U+ZINE #2 - Do Corporations have a future? - Plurality University

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_ Imagine and describe a “corporation” in 2030-40, whose choices correspond

to these extremes: What does it do, How, With Whom, at What cost?...


_ Invent a name to describe this type of “corporation”: The organization you’ve

just described is a…

What is its name?

Select a cool picture that

represents the corporation

Its mission / slogan /

“reason for being”

A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . is essentially defined by…

You can play with the components of existing words…

Describe it in a few lines:Ex. “XXX was created in …, is located …,

and its activities are…Its specific characteristics / originalty /

strength, etc. are…”





Describe 1 or 2 characteristics that sets this organization apart

from all others (or almost all others)



Its business model? Its management? Its people (or absence

thereof)? Its workplaces (or absence thereof)? Its use

of technology? Its relationship with its customers / stakeholders?

Its relationship with its local, natural, human environment?

Its accounting? Its governance?....

… Or choose a word from somewhere


… Or invent something entirely new

(yet easy to grasp by anyone)

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