Morris the Milk Man - A Collection of Short Stories Pt1- pub

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Constable Smartly soon arrived and had a look in the

Morris. I'll make the house secure straight away and he went

doors and shut the windows.

Morris and Martha knew there was nothing else they could

Smartly. Morris and Martha went home.

Just as they arrived home there was Mr Didcot the postman

box, and there was Smudge barking and growling not letting

loved playing with the postman and he loved making as

"Oh Morris, I'm glad you're here "said Mr Didcot'' I'm

postcard for you from Mrs Berringer -She's gone on holiday you know!"

cottage. "I think you might be right" he said to

around and turned the lights out, closed the

do and left it all in the safe hands of Constable

trying to put something into Morris's letter

him do what he was trying to do. Smudge

much noise as he could.

having a bit of trouble with Smudge. I've got a

Morris laughed "Well, well, well" He said "that explains a lot."

Mr Didcot read the postcard to Morris while Morris dealt with an over excited Smudge.

"She says she forgot to cancel the milk and to tell you she'd be away. She also left in such a hurry to catch the train that she thinks she may

have not locked the door, shut the window or turned the lights out. She says can you do it when you get there today. And to help yourself to

a nice cup of tea and a slice of cake. She says she'll see you next week"

Morris laughed again. Mrs Berringer had not been kidnapped or robbed after all. Once again he had

got it wrong but it had all worked out all right in the end. He told Mr Didcot all about his adventure

that day and then rang Constable Smartly.

After that he sat down with his much needed cup of tea and a slice of fruit cake. What an exciting day

it had been.

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