HIAS 2019 Annual Report




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signed by over 1,500 rabbis and cantors from 48 states—that called for

greater protection for the rights, safety, and dignity of asylum seekers.

In the fall, HIAS organized constituents and coalitions to respond to the

president’s new Executive Order barring the resettlement of refugees

to any state or locality that had not “opted in” to the U.S. Refugee

Admissions Program, a dramatic and dangerous shift in the policy of

how refugees are resettled to this country. Due to the advocacy and

grassroots work of HIAS and our allies, 43 out of 50 governors provided

consent to allow resettlement in their states. HIAS was the named

plaintiff in a lawsuit against the order, alleging that it violates both the

Constitution as well as federal law. The fight against this Executive Order

was a strong expression of the commitment to welcoming the stranger

by HIAS, our Jewish community partners, and other faith-based allies.

Education is an integral element of HIAS’ advocacy and community

engagement strategies, and our rabbi-in-residence and staff leaders

elevated issues affecting refugees and asylum seekers in the Jewish

community, delivering dozens of educational sessions at schools,




community centers, and

national conferences.

Briefing calls on

topics ranging from

HIAS held 148 Jewish community

programs, educational sessions,

trainings, and briefings with a total

of 3,432 participants

“The Actual National Emergency: Threats to Asylum” to “The State

of Refugee Resettlement in the U.S.” and “The Community Responds:

On Border and Asylum” drew nearly 600 participants. Our action

alerts—14 in 2019—helped people engage. Thousands of supporters

encouraged Members of Congress to support the No Ban Act; oppose

the Secure and Protect Act; and support higher refugee admissions.

This past year, due to our enhanced partnerships with synagogues and

coalitions around the country, facilitated by an expanded Welcome

Campaign network of 441 congregations, HIAS strengthened our

rapid response abilities as we were able to draw upon a well-organized

and coordinated constituent base.


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