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September 9, 2020

www.TheTownCommon.com Page 7

Community Announcements

Community Announcements,

from page 6

For answers to other questions

about the City's response to


Email: hotline@cityofportsmouth.com


Visit https://www.cityofportsmouth.com/health/coronavirus-response

What Does the

Firehouse Mean

to You? Send in

Your Video

The Firehouse Center for the Arts

is asking community members to

shoot a brief video on their phones or

computers and send it in to be part

of a compiled video which will be

shown at their October virtual fundraising

event. This is a fun and simple

way everyone in the community can

help support the Firehouse during

this unprecedented crisis, which has

hit theaters especially hard.

John Moynihan, Executive Director

of the Firehouse Center for the

Arts describes the videos this way:

“Did your children have a great experience

being on our stage? Are you a

regular at our musical and theater offerings

or have you performed in any

of them? Do you love browsing our

art gallery or have you had your own

work shown? Perhaps you attended

a literary or dance event, or joined

us for the documentary film festival.

When friends come to town you

may have taken them to one of our

comedy evenings or musical concerts.

Take a minute to imagine what our

community would be like without

the Firehouse at its center, then let us

know why we matter to you.”

The goal of the virtual fundraiser

(at which this compiled video will

be shown) is to create an event that

is even more unique and fun than a

traditional fundraising event. It will

kick off on October 3 with Firehouse

Ignites: A Vintage Auction - a huge

online auction of vintage items, estate

jewelry, gift certificates, unique

experiences, and high end clothing.

It will then continue that evening

with Firehouse Ignites: A Really Big

(Virtual) Show featuring top local


“The whole idea of this event is to

turn the traditional fundraiser on its

head and embrace our current reality.

This community has always been

an important part of what makes the

Firehouse special and it only feels

right to involve them in this way.”

says Moynihan.

Your short video can be of individuals

(of any age) or families,

and should be only a few sentences

long, focusing on what the Firehouse

means to you, your favorite things

about the Firehouse, and any specific

experiences you’d like to share.

Email your video by Wednesday,

September 16 to firehousevids@firehouse.org.

Yours might be chosen

for the compilation, and it will help

the Firehouse raise the funds it needs

to keep our downtown thriving and

keep the community entertained for

years to come despite this enormous

financial set back

Firehouse Center for the Arts is

a member-based non-profit organization

located on the waterfront at

Market Square in Newburyport, MA,

home to the Institution for Savings

Mainstage in the 191 seat Arakelian

Theater and Institution for Savings

Art Gallery. The Firehouse offers live

theater, film, dance, music, children's

programming, arts education for

youth and adults, our acclaimed New

Works Festival, and a rotating art gallery

that exhibits works by local and

international artists. The Firehouse is

handicapped accessible.



Tour de Greenbelt

2020 – A Virtual

Ride. Cycle for Land


Essex - The 6th Annual Tour de

Greenbelt – Cycle for Land Conservation

will be a week-long, virtual

event this year, from Saturday,

September 19 through Saturday,

September 26. Cyclists may choose

their own date, route and distance

to ride. All cyclists are encouraged to

ride safely and follow public health

policies. Visit www.tourdegreenbelt.

org for event details.

Registration is $20, and is open

through September 25. Visit https://


to register. The 2020 TdG jersey

may also be ordered for an additional

$65. Jerseys ordered between now

and September 25 will be available

for pick up at a later date.

Cyclists may choose to ride one of

Greenbelt’s routes through the landscapes

of Essex County: the 25 or 50-

mile road courses, the 40-mile Gravel

Grinder, or the NEW 100-mile route,

past more than 50 of Greenbelt’s protected

properties, or create their own route.

No routes will be marked on the

road or trails this year. If you choose

to ride one of Greenbelt’s routes, you

are encouraged to download the GPX

routes from www.tourdegreenbelt.org

and ride the routes on your own.

All proceeds from Tour de Greenbelt

support Greenbelt, Essex County's

Land Trust. Greenbelt conserves

the region's farmland, wildlife habitat

and scenic landscapes. The work

helps ensure a local, healthy food

supply, maintain clean air and water,

protect native plants and animals,

and conserve scenic vistas.

The 2020 Tour de Greenbelt Title

Sponsor is The Institution for Savings.

In accordance with the Wetlands Protection Act, Mass. G.L. 131, Section 40, as amended,

and the Town of Rowley Wetlands Protection Bylaw, a remote public meeting will be held

on Tuesday, September 15, 2020 at 7:45 pm to consider a Request for Determination of

Applicability application filed by Trevor LaLiberte for proposed construction of a 35' x 32'

existing slab, 6' x 16' staircase exterior, 6' x 24' slab extension, raised bed planter and fence

and 14' x 24' detached shed possibly within the 100" Buffer Zone of Bordering Vegetated

Wetlands at 54 Haverhill Street (Map 15, Parcel Lot 88) in Rowley, MA.

Daniel Shinnick,


Rowley Conservation Commission


The Cape Ann

Museum is

preparing to



Museum is preparing to re-open its

main campus at 27 Pleasant Street to

the public on Oct. 1 with new safety

precautions for social distancing, reduced

capacity, touch-less doors, increased

cleaning, and other measures

that adhere to Gov. Baker’s Phase 3

re-opening plan and to protect the

public while enjoying the Museum’s

renowned art and maritime collections.

Museum members will be invited

to return to the Pleasant Street campus

on Sept. 24, and the Museum’s

new Cape Ann Museum Green off

Grant Circle will open to the public

on Sept. 17 including the contemporary

archival collections storage

and public exhibition space, the Janet

& William Ellery James Center.

At the new Cape Ann Museum

Green, visitors will see a selection of

images from The Porch-Rait Project,

photographs of Gloucester families

taken early in the COVID 19 pandemic

as a benefit to The Open Door.

Tickets for both sites may be reserved

at www.camuseum.eventbrite.com.

“We are overjoyed to announce that

we can re-open with the necessary precautions

required by the state,” said

Museum Director Oliver Barker. “As

the global pandemic hit in March, we

closed our doors to protect the staff and

public. Since then, I think we have all

been feeling the need to return to a place

of inspiration, to see art that reminds us

of the beautiful places in which we live,

and to feel a sense of normalcy again by

visiting the Museum and our new Cape

Ann Museum Green campus.”

When visitors return to Pleasant

Street on Oct. 1, they will see a newly

re-installed and updated Lane Gallery,

showcasing the work of marine artist

Fitz Henry Lane (1804-1865). They

will also be able to view three special

exhibitions: Tom and T.M. Nicholas:

A Father and Son’s Journey in Paint,

which has been extended through

November 1; Odds Were Against Me,

featuring works by 20th century sculptors,

Anna Vaughn Hyatt Huntington

and Katharine Lane Weems, on view

through January 3, 2021; and Our

Souls are by Nature Equal to Yours, an

exhibit exploring the life of early feminist

writer Judith Sargent Murray, on

view through November 8.

Here are some of the precautionary

measures that the Museum will

be taking when it reopens:

The Museum will have limited

opening hours from Thursday to

Sunday, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. to allow

for ample cleaning. The time slot of

10 a.m. to 11 a.m. will be reserved

for high risk populations to visit.

All visitors will need to make a reservation

at www.camuseum.eventbrite.

com to ensure limited capacity.

• The Museum will only allow 7

percent occupancy in the galleries.

There will be no public access to the

Auditorium, Activity Center, or Davis

House until further notice.

• The Library & Archives will be

closed due to ventilation issues, but

access to the entire collection can be

found online at capeannmuseum.

org/research or by emailing library@


• Visitors will be required to wear

masks throughout their time in the

Museum. Anyone without a mask

will be offered one upon entry.

• Social distancing in the galleries

and throughout the Museum will be

enforced by staff and security guards.

• Limited docent tours will be offered.

• Increased cleaning will happen

Community Announcements,

page 8


Retractable Awnings

Fabric Recovering &

Canopys Flex Screens




Maintenance-Free Tuf

Board Decking

Replacement Old

Decking or New

Zip-Up Underdecking





Railings * Vinyl

Metal * Glass *

Stainless Steel




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