The Adventures of Spot, Brodie, JB World Paddleboard Tour
What started out as paddleboarding around Sunset Isle with JB's dogs Spot and Brodie gave "JB" an idea to publish a Children's book and feature interesting paddleboard destinations around the world. Although the tour was fictitious the characters are real and they all did paddleboard together at one time around Sunset Isle, CA that is.
What started out as paddleboarding around Sunset Isle with JB's dogs Spot and Brodie gave "JB" an idea to publish a Children's book and feature interesting paddleboard destinations around the world. Although the tour was fictitious the characters are real and they all did paddleboard together at one time around Sunset Isle, CA that is.
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Adventure Fact:<br />
Florida is the southernmost<br />
state in the continental United<br />
States. <strong>The</strong> 22nd largest and<br />
3rd most populated state in the<br />