Holy Hell Pitch8

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The Exorcism Convention - Day 1

After meeting Father Damien who’s nice-ish but pretty weird,

Gigi and Tamara go to day one of the Exorcism Convention

only to find that it is, well, depressingly fear-based. All day

long, lecturers give presentations aimed at scaring people into

not to pissing off God thereby risking becoming possessed by

evil. How can you stay safe from possession, you ask? Well

by avoiding doing things like drinking, smoking drugs, using

profanity and having sex until at least TWO DAYS after your

wedding night (just to be safe). There is basically no practical

instruction on how to actually perform an exorcism. It’s a total

case of possessee-shaming! But despite that, Tamara and Gigi

still manage to have a really fun day together calling people

out of their antiquated and counter-productive tactics. They

continuously raise their hands and challenge almost every

fear-mongering presenter (Gigi with her amazing ability to

read people and Tamara with her belief that true teachings

are centered around fearing the Devil, not God) In doing so,

they make each other laugh for the first time in years. But on

day two of the convention, shit gets real...


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