U+ZINE #2 - Do Corporations have a future? - Plurality University

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« Work, management, economics, politics, control systems, state-of-the‐art

technologies and the culture industry are the many ‘worlds’ that ✷ Julien

Prévieux’s activities involve. (…) His work often appropriates the vocabulary,

mechanisms and modus operandi of the sectors by which it is informed,

the better to highlight their dogmas, excesses and, when all is said and

done, their vacuousness. By shrewdly adopting the stance of an individual

facing whole swathes of society that are, in many respects, dehumanised,

Prévieux develops a strategy of counterproductivity, or what the philosopher

Elie During called, in a recent essay about the artist’s praxis, ‘counteremployment’.


«What Shall We Do Next?» - Sequence #3

Christophe Gallois

Where Is My

(Deep) Mind?

“The future is already here — it’s just not very evenly distributed”

says Wiliam Gibson. The gestures to activate a new

device are patented. For example the “slide-to-unlock”

movement has been patented by Apple several years

ago. Julien Prévieux started to collect these specific movements

in 2006. His assumption was that the gestures

patented today are the movements we may all have to

do in the near future: patents as an archive of gestures to


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