Transcendental News, Vol 24. No 2, September 2020

* An Antidote to Violence: New book on the Maharishi Effect * Maharishi School is top of the class * Online courses a global success * Synchrony of silence – online group meditations * Heal the Healers now * Welcome to new TM Teacher Christine Curtis * Dr Tony Nader gives keynote address of International Yoga Day * TM & Me: Georgina Hall * The Maharishi Interviews: Les Crane, Autumn 1967, Los Angeles

* An Antidote to Violence: New book on the Maharishi Effect
* Maharishi School is top of the class
* Online courses a global success
* Synchrony of silence – online group meditations
* Heal the Healers now
* Welcome to new TM Teacher Christine Curtis
* Dr Tony Nader gives keynote address of International Yoga Day
* TM & Me: Georgina Hall
* The Maharishi Interviews: Les Crane, Autumn 1967, Los Angeles


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TM & Me: Georgina Hall

A series about people who have learned Transcendental Meditation.


didn’t know I was looking

for TM,” says artist

Georgina Hall, “but the

funny thing is, when I found

it, I realised I’d been looking my

whole life. I was almost annoyed

that I hadn’t found it sooner.”

Hearing about Transcendental

Meditation came about in a series

of fortunate accidents involving

being refused entry to a night club

in Manchester with her brother, and

then dropping in by chance to an

alternate venue where she met a

future boyfriend, Paul.

“Several months later Paul and

I were talking about the idea of

originality. I was at university at

the time, and struggling to find my

voice in my work, and he said, ‘I

think I know something that would

help’,” recalls Gina.

“Then Paul told me about

Transcendental Meditation, which

he had already


“I’d never heard

of it before; but I

went with Paul to

an introductory

talk, and I realised

it was what I’d

always been

looking for. I just

thought I’d be

mad not to do this.

“I liked that it

was very matterof-fact,

which is

what I was ready

to hear at the

time. Everything

that was said felt

like a truth. It was

like telling you,

everything’s going

to be OK. It was

so reassuring.

“And from then,

everything started

to change.”

Gina attended

the next TM course,

and noticed a

difference even

after the very first meditation.

“After being given the mantra,

and transcending for the first time,

when I opened my eyes the light

coming through the window was

like no light I’ve ever seen before. It

was so very bright. It was a different

kind of light, and there was peace.

It was the first time I’d transcended

and been that quiet. It was a

beautiful experience.”

“I noticed things quite quickly – I

wasn’t looking for any one thing in

particular, apart from the idea of

being more original, and trying to

figure out what I’m here to say, and

do, what my purpose is. It was a

flow, how the day would open up,

and I’d finish everything I had to

do by 3pm, and think ‘Oh my God,

what am I going to do the rest of

the day, I’ve done everything!’

“I found I was dealing with

situations without even realising

I was dealing with them – it was


Gina also noticed an impact on

her art, and her creativity.

“Playing with different ways

of problem solving, I find the

problems present themselves as the

solutions. The ones that arise are

exactly the ones needed in order

for each piece to reach its individual


“A book I was reading recently

by Dr Wayne Dyer said that ‘When

you change the way you look

at things, the things you look at

change.’ That’s so simple, and so

true, and I’ve experienced that so

much with TM, and even more so

with the TM-Sidhis.”

Gina learned the TM-Sidhi

programme last year, mainly

because it’s a pre-requisite for

attending the TM Teacher Training

Course, something she knew very

early on that she wanted to do.

“I want this for other people, as

perhaps they don’t know about

it, as I didn’t. So I want to be able

to share TM with them more than


Four years of meditating has

made a difference in all sorts of

subtle but powerful ways, says Gina.

“It allows me to move through

things more easily, and allows me to

make peace with things instead of

fighting them, leaving me so much

more energy.”

In an analogy of which David

Lynch would surely approve, she

adds: “With TM I create the world

I live in; I’ve taken the writer’s and

director’s role, seeing the world in

a newer and truer light. While also

sitting back to enjoy the ride and

watch the magic happen.”

And Georgina’s advice for

anyone thinking of learning

Transcendental Meditation?

“Do it! TM is the kindest, gentlest

thing you can do for yourself, and

you’ll thank yourself for it. It allows

you to experience a better version

of yourself, a version you can love

and be at peace with.” n

Transcendental Meditation News • September 2020 • Vol. 24 • No. 2 • 11

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