MDF Magazine Issue 62 7 August 2020 (7)

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7 Low Moments we’ll Experience

during COVID-19

(& How to Deal with Them)

By Tara Strickland

Originally published online by Elephant Journal,

8 May 2020

For most of us, when we rang in the New Year, COVID-19

wasn’t even a thought in our mind. Fast-forward a mere five

months later and it’s now a part of our daily lives. It’s almost

impossible to escape this shift in our reality.

And even though everyone’s being affected differently, I believe

we’ll all share a few of the same moments before the

pandemic comes to an end:

1. The moment we realize just how crazy this is.

Each of us has different levels of exposure to COVID-19, but

we’re all affected. I mean, just the word pandemic is enough

to spark the flame of anxiety in us. The moment comes

amidst us dealing with the illness of ourselves, in our family,

having hours cut at work, or losing a job altogether. Maybe,

it’s the weird feeling that pops up when we see people walking

around with masks and gloves on. Regardless of what

the experience is, we can all relate to the sense of going from

everyday life straight into level five of “Jumanji.”

It doesn’t matter who it is. It can be a friend, brother, or even

grandma. Make sure to call, text, video chat, or walk to the

next room over to connect with someone. COVID-19 affects

everyone in some way. Talking to a loved one helps us

realize we’re not losing it, and we’re also not alone during

this crazy time.

2. The “I don’t care” moment.

This happens sometime after we’ve adjusted (as much as

possible) to this new reality. We may find we have some

energy but don’t know what to do with it. Maybe, we’re

bored or feel like nothing we’re doing matters.

Tip: Exercise.

Exercise is a natural way to improve mood. Now hold

up. We don’t have to commit to an hour-long full-body

workout to benefit from exercise. Something as simple

as going for a walk, 10 minutes of yoga, or 20 minutes of

dancing still counts as exercise. It’s not about getting a

summer body or disciplining ourselves. Unless, of course,

that’s our goal (then, by all means, do the damn thing). The

point is to do something good for our body that helps to ease

the blah


3. The “I can’t even” moment.

The extra stress from COVID-19 just adds to the list of things

we have to manage: our jobs, bills, family, and keeping our

household in order. Sometimes we need a small break from it

all to get ourselves together.

Tip: Meditate.

We don’t have to practice what most people consider to be

traditional meditation ‒ sitting cross-legged, and speaking

mantras. If we do have guru-level discipline, then definitely

go for it. But most of us will benefit from something like

a guided meditation on YouTube. Or even doing something

simple with complete focus may be of benefit.

Think of a ritual for making a cup of tea or doing breathwork.

The point of this is to get our minds to slow down. Focus on

the present instead of worrying about what to do next.

4. The “I have all the feelings, what do I do with them”


We are human beings. We have emotions. It’s normal.

Dealing with stress during a change can trigger a higher level


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