This Is Marketing by Seth Godin

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Trust and Tension Create Forward Motion

Pattern match/pattern interrupt

You’re going to do one or the other.

The pattern match is business as usual. When the offering you bring matches the story

we tell ourselves, the way we tell it, the pace we’re used to, the expense and the risk . . .

it’s an easy choice to add you to the mix.

Consider the family with young kids that’s used to a never-ending parade of breakfast

cereals. Cocoa Krispies led to Lucky Charms led to Frosted Flakes—whichever one is on

sale or has a cool promo (that a kid yells about). When your new brand of cereal shows

up, buying it is a pattern match. Sure, why not?

Or it might be as simple as a sitcom on Thursday night at 9 p.m. Millions sit down

every week to watch TV . . . you’re not trying to change their pattern; you’re simply

putting your new offering into the mix that already exists.

A pattern interrupt, on the other hand, requires some sort of jolt. Tension is created,

and energy is diverted to consider this new input. Is it something worth considering?

Most of the time, for most of those you seek to reach, the answer is no. The answer is no

because the patterns are established, time is precious, and risk is something to be feared.

If you want someone who has never hired a gardener to hire you to be their gardener,

you’re asking for a pattern interrupt. If you are trying to secure a five thousand-dollar

donation from a wealthy person who habitually makes hundred-dollar donations to

charity, you face the same challenge. The pattern requires undoing before you can earn

forward motion.

When life interferes, new patterns are established. This is why it’s so profitable to

market to new dads, engaged women, and people who have recently moved. They don’t

have a pattern to match, so it’s all an interrupt. On the other hand, the purchasing

manager at a typical organization has been taught that matching the pattern is the best

way to keep a steady job with no surprises.

The best time to market a new app is when the platform is brand new.

When you market to someone who doesn’t have a pattern yet, you don’t have to

persuade them that their old choices were mistakes.

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