Transcendental News, Vol 24. No 2, September 2020

* An Antidote to Violence: New book on the Maharishi Effect * Maharishi School is top of the class * Online courses a global success * Synchrony of silence – online group meditations * Heal the Healers now * Welcome to new TM Teacher Christine Curtis * Dr Tony Nader gives keynote address of International Yoga Day * TM & Me: Georgina Hall * The Maharishi Interviews: Les Crane, Autumn 1967, Los Angeles

* An Antidote to Violence: New book on the Maharishi Effect
* Maharishi School is top of the class
* Online courses a global success
* Synchrony of silence – online group meditations
* Heal the Healers now
* Welcome to new TM Teacher Christine Curtis
* Dr Tony Nader gives keynote address of International Yoga Day
* TM & Me: Georgina Hall
* The Maharishi Interviews: Les Crane, Autumn 1967, Los Angeles


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Maharishi: Celibacy is not part of

Transcendental Meditation. It is

my life. Hundreds of thousands of

householders, husbands and wives

meditate together.

LC: So we don’t have to give up


Maharishi: No. We only add on to life.

200% life. That is the offer.

LC: You’re offering everyone a double


Maharishi: Full hundred per cent

inner, and hundred per cent outer.

To enjoy the outer beauty of life, the

flower, and enjoy the honey within it


LC: Maharishi, as you know, the

Beatles, your students, are on the

cover of Time magazine this week.

And inside is a picture of you, and a

story all about you and the Beatles.

They describe you as a ‘cherubic seer

with shoulder-length locks,’ and it’s

true – I’ve never met any other guru,

but you are the cutest guru (laughter

from Maharishi and the audience);

you’re so full of joy and life, it’s


Maharishi: It goes with the message

of Transcendental Meditation

LC: You mean everybody gets this

happy that practises Transcendental


Maharishi: They do. (audience


LC: Well, the Beatles say you’ve

changed their lives dramatically. How

did you get together with the Beatles?

Maharishi: I was speaking at the

Hilton in London, and towards the end

of the lecture I knew that the Beatles

were hearing the lecture, and they

wanted to talk to me. And the next

day I was to go to Wales to conduct

a course there, and I called them on

the dais and talked to them. And they

said, they had tried so many things,

along with drugs and all that, for some

higher spiritual experience. And at

my talk they heard that this higher

spiritual experience can be gained

very easily and comfortably without

any restrictions of habits, through

Transcendental Meditation.

LC: Had you heard about the Beatles

before you met them at this time?

Maharishi: In California I had heard of

them, two or three years ago.

LC: We know they had been taking

LSD and smoking marijuana.

Maharishi: They told me, there

is nothing in the Western world

which can give this higher spiritual

experience. When they heard it can

be gained very naturally and easily

through Transcendental Meditation,

they said they would do anything to

have that experience in a natural way.

And then they followed me {to Wales},

and two days of experience convinced

them that this is what they have been

seeking in their life.

LC: They gave up drugs of all kinds?

Maharishi: They had given up drugs

even before meeting me. But then

they were fixed on the idea that they

don’t need the drugs, and drugs don’t

fulfil that desire for higher spiritual


LC: Many people talk about the drugs,

such as LSD, as being some kind of

a spiritual experience. Have you ever

experimented with those kind of

hallucinatory drugs?

Maharishi: They are just as you said,

hallucinatory. They just produce some

hallucinations. Some people begin to

laugh, others begin to weep, nothing

is fixed about their experience. I

was never attracted to drugs; I was

fortunate to have a good master,

and that set my life on very proper


LC: Do they [the Beatles] claim

[Transcendental Meditation] has

changed their music in any way?

Maharishi: It must have improved!

Their records now will show, it must

improve. Because when the conscious

mind expands, expanded capacity of

the mind brings improvement on all

levels. Just like watering the root of a

plant makes every aspect of the plant

fresh and green. [The following year,

the Beatles wrote 30 songs – including

most of The White Album – while in

India with Maharishi, a period often

regarded as their most creative].

So it is the mind of a man. Even

modern psychology tells us that man

uses only a small portion of his mind.

Transcendental Meditation is a natural

way to expand the conscious capacity

and use the full mind.

LC: What exactly is Transcendental


Maharishi: It is transference of

attention, from the common levels of

thinking to the finer levels of thinking,

until the attention goes to the finest

level of thinking and the source of


LC: Does that mean that you are

instructed to think about some

specific, fine, thing?

Maharishi: Not a fine thing, but

a thought, without meaning. See,

when we say ‘carnation,’ someone

who understands English knows that

carnation is this flower. But someone

who doesn’t know English, what he

hears is ‘carnation,’ just the sound

of it. Now, if the mind is held on the

meaning, it will always be working on

the horizontal level, like swimming

on the surface of the pond. And

if the mind is not held up by the

meaning, then it is possible for the

mind to experience the finest state of

the sound of the thought. And that

takes the mind to the vertical activity,

fathoming the source of thought.

Part 2 will continue in our next issue n

Transcendental Meditation News • September 2020 • Vol. 24 • No. 2 • 13

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