Morris the Milk Man - A Collection of Short Stories Pt1- pub

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"Yes" said Martha "To the dairy, here we go."

As soon as she got out of the garage door Martha let out a large long

headed towards the dairy.

"Brrrr." "Oh its cold" she said and off they

At the dairy they loaded up with milk, yoghurts, cream, and juice,

checked the orders and set off to Downland by the Sea.

Downland was

where Morris delivered his milk.

It was snowing hard, so hard Morris couldn't see where he was going. He was sure he

was going through Greengrass village and had to turn left to get on the road to

Downland by the Sea. So he did. But he was not expecting the steep icy hill that

suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Whoa Martha" said Morris.

"We're in trouble Morris," said Martha. "The brakes are on but we're not slowing down

we are just going faster. Whoa - hold on to your hat Morris we're heading for the


Martha and Morris crashed through the hedge and slid across the field like a sledge.

"Oh er, hold on Morris" said

going faster than when she was on

"Keep a hold of your hat Morris,

Phlumpph. They were through the

road. And there in front of them

tractor. He was there with

looking at Morris and Martha in

Martha. She was having fun and was

the road. Another hedge was coming up.

here we go again", said Martha.

hedge and out on to the road. The right

was farmer Kettle in his snow plough

Constable Smartly. They were both


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