2020 CitrusPeel Gold Edition

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Family, of whom I am so very proud, as we grow in

making a difference in our local communities and

our world.

As the staff team prepares for the start of another

Girl Scout year, we KNOW it will not look anything

like our traditional Girl Scouting, at least for a while.

I do not see this as entirely unfortunate. We have

learned, adapted, and found tools that will only add

to our reach and impact on girls as they strive to

succeed. I believe creating HYBRID opportunities

and offering more points of engagement will

certainly be the clarion call of 2021—and I’m very

good with that idea.

I call upon each of us, even though we find

ourselves in difficult times, to take a few moments

and reflect upon the many blessings we continue

to enjoy at Citrus Council. At the top of my long

list is, as always, our girls, and their unwavering

spirits. They are our inspiration, our guiding force,

and at the core of everything we do. They are

why we believe in the power of our Movement. I

am grateful for the gift of knowing our incredible

girls, especially our Gold Award Girl Scouts. I

am honored to lead Citrus Council and our amazing,

patient, and passionate volunteers who deliver Girl

Scout programming and bring our mission to life

every day. Without our volunteers and community

partners, Citrus Council would simply not be the

powerful force for girls that we are. I have said it in

the past, and it merits saying again, especially during

challenging times: Our girls inspire us to bond together,

amplifying our commitment and creating the unique

and purposeful relationship we share. The girls draw

us together as a family, and our caring volunteers feed

and nurture that family, lifting us all up. I love our Citrus

Family and could not be more grateful.

Yours in Girl Scouting,

Maryann Barry |

Chief Executive Officer

Girl Scouts of Citrus

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