Transcendental News, Vol 24. No 2, September 2020

* An Antidote to Violence: New book on the Maharishi Effect * Maharishi School is top of the class * Online courses a global success * Synchrony of silence – online group meditations * Heal the Healers now * Welcome to new TM Teacher Christine Curtis * Dr Tony Nader gives keynote address of International Yoga Day * TM & Me: Georgina Hall * The Maharishi Interviews: Les Crane, Autumn 1967, Los Angeles

* An Antidote to Violence: New book on the Maharishi Effect
* Maharishi School is top of the class
* Online courses a global success
* Synchrony of silence – online group meditations
* Heal the Healers now
* Welcome to new TM Teacher Christine Curtis
* Dr Tony Nader gives keynote address of International Yoga Day
* TM & Me: Georgina Hall
* The Maharishi Interviews: Les Crane, Autumn 1967, Los Angeles


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Synchrony of

silence – online

group meditations

One popular offering of

the lockdown era which

will no doubt continue,

is the online group

meditation, where Meditators

access a Zoom call and meditate at

the same time – in the UK, at 8am

and 6pm.

Reaction has been positive, as in

this feedback from a TMer in East


“The online group experience

has been nothing short of

transformative, my meditation is so

much calmer, I am having longer

moments of that experience of

pure peace, and am valuing the

times of thoughts as stress relief. I

am already noticing the benefits

in my life of a deeper meditation

experience, family relationships

that have been broken for over

three years have now been healed.

I am naturally wanting to take care

of my physical health and have

started doing some gentle Yoga

and am eating a much healthier

The David Lynch

Foundation UK has

been receiving a

lot of interest in

their Heal the Healers Now

campaign, which provides

free TM courses for NHS

frontline staff. “We’re

currently raising funds, and

will be starting a project

with paramedics in the east

of England in the autumn,”

reports DLF UK director

Deirdre Parsons.



HealTheHealersNowUK n

diet. I just feel more relaxed and


“The leader of the group

meditation does a little ten

minute teaching or answers

questions at every session either

on practical issues about TM or

on fascinating aspects of Vedic

knowledge. Once a week there

is a Zoom link with Dr Peter

Warburton the leader of the TM

organisation in the UK, and his

beautiful stories of his time with

Maharishi are just a delight. There

are about 300 of us meditating

together and a lovely sense of

shared purpose and mutual

support has developed. The group

meets at 8am every morning and

6pm every evening, it is free to

join and you don’t have to make a

commitment, but if it is as valuable

for you as it is for me you won’t

want to miss it!”

Contact your local TM Centre/

Teacher for joining details. n

Heal the Healers now

Ringo Starr supports the DLF

Welcome to new

TM Teacher

Christine Curtis

Christine learned

Transcendental Meditation

in 1986 with Pat Stone.

The anxiety attacks she

experienced prior to learning

TM disappeared, and she went

on to work has a Paramedic

for 26 years in the London

Ambulance Service.

“I moved back to my

roots near to Leek, Staffs and

decided to take the plunge

and attend the TM Teacher

Training Course in 2019/20,”

says Christine. “I’ve now set up

a TM Centre in my farmhouse

in the north Midlands and ran

my first course here in July. I

feel I have come a long way

but of course all thanks to

Maharishi for this amazing

technique.” n

Transcendental Meditation News • September 2020 • Vol. 24 • No. 2 • 5

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