HIAS 2019 Annual Report




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2019 was a year of significant growth in HIAS’ legal service arena,

with both our New York and Silver Spring offices more than doubling

in size. This growth allowed HIAS to take on more clients, serve

a broader population, expand our pro bono network, enhance

asylee outreach (services to those who have been legally granted

asylum in the U.S.), and more broadly share our expertise with other

organizations. This growing team reaped significant legal victories

with 115 immigration wins, including grants of asylum, work

authorization, and approvals of special immigrant juvenile visas.

These victories included several that benefited survivors of domestic

violence seeking asylum, a particularly difficult status for which to

pursue an asylum claim.

HIAS’ legal clients were

from 51 different countries

HIAS maintains an active

network of pro bono attorneys in

order to offer as much support as

possible to asylees seeking legal

services. In 2019, HIAS matched 96 cases with pro bono attorneys in

the U.S. The addition to our staff in 2019 of a new National Pro Bono

Technical Legal Advisor allowed us to extend our assistance to asylum

seekers beyond New York and Silver Spring. In 2019, HIAS organized

regular pro bono attorney delegations to travel to the U.S.-Mexico

border to help asylum seekers. Groups of attorneys worked with HIAS

partner organizations in California and Texas in offering direct client

support. Some attorneys joined the HIAS office in Juarez, Mexico to

assist in limited legal representation. (See Border discussion on pages

12-15 for further details.)

HIAS’ Wraparound Program connects legal clients and their

families with the broad support that they need as they navigate life in

HIAS Case Stories: Two Young Women

Win Safety and Security in the U.S.

A HIAS attorney represented Andrea,* a young single mother from

Guatemala, and her thirteen-year-old son in winning asylum at the

Baltimore Immigration Court. An older man took Andrea as a child

bride at the age of 14, and she endured years of physical and sexual

abuse, resulting in the birth of two children. Her husband’s family

took her older child away from her on multiple occasions; they also

physically and verbally abused her for years. Andrea fled to the U.S.

in 2016 with only her son, fearful that her young daughter would not

survive the journey. HIAS helped her apply for asylum immediately,

which she was granted in June 2019. Andrea’s HIAS attorney helped

her obtain full custody of her son and petitioned for legal status for her

daughter, so the family could be reunited. Next, HIAS will represent

them in applying for legal permanent residence. HIAS’ wraparound

services connected Andrea with an English tutor and necessary social

services, and she and her son are thriving in Baltimore.

A HIAS attorney represented Maribel,* an eighteen-year-old Honduran

woman, who came to the U.S. in 2016 when she was 14, fleeing from an

MS-13 gang member who kidnapped her on two separate occasions

and sexually abused her. When the gang member decided that Maribel

would be his girlfriend, her family went to the authorities, but they did

nothing to help her. The gang member threatened Maribel, telling her

that her mother had to pay him a large sum of money or he would take

her and kill her family. With HIAS’ help, the U.S. government approved

her application for special immigrant juvenile status, and we are now

helping her apply for legal permanent residence, with an asylum

application pending. HIAS’ wraparound services have connected

Maribel to a social worker to help her heal from the trauma and build

resilience. She looks forward to rebuilding her life in safety in the U.S.

*Andrea and Maribel are pseudonyms used to protect confidentiality.


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