This Is Marketing by Seth Godin

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Nobody needs your product

It doesn’t make sense to say “people need a white leather wallet,” because:

1. People don’t need a wallet. They might want one, but that’s different.

2. People might decide that they want a white leather wallet, but they don’t want it

because it’s white or because it’s leather; they want it because of how it will make

them feel. That’s what they’re buying: a feeling, not a wallet. Identify that feeling

before you spend time making a wallet.

Marketers make change. We change people from one emotional state to another. We

take people on a journey; we help them become the person they’ve dreamed of becoming,

a little bit at a time.

No one is happy to call a real estate broker

Not really. Despite what the broker is hoping, this isn’t often a joyous interaction.

They’re afraid.



Eager to get going.

Anxious about moving.

Stressed about money.

Thinking about status gained or lost.

Concerned about the future.

Worried about their kids.

The broker is a speed bump on the way to their future. And most of what he or she says

is merely noise, a palliative, because it all costs the same anyway.

According to statistics given to me by the National Association of Realtors, more than

80 percent of the people who hire a broker do so by choosing the first person to return

their call.

Given that, here’s what I’d ask a broker seeking better: How will you choose to show up

in the world? Will you reassure and soothe? Will you probe and explore? Will you claim

that you’re better, faster, more caring?

Just as no one needs a drill bit, no one needs a real estate broker. What they need and

want is how it makes them feel to get what a broker can get them.

(And the same thing is true for waiters, for limo drivers, and perhaps for you . . . )

• • • • •

Like real estate brokers, most of us do our most important work when we traffic in

emotions, not commodities.

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