Copper State Cook Book

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Cannoli Dip

Chocolate Covered


15 ounces Ricotta cheese,


8 ounces Mascarpone cheese

2/3 cup powdered sugar, plus

more for dusting if desired

½ cup heavy cream**

½ cup mini semi-sweet

chocolate chips (chopped

pistachios would also

be good)


In a mixing bowl using a spatula, blend together Ricotta and

Mascarpone cheese, while pressing mixture along bottom

of bowl to smooth mixture. Fold in powdered sugar. In a

separate mixing bowl, whip heavy cream until stiff peaks

form. Add half of whipped cream to Ricotta mixture and

fold until combined, then add remaining half and fold

until combined. Fold in chocolate chips, reserving 1 to 2

tablespoons to garnish. Serve topped with remaining

chocolate chips, dusted lightly with powdered sugar if

desired and serve with graham crackers, strawberries, cannoli

chips or fried flour tortilla chips dusted lightly with cinnamon.


* To strain I simply lay the ricotta over several layers of

paper towels, then wrap and squeeze to remove

excess moisture. You want to remove enough moisture

that the Ricotta should hold it’s shape pretty well so you

may want to do this step twice.

** If you don’t want the dip fluffy you can reduce the

amount of heavy cream or even omit it (which will give it

a texture closer to a traditional cannoli filling).

Using a double boiler OR microwaveable bowl, melt

chocolate. Prepare a bowl with sprinkles. Use a fork or

skewer to attach marshmallows and dip in chocolate, then

roll in sprinkles. Allow to cool (or eat immediately!)

Submitted by Loreto | Encanto Branch

“Food should be fun.”

Chocolate for melting

1 bag medium marshmallows


28 Submitted by Rhiann | Account Recovery

– Thomas Keller



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