Morris the Milk Man - A Collection of Short Stories Pt1- pub

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Book Four - Morris and the Kidnappers

Morris was a milkman. He delivered Milk that's what milkmen do. Morris got up early in the morning. Most people were still in bed. The

birds sometimes were still asleep. Each day he would climb down his stairs, have his breakfast have a wash and get dressed. He had a dog

called smudge and sometimes if Smudge was awake and it wasn't raining he liked to go with Morris.

Today Smudge didn't fancy it. He lifted one eye lid and shut it again and then lifted the other. No it was dark and he was

warm and cosy - today he would stay on guard dog duty at the house.

After breakfast Morris went to the garage and climbed on Martha. "Good Morning Martha, old girl" said Morris

"Good morning Morris "said Martha "Off to the Dairy?" Said Martha

"Yes please, off to the Dairy Martha" said Morris.

At the dairy Morris collected the milk, the yoghurt, the juice, and the cream and checked the orders for the day and then climbed aboard


"Off we go then, Old girl" said Morris.

Martha slowly but at top speed for her headed for Greengrass Village and on to Downland by Sea.

Downland by sea was a quiet seaside town where

One of the last houses on Morris's milk round was a

back of the town. It was on the way back to Greengrass

wooden door. The garden gate always creaked when

along with Morris' whistling, for Mrs Berringer, who

for a nice cup of tea. Mrs Berringer was a kind old lady

and always on his way back to Greengrass Village

nothing much ever happened.

pretty little cottage nestled away at the

Village. It had small windows and a big

Morris opened it. That was the sign

owned the house, to put the kettle on

who always liked to help people out

Morris would call in for a cup of tea

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