Winchester Hub 2019-20 Impact Report
Winchester Hub is a local branch of the national charity, Student Hubs. Our team of volunteers and staff work in partnership with the University of Winchester to support students to tackle social challenges, learn about issues and connect with each other. Read all about what Winchester Hub achieved in the 2019-20 academic year and how you can get involved!
Winchester Hub is a local branch of the national charity, Student Hubs. Our team of volunteers and staff work in partnership with the University of Winchester to support students to tackle social challenges, learn about issues and connect with each other. Read all about what Winchester Hub achieved in the 2019-20 academic year and how you can get involved!
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Youth Theatre provides free theatre
workshops for children aged 7-14.
This year saw them get even more
In semester one, the children were
tasked to create their own
characters for their own very own
The volunteers and children also
worked towards a performance of
Peter Pan in semester two. Although
cancelled due to lockdown, the
children managed to do a dress
rehearsal and hope to resume soon
to put on a great performance.
"I enjoy working with the
children and seeing the
progress that they have
made... Although I am
supervising the sessions I
think I have more fun!"
- Youth Theatre Volunteer
The Impact
7 Volunteers
7-16 children at each session
80% agreed they are more
likely to tackle social issues
in future
Winchester Hub is a branch of Student Hubs, a registered charity in England and Wales, number 1122328.