about people, good facilities do make an impact. Thus I was delighted that Tony Wilkinson<br />

(L’51)) was able to open the new English Department in the refurbished West Wing of the Old Mitre on Speech Day, an £800,000<br />

project that will give us six splendid new classrooms in a central site that will be used by all <strong>Repton</strong>ians. Equally indicative of the<br />

Bursar’s energy and intent was the fact that the refurbishment of Old Priory, with special emphasis on the Library, began the very<br />

next day. Before you choke on your coffee at the idea of anything at all happening to this jewel in <strong>Repton</strong>’s crown, please let me say<br />

that I am as conscious as anyone of its place in the <strong>School</strong>’s heritage and that every improvement to the building will be scrupulously<br />

carried out in accordance with the stipulations of English heritage. But as a <strong>School</strong> we must respond to the recommendations of the<br />

two previous Inspections that were critical (rightly) of our Library facilities and to the need to give Common Room a home that is as<br />

elegant as that as any in the land. Thus the integrity of the building will be entirely preserved, but new study facilities, lighting and<br />


HEADMASTER’S REPORT continued<br />

carpeting, together with significant structural improvements will greatly enhance this facility to the benefit of all. In particular, the new glass<br />

entrance to the Old Priory, (the old oak door being retained at a right angle to its current position) will beckon in pupils right into the heart of<br />

the building as soon as they pass through the Arch. We have already appointed a new full time Librarian, Mr Paul Stevens, to ensure that we<br />

make the most of the £750,000 being spent on this project, and Mr Stevens is well ahead with the task of bringing the departmental<br />

collections together under one roof so that pupils can enjoy the excitement of cross curricular discovery that is such a feature of the best<br />

university libraries. The past twelve months has also seen the <strong>School</strong> continue with its programme of redevelopment of the boarding<br />

accommodation, and upwards of half a million pounds per year is being spent on this key area, The Orchard being the latest house to benefit.<br />

Special thanks must go to The Bursar, Carl Bilson, Estates Bursar, Mike Critchlow and Duncan Ashby (H 76), Governor and Chair of the<br />

Development Committee, for their unstinting and imaginative work on these ventures. As 2007 approaches, we will continue to be ambitious<br />

for the <strong>School</strong>, and in accordance with the Rolling Development Plan that the Chairman and Governors expertly review each year, the next<br />

stage is to turn the Old Squash Courts, currently a rare eyesore in the <strong>Repton</strong> campus, but nonetheless a site of considerable potential, into a<br />

new Textiles and Design Studio complete with accompanying Sculpture Park in order to broaden our curriculum and showcase the talents of<br />

our pupils and Artists in Residence to a still wider audience. The designs for the project are now complete and tenders are being sought with<br />

a view to construction being completed by early Summer 2007.<br />

How, I hear you ask, are all these projects going to be paid for? First of all, I am of course, deeply grateful for the great generosity of those<br />

of you who have already made donations to the Foundation and am conscious of how critical your support has been in the <strong>School</strong> achieving<br />

its current strong position. Furthermore, as the <strong>School</strong> is full with numbers currently standing at a very healthy and steady 590+, the<br />

Governors have decided that the projects in the first phase of the Development Plan can be paid for from within current revenues. As we<br />

move on from 2007, and seek to become stronger still, projects will continue to be funded from the <strong>School</strong>’s regular income, although the<br />

Foundation will at the appropriate time approach ORs for their continued support on this matter. I hope at this moment you will feel able to<br />

give to the <strong>School</strong> in the spirit of those who have been so spectacularly generous to <strong>Repton</strong> in the past. In Phase Two of the Plan we aim to<br />

redevelop the Precinct Area and address the need for top quality academic facilities and auditoria from which all year groups will benefit and<br />

a feasibility study on these issues is currently being conducted. I will bring you up to date with these plans as we go forward.<br />

Amongst many things for which I am grateful to ORs are the many memorabilia you have sent into me concerning the 400 th Anniversary of<br />

the <strong>School</strong> in 1957. This has been a great help with the 450 th Committee’s forward planning, though I must admit my heart did miss a beat<br />

when I read Geoffrey Fisher’s Speech on that occasion, in which he compliments Lynam Thomas on his superb organisation and pities the<br />

man who would have to emulate the achievement in 2007! I am delighted to say that the Committee is ready to meet the Archbishop’s<br />

challenge and I hope you will enjoy reading the Draft Plan of events elsewhere in this edition. In particular I hope you will be attracted by<br />

Drinks in the Houses of Parliament, <strong>Repton</strong> Day, the Concert Series and the Son et Lumière pageant, which will tell <strong>Repton</strong>’s story<br />

throughout the ages in the style of the shows of the best French Chateaux! In addition, I would be delighted if those further afield were to<br />

plan their own international events and do please tell us of any ideas you have in this regard. The opening of <strong>Repton</strong> Dubai will take place in<br />

September 2007 and this will certainly provide a focus for any of you based in the Emirates, as well as marking the beginning of an exciting<br />

new chapter in <strong>Repton</strong>’s history! Please do also sign up for the 450 th Anniversary Book, <strong>Repton</strong> to the End, if you have not already done so –<br />

from what I have seen of the pieces already submitted by OR’s across the globe it will be a highly informative and entertaining read, as well<br />

as being superbly illustrated in colour …… a snip at the advanced<br />

price of £37.50!<br />

Returning to more immediate matters, I know some of you were<br />

concerned about the changes to Speech Day but you will be pleased<br />

to know that the new end of term format went extremely well and<br />

achieved its aim of involving all pupils and parents, (and not just<br />

leavers and prize winners), on this special occasion. The sun shone<br />

brightly as the Jazz Band welcomed all members of the <strong>School</strong><br />

Community into an enormous marquee on the Paddock for Speeches<br />

themselves, and then House Drinks Parties provided a focus for all<br />

guests and <strong>Repton</strong>ians before picnics were enjoyed on the Square as<br />

the traditional fixture between the XI and the Pilgrims took place.<br />

Despite the competition of England’s World Cup quarter final, many<br />

stayed to watch the superb ‘Boazers, Chaggers and Stigs’ (a literary<br />

evocation of <strong>Repton</strong>’s past) and the Chamber Concert in the<br />

afternoon before the Leavers’ Service and spectacular Leavers’ Ball<br />

took place in the evening.<br />

ORs who helped at the Leavers’ Ball: Anthony Pritchard (C’99), Natalie Brown (A’02), Tom Auden (O’99), Beth Bournon (A’99), Jonathan<br />

Taylor (O’99), Gemma Brown (A’02), Edward Shires (S’99) and Lydia Wilkinson (F’99).<br />

Thus the past twelve months have been a period of challenge, achievement and planned change. Transition periods are never easy, but the<br />

objective is clear – to build on the <strong>School</strong>’s outstanding strengths and do even better for each individual boy and girl at <strong>Repton</strong>. In my<br />

anxious moments I am comforted by the fact that <strong>Repton</strong>’s core values remain steadfast and that in the ORs I have the most loyal group of<br />

alumni any Headmaster could wish for. I am very grateful to you for your support over the past year and look forward to seeing you in 2007.<br />


CHESHIRE & LANCASHIRE DINNER – 28 th APRIL <strong>2006</strong><br />

On the 28 th April one of the all too rare OR Lancashire and Cheshire Dinners was held at The Knutsford Golf Club, that being deemed to be a<br />

convenient reasonably accessible licensed location. The Dinner was quite well attended, not only by distinguished ORs in the retired category but<br />

also by several younger ORs. It is a pity that those from the sixties and seventies were thin on the ground, but the loss was theirs for they missed not<br />

only a splendid meal ably provided by the renowned Steward of K.G.C. but also a most convivial evening rounded off by a few interesting insights<br />

into life at <strong>Repton</strong> today provided by the Headmaster, who also gave news of the Dubai project.<br />

Those who attended left knowing the <strong>School</strong> is in good fettle - as they say ‘oop’ here, and also expressing the desire that these L & C events should<br />

be held more frequently. The next one may be 2008, and we hope not only that the <strong>2006</strong> crowd attend but also a few more.<br />

Simon Armstrong<br />

7<br />

Mike Stones (OR Sec) Michael Roff (O’46) Charles Rutherford (C’32) Peter Smith (M’41)<br />

Headmaster Danny Hall (O’75) Tom Mills (O’98) Matthew Bracegirdle (O’96)<br />

Budenberg Brothers: Geoffrey (M’46) & Brian (L’40) Danny Hall (O’75) Alan Rutherford (C’62)



Emma Ferdinando (G’85) has just gained a First Class Honours degree from Derby University in Commercial Photography.<br />

Mathilde Moyell Juul (A’91) graduated with a First in her MA in journalism and English from Roskilde University in Denmark and<br />

is now working as a journalist for Nordisk Film on the TV2 programme ‘Good Evening Denmark’.<br />

Benjamin Holt (S’98) has graduated from Peterhouse College Cambridge with a Double First in History.<br />

Claire d’Arch Smith (G’98) has graduated from Emmanuel College Cambridge with a 2.1 in Medicine.<br />

Nicholas Pooler (M’97) graduated from the University of Leeds with a 2.1 BSc (Hons) in Management Studies with Information<br />

Systems and is now training with Baker Tilly in Hereford to become a chartered accountant<br />

Jamie Millar (S’97) graduated from Durham University with BA Hons 1st in English Literature. He was awarded the TW Craik<br />

Prize for the best performance in Final Honours’ examinations in English. He was also awarded a Student in Residence Scholarship,<br />

which is the highest award for academic excellence at undergraduate level and is awarded to students whose academic performance<br />

has been judged by the Faculty Dean to be the best in their Faculty. Only 30 are awarded each academic year.<br />

Catriona Silvey (A’98) has graduated from Corpus Christi College Cambridge with a First Class Honours degree in English. She<br />

won the Bishop Green Cup for the best academic performance in her college year group over the three years of the course. She is<br />

now spending a postgraduate year at the University of Chicago having been awarded the Gaylord Donnelley Exchange Scholarship<br />

which provides funding for an MA course and also for travel in the USA at the end of the year.<br />

Jason Lau (P’00) has scored a distinction in Chemistry prelims at Worcester College Oxford.<br />

Rebecca Wagner (F’01) has achieved a First Class result in the Part 1 (2 nd Year) Examination of the Anglo-Saxon, Norse and Celtic<br />

Tripos at the University of Cambridge. She is now co-President of the University’s Anglo-Saxon, Norse and Celtic Society, Secretary<br />

of the Trinity Literary Society and a Senior Scholar of Trinity College, Cambridge.<br />


Charles A Bragg (B’20) celebrated his 100 th birthday on 16 th May <strong>2006</strong> in Great Malvern. His father Alan was an OR (1893) as are<br />

his three sons: John (P’53), William (P’60) and Thomas (P’62).<br />

Air Marshal Sir Charles Pringle KBE (P’33 and Former Governor) was appointed President of the Smeatonian Society of Civil<br />

Engineers for <strong>2006</strong>.<br />

The first public performance of an Easter Cantata composed by Martin J R How MBE (H’45) was given on 20 th May in Croydon<br />

Parish Church in the presence of the Mayor of Croydon. Martin was formerly on the staff of the Royal <strong>School</strong> of Music<br />

The Rt Hon Sir Christopher Rose (L’50) retired in April <strong>2006</strong> as a Lord Justice of Appeal and Vice President of the Court of<br />

Appeal (Criminal Division). He has been appointed Chief Surveillance Commissioner for the United Kingdom.<br />

Tony Wilkinson DL (L’51) was the Guest of Honour at Speech Day on 1 st July. [Photo left] The new look Speech Day went<br />

extremely well with the speeches and prize-giving being held in a very large marquee on the Paddock (seating 1600) which allowed<br />

the entire <strong>School</strong> and all parents to attend.<br />

Michael S Potts (C’54) has been appointed High Sheriff of Merseyside for the year <strong>2006</strong>/2007. [See Book Reviews for an article<br />

about his book Potts of Leeds – Five Generations of Clockmakers]<br />

Edward A Oakden (L’73) has been appointed to be Ambassador to the United Arab Emirates. He was honoured in the Queen’s<br />

Birthday Awards with a CMG.<br />

Guy Hewson (O’89) has taken up the appointment as Subject Leader of Business Studies at the Bexley Business Academy – one of<br />

Tony Blair’s visionary schools of the future.<br />

Carole Peon (Nee Milnes) (A’84) has volunteered to be the Overseas Link for Mexico. Carole has lived in Mexico for 13 years, has<br />

a daughter, Sofia, who is 5 and another on the way. She is currently a full time Mum but studying Landscape Gardening long distance<br />

(obviously!) with the Chelsea Physic Garden.<br />

Christopher Moyell Juul (P’87) is based in Copenhagen as Head of sales for Celerant Consulting.<br />

Michael Moyell Juul (O’90) has changed position from senior associate at McKinsey & Co to Project Manager, Corporate Strategy<br />

& Development in the Scandinavian media group, Egmont.<br />

Ashley Williamson (N’95) made his London stage debut on Palm Sunday <strong>2006</strong> at The Globe Theatre, having won the honour of<br />

individually representing the Webber Douglas Academy of Dramatic Art at the first Sam<br />

Wanamaker Festival. Dame Diana Rigg (whose parents were friends of his paternal<br />

grandparents) graciously sent her best wishes, having delivered the eulogy for Sam Wanamaker<br />

at the re-opening of the theatre in 1996, attended by his father (Andrew, N’59)<br />

Tristan Cowell, who left <strong>Repton</strong> in 1999, won the Yorkshire & Humberside final of the <strong>2006</strong><br />

Shell Livewire Young Entrepreneur of the Year Awards, which are supported by Shell UK. The<br />

Shell Livewire Young Entrepreneur of the Year competition recognises and celebrates the<br />

achievements of the UK's finest young entrepreneurs. Tristan's business, IC Innovations Ltd,<br />

was launched with a product called ‘Card Hang Ups’ that helps attractively display many of the<br />

1.6 billion Christmas cards that are received in Britain each year. His product has been used by<br />

The Prime Minister in 10 Downing Street, and he has secured deals with many of the biggest<br />

names in British retailing, along with launching his product range in the US.<br />

To win, Tristan Cowell, who was in Latham House while at <strong>Repton</strong>, outshone many other young<br />

entrepreneurs who have recently started up their own businesses. Commenting on his success,<br />

Tristan said, "Winning the Shell Livewire Award is a great boost for my business and recognises<br />

my achievements so far in moving from an idea to reality. My product has moved from being in<br />

my head to being on the shelves of some of the most recognised retailers in the UK."<br />


OLD REPTONIANS’ NEWS continued<br />

Each finalist's business plan was scrutinised by an expert panel of judges including Eamon Chandler (Shell), Nick Wood (a previous<br />

winner of the Livewire award) and Elizabeth Crowther Hunt (Enterprise Insight), and was followed by panel interviews and a<br />

presentation. Congratulating Tristan on his win, Gerry Ford, Shell Livewire's Awards Director said, "The judges were very impressed<br />

by Tristan, and his business has outstanding potential. Tristan also showed that his enthusiasm and drive makes him a real Livewire!"<br />

James Smith, Chairman of Shell UK, said: "Shell UK continues to deliver Shell Livewire because we understand the important role<br />

that small firms, created by enthusiastic young people, play in stimulating enterprise. We wish Tristan every success in the future."<br />

[Extract from a Press Release]<br />

�������<br />

<strong>2006</strong> saw the return of the 135 th Open Championship to Royal Liverpool Golf Club at Hoylake after an absence of 39 years. From<br />

every perspective, this year’s Championship proved to be a great success. A hot, dry summer leading up to The Open ensured true<br />

links conditions, with a fast running course and hardly a green blade of grass in sight on the fairways. The course was in perfect order<br />

and the wonderful weather enabled Craig Gilholm and his team to present the course in superb condition. This was fully appreciated<br />

by the players and acknowledged by them in their interviews and generous comments throughout Open week.<br />

After such a lengthy absence there were, unsurprisingly, doubters who believed the course was not up to the task of providing a<br />

satisfactory Open venue. They could not have been more wrong. The enthusiasm and effort shown by the Royal Liverpool members<br />

and their Championship Committee would be hard to surpass. The crowds were friendly, knowledgeable and turned up in their tens<br />

of thousands to provide a record for an Open Championship held south of the border. Over 230,000 enthusiasts witnessed some<br />

spectacular golf by the finest of players, which resulted in a most exciting leader board on Saturday evening.<br />

On Sunday the acknowledged world number one spun his own inimitable magic and Tiger Woods emerged the winner. A more<br />

clinical and professional round of golf would be hard to imagine.<br />

Extract from the Open Annual by Martin Kippax (O’60) Chairman of the R & A Championship Committee<br />

�������<br />

News from Kenya. Philip Hechle (H’50) has retired but has started a small safari business. Myles Hechle (H’80) is the Managing<br />

Director of a logistics firm sending perishable goods worldwide. Richard Hechle (H’82) is running a large rose growing operation<br />

supplying Marks & Spencer, Asda and Tesco.<br />

�������<br />

The following is an extract from a story that appeared in the Sun Newspaper about Carl Smith’s (P’95) stag weekend experience in<br />

Poland on 27/29 May <strong>2006</strong> with fellow ORs; Paul Smith (P’90), Ben Whitehead (P’96), Andrew Silvey (P’96) and Chris Ling<br />

(S’95): “Bridegroom Carl Smith had his last weekend of freedom scuppered – by the Pope. Carl and 18 pals planned a boozy stag<br />

do in Krakow, Poland, before he weds fiancée Kate. But the lads didn’t realise their visit coincided with one by the Pope – and the<br />

Polish Government had banned the sale of ALL alcohol. Carl, 23, said “I couldn’t believe it. We were all getting ready for three days<br />

of boozing and instead we’ve been playing chess in the market square. It may be cultural but it’s not my idea of a stag do. I had<br />

coffee with some nuns this morning. They were very nice but it’s not exactly rock ‘n roll.”<br />

BIRTHS<br />

To Mr Roger M N Smith (P’66) and Aila Siren, a daughter, Miranda Ellen, born on 15 th June in<br />

Jyvaskyla, Finland. [Photo right: at the christening of Miranda Ellen Smith]<br />

To Mr & Mrs Andrew J Creighton (P’81) a son, Fraser, born on 1 st June <strong>2006</strong>, a brother for<br />

Angus and Thomas.<br />

To Mr & Mrs John Wilcox (M’82) twins, born on 3rd May <strong>2006</strong>. Hannah Patricia & Henry<br />

Peter.<br />

To Mr & Mrs James C Needler (N’84) a daughter, Harriet Erica Mary, born on 6 th December<br />

2005<br />

To Mr Ed J (O’85) and Mrs Emma L Spencer (nee Dollamore) (A’88) a daughter, Amber<br />

Grace, born on 20 th May <strong>2006</strong>, a sister for Ben.<br />

To Mr & Mrs Robert C Chatwin (N’85) a<br />

daughter, Alice Rose, born on April 7 th <strong>2006</strong> in<br />

Amsterdam. [Photo left]<br />

To Mr & Mrs Michael T Ball (O’86) a daughter, Philippa Rose, born on 13 th January <strong>2006</strong>, a sister<br />

for Susannah Iris.<br />

To Mr & Mrs Richard D Sutton (C’89) a daughter, Anna Emily, born on 24 th February <strong>2006</strong>.<br />

To Mr James (L’89) & Mrs Juliette (A’91) Hinchliffe (nee Seaton) a daughter, Emily Juliette,<br />

born on 8 th April <strong>2006</strong>.<br />

To Mr & Mrs Paul J Tate (N’91) a son, Barnaby James, born on 31 st March 2005, a brother for<br />

Rory.<br />

To Mr & Mrs Fran Lewis (nee Black) (G’92) a daughter, Fflur Elinor, born on 28 th June <strong>2006</strong> in<br />

North Wales.<br />


Jill C Holton (A’78) to Richard Foster-Hall.<br />

Simon Blunt (N’79) to Christabel Stanton (G’92).<br />

Jonathan J Turnbull (P’90) to Harriet Nelson.<br />

9<br />

Katie Gillham (G’91) to Iain F R McKay.<br />

Jennie M Cox (A’93) to Russell Hulett. The wedding will take<br />

place in November in Scotland.


William J Collinson (N’88) to Miss Shelley Hodgson on 26 th August at Barkston le Vale.<br />

James Hands (N’91) was one of<br />

the Best Men.<br />

Julia A Gladwin (A’90) to<br />

Stephen Faulks on 17 th September<br />

2005 in Taplow Village Church.<br />

ORs in attendance were: Heidi<br />

Pepper (A’90), Rachel Swinfen<br />

(nee Holgate) (A’90), Nicky<br />

Moore (nee Palmer) (A’90),<br />

Chris Thorne (H’87), Luke<br />

Allen (O’87), Mark Snelson<br />

(O’87) and Sarah Stokes (HM’s<br />

Secretary). [Photo left]<br />

James A Gordon (S’95) to Miss Lorena Ananbel<br />

Fernandez in Cordoba, Argentina on 5 th <strong>October</strong> 2005. [Photo above right]<br />

Paul Abson (P’90) to Miss Rachael Ward on Saturday 15 th April at St Michael and All Angels<br />

Church, Tatenhill. Other OR guests included Best man Bruce Newton (M’90), Will Goring<br />

(P’90), Marcus Dowson (P’90) Chris Peel (O’89) Louise Pearson (nee Hill) (A’88) and<br />

Elizabeth Hill (A’91). Afterwards a reception was held at Tutbury Castle. [Photo right]<br />

Susie Currie (G’92) to David Dye on 20 th May <strong>2006</strong>.<br />



There are still many ORs who have not yet completed and returned the form for<br />

the 2007 <strong>Repton</strong> <strong>School</strong> Register. If you are one of them, please dig out the<br />

form from the bottom of your in-tray, fill it in and return it to the OR Office in the Freepost envelope provided.<br />

You can also complete the form online by going to the OR website at www.orsociety.com and clicking on the<br />

‘<strong>Repton</strong> Register 2007’ tab on the menu bar on the left of the screen.<br />

This is a very important historical document as well as being a very useful day to day reference. Please<br />

complete the form today. If you would like another form please call 01283 559320 or e mail or@repton.org.uk<br />


There is still time to order your copy of <strong>Repton</strong> to the End at the special pre publication price of<br />

£37.50 (within the UK) and £41.25 (rest of the world). Please contact the publishers Third<br />

Millennium at 2-5 Benjamin Street, London EC1M 5QL: telephone 020 7336 0144 or order on<br />

line at www.tmiltd.com/bookdetails.php?ProductCode=<strong>Repton</strong> <strong>School</strong> or call the OR Secretary<br />

(01283 559320). The book will be published in the Autumn of 2007 and include the 450 th<br />

anniversary celebrations.<br />

The Editor, John Plowright, is still looking for material for the book. Please send any<br />

contributions to the OR Secretary.<br />

One of the most enjoyable features of MacDonald (A Short History of <strong>Repton</strong>) and Thomas<br />

(<strong>Repton</strong>, 1557-1957) are the pen portraits and anecdotes regarding members of Common Room,<br />

and the Editor of <strong>Repton</strong> to the End feels that it would be very good for the latter volume if there<br />

were more submissions, however brief, regarding the behaviour - inspirational, larger than life,<br />

or just plain batty - regarding their successors down to the present day.<br />


GAUDY 10 th JUNE <strong>2006</strong><br />

John Brooks (B’59) Andrew Williamson (N’59)<br />

Richard Carson (N’61) Stuart Andrews (Ex Staff) Bill Blackshaw (Ex Staff) Tim Cooke (O’90) John Plowright (Staff) Mike Charlesworth (O’41)<br />

Heather Hawkins (Ex Staff)<br />

John McConville (C’58) Patrick Franklin-Adams (H’58) Robert Bond (P’68) Paula Webster, Stephen Larard (N’61) Mark Webster (N’60)<br />

Andrew Laurie (H’58))<br />

Over 190 guests attended the annual Old <strong>Repton</strong>ian Gaudy, this year held on June 10 th . It was a fine sunny day and visitors were<br />

entertained by the school jazz band in The Garth during a drinks reception. As many as a dozen former staff were there along with a<br />

small number of current staff members. The food and wine were much appreciated and of the usual high standard. It was not<br />

surprising either that the speeches were also well received, one from Robert Bond, outlining the year ahead for the Society and one<br />

from the Headmaster , giving an entertaining “state of the nation” address.<br />

As an experiment we invited Old <strong>Repton</strong>ians from 2 different eras to this occasion, namely 1957 – 1970 and 1985 – 1991. This<br />

seemed to work well. If anyone has any particular opinion on this the editorial team would be pleased to hear from you.<br />




Perhaps it is the inspiration of having one of our most distinguished, high spirited and popular OR golfers as President<br />

of the OR Society, but for some reason <strong>2006</strong> has seen <strong>Repton</strong> golf at its highest ebb for quite some time.<br />

HALFORD HEWITT <strong>2006</strong> & PRINCES PLATE, Royal Cinque Ports/Princes - April 6 th -9 th <strong>2006</strong><br />

Once again the Halford Hewitt promised more than it delivered for <strong>Repton</strong>, as a winning position against Wellington<br />

in the first round disappeared in the gathering gloom down the 17th at 18th at Deal.<br />

This disappointment was at least partially offset by a very good run in the six-man plate competition, where victories<br />

over Cranleigh and Haileybury set up a quarter final against Shrewsbury. It turned out to be a typical <strong>Repton</strong>-<br />

Shrewsbury fixture, both hard-fought and close, <strong>Repton</strong> winning at the 18th in the final game, to head back to Deal for<br />

a semi-final against Marlborough.<br />

This was our first appearance on a Sunday at Deal since the triumph of 1986, and was excellent experience for the<br />

young members of the team, Pete Forster, Nick Martin, Myles Pearson, and the debutant Mark Anselm, all of whom played admirably under the<br />

pressure and exhibited the true <strong>Repton</strong> team spirit to hold off Marlborough and secure a place in the final.<br />

The school had kindly loaned us the school flag to fly from the pole at our<br />

farmhouse HQ and it was only fear of disqualification from future events<br />

which prevented us from hoisting the flag up the Deal flagpole. In the event,<br />

ultimate success eluded us, as a strong Epsom team, including England<br />

international Ross McGowan, pipped us 2-1 in the final. However, the play<br />

and attitude of this young team gives every indication that <strong>Repton</strong> will soon be<br />

a major force again in the competition proper.<br />

Plate team: NP Martin & MF Pearson; PAM Anselm & PE Forster; PDM Carr<br />

& RG Hodgkinson. Andrew Pearce played in the first round before being<br />

recalled for duties at Bramall Lane.<br />

Richard Hodgkinson<br />

GRAFTON MORRISH QUALIFYING <strong>2006</strong>, Olton - May 13 th <strong>2006</strong><br />

Olton has, over the years, been something of a ‘Theatre of Screams’ for<br />

<strong>Repton</strong>, but all this was put spectacularly to rights in <strong>2006</strong>, when the team<br />

were the first ever to score 100 points. Although our record stood for less than<br />

an hour (Coventry coming in later with 105) it was a splendid effort which<br />

sent us through to the finals at Hunstanton in late September where we have a<br />

first round match against Merchant Taylors’.<br />

Richard Hodgkinson<br />

ORGS v THE SCHOOL, Kedleston Park - May 14 th <strong>2006</strong><br />

A close encounter this certainly wasn’t! However, a high standard of golf was played and by and large watched by the ORs as the <strong>School</strong> rolled out<br />

winners by 2.5 to 1.5. The score line does in fact flatter the OR's immensely with two of the matches being finished by the 16th tee in favour of the<br />

Boys.<br />

With the early morning rain clouds clearing through the day and leaving the rough particularly hard work, a team consisting of six ORs, three from<br />

the Cross (I am happy to report!) and two teachers held the end up for <strong>Repton</strong> as best as possible in the face of some very good match play golf by<br />

the boys. One of the groups was playing to six under for the back nine and completely blew our one Grafton Morrish competitor out of the water. It<br />

was only Patrick Griffiths (Staff) & Jeremy Staley (OR) with half a point and Russell Embery (Staff) and Liam Foster with a point that gave a<br />

positive gloss on the result. Many thanks go to Russell for arranging such an enviable team, however, I think some handicap adjustments may come<br />

into play next year in order to present the ORs with the opportunity to take home the silverware.<br />

Liam Foster<br />

ORGS v OLD OUNDELIANS, Formby - June 4 th <strong>2006</strong><br />

Resounding 4-0 win for <strong>Repton</strong>, with 81 year old Jim Newsome in especially fine form. Debutants Dewhirst, Snook and Hall also impressed, and<br />

even the potentially crippling combination of spending the previous day at Trent Bridge AND partnering the ORGS Hon Sec could not prevent<br />

Vardy coming home 5&4.<br />

<strong>Repton</strong> team: DI McIvor & RN Snook; AE Bishop & J Vardy; RM Hunt & EA Newsome; AJT Dewhirst & I Hall.<br />

Richard Hunt<br />

SENIOR DARWIN, Woking – June 13 th -14 th <strong>2006</strong><br />

The format changed this year to that of the Bernard Darwin i.e. 3 pairs Matchplay. The first round opponents were Eton – our pairs being Tim<br />

Hampton and Tim Piper (Halford Hewitt winners’ in1963): John Sale (Halford Hewitt winner 1963) and Charles Darby: Tim Sale (Halford Hewitt<br />

Captain 1963) and Roger Ellwood (Halford Hewitt player) with Richard Pepper (Halford Hewitt winner 1963) as Non-playing Captain.<br />

At one stage we were down in all three matches, but pairs 2 and 3 rallied to win and see us through into the 2 nd round against Wellington. For this<br />

match Richard Pepper came in for Tim Piper and with Tim Hampton found themselves against the formidable 1 st pair of David Frame and Ian Boyd<br />



and 6 down after 9 holes. However, with some help from their opponents they rallied to 2 down with 3 to play but reality resumed following a poor<br />

drive and they succumbed by a margin of 3/2.<br />

Our second pair was also up against strong opposition and eventually just lost a close match. Our third pair was 2 up with 3 to play but with Pimms<br />

beckoning a halved match was agreed. We were all immensely grateful to our Society Captain and his wife Judith, and his predecessor Richard Fry<br />

and Angela for providing 5 star accommodation for us and for joining us for a hilarious and enthusiastic dinner at the Crown in Thames Ditton.<br />

Richard Pepper<br />

VERY SENIOR DARWIN, Woking - June 18 th <strong>2006</strong><br />

<strong>Repton</strong> were again able to field 3 teams to compete in this annual event, and this time despite it being the hottest day of the year were prize winners<br />

in 2 categories. <strong>Repton</strong> A - Tony Wesson and John Graham being the runners up in the scratch competition and <strong>Repton</strong> B - Jim Newsome and<br />

Harold Leake being runners up in the handicap competition. It is always so good to see ORs wanting to take part in spite of the distances they have<br />

to come. Peter Dallas Ross at 84 from Scotland and Jim Newsome 81 from North Wales to say nothing of Geoffrey Fletcher at 86 from Maidstone<br />

complete with his own golf buggy! The captaincy has now passed on from Harold Leake to Tony Wesson who would like to know of any up-andcoming<br />

75 year olds who would like to play.<br />

MIDLAND PUBLIC SCHOOLS MEETING, Little Aston - June 28 th <strong>2006</strong><br />

<strong>Repton</strong>ians had a convincing win (yet again), winning by a record margin (13 points) with an all time record score!<br />

Team:<br />

Jon Gough<br />

Alan Swift 41 pts<br />

Myles Pearson<br />

John Beddington 40 pts<br />

John Hutton<br />

Philip Davies 39 pts<br />

Harold Leake<br />

DI Pepper & FK Andrews (38 pts)<br />

TR Hampton & AN Andrews (36<br />

pts) discarded.<br />

Tim Hampton<br />

BERNARD DARWIN, Woking – June 31 st - July 1 st <strong>2006</strong><br />

Runners-up in 2005, <strong>Repton</strong> were optimistic of going one better at Woking in <strong>2006</strong>, but were deprived of their first pair, David Pepper (R&A duty)<br />

and John Bolsover (injured). This meant a recall for Miles Elliott, and a debut for Neil Andrews, who had just attained the requisite age of 55, and as<br />

the current captain of Little Aston was ‘full of golf’.<br />

The first match saw <strong>Repton</strong> get past Westminster, with Miles Elliott playing a delicate shot from an island beside the lake at Woking’s 18th, a<br />

picturesque finish for spectators and team mates alike, who were watching from the Bar Terrace at the 14th, pairs 2 and 3 both having won 5&4.<br />

These early finishes proved to be a mixed blessing, however, for it was from the aforementioned Terrace Bar that one (unnamed) <strong>Repton</strong>ian emerged<br />

“Westminsterfied” to the extent that his afternoon play was not all that it might have been, dehydration exacerbated by the 90 degree heat. Defeat to<br />

Wellington almost inevitably ensued, despite a brave half from Richard George and Peter Gill.<br />

The eventual winners were Radley, a fitting outcome for the newly appointed Bernard Darwin organiser, Christopher Clark of Radley, who has<br />

succeeded Geoffrey Glyn Jones after many years’ hard work.<br />

<strong>Repton</strong> team: RW George & PN Gill; MP Elliott & AN Andrews; PM Franklin-Adams & DG Pilch.<br />


��������������<br />

Patrick Franklin-Adams<br />

The O R Lodge is now in its 92 nd year, and was established for those wishing to pursue a Masonic career who were former pupils,<br />

members of staff or who have a close association with the <strong>School</strong>. The Lodge is open to men falling into any of these categories, and<br />

information about the Craft in general or the O R Lodge in particular can be obtained from the secretary.<br />

Freemasonry exists to establish and promote the highest standards in personal and business life, to encourage fellowship and, above<br />

all, to create a culture of charitable giving. Because of the worldwide nature of the organisation it can be of great benefit to those<br />

living or working both inside and outside the UK. It will almost certainly establish strong local friendships for those moving to<br />

overseas appointments, or moving within the UK.<br />

The extent of Masonic giving to non-Masonic charities is not widely publicised. The Lodge is delighted to report that the United<br />

Grand Lodge of England sent a donation to the Tsunami disaster appeal of more the £850,000.<br />

For information please contact Bill Summ, Secretary, at Home Farm, Church Street, Donisthorpe, Swadlincote, Derbyshire, DE12<br />

7PY on 01530 272150 or 07771 578725 or by email on bill.summ@eidosnet.co.uk.<br />

13<br />



The Week<br />

The newly thatched pavilion<br />


Despite what your memories of the summer weather might be,<br />

all was not bright and shining as the Pilgrims embarked on<br />

another hard 4 days of cricket, banter and Marstons’ Pedigree.<br />

Day 1: V Lincolnshire Gentlemen’s CC. Won. Lincs Gents<br />

219-8 (Bridgeman 4-53); Pilgrims 222-5. (Sheard 81, Auden<br />

60).<br />

A youthful Pilgrims side took the field looking fit and keen.<br />

Cricketer Cup skipper, Jon Sheard in charge for the day had<br />

obviously impressed upon the team the importance of Pilgrims<br />

cricket. Good outcricket and tight bowling from Woody<br />

Bridgeman restricted the opposition to 219-8. This was never<br />

going to be enough on yet another excellent Mike Kettle wicket<br />

(I will only say this once)! Sheard with 81 and Auden saw the<br />

Pilgrims home with 5 overs to spare, meaning more hours in the<br />

Red Lion or for some another trip to the Casino!<br />

Day 2: V Gentlemen of Staffordshire CC. Won. Pilgrims 256-4 (Bridgeman 91, Exley, 67, Redfearn 50); Gents 214 (Wall 3-50)<br />

Weather looked a little threatening and climate guru (Bridgeman) predicted that we would be in the pub by lunchtime. However<br />

having batted with class to make 91, excellently supported by David Exley with an elegant 67, he was happy that the game was<br />

completed with another Pilgrim win. Senior pro Charlie Wall bowled tightly and James Blackwell was solid, despite shin splints. Rob<br />

Furnival gave brief memories of a past life with a cameo 28 which included a 5, but victory was never in doubt. Then Back to the<br />

Red Lion for more of the World Cup football fest and humorous anecdotes with the new <strong>School</strong> Chaplain, Adam ‘Stella’.<br />

Day 3: V Warwickshire Imps CC. Draw. Pilgrims 180-8 (Sloane 42, Lamb 51); Imps 146-9 (Lamb 5-36).<br />

After a horrific night, weather wise, Bridgeman gave the match half an hour before predicting the heavens opened again. There were<br />

interruptions but the Pilgrims reached a respectable 180, thanks to a sensible 50 from Jack Lamb ably supported by Ed Sloane (42)<br />

and James Blackwell (42). It should not really have been enough, but rain delays increased the required run rate for the Imps, but<br />

excellent off spin from Lamb made scoring quickly difficult. In the end the Imps survived 9 down.<br />

Day 4: V Friars CC. Lost. Friars 257-4 (Blackwell 3-31), Pilgrims 110 (Bridgeman 41)<br />

A day too far for some Pilgrims, who played as if it had been a<br />

hard week. (Well for some it had on and off the field). Friars<br />

won the toss and batted and batted. 257-4 might have been<br />

possible in some circumstances, but the Friars employed only<br />

two bowlers both reasonably rapid (except Charlie Wall who<br />

was given one over) as they cruised to a comfortable victory.<br />

Another successful week. Thanks to Mike Stones for his<br />

excellent organisation, Frank Watson, for encouraging the<br />

leavers to stay on and play. New House for breakfast and a roof<br />

over our heads. James Ross for helping Mike and keeping the<br />

secretary company. David Carr for his great support and for all<br />

who turned up to watch; Martin Graham, The Boultons and<br />

Chris Twells to name a few.<br />

Regret: That only Charlie Wall and Jon Sheard came for a game of the senior playing members.<br />

The old pavilion<br />

Highlight: Jack Lamb, potential Pilgrim, on Day 1, (not playing I hasten to add) was seen at 11.30 with a glass of claret in one hand<br />

and the almost full bottle in the other. The lad will go far!!<br />


Cricketer Cup<br />


A very good campaign finished in disappointment at Tonbridge,<br />

with defeat in the semi final. The Pilgrims lost one or two key<br />

players through injury before the start and during the game.<br />

Adam Whiteley was forced to retire with back problems. The<br />

Pilgrims batted first and seemed to be mesmerized by the<br />

virtually all spin attack of the Old Tonbridgians on a wicket that<br />

certainly gave their attack every chance, particularly at one end<br />

where there was a lot of bounce and turn. In the middle of the<br />

innings only 12 runs were scored from 10 overs. Only Alexis<br />

Twigg seemed to get to grip with things (51) and the modest total<br />

of 145-7 in the 50 overs was never going to be enough. Old<br />

Tonbridgians knocked off the total with 14 overs to spare for the<br />

loss of only two wickets.<br />

Well played and what excellent support at Tonbridge as well.<br />

John Hutton, John Ballinger, Bill Blackshaw, JFMW, DNC, the<br />

Russells, Robert Smith, the Wessons, and R Jerman to name but<br />

a few. Next year perhaps!! Frank Russell<br />


Planning for the 450 th Anniversary celebrations is continuing and full details will be sent to all ORs towards the end of the<br />

year or early in 2007. Details will also be posted on the OR website (www.orsociety.com) and the <strong>School</strong> website<br />

(www.repton.org.uk) We do hope you will be able to attend at least one of the very special events planned for the year.<br />


Thursday 1 st February – House of Commons Reception for ORs to launch the anniversary celebrations. This Reception from 7<br />

– 9 pm is being kindly hosted by The Rt Hon Nick Raynsford MP (P’58). The event is restricted to 150 guests so you are encouraged<br />

to apply for tickets as soon as possible. A booking form is included with this edition of The Arch.<br />

Saturday 26 th May - “<strong>Repton</strong> Day”<br />

ORs will be invited back to the <strong>School</strong> to attend a special Commemoration Service, at which the Preacher will be The Rt Revd<br />

Michael Perham, Bishop of Gloucester. The <strong>School</strong> XI will play a Pilgrims’ XI on the Square. Various musical and cultural events<br />

will be held around the <strong>School</strong>. The <strong>School</strong> to host drinks party and ORs encouraged to bring picnic lunch. In the early evening a<br />

special OR Concert will be staged, hopefully by the ruins, with historical readings to complement the music.<br />

Saturday 30 th June - Speech Day and Leavers’ Ball<br />

July 6th, 7 th and 8 th . Live Nation Concert Series over three nights – first night to be a “home” evening for the whole of the<br />

<strong>Repton</strong> and Foremarke community – parents, pupils, ORs and village. .<br />

Early September – date to be confirmed: Official Opening of <strong>Repton</strong> Dubai<br />

Late September – dates to be confirmed: Son et Lumiere series over four nights to be held at <strong>Repton</strong>, telling the history of the<br />

<strong>School</strong> in a festival of literature, light and music specially composed for the occasion. You must not miss this event.<br />

Autumn – date to be confirmed: Launch of <strong>Repton</strong> to the End special Anniversary publication, and the 2007 <strong>Repton</strong> Register.<br />

Concluding part of the year – Anniversary Concert Series at <strong>Repton</strong>.<br />

In addition, 2007 will see the official opening of several key phases in the <strong>School</strong>’s Development Plan at a special ceremony – dates<br />

and details to be confirmed.<br />


We have been in contact with the many OR Overseas Links and it is hoped that various events will be organised<br />

around the world to celebrate the 450 th anniversary of the founding of the <strong>School</strong>. Letters will be sent out either by<br />

the OR Office or the respective Overseas Link where special events are being organised in a specific country. The<br />

aim is to celebrate the anniversary in as many countries as possible.<br />


Tony Wilkinson – Guest of Honour<br />

After prize giving there was a hive of<br />

activity in the marquee as it was<br />

transformed into a stunning venue for the<br />

Leavers Ball in the evening.<br />

SPEECH DAY <strong>2006</strong><br />

This year saw a new format for Speech Day which was<br />

held on the last day of the Summer term – 1 st July. The<br />

day began with exhibitions in the Art <strong>School</strong> and the<br />

Design Centre and guests were welcomed by the Jazz Band<br />

playing on the steps of the Old Priory.<br />

A major difference to previous Speech Days was that a<br />

very large marquee had been erected on the paddock with<br />

seating for all pupils and parents and staff. The inside of<br />

the marquee was extremely impressive with some 1600<br />

seats. At 10.15 am everyone gathered in the marquee and<br />

speeches were given by the Chairman of Governors,<br />

Jonathan Fry (H’51) and the Headmaster. The Guest of<br />

Honour, Tony Wilkinson (L’51), presented the prizes<br />

and then addressed the pupils and parents. Following<br />

prize giving the traditional Speech Day cricket match<br />

between the <strong>School</strong> and the <strong>Repton</strong> Pilgrims began at<br />

11.00 am. Guests were then entertained by the Chamber<br />

Orchestra and Choir in The Garth prior to drinks in<br />

the respective Houses. Most parents had family<br />

picnics with their sons and daughters. The final<br />

event was a performance in The Garth entitled<br />

“Boazers, Chaggers & Stigs” which was a<br />

celebration of <strong>Repton</strong>’s literary past.<br />

The new format was judged to be a resounding success and a similar format will be followed next<br />

year.<br />

Daniel Quarshie (Head Boy), Sarah Fearns (Head Girl) and the Headmaster<br />


The <strong>School</strong> achieved<br />

another first during<br />

the Summer holidays<br />

when it played host<br />

to two summer<br />

concerts in the<br />

grounds. The stage<br />

was set up in front of<br />

the ‘Great Wall’ and<br />

the audience spread<br />

out across the square<br />

with their picnics.<br />

Saturday 29 th July<br />

saw the acclaimed<br />

ABBA tribute band<br />

Bjorn Again take to<br />

the stage in front of an audience of about 1300. The following evening Jools Holland and his Rhythm and Blues Orchestra and guest singers gave a<br />

memorable performance in front of an audience of about 3500. Both concerts were a great success and many Old <strong>Repton</strong>ians came along to join in<br />

the fun.<br />

The concerts were organised by Live Nation and it is planned that further concerts will be held next year in July as part of the 450 th anniversary<br />

celebrations. Full details of dates and performers will be announced towards the end of the year.<br />


THE ROOF OF THE WORLD – CHO OYU– Nick Williams (M’91)<br />

2nd September 2005. So this was it. My body was primed after a punishing training regime including the London marathon, running<br />

up countless flights of stairs and long evenings at the climbing wall. My mind was focussed on the trip ahead, with the confidence that<br />

comes from surviving recent adventures on training climbs: blizzards and crevasses in the French Alps and arrest at gunpoint by the<br />

Russian army in the Russian Caucasus.<br />

After finishing a traineeship at a City law firm, I had agreed 9 weeks of leave with my new superiors and signed up to join a<br />

Himalayan expedition to climb Cho Oyu, at 8,200m (27,000 feet) the sixth highest mountain in the world. I joined and trained with<br />

friends Matt Ward and Andy Sloan. Andy's previous adventures include taking a table-football across the world to the 2002 World<br />

Cup in Japan and writing a book about it ('23 Sweet FAs', Virgin Books). Matt was simultaneously training for his Commando Beret<br />

with the Royal Marines. All of us were equally hooked on mountains.<br />

For me the trip was about fulfilling a lifetime dream to see the Himalaya. Funny, as at <strong>Repton</strong> I had never really taken to the heights,<br />

having preferred the ground safety of Duke of Edinburgh expeditions to dangling off ropes with Mr Carrington, my Housemaster and<br />

possibly one of the keenest climbers in the UK! Since then my horizons had expanded and the thrill of said dangling led me to turn<br />

my gaze eastwards to the Himalaya, the ultimate mountain range.<br />

The journey started in Kathmandu, Nepal where we met the other members of our expedition; an interesting mix. To add to five Brits<br />

in the team there were five Americans, three Swiss, one French, three Swedes and a Turk. The group included Ray and Gernud who at<br />

62 and 63 respectively were bidding to be the oldest summiters, Ulrika, aiming to become the first Swedish woman to summit, and<br />

Dom, a fellow Brit who went on to lead the 'longest climb on earth', this year's successful 'Everest Max' expedition, cycling from the<br />

Dead Sea to Everest base camp and then climbing Everest (www.everestmax.com). The team was under the competent direction of<br />

two experienced Himalayan climbers, Arnold and Phil. Our team also included local Tibetan sherpas who provided the extremely<br />

valuable logistical support (and great food!) both at base camp and on the mountain. The philosophy of the expedition, however, was<br />

that we were independent climbers - for the climb itself we were on our own.<br />

The plan was to approach Cho Oyu from its Northern (Tibetan) side. We set off from<br />

Kathmandu negotiating pot holes and landslides on a shaky bus to the Chinese border<br />

where we switched to trusty Land Cruisers for the journey across bleak Tibetan<br />

mountain passes to base camp. There was a growing sense of wonder and nervous<br />

anticipation at our first glimpses of the glistening peaks of Cho Oyu and Everest<br />

which towered up on the horizon.<br />

After 2 nights in the initial base camp and another in an intermediate camp, we<br />

finally trudged over the last pass and into our advanced base camp ('ABC'), a sea of<br />

tents perched on the rocky moraine at the foot of the mountain. This was our home<br />

for much of the next month and at 5,700m the equivalent of living on top of Mt<br />

Elbrus, the highest mountain in Europe. Even here, at ABC, moving across the tent or<br />

taking a sip of tea would leave us gasping for breath. The expedition strategy was for<br />

concentrated bursts of climbing from ABC to the higher camps on the mountain in<br />

succession, punctuated by long days of recuperation at ABC. Then the final summit<br />

push.<br />

The route to Camp One (6,400m) was a two hour hike round the fringes of an ice<br />

field followed by a two hour ascent of the devilish 'scree slope', a zigzagging path at a<br />

steep incline that lasted for an eternity. It was a permanent battle, legs pumping and<br />

the chest heaving as our lungs fought for oxygen. After only 700m of vertical<br />

progress we reached the safety of Camp 1 and finally on the snow line. Here, as the<br />

sun set on the lower reaches of the mountain, we boiled up snow for tea and gazed up at the route ahead with a mixture of wonder and<br />

trepidation.<br />

17<br />

The route to Camp 2 (7000m) was where the real climbing began. On went<br />

the crampons and out came the ice axe as we set off at daybreak in perfect<br />

conditions up precarious snow-covered ridges. Progress was now painfully<br />

slow, halted to a snail's pace by the crushing onslaught of altitude and lack<br />

of air. All around us lay a stunning vista: white peaks stretched into the<br />

distance, a surreal kingdom of snow and ice. Above it lay our goal, Camp 2<br />

and its major obstacle, a 50m vertical wall of ice. Clipped into the ropes,<br />

head thumping, I inched up it, balancing precariously on the points of my<br />

crampons and plunging the axe in with gritted teeth. From the top of the ice<br />

wall, a slow trudge up a seemingly never-ending incline delivered us to<br />

Camp 2. On reaching the final bend, having last glimpsed the tents, I<br />

collapsed down on the snow, unable to walk the final 100 metres into the<br />

camp without more rests.

THE ROOF OF THE WORLD – CHO OYU– Nick Williams (M’91)<br />

Once the sun dipped under the horizon, the warmth of the day vanished and the camp was immediately thrown into arctic<br />

temperatures. After shivering through a bitterly cold night I descended to base camp the next day to recover for the final push, my<br />

acclimatisation schedule complete.<br />

The original triumvirate - Andy, Matt and I (note: the author is pictured<br />

on the right of the picture) - set out together from base camp for the<br />

summit push on 27 September aiming to summit on my birthday, the<br />

30th. The conditions were perfect. Our bodies, sadly, were not. On the<br />

way to Camp 1, a dry, rasping cough started up in my lungs, triggered<br />

by the dry Himalayan air. The following day, half way up the route to<br />

Camp 2 my pace slowed and a sharp pain in my ribs struck up. What<br />

was it? A broken rib? Pulmonary oedema, which could mean death by<br />

suffocation in a matter of hours? Sitting down on the snow, head in my<br />

hands, I realised that this could be the end of my summit bid. Inwardly<br />

devastated, I turned back to Camp 1. Overnight the bouts of coughing<br />

and chest pains eased and the following afternoon I made it to Camp 2<br />

but was now a day behind the rest of the team.<br />

I awoke the following morning on my 28th birthday, alone in the<br />

freezing confines of my tent to receive fantastic news over the radio<br />

that Andy had summited that day. Further good news was the survival of Ed, our Cornish friend. He had summited the day before but<br />

had slipped on the descent and fell 250 metres, miraculously breaking his slide mere metres from the most treacherous crevasse field<br />

on the mountain. Having lost both crampons, he had managed to crawl his way back to Camp 3 to safety and relief all round.<br />

Alone at Camp 2, I had to face a harsh reality. The last summit team were now descending and my oxygen canisters were not in place<br />

at Camp 3 (7,400m). Could I summit solo without oxygen even if I made it up to the next Camp? With questions whirling around my<br />

head and still testing my fitness, I set off slowly up the steep path to Camp 3. The cough and chest pain returned. After a few hours I<br />

met the descending team and after long discussions followed them back to Camp 2. Although I had a slim chance of continuing, to<br />

carry on would be to risk too much. So close yet too far, the voice of reason prevailed. By evening we were all in the safety of ABC<br />

toasting the summiters and enjoying a birthday cake cooked up by the Tibetan kitchen staff.<br />

In total half of our expedition team reached the summit. Success was measured equally by the fact that all our climbers made it back<br />

safely with all fingers and toes intact, ready to see another day and the next challenge. In doing so Andy and I raised over £4,000 for<br />

Regain, a UK charity supporting tetraplegics (http://www.regainsportscharity.com).<br />

THE PRINCE’S TRUST DERBYSHIRE – Robert Kirkland (O’59)<br />

I have been a volunteer Chairman of The Prince’s Trust in Derbyshire since August 2003. My role as<br />

Chairman is working with the Derbyshire Board which consists of non-executive volunteers who are<br />

representatives of a cross-section of people in Derbyshire. For interest, two members of the Board are Old<br />

<strong>Repton</strong>ians: Roger Litchfield (B’60) and Duncan Ashby (H’76). The function of the Board is to provide<br />

support and assistance to the operations team in the furtherance of Prince’s Trust work in Derbyshire. Board<br />

members are gathered from industry, commerce, charities and the public sector.<br />

As the “face” of Prince’s Trust in Derbyshire, I meet with various high profile individuals both within<br />

Derbyshire and the East Midlands Region on behalf of the Trust. I recently met with HRH The Prince of Wales when he visited Derbyshire to open<br />

the Trust’s new offices within Derby College.<br />

The work of The Prince’s Trust covers four main areas of assistance:<br />

Making development awards to individuals on a one-off basis in order to help them kick start a career or training programme.<br />

Making business loans and grants to help support small businesses and providing mentors to assist these businesses in their early years.<br />

The XL programme which involves school children who are in danger of discontinuing their studies.<br />

The 12-week personal development programme, again which helps young people develop their confidence and personality.<br />

In all these cases the most vulnerable and disenfranchised young people are the target area for our help. In Derbyshire we help at least 350 new<br />

young people every year, and both I and Board members support the above programme continuously.<br />

We also undertake some fundraising in Derbyshire on behalf of the Trust, this involves:<br />

A black tie dinner held at Pride Park<br />

A sponsored horse rise held around the grounds of Okeover Park<br />

An Am/Am golf day at Kedleston Park Golf Club.<br />

We are continually looking for support for these events and every pound raised does go to help young people in Derbyshire. For those OR’s who do<br />

live in the vicinity, we are always in need of business mentors who help the young businesses which we set up and only involves 2-3 hours per<br />

month and is very rewarding. Should this be of interest, I can be contacted through The Prince’s Trust office in Derby on 01332 851763.<br />



Paul Stevens (<strong>School</strong> Librarian)<br />

Introduction<br />

William Furneaux was Headmaster of <strong>Repton</strong> from 1883 - 1900, and despite an imposing portrait in<br />

the Library it might be thought that he left little other trace on the <strong>School</strong>. He is not one of the<br />

regularly referenced Headmasters such as Pears, Temple and Fisher, and yet it could be argued that<br />

he left an equally great impression on the ethos and fabric of the <strong>School</strong>. It is difficult to cite another<br />

Headmaster who has embarked on a more ambitious building programme, and if we are searching for<br />

Furneaux's legacy there cannot be more tangible examples than Pears <strong>School</strong>, the Chapter House<br />

Block, The Porter's Lodge, the old Sanatorium, the Boot Hill Block, and the red bricked classrooms<br />

overlooking the Upper Paddock. Lionel Ford writes of Furneaux: "He was no ceremonialist, no<br />

respecter of established customs just because they were old - that was plain from the first - and we<br />

quickly discovered that he had a firm, strong grip of his own, and knew immensely clearly what<br />

things wanted doing, and what he meant to do...the net result was that things began to move."<br />

Furneaux was not only a teacher, but a cleric, and when he was appointed Headmaster of <strong>Repton</strong><br />

<strong>School</strong> at the age of 34 the <strong>Repton</strong>ian editorial proclaimed 'Mr Furneaux comes amongst us with a<br />

great reputation, and we venture to predict prosperity under his rule.' Two months later it announced<br />

'Truly, the golden age of <strong>Repton</strong> must be dawning.'<br />

Building<br />

Such excitement was occasioned by the announcement of the building of Pears <strong>School</strong> - and even<br />

though it owed its inception to the previous Headmaster, it was Furneaux who got the project<br />

moving. His business capacity was considerable and it enabled him to overcome the financial and<br />

other difficulties which confronted the <strong>School</strong>. Most of the land the <strong>School</strong> stood on was leased from<br />

the Burdetts, and Furneaux's cordial relationship with Sir Francis Burdett did much to kick-start the<br />

building programme. He persuaded him to join the Governing Body, and soon afterwards Burdett agreed to sell all the land inside the Arch to the<br />

<strong>School</strong> for £15,000.<br />

At his first Speech Day, Furneaux outlined his proposals to rebuild and extend the boys' side at the Hall and to build a large Pears Memorial Block<br />

with classrooms, staff room and large Assembly Hall. Pears <strong>School</strong>, designed by Sir Arthur Blomfield, was formally opened on Speech Day 1886.<br />

Soon after this Big <strong>School</strong>, where lessons had been taught for over three hundred years, was panelled in oak and was transformed into the <strong>School</strong><br />

Library. Furneaux launched a Building Fund and he headed the list with a subscription of £500 - to rally the support of ORs he started the Terminal<br />

Letter and in this way the <strong>School</strong> kept its Old Boys informed of its activities and of its needs. No sooner had Pears <strong>School</strong> been opened than work<br />

began on the Chapter House Block. The old cottages at the foot of Boot Hill were demolished and a Carpenter's Shop and a Music Room were built<br />

in their place. The next few years saw the building of a new sanatorium, and the red-brick classrooms overlooking the Upper Paddock. The last of<br />

the new buildings was a Porter's Lodge, paid for entirely by Furneaux as a gift to the <strong>School</strong>.<br />

Discipline<br />

Furneaux found discipline lax when he took up his appointment and his Notice Book for the first few terms contains many references to<br />

misconduct. The Gym was closed for a time because of "wanton damage"; several boys were punished for dishonesty; "a respectable woman was<br />

addressed in insulting language"; a boy was "flogged for coarseness and bullying", and another paid the same penalty for cheating in an<br />

examination; a boy ran away home after killing poultry at the Tanyard where, it seems, a large number of fowls had been stolen; and a year later<br />

another boy was expelled for stealing. But soon good discipline had been established, though it was done partly by cutting off the <strong>School</strong> more than<br />

ever from the village.<br />

The Staff<br />

Over the period of Furneaux's headmastership there were inevitably some changes in staff, but the key figures remained fairly constant. Masters<br />

such as Burd, Vassall, Cattley, Forman, Gould, and Gurney are deserving of lengthy articles in their own right, for the time being here are three<br />

brief anecdotal portraits of three very different masters.<br />

The fear which Mr. Cattley inspired in both pupils and some staff is lightly alluded to in published <strong>School</strong> histories. Unpublished accounts are less<br />

equivocal: We learn that "The nervous or not very intelligent boy sometimes wondered whether life in his form was worth living." Another OR<br />

admits that "Cattley was a first-class teacher, but he was hated like poison." Perhaps the most damning reminiscence concludes "Why couldn't the<br />

brute teach, help, guide, explain? Since then I have lived as an infantryman in war and peace, but he is the only swine - complete and utter swine - I<br />

have ever met."<br />

The unpublished accounts in the <strong>School</strong> Archives are kinder to other members of staff. A.E Forman, Housemaster of the Cross, is described as "Big,<br />

black-bearded, dynamic, a kind of scholastic Barnabas, a jovial son of consolation generally, most popular in school and village alike."<br />

The Reverend J.H. Gurney inspires the most amusing stories from the Archives: "He was lean, angular, bearded and awkward in his movements,<br />

being very short-sighted. He was known as 'The Pelican' and was reported to make his way at midnight to the school swimming-station on the banks<br />

of the Old Trent and stand, in entire forgetfulness and almost utter nakedness, poised on the edge of the high spring diving-board and then, with a<br />

prodigious leap, plunge into the beer-tainted waters that flowed by the Burton breweries. His chemistry lessons were much sought after, as there<br />

was always the chance of an unintentional explosion, a horrible smell, or an accidental conflagration to singe the Pelican's auburn beard."<br />

Curriculum<br />

Despite the obvious excitement of such chemistry lessons, in many respects the curriculum in Furneaux's early years remained solidly classical. A<br />

boy could still work his way up to the top of the <strong>School</strong> without any serious claims to a knowledge of Mathematics, French, or English, and to many<br />

it must have been a deadening process. Furneaux was acutely aware of this, and was anxious to avoid stigmatising boys who had no aptitude for the<br />

classics. It is therefore no surprise that the most striking innovation he made to the <strong>School</strong> curriculum was the opening of an Engineering Workshop<br />



on Askew Hill in 1887 to cater for boys who were desirous of a more practical education. This enterprise was fully supported by the engineer W.J.<br />

Stephenson Peach, and on most Speech Days from now on, Furneaux would invite parents to visit the "Stephenson <strong>School</strong> of Engineering" to see<br />

some new mechanical or Electrical wonder. Thus "Mr. Stephenson Peach would show the electric light arrangements to any visitor staying the<br />

night, or they might see from a distance a 1,000 candle power electric lamp over the building". Or they are offered the opportunity of "inspecting on<br />

the cricket field our latest achievement in the shape of a 4-ton steam roller with mowing machine attached".<br />

Extra Curricular<br />

The Engineering Workshop was just one of many exciting projects that Furneaux encouraged to harness the energy of the boys and expand their<br />

horizons beyond the confines of a strict curriculum. A Photographic Club was formed in 1886, and a Bicycling Club took excursions to Lichfield<br />

and the Peak District. Another innovation was the formation of a Fire Brigade under Mr. Vassall. The fire engine was used within a few weeks of its<br />

arrival to put out a fire in one of the thatched cottages opposite the Church. For some years great excitement was aroused by an Annual Fire Brigade<br />

Competition against Rugby, and Mr. Vassall was most assiduous in training his team. Aside from these physical pursuits, Furneaux was anxious to<br />

interest the boys in social work and thought their interest might be greater if the scene of good work were closer to home. He hoped that his pupils<br />

would involve themselves in charitable works and remember "that a wholly self-indulgent expenditure was not a worthy employment". In 1892 he<br />

started the connection between <strong>Repton</strong> <strong>School</strong> and Oxford House, the East End Charity which had been established in 1884. The Reverend Arthur<br />

Ingram visited the <strong>School</strong> on an annual basis to give lectures in Pears <strong>School</strong> about his missionary work in the East End. A new club was founded in<br />

Bethnal Green in 1894 with the name of "The <strong>Repton</strong> Club" and the connection between the Club and the <strong>School</strong> was maintained for many years.<br />

Most of its first members were boys who had been rejected from other East End clubs due to bad behaviour. With the full encouragement of the<br />

Headmaster, <strong>Repton</strong> <strong>School</strong> boys visited the Club several times in the 1890’s to observe at first hand how it functioned, and to put on musical<br />

shows for its members.<br />

Notable Pupils<br />

With so much rich activity and stimulation available to the boys it is unsurprising that the period of<br />

Furneaux's headmastership produced so many notable men. Among the pupils who were nurtured in this<br />

period were those destined for a clerical career: F.W. Head became Archbishop of Melbourne, Martin<br />

Linton Smith became Bishop of Hereford, and Maxwell Homfray Maxwell-Gumbleton became the<br />

Bishop of Ballarat. Sportsmen included the cricketers Lionel Palairet and Charles Burgess Fry, and the<br />

Olympic Rower Raymond Bradley Etherington-Smith. Among those following a military or political<br />

career were John Theodosius Burnett-Stuart who commanded the British troops in Egypt, Arthur<br />

Wauchope who became High Commissioner of Palestine, Harry Brittain - Conservative M.P., and<br />

Edmund Candler who took part in Younghusband's Military Expedition to Lhasa in 1904 as a special<br />

correspondent to the Daily Mail. Two pupils who have made a particularly great impression on the author<br />

are H.L. Paddon and Genille Cave-Browne-Cave. Paddon served in Labrador as a medical missionary<br />

from 1912 until his death in 1939 and his fascinating memoirs have only recently been published. Cave is<br />

such a quirky individual that even the barest facts of his life are breathtaking - he ran away from <strong>Repton</strong><br />

after less than two terms and joined a circus: his restless spirit took him to Australia where he deserted his<br />

ship; to India where he served in a cavalry regiment; and to Kansas where he was a cowboy. He saw<br />

service in the Spanish-American War and on the Boxer Rebellion Expedition in China; and for the last ten<br />

years of his life he was a clergyman of the Church of England.<br />

Furneaux’s Coat of Arms<br />

Old Boys Remember<br />

Perhaps the most vivid impressions of the <strong>School</strong> in these years can be gleaned from the letters of former pupils written to Bernard Thomas when he<br />

was compiling his 1957 volume on the history of the <strong>School</strong>:<br />

"The uniform was Eton jackets or frock coats and straw-hats. Top hats were worn on Sundays. The straws lasted little more than a term! The<br />

toppers came in very useful on the Sunday walk when damsons etc were in season. The awkward part came on the way home when a Housemaster<br />

was met. The hat came off quite well, the difficulty was to get it on again without accident! We were always hungry. There was one excellent meal<br />

at midday. We seldom went up to tea, as when pocket money allowed tea was in the studies, and supper consisted of cheese (rather like India<br />

rubber) and a can of beer! - unless we could get the boot boy to go and buy a cake. There was not much bullying, only in my first term when my<br />

head of study had a bad reputation and occasionally used a whippy wire toasting fork with painful effects. Our only swimming bath was in the river,<br />

which smelt strongly of beer, and occasionally the brewers would turn out some waste that poisoned the fish and these floated down the river very<br />

dead indeed!"<br />

A.B. Burney, Cross (1882 – 1889)<br />

I would say that manners were good, as might be expected, as almost every boy came from what we called in those days a gentleman's family - and<br />

there were few who appeared to be from 'Rich' parents. No interest was taken in politics - a gentleman was of course a Conservative - those were<br />

days of great class distinction. House discipline probably varied according to the personality of the House Master. The same applied to Form<br />

discipline. Punishment was always by 'lines' - the severest was 'Greek with accents.' For a serious offence the Headmaster used the birch - but this<br />

was rare. I only once remember my House Master beating a boy and he did it very badly...Sanitation was primitive - buckets in a lean-to at the<br />

bottom of the yard - supervision also primitive. There was only 1 bath - but every boy had one hot bath a week during evening prep. A cold bath - in<br />

and out - was available in the morning, but few used it.<br />

A.L. Hadow, Brook (1891 - 1896)<br />

The Red Book<br />

Throughout his headmastership William Furneaux kept a daily account of the events at <strong>Repton</strong> <strong>School</strong>, and this practise was continued by his<br />

successors Burge and Ford. All three wrote these diaries in the Red Book and they are a veritable mine of information to those researching this<br />

period. Their pithiness is the perfect antidote to the more florid prose of the <strong>Repton</strong>ian and it is fascinating to compare accounts of the same events.<br />

A fine example of this is the <strong>Repton</strong>ian report of a visiting actor in 1884: "A gentleman named Beaumont gave a reading in Big <strong>School</strong> from<br />

Shakespeare's Henry IV. At the battle of Shrewsbury the bell unfortunately rang, and he had to stop. An ovation followed." However, the<br />



Headmaster's account is witheringly concise: "His performance was execrable." In the Red Book we read of so many exciting events from the high<br />

drama of the celebration of the Queen's Jubilee, through to the more mundane matters of internecine staff meetings. We discover that the <strong>School</strong> was<br />

regularly beset by epidemics of Scarlet Fever and Measles which affected up to 100 boys at a time, and boys sometimes died at <strong>School</strong> despite the<br />

best efforts of the sanatorium. In March 1895 three boys died within days of each other and the Red Book records each death and the details of each<br />

funeral. It provides information on lectures given to the <strong>School</strong> by Hilaire Belloc, organ recitals by Alexandre Guilmant, ancient skeletons being<br />

unearthed on a regular basis, endless Paper Chases, days of skating on Crewe's Pond, and half-holidays given to celebrate everything from<br />

scholarships to the relief of Ladysmith.<br />

When reading the Red Book and the <strong>Repton</strong>ian from this period it is impossible not to feel the excitement of so much innovation and building at<br />

<strong>School</strong>, and the great debt that <strong>Repton</strong> owes to Furneaux. Aside from his unparalleled building programme, he took a keen interest in widening the<br />

curriculum, utilised the many emergent technologies of the late Victorian era, and dramatically increased the number of boys attending the <strong>School</strong>.<br />

The Dictionary of National Biography calls him an "an admirable headmaster" and "a vigorous and inspiring teacher." A former pupil wrote that<br />

"Though formidable, he was always approachable... he expected from us always the best of which we were capable."<br />

Furneaux resigned the headmastership of <strong>Repton</strong> in 1900, and in 1903 he was appointed Dean of Winchester, an office which he held for sixteen<br />

years. His term as Dean was notable for the successful renovation of the foundations of Winchester Cathedral, a project which he tackled with all<br />

the verve he had displayed at <strong>Repton</strong>. He visited the <strong>School</strong> several times in his latter years, most notably for the unveiling of the War Memorial in<br />

1921. He died at New Milton in Hampshire on 10th April 1928.<br />



The Honourable Corps consists of five Officers (the Captain, the<br />

Lieutenant, the Standard Bearer, the Clerk of the Cheque and<br />

Adjutant, and the Harbinger) and 27 Gentlemen. The senior<br />

officer is the Captain, a political appointment, who is now<br />

always the Government Chief Whip in the House of Lords. The<br />

uniform is that of a Heavy Dragoon Guards officer of the 1840s.<br />

It has a skirted red coat with Garter blue velvet cuffs and facings<br />

embroidered with the Tudor royal badge of the Portcullis.<br />

Helmets with white swan feather plumes are worn when on duty,<br />

even in church. Officers wear gold aiguillettes and carry sticks<br />

of office which they receive from the Sovereign on appointment.<br />

Cavalry swords are worn and long ceremonial battle-axes, over<br />

300 years old, are carried by all the Gentlemen.<br />

The Gentlemen are all retired officers, mainly from the Army but<br />

with two or three from the Royal Marines, who carry out their<br />

duties in addition to their normal civilian occupations. They are<br />

obliged to retire from the Body Guard on reaching the age of 70.<br />

Since 1856, when the award was instituted, twelve Gentlemen at<br />

Arms have been holders of the Victoria Cross.<br />

In 2002 Brigadier Roger Dillon (late Royal Marines) (O’60) was appointed to Her Majesty’s Body Guard of<br />

the Honourable Corps of Gentlemen at Arms. His uncle, the late Major Desmond Dillon DSC (O’35) also<br />

served in the Body Guard and is the officer on the left of the picture of the three Royal Marines members of<br />

the Body Guard in 1987.<br />

Her Majesty’s Body Guard of the Honourable Corps of Gentlemen at Arms provides a body guard to The<br />

Queen at many ceremonial occasions. These include attending the Sovereign at state arrivals of foreign Heads<br />

of State, the Garter service at Windsor, the State Opening of Parliament, and the evening reception held by the<br />

Sovereign for the Diplomatic Corps. In addition the Corps is on duty when the Sovereign attends services of<br />

the Order of Chivalry. The Gentlemen at Arms also attend the Queen’s garden parties where their task is to<br />

form the lanes through which the members of the Royal Family walk.<br />

The Honourable Corps was originally formed by King Henry VIII in 1509. Their role was to provide a mounted escort, armed with spear and lance,<br />

to protect the Sovereign in battle or on progress around the country. After 1526 the Corps began to do duty on foot, carrying a battle-axe as they still<br />

do today. The gentlemen at Arms last acted as a Royal body guard in battle in the Civil War in 1642-9.<br />

It would be interesting to know if any other ORs have been members of this distinguished body.<br />

21<br />


Thursday 1 st February 2007<br />

Sponsored by The Rt Hon Nick Raynsford MP (P’58)<br />

To launch the celebrations for the 450 th anniversary of the founding of <strong>Repton</strong><br />

Please book early as tickets are limited to 150


Legacy Giving<br />

<strong>Repton</strong> <strong>School</strong> is not richly endowed yet over the years the <strong>School</strong> has grown from strength to strength with<br />

generous support from Old <strong>Repton</strong>ians, parents and friends of the <strong>School</strong>. It is the intention of the Trustees to<br />

place bequests into the Endowment Fund, the income from which will pay for bursaries for pupils with<br />

exceptional talent and potential, but who otherwise would not be able to benefit from the ‘<strong>Repton</strong><br />

Experience’. If you wish your bequest to go to a particular project or department, then this is, of course,<br />

possible.<br />

The Sir John Port Society, in honour of the <strong>School</strong>’s founder in 1557, has been formed to recognise those<br />

who have indicated they will leave a bequest to The <strong>Repton</strong> Foundation. Until now the <strong>School</strong> has been<br />

unable to thank those who leave legacies in their lifetime. Membership of the Society will be confidential and<br />

members will be invited to an annual Sir John Port Society event.<br />

If you have included a legacy in your Will to the <strong>Repton</strong> Foundation, or are intending to do so, please let us know. This knowledge<br />

will be treated with the strictest confidence and it will assist and encourage us in our work in the promotion of The Sir John Port<br />

Society.<br />

The Sir John Port Society<br />

This year’s annual Sir John Port<br />

Society lunch was held on 17 th<br />

June and was attended by 25<br />

guests. A reception was held in<br />

the Garth followed by lunch in the<br />

Undercroft. During the reception<br />

the guests were entertained by the<br />

<strong>School</strong>’s Saxophone Quartet.<br />

Gifting Stocks and Shares<br />

Any quoted share can be gifted to<br />

a charity tax-free. Not only is the<br />

donation tax-free (potentially exempting donors from capital gains tax) but the value of the<br />

gift can be used to reduce income tax. For example, someone who earns £50,000 a year and<br />

gifts shares worth £10,000 to a charity pays income tax only on the remaining £40,000 –<br />

provided this donation is recorded on their self assessment form. The same rules apply to<br />

anyone donating holdings in unit trusts to a charity, as well as those gifting land. No CGT is<br />

payable and the value of the gift can be offset against income.<br />

Payroll Giving<br />

A number of ORs are making gifts to the Foundation through the scheme known as payroll giving or give as you earn. This is a<br />

method whereby you can make a regular donation to your chosen charity from your salary before tax is deducted so you get tax relief<br />

straight away. For example, if you are a higher rate taxpayer and you give £10 per month, it only costs you £6. Why not ask your<br />

finance department if they operate the payroll giving scheme.<br />

Matched Giving<br />

Some large companies, especially US firms, participate in ‘matched giving’ for their employees who give to charity. Under this<br />

scheme the company usually matches 1:1 the amount given by its employee. Please check whether your company offers this generous<br />

scheme and if so, please take advantage of it.<br />

Tax Repayments<br />

Your attention is drawn to a scheme that was introduced in April 2004 whereby individuals who complete a Self Assessment Tax<br />

Return are able to nominate a charity to receive all or part of any repayment due to them by completing a section on the tax return<br />

(19A) and stating the code of the chosen charity. The unique charity code for the <strong>Repton</strong> Foundation is: VAK21MG. May we<br />

encourage you to donate to the <strong>Repton</strong> Foundation any tax rebate you may be due, or a proportion of it, by completing the relevant<br />

section on your next tax return.<br />

22<br />

If you would like any further information about the <strong>Repton</strong> Foundation please contact the Foundation Director at the <strong>School</strong><br />

The <strong>Repton</strong> Foundation, 1 High Street, <strong>Repton</strong> Derbyshire DE65 6GD<br />

Tel: 01283 559249 Fax: 01283 559248 E Mail: foundation@repton.org.uk Registered Charity No 1067418<br />

Website: www.reptonfoundation.org.uk


Thank you to all the ORs who wrote or sent e mails about the Alpine Club photograph and also the photograph of Roy French’s<br />

Class. From the responses we have tried to identify those in the photographs. There will inevitably be errors for which we apologise.<br />

Edward Fletcher<br />

(B’47)<br />

Mike Allderidge (H’49) Graham Curtis Jenkins (C’48)<br />

Donald L Rogers (C’49)<br />

Michael Milford<br />

(Staff) Alan Knowles(H’48)<br />

John Rickett (H’49)<br />

Mike Morel (C’49)<br />

JamesLawson(B’48)<br />

David Wright (L’48) J Screeton (O’49)<br />

Brian Kemball Cook (Staff)<br />

Tim Scorer (O’54) Anthony Swift (O’55) or Paul Pickvance (L’55) Ian Smalley (P’54)<br />

Michael Black (O’53)<br />

John Litchfield (B’54)<br />

Peter Barber (M’51)<br />

Roger<br />

Pulvertaft (H’56)<br />

Ted Mott (H’56)<br />

Peter Schwind (B’55)<br />

Hugh Waters (M’54)<br />

23<br />

Michael Partridge<br />

(M’54)<br />

If you have any further comments or observations please pass them to the Assistant OR Secretary.

David J Jewell Headmaster 1979-1986<br />

Mike Stones writes:<br />


David Jewell came to <strong>Repton</strong> as Headmaster in January 1979 and remained here<br />

until the end of 1986 when he left to take up the equivalent post at Haileybury.<br />

During his reign <strong>Repton</strong> enjoyed a period of great success, becoming nationally<br />

recognised for the excellence of its tennis and thriving academically. The<br />

academic achievements improved under him to the point where in 1984<br />

<strong>Repton</strong>ians obtained 28 places at Oxbridge – unparalleled heights. Some of the<br />

success can be said to be attributed to his appointment of staff, particularly Heads<br />

of Department, although one of these sacked him from teaching chemistry!<br />

He is said to have trusted in the civilising benefits of games, music and fresh air.<br />

His enthusiasm for school sport could hardly have been greater. It is hardly<br />

surprising, therefore that in his Oxford days he represented his college at cricket,<br />

tennis and rugby. Though a rugby man himself, he hardly missed a minute of 1 st<br />

XI soccer matches. However, his first love was probably cricket, both watching<br />

and playing it. Perhaps this keenness was only matched by his joyous<br />

appreciation of all things musical, in particular choral singing; for in his time he<br />

had been a choral exhibitioner at St. John’s, Oxford. His lusty voice could often<br />

be heard belting out hymns in chapel or late evening renditions of Cornish songs.<br />

However, his favourite perhaps was sacred music for he was a devout Christian<br />

himself.<br />

Having been Head of Science at Eastbourne College, then on the staff at Winchester, he next became Deputy-Head at a<br />

comprehensive in Bristol before moving on to be Head at Bristol Cathedral <strong>School</strong>, then <strong>Repton</strong>. The experience he had to offer was<br />

wide and long marked him out from many of his colleagues. It paved the way for him to become chairman of the Headmaster’s<br />

Conference in 1990 during which time he lobbied the Conservative government to set up the Assisted Places Scheme and was often<br />

quoted in the press attacking meddlesome officialdom. After Haileybury, where he stayed for nearly a decade, he retired to his native<br />

Cornwall, though he was often to be seen at Old <strong>Repton</strong>ian events such as Gaudies.<br />

The <strong>Repton</strong>ian of 1987 described him as “first and foremost a publicist” for it is true to say that he cultivated relations with feeder<br />

Prep schools very well indeed. His membership of a large number of committees took him away from the school but meant that its<br />

name was well known, of course. In addition he was always well received by Old <strong>Repton</strong>ians. A good style of speaking, a ready fund<br />

of stories and a prodigious memory meant that ORs listened with pleasure at regional and annual dinners.<br />

He was never a snobbish man and tolerated fools or social climbers little. The <strong>Repton</strong> of his time was a lively school with clear<br />

parameters of what was expected of pupils and staff. He set standards high and strove to maintain them. He was not a man to be<br />

challenged either by staff or pupils and usually came out on top in any kind of contest, some of which were of his own making. There<br />

were controversial issues. There were bound to be, for he had restless energy and a vibrant strength which would seize upon an issue<br />

and grapple with it until it was solved. On the other hand he could be a great support to his staff and many could tell of his personal<br />

kindness and help. If he had not been a schoolmaster he said that he would have liked to have been a professional musician or maybe<br />

even a wine taster!<br />

His death at the age of 72 leaves behind his widow, Katharine, and their family of 4, three girls, of whom Tamsin and Sarah came to<br />

<strong>Repton</strong>, and a boy. The loving and lovely way in which they all looked after their handicapped son, Johnny, was proof of how closeknit<br />

a family they were. His period here was described as “an exciting and stimulating 7 years.”<br />

Bruce W Morrison-Story (N’36)<br />

His son Peter writes:<br />

It is with much regret that I write to inform you of the death of my father Bruce William Morrison-Story, New House 1936-1940 after<br />

being tragically hit by a car which was reversing out of a no parking area on Easter Sunday. My father suffered a broken femur and<br />

after an operation developed complications and quickly passed away on April 21 st .<br />

My father often spoke about his days at <strong>Repton</strong> and looked upon them with much fondness. He was a member of the 1 st XI in football<br />

and cricket and also won boxing medals. He often reminisced about the time he appeared with other boys in the <strong>School</strong> in the film<br />

Goodbye Mr Chips which was made at <strong>Repton</strong> in the 1930’s. My father was set to enter the Royal College of Engineering in London<br />

when he left <strong>Repton</strong>, but unfortunately was robbed of this opportunity by the 2 nd World War. He joined the 53 rd Squadron Coastal<br />

Command of the RAF in July 1940 and had various postings. He spent most of his time in Iceland where the Squadron had the task of<br />

protecting the allied convoys on their journeys to Iceland.<br />

After the War he could not settle down. He lived in the Bristol area and worked for Bristol Industries as a sales rep. In 1950 he<br />


OBITUARIES continued<br />

decided to book a passage on the Dominion Monarch passenger ship to New Zealand where he obtained employment with the New<br />

Zealand Tourist Board and saw a lot of the country taking people on tours. He fell in love with New Zealand and married and settled<br />

there in 1952. He lived in Wellington, residing in Eastbourne, where he worked for Lever Brothers as a sales rep and then moved on<br />

to positions with Dulux and ended his working life as Training Manager for ICI in 1983. He was heavily involved in the community<br />

and over the years was president of the local Eastbourne Lions Club, president and coach of Eastbourne AFC. He and his wife<br />

Patricia moved to Waikanae in 1989 where he was a member of the local Probus Club and was president of the Waikanae<br />

Horticultural Society. He was a devout Catholic, a faith to which he converted in 1953, and gave wonderful service to both the<br />

Eastbourne and Waikanae Parish churches. My father was a very proud Englishman and was very proud of his <strong>Repton</strong> ties.<br />

He is survived by his wife Patricia, his daughter Anne and sons Michael, Mark and Peter. He will be sorely missed.<br />

Priory<br />

1929 B L L Reuss June <strong>2006</strong><br />

1945 W D Bullock 25 th July <strong>2006</strong><br />

Hall<br />

1921 T H Tilly <strong>2006</strong><br />

1923 C E F Trench <strong>2006</strong><br />

1923 D H Spence 23 rd April <strong>2006</strong><br />

1925 J D Banks 11 th August <strong>2006</strong><br />

1932 J P Foster 6 th May <strong>2006</strong><br />

1935 A E V M Bellars 13 th April <strong>2006</strong><br />

1945 D H J Williams 7 th July <strong>2006</strong><br />

1946 J K Crookshank 1 st May <strong>2006</strong><br />

1939 G M Graham 15 th July <strong>2006</strong><br />

Mitre<br />

1930 D R Atkins 27 th April <strong>2006</strong><br />

1941 M G Maynard April <strong>2006</strong><br />

New<br />

1936 B W Morrison-Story 17 th April <strong>2006</strong><br />


PIGEON POST Letters to the Editors<br />

This photograph was sent from Brazil by Rodney Jupp<br />

(L’38):<br />

The two umpires shown are A P Singleton (on the left) and J D Eggar,<br />

and Mr Jupp is fairly certain that the occasion was the Shrewsbury<br />

match of 1939. <strong>Repton</strong> won the match by four wickets as early as 3.30<br />

pm, Shrewsbury having been bowled out for 104, but then unusually<br />

continued batting to 206 for 6. The fact that the game had already been<br />

decided may explain why both umpires were <strong>Repton</strong> masters; or did<br />

they not have neutral umpires in those days?<br />

“Sandy” Singleton (incidentally an Old Salopian who was born at<br />

<strong>Repton</strong>) was master in charge of cricket in 1939 and John Eggar was in<br />

his first year on the staff. After the war Eggar returned to <strong>Repton</strong> and<br />

took over as cricket master, laying the foundations for <strong>Repton</strong>’s<br />

cricketing success in the second half of the century. He remained at<br />

<strong>Repton</strong> until 1963 when he took over as Headmaster of Shiplake<br />

College. Singleton did not take up his old job, but after a season<br />

captaining Worcestershire in 1946, he went to Rhodesia where he taught<br />

at Peterhouse <strong>School</strong>. He died in Australia in 1999.<br />

25<br />

J F M Walker (H’46 & Ex Staff)<br />

1939 R N Stephenson 13 th August <strong>2006</strong><br />

1944 M N Mosley 2 nd May <strong>2006</strong><br />

Brook<br />

1936 Colonel D Hamilton RAMC 24 th May <strong>2006</strong><br />

1939 A G Foucard MC 23 rd August <strong>2006</strong><br />

1942 A I E Glaister 15 th November 2005<br />

Cross<br />

1932 P G Bird 18 th August <strong>2006</strong><br />

1947 A G Pratt 17 th April <strong>2006</strong><br />

Orchard<br />

1945 D B Kilvington 10 th March <strong>2006</strong><br />

Foremarke Betty Jackson May <strong>2006</strong><br />

(Wife of Ken Jackson, Head of Foremarke 1947-1960)<br />

Former Staff<br />

David J Jewell Headmaster 1979 - 1986 21 st May <strong>2006</strong><br />

T Burc hell 7 th July <strong>2006</strong>

PIGEON POST Letters to the Editors continued<br />

F John Cann (O’49) from Devizes, Wiltshire writes by e mail:<br />

Dear Editor,<br />

I was most interested to see John Lowles's article and photo (page 20) in the latest edition of The Arch. I recognised the photo<br />

immediately as I have a copy of it (somewhere) and I am also in it - the one this side with the ramming rod under his arm. I do<br />

remember that we gave a fair old blast to those sitting on the ruins. Len Hollins who was our officer in charge was not amused.<br />

Like John Knowles I too went into the regular army doing a full term, and like John I too joined the infantry - The Devonshire and<br />

Dorset Regiment - rather than the gunners.<br />

Graham Curtis Jenkins (C’48) from Staines, Middlesex writes by e mail:<br />

Dear Chris,<br />

I liked the latest edition of the Arch. Re page 20; I was the one who shouted out "fire" in the 1953 parade which was the first time the<br />

25 Pounder was displayed and I was meant to be in charge of the section. That year we made a big bang but as far as I know did not<br />

shower the audience. We also managed to cut off the electricity supply to a lot of the village when the barrel of the gun hit a pylon as<br />

we were driving it around the parade ground during rehearsals. I remember well the very satisfying firework display which occurred<br />

as a result of our mishap. I also remember the finger pinching episode very well. It was astonishing how the completely flattened<br />

fingers returned to normal and was deeply impressed by the pale green colour of poor Kerry's face.<br />

I was also on the Snowdon trip that you had a picture of. It was a marvellous experience. The person on the left in the second row<br />

sitting down is John Rickett; next to him is David Wright. The person standing in the third row with the rather fetching snood is<br />

Mike Morel. Behind him on his left shoulder is Rodgers and behind him on his left shoulder is myself wearing the cap. At the very<br />

back standing highest of all is Wattie Fletcher. I think Mooney Mike is the master leaning on the wall in front of him and I think the<br />

bespectacled master in the middle is Kemble Cook, the Head of Classics. There was a visiting American student who managed to<br />

climb the whole way up the path to the top of Snowdon on his hands and knees as he didn't have a very good head for heights. The<br />

big excitement was that we found the names of all the group who had climbed Everest in June that year in the Alpine hut visitors’<br />

book. We also spent a lot of time trying to climb the rock face on the right of the picture, I was hopeless but I remember Mike Morel<br />

went up it like an expert.<br />

Tim J Holloway (L’48) from Churchill, Oxfordshire writes:<br />

Dear Mike,<br />

John Lowles’ piece in The Arch entitled “Why I did not join the Gunners” brought back happy memories for me. I was also a<br />

member of the 25 pounder squad at the time and being something of an academic “under achiever” at <strong>Repton</strong> it was a real boost to be<br />

in the Corps team and charging around with the gun on Speech Day was just great fun. That year – I think 1951 – Corps camp was at<br />

Eaton Hall and we all travelled by special train from Willington to Chester. A group of us went to Oswestry to the Royal Artillery<br />

barracks to see for ourselves how gun drill was done by the professionals. I was terrified to witness the harshness of the regime and<br />

when my turn came to join up for National Service I got into an infantry regiment which was tough enough. As I had real problems<br />

with Maths I had thought that the RA might be a helpful way forward, despite Len Hollins’ valiant efforts with private coaching.<br />

I will always be grateful to <strong>Repton</strong> for arranging for me to take O level Maths with the rest of the <strong>School</strong> after I had served Queen and<br />

Country (for quite a while as a pay clerk!), and I came back to <strong>Repton</strong> sitting at the back of Pears <strong>School</strong> to take the exam with the<br />

rest of the boys – amazingly I passed and went on to qualify as a Chartered Auctioneer – thence a Chartered Surveyor. With regard to<br />

“TLT”, I regarded him as a kind and re-assuring headmaster.<br />

R Hugh Bliss (H/L’46) from Harlow, Essex writes:<br />

Dear Sir,<br />

Three items in the recent edition of The Arch struck many chords with me. The first was the new Society President’s introduction to<br />

himself, which so closely mirrored my own experiences.<br />

Throughout the 2 nd World War I had attended a newly started prep school in North Wiltshire, well away from the worst of the bombs<br />

and air raids. Indeed we had been on holiday near Hadrian’s Wall when war was declared, and never returned to our pre-war home in<br />

Wallington, Surrey because my parents felt it was too close to the then London airport at Croydon for safety. By March 1940 they<br />

had found a former large farmhouse 5 miles outside Swindon in Wiltshire, and that was my home for the next 13 years.<br />


PIGEON POST Letters to the Editors continued<br />

Enough of the personal background. In April 1946 my prep school (Purton Stoke) moved to a grand former stately house near<br />

Kintbury in Berkshire, where the top year boys spent the last week of the holidays to help get everything set up ready for the start of<br />

term. Two or three weeks later I took my common entrance exam to Marlborough, which I failed miserably. My Headmaster, Mr<br />

Clark, promptly did the rounds and a couple of weeks later I was offered a place at <strong>Repton</strong>, in The Hall (A-K) on the condition that I<br />

would move to Latham when that reopened a year later after being closed in the war.<br />

I joined John Eggar’s house in September 1946 just in time for the dreadful winter of January –March 1947. The snow was so heavy<br />

that the village was cut off at times and we all skated on the Old Trent behind The Hall every day for more than 8 weeks. No fancy<br />

ice skates though, just a pair of blades recovered from a bomb site somewhere which were then screwed onto the bottom of a pair of<br />

army surplus boots. And when the thaw came the Trent flooded so badly that the causeway road surface was stripped completely off<br />

its foundations and flipped upside down into the downstream fields in huge lengths.<br />

Like our President I too was placed in the lowest class, but was lucky enough to be moved up to the Remove after my first term. This<br />

enabled me to move up to the 5 th form for <strong>School</strong> Certificate a year early when I got good results in everything except languages,<br />

which I failed abysmally and repeatedly failed 5 more times, before a place at Balliol Oxford was dependant on credits in Latin and<br />

French. I passed both 3 weeks later. A lesson there?!<br />

But I get ahead of myself. In September 1947 I moved as one of the first boys into the reopened Latham House. And very glad I was<br />

to move too, as my first year in A-K had been very far from happy. Echoes of Tony Houghton’s reactions (letters Arch May <strong>2006</strong>) as<br />

his experiences were exactly mine in The Hall. But I differ from him in that the regime under BWT at Latham was much less<br />

intimidating than it had been for me in The Hall. On the other hand I couldn’t agree more with his summary of the perceived<br />

prowess pyramid at that time – Sport, Christianity and the Corps, with music as a fall back. As I was a low average sportsman, a<br />

rebel, thoroughly untidy (I still am) and totally unmusical, I had to find other outlets and was the instigator of the construction of the<br />

Latham House stage. This was made from lengths of wood from all the wire netting surrounding the playing fields next to the house –<br />

wherever there was a spar which had fallen down or was loose and serving no useful purpose, it mysteriously disappeared during the<br />

night to reappear the following day (courtesy of BWT’s Nelsonian eyes!) as a strut in our dining room proscenium, backdrop or<br />

wings. These all had to be assembled and removed for every rehearsal or performance so that the long dining tables could be replaced<br />

ready for breakfast the following morning. Quite an undertaking!<br />

Unlike Colonel John Lowles (Why I did not join the Gunners – The Arch May <strong>2006</strong>) I took the opposite view for my National<br />

Service. I was a weak swimmer so the Navy was out; my coordination would not be good enough for flying, so no RAF; which left<br />

the Army. But why march and run everywhere when you could travel in a vehicle with a gun on the back? So I joined the Royal<br />

Artillery. I started my training with John Baxter (C’46), where he was Gunner Baxter 22593914 and I was Gunner Bliss 22593915.<br />

Basic training was no picnic though with Olympic and international runner Christopher Chataway setting the standard in our intake!<br />

Finally, several years later in 1964, I was being interviewed for a significant promotion into county level administration of the<br />

education service. One of the panel (Mr Parker – Staff 1950’s) asked me what I thought of the idea of admitting girls to <strong>Repton</strong>. As<br />

the idea had never crossed my mind until that second, I hastily replied “It would certainly be a break with tradition and cause a few<br />

changes!” I believe that answer got me the job and that my prediction has, thankfully, been proved completely correct.<br />

Brian H Marshall (L’57) from Biggleswade, Bedfordshire writes:<br />

Dear Mike Stones, Chris Charter and Headmaster Robert Holroyd,<br />

This is a very sincere thank you to you all for organising such a successful and wonderful Gaudy on 10 th June <strong>2006</strong>. Our year (1957)<br />

from Latham got together and we had a great day. We are already planning a reunion at <strong>Repton</strong> next year for the 450 th Anniversary.<br />

The <strong>School</strong> looks fantastic, a real picture of high standards, in both building and ground upkeep. The whole atmosphere is one of<br />

success and happiness, a highly civilised corner of education in all its meaning.<br />

The lunch was excellent but the Headmaster’s speech was quite outstanding – a few minutes of passion and energy, all put together in<br />

a brilliantly structured speech – without a note. Many congratulations Headmaster. I felt so proud of being an Old <strong>Repton</strong>ian and<br />

sharing such a special day with my contemporaries. My three nieces who came to <strong>Repton</strong> in late 1980’s – 1990’s loved it. I am<br />

pleased to have recommended <strong>Repton</strong>.<br />

Finally, I would like to pay a special tribute and thanks to many current students who came up to me and my fellow ORs, and talked<br />

about their experiences at <strong>Repton</strong> <strong>School</strong> today. They are proud of how things are going, particularly over the last 4 years. My visit<br />

to Latham House was equally rewarding.<br />

In conclusion I would like to thank you all, the President, Chairman Robert Bond, and all those involved, including the pupils who<br />

looked after us all so well at lunch, for a most wonderful, unforgettable day for the <strong>2006</strong> Gaudy. I would like to help you all in<br />

whatever way I can to keep <strong>Repton</strong> <strong>School</strong> at the front line of education.<br />


PIGEON POST Letters to the Editors continued<br />

His Hon Roger Cooke (O’53) from Baldock, Hertfordshire writes:<br />

Dear Editors,<br />

The <strong>School</strong> Motto<br />

I expect you will have lots of comments on John Hunt and Christopher Frayling’s letters. So far as I am aware the definitive version<br />

of the motto story is at page 211 of Bernard Thomas’ <strong>Repton</strong> 1557-1957 which was published for the quartercentenary.<br />

In fairly short summary the story is this: The motto is one half of a classical quotation (Ovid – Fasti). The complete quotation reads<br />

‘porta vacat culpa; sed tamen omen habet’. My fairly rough non classicist translation of that would be “the gate is not to blame but<br />

yet it has (?carries) an omen.<br />

The explanation of this fairly obscure comment is that a Roman clan (the Fabii) marched out through one of the city gates to do battle<br />

and were subsequently wiped out by the same enemy. So it would follow that bad luck attached to going out through that gate but it<br />

was not the gate’s fault (how it could be the gate’s fault I do not know!)<br />

In the 1880’s a member of the classical staff was reading this passage to his class and made a punning allusion to Sir John Port and<br />

the Arch. It looks as if the joke caught on and one of the staff was responsible for the phrase appearing as the motto which it did from<br />

about 1882 onwards. As appears, I think both John Hunt’s version and Christopher Frayling’s version are legitimate.<br />

[Editor’s note: The provenance of ‘Porta Vacat Culpa is stated in Macdonald’s History of <strong>Repton</strong> and repeated in Bernard Thomas’s<br />

book as stated by Roger Cooke.]<br />

John D Handford (O’47) from Hook, Hampshire writes by e mail:<br />

Dear Chris,<br />

I note from the new Arch that someone wants an OR blazer. I haven’t a blazer but I have an OR blazer badge and a set of buttons<br />

(rather tarnished). If any OR would like to make a small donation to the <strong>Repton</strong> Foundation, I’d be delighted to pass them on.<br />

[Editor’s note: if any OR is interested please contact the OR Secretary.]<br />

David C Taylor (L’47) from New South Wales, Australia writes:<br />

Dear Mr Charter,<br />

I am writing regarding the Report on the 2005 Bernard Darwin Trophy in the May <strong>2006</strong> edition of The Arch where it is stated that<br />

<strong>Repton</strong> reached the Final for only the 2 nd time in the history of the competition and that the only other appearance in the Final was in<br />

1971.<br />

I would like to extend our heartiest congratulations to Patrick Franklin-Adams and his team but it is only fair to point out that the<br />

<strong>Repton</strong>ian Bernard Darwin Team of 1985 also reached the Final where they sadly succumbed to a very strong Wellington side 2 ½ -<br />

½ .<br />

[Editor’s note: David Taylor was the Captain of the 1985 <strong>Repton</strong> Bernard Darwin Team]<br />

Toby A Fricker (P’88) from Uganda writes by e mail:<br />

Dear Mr Stones,<br />

I want to give you some feedback on how, thanks to the overseas links page in The Arch, I have recently been in touch with Mark<br />

Dudley (P’91) who has been extremely helpful with my imminent move to Kampala, Uganda. I contacted Mark when it first looked<br />

like me and my girlfriend had an opportunity of moving to Uganda. Since then Mark has very kindly offered assistance and I met his<br />

sister and parents when I was in Kampala a few weeks ago. There is even the possibility that I may now help them with their sports<br />

charity working in Uganda.<br />

My partner has a job working at a hospital in Uganda and I work as a freelance television director. I am hoping to get some projects<br />

off the ground when I get to Kampala and I am also looking at the possibility of working with an organisation to advocate, lobby and<br />

act to end the ongoing conflict in the north of the country. We aim to document exactly what’s happening on the ground in this area.<br />

I wanted to just let you know how useful the contact with Mark has been and how without the overseas links page I may never have<br />

got in touch with Mark.<br />


PIGEON POST Letters to the Editors continued<br />

POTTS of LEEDS Five Generations of Clockmakers by Michael Potts (C’54)<br />

This post card of the engine No 7093 Foremarke Hall was sent in by<br />

Tim Vale (O’48). He had the pleasure of a journey on the<br />

Gloucestershire Warwickshire Railway and this engine pulled the train.<br />

ERRATA<br />

The Editors apologise for the error in the article by the President<br />

in the May edition in which Lynam Thomas was referred to as<br />

Lionel Thomas. This was an error in the proof reading. Several<br />

ORs pointed out this mistake – if nothing else it does show that<br />

the articles are read thoroughly.<br />


The Potts family originated in the Northeast of England, with Robert Potts working in<br />

Darlington and later at Keighley in Yorkshire. William Potts was apprenticed in<br />

Darlington, but moved to Pudsey and then to Leeds in 1862. Together with three sons he<br />

established a business making turret clocks and dial clocks which can still be found in<br />

public buildings and churches throughout the British Isles and overseas. Clocks were<br />

supplied to churches, town halls, schools, libraries and railway companies from the<br />

Channel Islands to Shetland, including every English county and especially in the north<br />

of England. Clocks were exported to countries comprising the former British Empire,<br />

Argentina and Russia. William Potts & Sons became one of the most important makers<br />

of turret clocks in Britain, making the largest mechanical clock outside London, and was<br />

the last firm of clockmakers to receive the Royal Warrant from Queen Victoria. The<br />

author traces the clockmaking activities of five consecutive generations of his family<br />

from 1790 to 1958, including the development of the business and, in particular, the<br />

turret clocks which have survived to the present day. The book contains a wealth of<br />

information about the larger clocks made by William Potts & Sons as well as by Charles<br />

Potts & Company. There is a directory of over 1,600 public clocks by Potts showing<br />

when and where they were installed as well as a brief specification. This book includes<br />

over 700 illustrations, many of them contempory photographs of Potts clocks in their<br />

hey-day. The firm's catalogues have been reproduced to indicate the wide range of<br />

domestic clocks they manufactured and sold through the retail shop in Leeds. There is<br />

also a guide to the different types of dials and hands used by Potts on their turret clocks. The book is a comprehensive study of<br />

hitherto unpublished material relating to the clocks made by the Potts family.<br />

The Author: Michael Potts was born in Sheffield in 1938 and educated at Hilton College in South Africa and at <strong>Repton</strong>. He qualified<br />

as a Chartered Accountant in London in 1963 and, after two years in Dublin, settled on the Wirral in 1970. His professional career<br />

spanned the North of England and, after discovering the existence of the former family business in Leeds, he set about discovering the<br />

origins of his clockmaking roots. For over twenty years he has been compiling a history of five generations of his family who were<br />

involved in clockmaking, and has travelled the length and breadth of Britain and to many countries overseas searching for surviving<br />

Potts clocks. He retired from professional practice in 1992. He is currently Pro-Chancellor of The University of Liverpool and became<br />

a Deputy Lieutenant of the County of Merseyside in 2000.<br />

ISBN 0 9523270 8 2 £45<br />

29<br />

Have you returned your form for the <strong>School</strong> Register 2007 and sent in your order for the<br />

publication ‘<strong>Repton</strong> to the End’?


We are publishing below a full list of those <strong>Repton</strong>ians who have volunteered to be ‘Overseas Links’. We are very grateful to those<br />

who have volunteered, but there are many gaps in the list of countries for which we have Links. If you would be willing to act as an<br />

Overseas Link in a country not already covered, please contact Mike Stones/Chris Charter at: or@repton.org.uk<br />

Country Overseas Link House/Year Contact Details<br />

America:<br />

Ohio Douglas Balchan Orchard ’71 + 1 937 322 2040 DJBalchan@aol.com<br />

Arizona Mike Jolley Orchard ’46 + 1 520 529 9562 MnJJolley@aol.com<br />

Washington Christopher Huson Hall ’72 + 1 206 860 6807 mrhuson@mindspring.com<br />

Texas Shaheen Ladhani Cross ’89 + 1 713 348 5716 shaheen@rice.edu<br />

North Carolina Paul Elliott Mitre ’90 + 1 704 756 6981 pelliott@evergreeninvestments.com<br />

North Carolina Russell Elliott Mitre ’93 + 1 704 756 6981 Russell_Elliott@irco.com<br />

New York Anthony Edgar Orchard ’90 + 1 212 988 2602 ajedgar@mac.com<br />

Florida Andy Hilton Brook ’68 + 1 863 853 5850 andyh@totallybrilliant.com<br />

Australia:<br />

Victoria Vanessa Twigg Abbey ’76 + 61 394 121 206 vanessatwigg@optusnet.com.au<br />

New South Wales Lloyd Berger Priory ’71 + 61 2 9337 4081 lloyd.berger@bgih.com.au<br />

Perth Frank Smith Orchard ‘53 + 61 8 9364 6875 frank@happygardener.com.au<br />

Queensland John Reddington Brook ’42 + 61 7 3808 3249 jm_reddington@yahoo.co.uk<br />

Bulgaria Baktash Manavi Hall ’82 +35 9298 70125 baktash@baktaskmanavi.com<br />

Canada:<br />

Western Canada David Laing Latham ’70 + 1 604 925 3113 dlaing@endeavourfinancial.com<br />

Alberta Rev Martin Hattersley Orchard ’46 + 1 780 423 4081 hattersleyjm@interbaun.com<br />

Ontario Edward Budd Brook ’38 + 1 905 468 2241<br />

Chile Nicholas Ibanez Scott Latham ’70 + 56 2 216 8820 nico@tokerau.com<br />

China Jipeng Li Field ’97 07855 237559 lijipengcn@yahoo.com<br />

Cyprus Richard Sale Hall ’61 +357 25434165 rsale@spidernet.com.cy<br />

Denmark Mathilde Juul Abbey ’91 + 45 3555 6490 miss@matty.dk<br />

East Africa Mark Dudley Priory ’91 markdudley@blueyonder.co.uk<br />

East Africa (Kenya) Philip Hechle Hall ’50 hechle@wananchi.com<br />

East/South Germany James R Chapman Hall ’83 jim@chapmans.de<br />

France Rev James Barnett Hall ’57 + 33 5 46 94 99 25 James.Barnett@wanadoo.fr<br />

Hong Kong: Eddie Niem Latham ’66 + 852 2873 8118 niemeyf@netvigator.com<br />

David Poon Hall ’85 + 852 9252 2128 dgkpoon@netvigator.com<br />

Italy Julie Daniels Abbey ’89 + 39 0583 23675 info@juliedaniels.com<br />

Madagascar Laurie Boswell New ’55 + 261 20 86 61711 laurie.boswell@unima.mg<br />

Mallorca Jonny Greenall Orchard ’89 + 34 629 882090 jonnyg@propilots.net<br />

Mexico Carole Peon (Nee Milnes) Abbey ’84 +52 55 5202 0707 carole.milnes@usa.net<br />

Myanmar Philip Dews Brook ’45 + 951 293815 myanmardirectory.org.uk<br />

New Zealand Richard Hedley Hall ’66 + 64 9 277 6577 r-s.hedley@xtra.co.nz<br />

Nigeria Ibrahim Dikko New ’83 + 234 1 4618281 Ext 1804 ibrahimd@resourcery.com.ng<br />

Northern Germany Martin Robinshaw Latham ’77 + 49 541 185090 m.robinshaw@webde.com<br />

Norway David Llewelyn Orchard ’63 + 47 51 571930 davidlle@online.no<br />

Philippines Paul Bleckly Cross ’67 + 63 2 753 1489 bceurasia@pacific.net.ph<br />

Poland & Christopher Zeuner Hall ’91 + 48 22 370 58 55 christopher.zeuner@ge.com<br />

Czech Republic, Hungary & Russia<br />

Republic of Ireland Brian O’Neill Mitre ’49 + 353 1 285 9663 bandhoneill@eircom.net<br />

Singapore Mark Verheyen Cross ’77 + 65 6466 3279 mverheyen@signet.com.sg<br />

South Africa (Cape Town) Ryan Brews Mitre’00 + 27 21 531 7206 ryanb@symetrix.co.za<br />

South Africa (Natal) John Hunt Hall ’46 + 27 +33 +3433835 warthog@sai.co.za<br />

Spain (Madrid) John Wilcox Mitre ’82 +34 91 4153415 jdw@fidentiis.com<br />

Spain (Madrid) Luke Allen Orchard ’87 +34 91 366 1378 / +34 654 328 577(M) luke@quova.com<br />

Tanzania Charles Adeogun-Phillips Orchard ’83 +255 27 256 5329 adeogun@un.org<br />

Thailand Jom Salakshana Mitre ’86 + 66 2 331 9053 salakshana@netscape.net<br />

Ukraine Alan Croft Latham ’56 + 380 8 067482 1087 alan.croft@paco.net<br />

United Arab Emirates Charles Neil Priory ’65 +9714 362 2238 Charles.Neil@difc.ae<br />

West Indies (Cayman Charles Reid Hall ’64 bracmed@candw.ky<br />

Islands)<br />

West Indies (Jamaica) Gordon Sharp Priory ’54 + 1 876 986 2870 gsharp@cwjamaica.com<br />

West Indies (Barbados) James Elliot Mitre ’68 +246 427 9356 james@ellcorentals.com<br />

West Germany Severin Zilg Mitre ’01 +49 6201 15807 severin.zilg@epost.de<br />

Note: If you require a postal address for any of the Overseas Links please contact the OR Secretary.<br />



Improvements at both <strong>Repton</strong> and Foremarke have continued apace over the last 12 months. At Foremarke the final phase of the Pre Prep was<br />

completed on budget and on schedule and came into use in January. As reported in the May edition of The Arch the building was officially opened<br />

by Sir Richard Morris in the Lent Term. There can be little doubt that Foremarke now has the best facilities for 2-7 years olds in the region. Having<br />

set an enviable standard in the Pre Prep sights have now moved further up the school.<br />

This Summer’s major task has been the addition of an extension to the Tom Davies Building (formerly know as New Block). The extension has<br />

provided brand new changing facilities for the boys and girls of Lower <strong>School</strong> (ages 7-10), which will leave more space for the seniors in the main<br />

changing rooms (and their renovation in due course). In addition, there are some smart new classrooms on the first floor.<br />

At <strong>Repton</strong>, following on from the refurbishment of The Cross, Mitre, Priory, and Latham, it was Orchard’s<br />

turn this year. Whilst there was no need for an extension this time, there was still a lot of work to be done in<br />

parts of the House, re-distributing toilets and shower facilities and creating more single-bedrooms to respond<br />

to the needs of the sixth form. Abbey next!<br />

After many many years in a semi-derelict state, the Old Mitre West Wing became the centre of attention this<br />

year. Thanks to the imagination of the <strong>School</strong>’s architect, Tony Simms, it has been converted into a modern<br />

teaching block which houses the whole of the English department. With good sized, light and airy<br />

classrooms, with all new furniture, and integral departmental office, Ian McClary, the new Head of English is<br />

delighted with the outcome. Despite the provision of modern facilities including data-projectors in all<br />

classrooms, the character of the building has been retained. The JCR has also benefited, with a court-yard<br />

having been created that provides access to the English Department during the day, and an extension to the old<br />

JCR garden on an evening. The building was opened on Speech Day by Tony Wilkinson DL (L’51).<br />

The re-location of the English department has<br />

enabled some rationalisation of other departments and the Summer saw a lot of work<br />

refurbishing other classrooms and re-locating teachers, with the biggest moves being<br />

the Economics and Business Studies department moving into the former Geography<br />

block and the Geographers moving into the Court Room.<br />

At the time of writing another major project is<br />

coming to and end: the refurbishment of the Old<br />

Priory. This has been a challenging project, not<br />

surprising considering it is a Grade I Listed<br />

building. Like the Old Mitre West Wing, the<br />

intention has been to provide a modern facility<br />

whilst retaining the character and fabric of the old<br />

building. Despite a lot of repair work, the outside<br />

looks barely changed, the most obvious<br />

improvement being the Causey which is no longer a<br />

nightmare for ladies in high heels or on wet days! Internally the major task was to strengthen the floor of the<br />

Hunter Gallery to enable more books to be made available. Overall the project has been a great success, with much<br />

improved library facilities, including an IT room. The teaching staff are also better served, with their own IT work<br />

room and updated meeting and relaxation areas.<br />

I think that 2005/6 has been the busiest period for improvement works in recent years, but there is little time to draw breath as planning has already<br />

started on the extension and refurbishment of the Abbey (which will be a big job) and the conversion of the Old Squash Courts into a new gallery<br />

and textiles studio for the Art Department.<br />

Carl Bilson – Bursar<br />

The Chapel<br />


I do most of my shopping in <strong>Repton</strong>. The man in the supermarket calls me “Duck”. The lady in the Post Office calls me “My Darling” which I like<br />

even better. The butcher calls me “Young Man”. I know he doesn’t mean it but to a close to 40 year old it’s immensely flattering! In fact, he calls<br />

all his customers “Young Man” whether they are 5 or 80! In the Post Office the lady is not singling me out for special attention – all her customers<br />

are welcomed with that same warmth. These little endearments make my day – they uplift the routines of my life and put a spring in my step. When<br />

I was growing up in Lancashire I was “Love” and in the midst of my Geordie family I was always “Pet”. These little words give us a sense of<br />

belonging – a sense of community – a feeling of being known.<br />

There can be no greater symbol of our <strong>School</strong> community than the Chapel. A reminder that, regardless of which House we belong to or when we<br />

were here – we are always part of a “greater whole” – we are <strong>Repton</strong>ians. The Chapel is also a reminder of how we live a life in two halves – one<br />

foot in the marketplace and one foot in the desert. We have to find a balance between being Worldly and being reflective people of God. There is<br />

great tension in that balance. We need both but without the desert we are unsafe in the marketplace. Our Chapel gives us that place of retreat from<br />

term or from our lives when we leave <strong>Repton</strong>. From our times in Chapel we return to the World with new eyes.<br />

This past year many of our speakers have been drawn from secular employment. They have come to tell us about the inspiration God gives to their<br />

working lives. Detective Superintendent Bob Helm spoke to us about facing Evil, Shannon Ledbetter of God and being in the World of modelling,<br />

David Griffiths (OR) reflected on the significance of the Parable of The Prodigal Son in his life as a Stockbroker and Lawyer. We hope more ORs<br />

might return and share with us the experiences which have shaped their lives. Adam Watkinson - Chaplain<br />


Jazz Band in the Caribbean - March <strong>2006</strong><br />

SCHOOL NEWS continued<br />

A reception at Government House and an informal concert in a Caribbean<br />

hotel were among the experiences that <strong>Repton</strong> <strong>School</strong> Jazz Band enjoyed<br />

during an Easter holiday trip to the Cayman Islands.<br />

The band, made up of 10 pupils and three staff, Team Leader and Coordinator<br />

of Popular Music Richard Fairbrother, Assistant Director of Music<br />

Jeremy Rouse and Head of Mathematics Mark Sanderson, was formed in<br />

1998 with a repertoire that comprises of traditional jazz, swing, hip-hop and<br />

Latin numbers.<br />

Pre-tour rehearsals and all travel arrangements went to plan and the <strong>Repton</strong><br />

party arrived in the western Caribbean islands to be greeted by a welcome<br />

pizza party and - not quite so easy to handle - 30 degrees of heat.<br />

Next day, following rehearsals in the George Hicks Secondary <strong>School</strong>, the<br />

party went to Government House. The evening began with a performance by<br />

the Cayman National Concert Band, The Swing Rays, followed by a short<br />

speech by Richard Fairbrother to introduce the Jazz Band and to thank the<br />

Governor for his hospitality. The band proceeded to give the first of many top<br />

class performances during the tour to a very appreciative audience of distinguished guests and island dignitaries.<br />

This concert generated much interest in the band and it made front page of the Cayman Net News the following day. Media attention became<br />

commonplace – as the week progressed, it was not unusual for a film crew to turn up to record footage of the band for Cayman’s TV News Channel<br />

and local people and tourists soon began to recognise and greet the <strong>Repton</strong> party as it travelled around<br />

On Sunday morning at the Elmslie Church in George Town Jeremy Rouse directed the Cayman Choir singing If Ye Love Me, Steel Away and In<br />

God’s Word We Will Rejoice.<br />

Tuesday was meant to have been a rehearsal day but Richard Fairbrother responded to a request from a young musician to organise a workshop.<br />

<strong>Repton</strong> staff quickly organized an activity that was able to integrate Caymanian vocalists and percussionists with Jazz Band. After an hour’s intense<br />

rehearsal this piece was performed for a TV crew with footage being broadcast on the evening news.<br />

Wednesday was an incredibly busy day. It commenced with the George Hicks Swing Band rehearsal, followed by a short performance and then<br />

another workshop. Next came a 40-minute performance at the St Ignatius Catholic <strong>School</strong> for the Senior <strong>School</strong> Assembly, where soloists received<br />

rapturous applause. In the afternoon the <strong>Repton</strong> party offered advice to the St Ignatius players with all Jazz Band players showing a keen interest in<br />

teaching musicianship skills to others. In the evening the Hyatt Hotel provided a more intimate venue and the band played through the sunset in the<br />

warm evening, the majority of guests listening from the comfort of their<br />

balconies.<br />

The last performance was another 40-minute set to 300 prep school pupils from<br />

most of the island’s schools. OR Jonelle Ebanks introduced the band and Patrick<br />

McConvey introduced the songs and individual band members, asking them to<br />

identify their instrument with a small demo of its characteristics at the start of<br />

each number. Given that the band had been playing well all week, this<br />

performance just reached new heights in technical expertise and musicianship.<br />

Solos came thick and fast from Patrick McConvey, Victoria North, Dan Reeve,<br />

Edwin Hillier, Ayane Fujiwara, and of course, from Richard Fairbrother.<br />

There was some time for leisure during the week with highlights including a trip<br />

on the Nauticus submarine boat for an underwater experience that charted two<br />

wrecks and a variety of marine life and a 05:30 trip to the beach to observe the<br />

sunrise.<br />

Both pupils and staff thought the tour was well organized and provided a good balance of performance opportunities with social activities. Pupils not<br />

only described the tour as ‘awesome’ and ‘fantastic’, but also as ‘inspirational’ and ‘educational’, and believe that it was an experience of a lifetime.<br />

1 st XI Football Prospects<br />

With just 4 regular members of last year’s team returning it is time to rebuild again. Bearing this in mind, fifteen boys will be going to Valencia for<br />

a pre-season tour where they will be coached by the Valencia F.C. coaching staff. They return just before school starts again and they have several<br />

practice matches before the usual fixtures get underway. All the regular matches will be held, although it is possible that we will be playing<br />

Malvern for the last time as they move towards rugby as their main game. In the “ Boodles “ cup <strong>Repton</strong> are at home to Winchester in the first<br />

round and then hopefully will meet the winners of Eton and Bradfield in round 2, also at home. The team will be captained by Richard Evans (N)<br />

and the boys are already looking forward to returning to The Square after last year’s repair work. Noel Bennett<br />


1 st XI Cricket Team<br />


SCHOOL NEWS continued<br />

Over the Christmas break a party of 16 boys, accompanied by FPW and MKK and various supporters toured Sri Lanka, playing 6 games, 3 in Kandy<br />

and 3 in Colombo, against some of the country’s most prestigious schools. It is believed that we were the first English school to make a tour since the<br />

tsunami which, of course, prevented our own tour from taking place 12 months ago. Consequently we were superbly hosted by a grateful Sri Lankan<br />

tourist trade and by the cricket community and all the hard work required to reschedule a cancelled tour proved worthwhile.<br />

With such a large party and one of varying experience the emphasis was not on results but on cricket development. In harsh, hot, humid conditions<br />

far removed from those we experience at home the boys competed superbly in all games and though the statistics (P6 L4 D1 W1) do not seem<br />

particularly impressive from a cricket point of view the tour was an absolute success. On the one occasion<br />

when <strong>Repton</strong> fielded something like a full strength side, in the final match against Carey College,<br />

Colombo, we achieved a thumping victory and nobody present will forget the thrilling charge which<br />

brought 91 runs off the last 10 overs and carried us to within a whisker of victory against Trinity College<br />

on the Test match ground at Kandy.<br />

The side was superbly led by Chris Paget who made scores of 70, 65 and 47 in consecutive games in the<br />

middle of the tour as well as picking up 10 wickets. Paul Borrington and Ricky Kniveton also passed 50<br />

and there were good contributions, too, from Richard Murrall and the big-hitting Charlie Sindrey.<br />

However, the leading batsman on the tour was Jack Lamb who began his tour with 55 against St.<br />

Anthony’s College, Kandy (Muralitharan’s old school!) and finished it with a superb 89 against Carey<br />

when exhaustion surely cost him a deserved hundred. Our spin bowlers did the bulk of the work, though<br />

there was real progress from Matthew Wood and Guillam Dancey and occasional highlights from Ross<br />

Whiteley such as taking a wicket with the first ball of the game in the huge Premadasa Test arena in<br />

Colombo!<br />

Chris Paget<br />

However, the greatest pleasure of the tour from a cricketing point of view came from seeing young players of varying ability broaden their<br />

experience, learning to cope with the heat, rough outfields (even on Test grounds), turning pitches and occasionally hostile opponents whilst also<br />

observing the high quality performances of some of their more experienced team-mates. Although senior players dominated in terms of performance<br />

there were opportunities for all to contribute both on and off the field and little cameos like Pat McConvey’s four catches and a direct-hit run-out in<br />

the final game will live in the memory!<br />

SUMMER <strong>2006</strong><br />

Record: P 15 W 12 L 2 D 1<br />

Following the tour and with two boys in the side with first-class cricket experience, much was expected. It was disappointing, then, to lose a preseason<br />

game at RGS Worcester and then to go down again in the term’s first proper fixture at Rugby. However, after a thrilling draw against the<br />

MCC in which all results were possible on the last ball, the team grew in confidence and embarked upon a superb run of twelve consecutive<br />

victories. Much credit is due to the captain, Chris Paget, who went on to captain the ECB schools’ XI, led the team with a remarkable maturity,<br />

well-supported by senior players such as Paul Borrington, Jack Lamb, Ross Whiteley, Richard Murrall and the excellent wicket-keeper, Ricky<br />

Kniveton. Whiteley was the top all-rounder, averaging 127 with the bat and taking 20 wickets at 14.80 but overall strength-in-depth was the key –<br />

five bowlers took between 15 and 20 wickets and six batsmen averaged over 30. Whiteley, Paget and Borrington all made hundreds and across the<br />

season runs were scored at 4.45 per over, again a major factor in winning matches.<br />


For the second time <strong>Repton</strong> entered this competition and what an<br />

adventure it provided! On a damp May Sunday in Long Eaton the group<br />

stages were contested and the early signs were bleak as we lost to<br />

Loughborough GS. However, a thrilling victory over Oakham when<br />

somehow we managed to prevent them from scoring 5 off the last over<br />

with 8 wickets in hand was followed by a trouncing of Trent College and<br />

<strong>Repton</strong>’s scores of 175 and 196 in these two games saw us top the fourteam<br />

group on run-rate to earn a last 16 game at home against<br />

Uppingham.<br />

This took place on a flaming Friday evening in June and the<br />

Headmaster’s decision to postpone prep (for once!) produced a great<br />

crowd and contributed to what was a superb occasion. Coloured clothing, black sightscreens, white balls and booming music combined with superb<br />

cricket to deliver a fantastic evening’s entertainment enjoyed by young and old. <strong>Repton</strong> batted first and hammered 192-5 off its 20 overs (Whiteley<br />

44, Paget 39, and Borrington 57) before dismissing Uppingham for 122.<br />

A home quarter-final followed against Millfield. A sunny Sunday lunchtime with a whole-school barbecue replacing house lunches delivered another<br />

great occasion and despite going down to the eventual winners of the competition <strong>Repton</strong> again batted magnificently. Paget’s 77 off 44 balls led the<br />

way, supported by Whiteley 32, Lamb 20 and Borrington 23 as we reached 187-6. Alas Millfield’s array of international talent (including a South<br />

African U19 World cup player and a West Indies U19 representative as well as their England internationals) hammered their way to victory within<br />

16 overs! Nevertheless it was a wonderful day and the standard of cricket on the Square belied its ‘schoolboy’ status. The fact that in the semi-final<br />

Stowe managed only 87 against Millfield and their eventual comfortable final win supports the view of the organisers that the <strong>Repton</strong>/Millfield game<br />

would have made a good final. Frank Watson<br />


SCHOOL NEWS continued<br />

Tennis<br />

The year <strong>2006</strong> was not a vintage one for <strong>Repton</strong> when viewed against the considerable success at National level over the previous twenty five years.<br />

The boys’ senior team was beaten in the semi-final of the Youll Cup by Westminster in the deciding singles and similarly we also lost in the semifinal<br />

of the Glanvill Cup to Millfield. Reaching the last four of the two major competitions would probably be regarded by the vast majority of<br />

schools as a considerable achievement but unfortunately by <strong>Repton</strong> standards, these would have to be seen as mediocre results. Despite being seeded<br />

one, our junior pair lost in the last sixteen of the Thomas Bowl. The junior team did have a good set of results during the season, losing only to<br />

Loughborough GS and the senior team had a fair record against other schools. The girls’ teams had reasonable success, with the seniors getting<br />

through several close encounters in the early stages of the Aberdare Cup. Overall, however, this was not a great year and we intend to improve<br />

significantly on this.<br />

The new school year <strong>2006</strong>-07 will see an improved internal structure, so that players of all standards can play regularly during the winter months.<br />

There are also several quality players entering the school and in <strong>Repton</strong>'s 450th anniversary year we expect to be confidently mounting a realistic<br />

challenge for the major boys trophies at national level and to see the girls reaching the closing stages of the Aberdare Cup. Roger Thompson<br />

Drama 2005 - <strong>2006</strong><br />

Change is the byword for <strong>Repton</strong> nowadays and the Drama department is no exception. This past<br />

year has seen a number of exciting innovations and a general rise in the quality of the drama<br />

passing through the 400 Hall and the Studio Theatre.<br />

The year got off to a flying start with the visit to the Studio of the Rep Theatre Company, fresh<br />

from another successful run in Edinburgh’s Fringe Festival, with Guy Levesley’s (H’75) hilarious<br />

production of The Real Inspector Hound. Henry Cooper (O’00) was outstanding as Mrs Drudge,<br />

leading a company of current and Old <strong>Repton</strong>ians. This was a double bill with Brecht’s The Wedding, also straight from Edinburgh, performed by<br />

LAMDA students including George Rainsford (M’96).<br />

The theatres were then home to a frenetic schedule of House Plays and the rehearsal of The Ragged Child, of which more below. A tribute to the<br />

commitment of the staff and pupils is that two quite challenging shows were staged within the first six weeks of term. Field and Cross Houses<br />

presented an adaptation of Fielding’s classic picaresque novel, Joseph Andrews, directed by that stalwart of house drama, Mike Keep (O’69).<br />

Victoria Pym shone as Lady Booby. New and Mitre Houses then presented a very funny The Last Resort, directed by John Fox who had kindly<br />

stepped into the breach.<br />

In November came The Ragged Child, co-written and directed by<br />

Jeremy James Taylor, founder of the National Youth Music<br />

Theatre Company and director in residence at the prep school. It is<br />

the story of the plight of destitute children in 1850s London and<br />

the establishment of the Ragged <strong>School</strong>s to assist them. With the<br />

assistance of JMGL and PHW on the technical side, <strong>Repton</strong> was<br />

treated to the biggest show that has ever crossed the 400 Hall’s<br />

stage. JJT has directed at the RNT, in the West End and even on<br />

Broadway and the cast and crew were able to learn a huge amount<br />

from his expertise.<br />

It was exhausting for everyone but, in the end, it was very much<br />

worth it. The show was stunningly professional. Although there<br />

were over a hundred roles, dozens of complex scene changes and<br />

over a hundred lighting cues, the pupils, aged from eleven to<br />

eighteen, sang, danced and acted to a standard worthy of the West<br />

End. They were accompanied by two orchestras - a street band on<br />

stage and a pit band – led by Richard Dacey and his colleagues. It<br />

was an ensemble show but perhaps special mention should go to<br />

Edwin Hillier (S), Joe Sherwen (S), Alex Rotheroe, Imogen Blackwood (A), Charlotte Brereton (M), Eleanor Holroyd (F), Charlie Lang (L), John<br />

Price (S), Adam Carlile (L), Charlie Pass (L) and Blair Dunlop (S). Deputy Heads, Mike Harrison and Sarah Tennant, were also vital in helping me<br />

to organise the complex logistics of the whole event. <strong>School</strong> House’s play was postponed to the second week of January and tribute must go to IWM<br />

and his cast for organising rehearsals in such a short time. Berkoff’s Metamorphosis is a tremendously challenging piece and could only really be<br />

performed successfully by a small, committed group of pupils. With good use of stylisation and an excellent, original score by NJF, this was a<br />

gripping and, at times, disturbing show, the highlight being the central character, played by Jack Fookes, whose transformation into a beetle was<br />

utterly convincing.<br />

This year the Charity Cabaret was merged with the <strong>School</strong> Play. So, it was not until March that audiences were treated to a polished, fast-moving,<br />

new look Charity Cabaret, in the 400 Hall, directed by JMGL and RF. The full technical back-up of the theatre was available and, indeed, used to full<br />

effect in order to highlight the multitude of talents existing in the school. There was more drama and more variety so that the show ranged from the<br />

explosive opening number, Cell Block Tango, performed by twenty or so Mitre girls, to Tom Forsdike’s moving solo mime of a homesick boarding<br />

school boy. There were many highlights to this year’s Cabaret but the biggest applause went to a piece involving Orchard boys, brooms and a<br />

dustbin. Stomp Off was typical of the evening, bringing the house down with its wit, rhythm and style and I will be very surprised if the Charity<br />

Cabaret ever goes back to Pears <strong>School</strong>.<br />

In the exam practicals from the sixth form there were two particular highlights. One Upper Sixth group presented Blue Remembered Hills which<br />

scored highly for its acting and for Ben Tomkins’ (outgoing head of lighting) superb design. End of the Line, devised by a Lower Sixth group, took<br />

its audiences through the experience of the London tube bombings, putting them in a mock-up train carriage, subjecting them to an ‘explosion’ and<br />

then ‘rescuing’ them into the Studio Theatre where they stood behind police tape to watch an exploration of the bomber’s motivations. At the end the<br />


SCHOOL NEWS continued<br />

audience was ushered outside where they were met by rows of blanket-covered bodies in the Precinct. The silence that fell on the audience as they<br />

gazed was palpable and this was certainly the most effective devised piece I have seen since joining <strong>Repton</strong>.<br />

Readers may also be interested to know that during half term <strong>Repton</strong> was the host school for the National Independent <strong>School</strong>s’ Drama Association<br />

Conference, three days of meetings, workshops, talks, dinners and entertainment, as well as fireworks at Foremarke, with nearly a hundred delegates<br />

from all over the United Kingdom boarding in the Tanners Lane houses. Previous hosts have been Oakham, Shrewsbury, Eton, Latymer Upper,<br />

Gresham’s and Queen Margaret’s. A lively and controversial keynote speaker was Barrie Rutter, founder and Artistic Director of Northern<br />

Broadsides Theatre Company. The spectacular weather added to the impact of the event and delegates went away with extremely good impressions<br />

of <strong>Repton</strong> <strong>School</strong>; the letters, cards and e-mails we have received since have been a testament to this.<br />

Next year brings a number of exciting events. The Rep Theatre Company is rehearsing for Edinburgh as I write. The Pedants will return and Abbey<br />

and Priory Houses hope to produce Jesus Christ Superstar - quite an undertaking. The drama department is also involved in putting exciting plans<br />

together for a new look Prep <strong>School</strong>s’ Challenge. So, lots of change and innovation, but this year has shown a thread of high quality running<br />

through all that goes on in the school’s theatres. John Sentence<br />



The six years since Adele Carter joined us have rocketed past. During that time, it has given me considerable satisfaction<br />

to see her develop as a person, in technical teaching skills, and in a whole spectrum of other ways. It is with real, but<br />

bittersweet, pleasure that we wish her well in her richly deserved promotion to head the biology department at Worksop<br />

College, and also pay testimony to her considerable contributions to life here at <strong>Repton</strong>. We would have gained much if<br />

she had chosen to stay, but here is a snapshot of her time:<br />

Adele arrived (Sept 2000): fresh, lively, and an ardent supporter of Aston Villa. She was keen to teach both biology and<br />

chemistry, and always maintained a foot in both camps. At first (like all sensible teachers new to a school) her stance,<br />

when encountering the innumerable small ways that pupils find to transgress, was on the firmer side of firm. Pupils soon<br />

learned two things: a) don’t mess with Miss Carter, and more importantly b) Miss Carter cares, in a direct and nonsentimental<br />

way, about you, and will give unstintingly of herself in all possible ways to help you here in school, be that on<br />

the sports field, in the classroom, in the house. She rapidly gained respect and affection from the pupils; <strong>Repton</strong>ians rather<br />

like honesty, consistency, and lack of pretensions.<br />

Her contributions to the biology and chemistry departments were many, including dragging biology gently into the world of ICT, a phenomenal<br />

ability to extract superb coursework from every single soul, professionally produced resources, and an endless ability to hoover up biscuits<br />

(especially chocolate ones). More widely, she single-handedly established girls’ football as a <strong>Repton</strong> fixture. Indeed, as a sound role-model for our<br />

female pupils, she gave cheerfully of her time in three-term sport; not many academic staff can say, nowadays, that they take sports teams in all three<br />

terms. Adele took Michaelmas hockey U14s and U15s, Lent netball (for one year, until she proved that netball and soccer are different animals),<br />

rounders, tennis and athletics in the Summer and of course girls’ soccer. She tutored skilfully and warmly in the Garden, joined the careers team, trod<br />

the boards in The Pedants and, in truth, threw herself into everything asked of her. Her artistic and musical dimensions were probably little known to<br />

the pupils, but she is talented in many ways; and, as well as giving full commitment to every aspect of school life, she found time to allow herself a<br />

life beyond <strong>Repton</strong>, with her partner Adrian.<br />

Adele leaves us older (obviously), more skilful, and well balanced (except for that persistent Villa fixation, and an unshakeable belief in early<br />

morning tests….), but with the same zest for life that she showed when first she came. We wish her, and Ade, every success and happiness. Her<br />

many friends, myself included, will miss her strongly…but Worksop isn't far. Gary Lawrence<br />


Tim Collins arrived in <strong>Repton</strong> in September 1995. He moved up from Kelly College, where he had been busy teaching<br />

Economics, running the CCF, and marrying a housemaster’s daughter! At <strong>Repton</strong> Tim settled into teaching Economics<br />

but was very soon instrumental in bringing Business Studies into the <strong>Repton</strong> curriculum. In recent years the bulk of his<br />

teaching has been in the Business Studies area; a job he has done knowledgeably and effectively. Perhaps most<br />

<strong>Repton</strong>ians will know Tim from his able and successful running of a boarding house. After four happy years at the<br />

Mitre, Tim moved with the boys to the newly-refurbished Cross, a design including many of his ideas, which he and<br />

Julia then ran for a further four years.<br />

Importantly for a school, Tim and Julia had that ability to keep the houses they were running full; first by filling up the<br />

private side with their own children (only 4 at the last count!) and then the boys’ side. The Collins were particularly<br />

effective in attracting boys from some way away to join them, testimony to the security they offered and the sense of<br />

family they created; everyone was made very welcome and put at their ease in the Collins’ house.<br />

Out of the house and the classroom Tim was involved in a number of areas of school life, ranging from running the Community Service Programme,<br />

Prep <strong>School</strong> Liaison to that most arduous of activities, Master in charge of Fly-fishing! He was also involved in hockey at <strong>Repton</strong> for all of his time,<br />

proving his abilities by successfully coaching an U14 boys’ side to the national finals as well as coaching some girls’ hockey.<br />

Tim has always had an interest in, and an eye for, school policy. Whether on the <strong>Repton</strong> Marketing Committee, introducing Secured Places Scheme,<br />

or as governor of Newton Solney <strong>School</strong>, Tim has shown an ability to think about the broader issues involved in a school and how it operates. This<br />

stands him in excellent stead as he leaves to take up the headship of Culford Preparatory <strong>School</strong>, a job to which he and Julia are admirably suited.<br />

They leave with our best wishes. Mike Keep<br />


FAREWELL TO STAFF continued<br />


Andrew Cox, who joined the staff in 1976, is undoubtedly one of <strong>Repton</strong>’s most well-respected and<br />

well-liked characters. Following his years at Bromsgrove, where he was head boy, he spent a gap year<br />

teaching in Nigeria and hitch-hiking to Timbuktu. Since then he has always had a great love for the<br />

African continent. Whilst studying geography at Aberdeen University he met his wife, Joan, who is also<br />

one of <strong>Repton</strong>’s well-loved personalities. Their generous hospitality and warmth have helped many<br />

newcomers to feel part of the school community.<br />

Any pupil fortunate to be taught by Andrew is immediately aware of his passion for the subject,<br />

particularly physical geography. He became head of the department in 1994 and since then has been<br />

determined to obtain the best possible results from his pupils. His belief that classroom geography is<br />

greatly enhanced by field trips has led to many pupils benefiting from visits to local and overseas sites<br />

of interest. As head of department he has arranged geography department trips to Egypt, Morocco, Jordan, the USA, and China in addition to<br />

approximately two hundred trips in the local area.<br />

Andrew was very grateful to the Headmaster and Governors for his sabbatical term in 1989 when he travelled overland from Kigali to Cape Town,<br />

via Burundi, Zaire, Kenya, Tanzania, Malawi, Zambia, Zimbabwe and Botswana. This trip included climbing Kilimanjaro which prompted him to<br />

organise the school trip to Tanzania in 1994. Other major school expeditions organised by Andrew include Morocco, the Indian Himalayas and the<br />

Peruvian Andes. The Indian and Tanzanian trips were his particular favourites as he was accompanied by his daughters, Emma and Jennie.<br />

A great sport enthusiast, Andrew has been involved in the coaching of rugby, hockey and, of course, cricket. His keen enthusiasm for cricket is<br />

perhaps only surpassed by his passion for hill-walking and many U15 cricketers have benefited from his knowledge of the game. A hard-hitting<br />

batsman himself, he has always instilled in young players not just the right techniques but the right way to play the game. He liked to see players do<br />

well and appreciated it greatly if the game was played properly. He has enjoyed playing for the Pedants (he remembers scoring a 50 in his first game<br />

in 1979!) and has also captained the Cryptics Cricket Club v Bacchanalians in several of the annual matches on The Square. An avid follower of<br />

cricket, Andrew has taken much pleasure in England’s recent success. He will have more time to watch cricket and also to choose his selections for<br />

the fantasy league which he ran among staff, dutifully producing weekly tables, but modestly never quite winning it himself!<br />

He has also been involved in the CCF throughout his time at the school and has just completed his 50 th army camp this Easter when he accompanied<br />

pupils on Adventurous Training in the Lake District. His meticulous planning and careful organisation have led to many pupils completing such<br />

walks as the Coast to Coast and the West Highland Way. One D of E group successfully carried out research in Kenya on the culture of the Maasai<br />

people.<br />

During his thirty years at the school, Andrew has played many other roles including Careers Advisor, Staff Social Secretary, director of the school<br />

shop, Chairman of the George Philip Travel Award Committee and Sale of Work organiser. His annual Gap Fair has greatly aided many <strong>Repton</strong>ians<br />

in their choice of Gap year destination.<br />

Andrew will be greatly missed by his friends and colleagues who regard him as a man of integrity who has great generosity of spirit. He has given<br />

much to the school over the years. We wish him and Joan all the very best for their retirement in East Lothian and hope that they will find the time to<br />

pursue their many interests, especially theatre and music, and to spend many hours with their children and grandchildren.<br />

Roger Thompson & Mike Stones<br />


Of all the departments to run in a school such as <strong>Repton</strong>, in some ways music is the most demanding. It entails the<br />

management of a large number of personnel and projects, the maintenance of high standards in all areas, academic and<br />

practical, of a diverse discipline, and the fostering of creative talent in a busy environment with many demands on<br />

pupils’ time. No mean feat.<br />

When RHD came to <strong>Repton</strong> twelve years ago, after a period as an Assistant Director of Music at Shrewsbury (having<br />

previously trained choirs in Canada), the music department was well established with six full-time staff and enjoyed an<br />

enviable reputation for the quality of its instrumental performance.<br />

What was immediately apparent with Richard was the high calibre of his musicianship. In his first term, he directed<br />

Mus.Soc. in an inspirational performance of Carmina Burana, conveying his characteristic enthusiasm and flair. Also<br />

particularly memorable was the first performance outside London of Karl Jenkins’ oratorio ‘The Armed Man’, a work<br />

composed for the new millennium which commemorated the fallen in the two world wars. Other notable productions<br />

include West Side Story and The Ragged Child, both of which illustrate how successfully music and drama have<br />

collaborated under Richard’s leadership of the music department. His work with the Chapel Choir led to regular<br />

invitations to sing Choral Evensong at cathedrals in the Midlands and a fine CD recording, entitled Dear Lord and Father of Mankind, is an enduring<br />

testament of his abilities as a choirmaster.<br />

A high level of musicianship could also be detected in his fine and entertaining organ-playing in chapel and in his skills as an accompanist. Sadly,<br />

the onset of arthritis in his fingers has prevented us from hearing him play more often. Richard realized the importance of specialist teaching, so he<br />

recruited a number of visiting teachers for most orchestral instruments and singing. His vision for the future resulted in the appointment of a full-time<br />

head of popular music and the provision in the department for music technology. His innovations also extended to overseeing the re-organization of<br />

the House music competitions. He realised that by spreading the classes throughout the year, the potential of the entrants would be more fully<br />

realised. He has also been a creative member of the Subscription Concerts Committee, often making inspired suggestions about performing artists.<br />


FAREWELL TO STAFF continued<br />

One of Richard’s particular strengths is his versatility. He can as easily apply his skills to arranging a house harmony or unison song or<br />

accompanying a jazz ensemble on electric keyboards as he can with moulding a choir and orchestra into an idiomatic reading of Handel’s Messiah or<br />

Mozart’s Requiem. His interest in light music led to a series of highly polished House Musicals. Particularly memorable were Joseph and his<br />

Technicolor Dreamcoat, Little Shop of Horrors and Grease.<br />

Another important and lasting memory of Richard will be his personal qualities. His warm-hearted and relaxed manner helped to make him a popular<br />

house tutor in the Priory and he was unfailing in the giving of his time and support to all those in his charge. His time at <strong>Repton</strong> has been rewarding<br />

and fruitful and we offer him and Theresa our very best wishes for the future.<br />

Neil Millenstead<br />


Richard Hillier, or ‘The Doc’ to pupil and pedant alike, came to <strong>Repton</strong> in 1991 from Durham <strong>School</strong>,<br />

following an illustrious academic career at St John's, Cambridge (where he read Classics and sang bass in<br />

the College choir under its legendary Director of Music, George Guest), and Durham University (where he<br />

completed a doctorate in Theology).<br />

At <strong>Repton</strong> Richard took over the Classics department, running it till David Newman's arrival in 1998, by<br />

which time he had also completed the first year of his tenure as Housemaster of Latham. While Head of<br />

Classics Richard initiated the <strong>Repton</strong> Latin play, raising it to high levels of achievement. His four<br />

productions, melding scholarly appreciation of how Latin was actually spoken with sharply dramatic<br />

instincts, were powerful demonstrations that so-called ‘dead’ languages can live again, and be a vehicle for<br />

genuinely theatrical experiences.<br />

All told, Richard produced seventeen plays (for department, House and Junior Arts Festival) during his<br />

fifteen years at <strong>Repton</strong>; an extraordinary tally for a busy Head of Department and, latterly, Housemaster. In<br />

Latham he and his wife Laine set famously high standards of decorum and comportment, seeking always to<br />

encourage an environment in which junior and senior members of the House could mix easily and naturally<br />

together.<br />

Much to the befuddlement of those who had previously delighted in pigeon-holing ‘the Doc’ as an<br />

irredeemable aesthete (and perhaps to RJH himself), the House competed vigorously on the sports field, the current Upper Sixth consecutively<br />

winning two Junior House Match followed by three Senior House Match Football finals during Coach Hillier's tenure. Winning the James Kropacsy<br />

Relays for the first time in 2001 was another memorable (and moving) sporting occasion, and one of very special significance for every Lathamite.<br />

It is possible, however, that Richard's strongest extra-curricular imprint was in the realm of<br />

House singing, where he coaxed from successive cohorts of vocally challenged Lathamites<br />

performances of exceptional style and polish in the annual unison competitions. That<br />

adjudicators actually awarded RJH's Latham the title once only seems in retrospect an<br />

inexplicable aberration. Latham was also palpably a place where spiritual values mattered,<br />

and on a personal level Richard's reception into the Catholic Church in 2000 evinced a<br />

deepening religious commitment, one which strongly influenced decisions regarding his<br />

future career in education. No school can easily afford to lose an individual of such<br />

outstanding calibre as Richard Hillier. But <strong>Repton</strong> has been fortunate to have him, just as<br />

the Oratory Preparatory <strong>School</strong> in Berkshire, where he goes to be Headmaster, will reap the<br />

benefit of his manifold professional talents. We will miss both him and Laine as they make<br />

the journey southward.<br />

Terry Blain<br />

The End of an Era. A large gathering of current and former parents and pupils gathered<br />

together in June to say farewell to Richard & Elaine Hillier as they neared the end of their<br />

spell of duty at Latham House. Richard takes up his new post as Headmaster of The Oratory Preparatory <strong>School</strong> in Reading in September <strong>2006</strong>.<br />

More than 30 former Latham pupils travelled from all corners of the UK to attend the lunch to pay tribute to Richard and his wife. They were joined<br />

by former Matron Cilla James and both current and former House Tutors and their wives. The Hilliers were<br />

presented with a painting of the Northumberland coast by Old <strong>Repton</strong>ian Peter Davenport (B’45). In their<br />

speeches Elliot Bishton and Ed Burrell recalled their days under ‘The Doc’ in age old Latham fashion, with<br />

amusing anecdotal evidence of their happy formative years as Latham pupils. It was a truly memorable and<br />

moving occasion, a fitting tribute to Richard and Elaine Hillier and their outstanding contribution to <strong>Repton</strong><br />

life.<br />


I have to wonder what kind of piece TDHS would like to be written about him. He would not want it to be<br />

verbose or obsequious or gratuitous in its choice of adjectives. He would want it to be pithy, and meticulous<br />

in its spelling and punctuation. (Perhaps I should stop now!) Above all he would want it to be factually<br />

correct, and that is also what history demands, so the bare bones are these:<br />

TDHS joined the <strong>Repton</strong> Common Room in 1974 to teach English. He was not in the Old Mitre bachelors’<br />

club for long, marrying Fiona in 1975. He ran shooting for many years, and did the same with the 2nd XI<br />

hockey. He was a House Tutor in the Orchard, and he ran the Army section of the CCF for 15 years. Then,<br />

from 1989 to 1997 he was Housemaster of the Hall. After retiring from his House duties he continued to be<br />

involved with CCF and fives, as well as other tasks of various kinds.<br />


FAREWELL TO STAFF continued<br />

These dry facts portray a man who contributed greatly in a variety of ways to the life of the <strong>School</strong>, but what they cannot do is tell of the huge impact<br />

that TDHS had on the pupils that he worked with. His teaching of English was an inspiration to many, based as it was on attention to detail and the<br />

importance of logical thought. (I have never met anybody as adept as TDHS at employing ‘reductio ad absurdum’.) But he was also renowned for his<br />

encyclopaedic knowledge of the English language and of the texts that he taught.<br />

He preferred to avoid didactic methods whenever possible, believing that his pupils should learn from experience, as he himself was always willing<br />

to do. Some thought this eccentric (sleeping in ditches and eating out of dustbins, as his Pedants song told us), but TDHS never courted eccentricity:<br />

his actions were always based on his highly developed views about what is right. However, the image of him playing in the staff golf match wearing<br />

a full tweed suit with collar and tie will endure: it was often too much for the hapless, faddishly-dressed, low-handicap boys who were his opponents.<br />

I will also always remember the frequent sights of him returning from a session out scything the footpaths and steeplechase routes.<br />

TDHS had that rare gift of being able to listen, and he enjoyed talking to people of all persuasions. It would be hard to imagine a kinder or more<br />

considerate companion. He was supported whole-heartedly by Fiona, particularly during their years in the House.<br />

He has given his time generously in so many ways throughout his years at <strong>Repton</strong>, but if I were to choose one thing that typifies his contribution, it<br />

would be ‘Sco.Soc.’, the philosophical discussion group for sixth-formers that met every Sunday evening for 20 years at TDHS’s home, often<br />

lubricated by some of his home-brewed beer. Many Old <strong>Repton</strong>ians would single it out as the start of their real intellectual development: a teacher<br />

can earn no higher praise. Adrian Mylward<br />


The job title of Headmaster’s Secretary in itself diminishes the breadth of responsibilities entailed. Sarah Stokes<br />

came to <strong>Repton</strong> in 1984 as Registrar, but was soon asked to become Headmaster’s Secretary by my predecessor, a<br />

Cornishman who would have looked favourably on Sarah’s own Cornish roots. He could not have made a better<br />

choice and she continued in the job for twenty years, working for three Headmasters.<br />

If anyone thinks that the secretary’s job revolves around typing the Head’s letters, they would be far wide of the<br />

mark and fail to appreciate the breadth of responsibilities and skills entailed. Parental visits have to be arranged<br />

and each one juggled into the complicated framework of housemasters’ timetables and the Head’s diary. All<br />

visitors have to be welcomed, whether present or prospective parents, job applicants, pupils or governors. The<br />

telephone never ceases ringing and the wheat of important calls has to be sifted from the chaff that would waste a<br />

Headmaster’s time. Add to that the man-made obstacles like deciphering my awful handwriting, a task not made<br />

easier when drafts of reports or sermons were often written on a train from London.<br />

Sarah Stokes coped with all of that routinely, and always with a smile on her face, but she also showed great initiative when the unexpected<br />

occurred: a flood in the Hall, the press nosing around hoping to rake up a story, or dealing with complaints about the noise of end-of-term fireworks.<br />

Her natural friendliness meant that she got on well with all the staff and that was important in cementing a cooperative spirit between the Head’s<br />

office and the Common Room. Her friendship enveloped all ages in the school and village, and extended to her home; at least two Old <strong>Repton</strong>ian<br />

airline pilots were introduced to flying by Sarah’s husband John.<br />

One of the most difficult aspects of working so closely with a Head is being privy to a lot of sensitive and confidential information and Sarah’s<br />

discretion was beyond question. I once alluded to her husband about an incident we had been dealing with and was surprised that the matter had not<br />

even been shared with him. Her loyalty to the school and to the job was unrivalled, working longer than office hours every day, as well as Saturdays<br />

and quite often Sundays. She also found time to help with the make-up for plays and was a sharp-eyed stallholder for the White Elephants at the Sale<br />

of Work. Most of all she had the knack of keeping a Head in order, making sure that one took the right papers to meetings, keeping appointments,<br />

and knowing where a paper was buried in the jungle of one’s desk. Sarah now moves back to her native Cornwall but everyone at <strong>Repton</strong> has reason<br />

to be grateful to her, not least three Headmasters! Graham Jones<br />

38<br />


Do these photographs stir any memories? Please send your comments to the Assistant OR Secretary.


If you wish to order any of the following items please call the<br />

<strong>School</strong> Shop on 01283 559323 or e mail: shop@repton.org.uk. Prices do not include postage & packing<br />

<strong>Repton</strong> <strong>School</strong> Shop Limited, The Paddock, <strong>Repton</strong>, Derbyshire DE65 6SE<br />


OR Ties:<br />

Silk Smooth £21.25<br />

Silk non crease £25.50<br />

Bow Tie £20.20<br />

OR House/Sports Ties:<br />

Brook House £7.25<br />

The Hall £9.25<br />

The Priory £7.50<br />

<strong>School</strong> House silk £16.60<br />

<strong>School</strong> House polyester £6.50<br />

New House £6.25<br />

Latham House £7.50<br />

The Orchard & The Mitre £8.65<br />

Cross £7.25<br />

OR Football & Hockey £12.90<br />

OR Golf striped £6.25<br />

Cambridge £17.30<br />

House Scarves:<br />

The Priory £20.00<br />

The Mitre (Girls) £20.00<br />

The Orchard £20.00<br />

The Cross £20.30<br />

<strong>School</strong> House £17.25<br />

Latham £20.00<br />

New House £20.00<br />

The Abbey & Field House £20.00<br />

The Garden £21.40<br />

Miscellaneous:<br />

Glass Crested Large Tankard £19.75<br />

Glass Crested Small Tankard £15.75<br />

Large Glass Crested Goblet £15.50<br />

Crested Red Wine Glass £14.50<br />

Glass Crested Paper Weight £20.00<br />

Crested Cuff Links £13.75<br />

Crested Key Rings £6.30<br />

<strong>School</strong> Shield £24.50<br />

Brass coloured buttons – large £0.22<br />

Brass coloured buttons – small £0.20<br />

<strong>Repton</strong> Prints Framed £50.00<br />

<strong>Repton</strong> Prints Mounted £25.00<br />

<strong>Repton</strong> Cards £0.75<br />

<strong>Repton</strong> Post cards £0.10<br />

Small Teddy Bear (4 inches) £2.25<br />

Large Teddy Bear (10 inches) £10.50<br />

Baseball Cap £9.00<br />

Gentleman’s Week-end Socks £7.25 a pair<br />

(Available in Medium (6 ½ -8 ½) & Large (9-11)<br />

Umbrellas:<br />

Large Golf umbrella £23.00<br />

Ladies umbrella £16.50<br />

Mugs £5.50<br />

Coaster £3.25<br />

Mug with Coaster £8.00<br />

Sale Item:<br />

Banded White Sweaters Reduced to £25.00<br />

(Long Sleeve & Sleeveless)<br />

OR Ladies Brooch<br />

£45 plus postage & packing<br />

Porcelain Box<br />

£27.50 plus postage & packing

A very warm welcome to The Old <strong>Repton</strong>ian Society<br />

to the Leavers of <strong>2006</strong>

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