Muse: Issue 02

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It was a small step forward for

women that allowed for leaps

in the future.

with chokers, black eyeshadow, and

leather jackets. Women were seen as a

force to be reckoned with. The aggressive

nature of the '90s grunge aesthetic

directly challenged previous portrayals

of women as innocent and docile. With

grunge came an unrestrained form of

expression. Women in this decade were

unafraid to speak up for their beliefs and

their style reflected that fearlessness.

It may seem that all each decade left

behind was less and less room for the

imagination; however, there is more to it

than that. The freedom of dress offers

comfort and acceptance of oneself.

Fashion is an extension of self, and yes,

with each decade came more skin, but it

opened the choices that women had by

simply expanding their wardrobe. In

wearing skin-tight clothes or oversized

sweaters or men’s jackets, a woman is

communicating that she is comfortable

in her own skin.

While women have earned the right to

wear more revealing clothing in the 21st

Century, a victim-blaming culture has

been unwittingly thrust upon them.

Great strides have been made toward

female empowerment, but the fight is

not yet over. The recent #MeToo movement

has revealed the staggering number

of women and men who have fallen

victim to sexual abuse. Wearing short

skirts and cleavage-revealing shirts has

become a part of the norm; yet, this

does not stop the masses from accusing

women of “asking for it” when they

choose to dress in a more revealing way.

In a movement where people utilize

women’s clothing choices as a weapon

against them, others have fought back

using their own clothing choices for

retaliation. During the 2018 Golden

Globes, men and women dressed in all

black to protest the inequality between

the genders. Through large numbers

and unified fashion choices, they made

a loud statement against the normalized

culture against women.

Although there have been immense

amounts of progress in female empowerment

and equality, there is still massive

social inequality within the United

States and elsewhere. As the 2020s

begin this year, understand that clothing

has power to start and propel movements

forward. No one ever knows what

kind of new, controversial fashion statements

will arrive until it is in front of

them. The flapper era could never have

been predicted and it was one of the

most influential fashion movements in

recent history. Rebellious fashion

throughout the decades has shaped history

in ways that no one could have

imagined, and it will continue to do so.



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