NAL Newspaper 25

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Mexico is full of cultural wealth that ranges

from pre-Hispanic paintings, architecture,

food, music, among others.

One of the activities that have been preserved

since pre-Hispanic times are remedies

based on medicinal plants that have

been inherited from generation to generation,

today we call them “Grandmother’s

remedies.” Who does not remember when

as children if we were “empachados” they

pulled the skin from our back (from the

waist to the neck) until it thundered and they also gave us herbal tea to drink

and as if by magic the child felt better.

These kinds of actions seemed to be witchcraft, were our ancestors witches? I’m

not sure about that, but I could say that there is some magic (jeje)

Currently there are many people who are called “shamans” these people are considered

witches in the eyes of any mortal. These people claim to have super natural

powers which they use to heal people or otherwise harm them.

As a Mexican culture, these beliefs are still active since, for example, if you see a

person who is in love with another person of the opposite sex, it is said that they

gave him “agua de calzón” (jajaja and I know many people like that). Another belief

is to put a red string on the baby to avoid bad vibes. Who does not remember

the clean ones? One of the most famous places with these beliefs is Catemaco,

Veracruz. What other belief do you remember your family has?


Now This is a QUIZ to know if you are a witch, Do you dare to answer it?

1.- Sticking a knifev in the

ground keeps it from raining.

Of course! Works like a



What? False


I don’t know

that trick,

sounds interesting


2.-Have you ever had a

dream that came true?

Yes, many



Maybe, once or twice




3.- Have you ever correctly

guessed the gender of a

pregnant woman’s baby?

Yep, I’m right every

single time


Yeah, but it’s a 50%

chance you’ll be right


That’s silly


4.- Your significant other has

a headache. What do you


Give him or her aromatherapy


Make them drink



Give them an



5.- How many times have

you ever won a giveaway or


I always win those



Maybe once or twice




6.- Are you good at staring


I have no idea


No, I always blink or

start laughing


Yes, nobody can

beat me


7.- Have you ever had the

urge to pick up a pretty

or interesting rock of the

ground and take it home

with you?

Maybe once or twice


No, never


Yes, I have a



8.- What is your preferred








9.- When a storm is coming,

what do you think?

Yeah! I love storms


Ugh, I hate the rain


Perfect time to

Netflix and chill


10.- Do you use a lot of

spices and herbs in your


I just follow the recipe


Yes, I love using random

spices and herbs


i don’t cook



Total between 10- 15 YOU ARE


Between 16-21




Between 22-30 CONGRAT-





Section:. Videogames

By: Itzel Granados

One of the best horror games

If you like to spend time and feel a little scare playing videogames, I have the best option for

you .

Kill or be killed: Dead by Daylight

The game is based in a rarely word wasted, vengeful demons aside, every character feels

profoundly human. It’s a world of broken people who highlight the broken morality of

Dylan’s vigilante journey. Aside from a few of the murder victims who only appear through

Dylan’s cracked point of view, everyone in Kill or Be Killed has some damage and no one

behaves perfectly. Dylan remains empathetic because his world and situation are so dire.

The main character is Dylan a depressed college student. He lives a lonely life in New York

attending college, He decides to become a vigilant and kill those who deserve it. It starts

with a child abuser from the young man’s past, then extends out to the lowlifes he finds on

the streets of New York. The increased confidence Dylan gets from all that killing also leads

to an unexpected and long awaited romance with Kira, Even when that’s a bad idea for a

variety of reasons. Each issue has pushed the narrative inches forward and complicated the

increasingly horrible situation a little further.


Resident Evil 2

As you remember Resident evil is one of the most famous horror games. Well, in this case,

Resident Evil 2’s rendition is not an exception. Let me explain you a little about it.

The game starts with the company S.T.A.R.S trying to convict the Umbrella Corporation

for their experiments with the T-Virus. However, Umbrella have moles within the Racoon

City police department and S.T.A.R.S are unable to convict them. Umbrella continues its

experiments with the T-Virus in an underground silo. Not all goes to plan for Umbrella as

they manage to carry their experiments out and leak some of the T-Virus bio weapon into

Raccoon City’s sewage system. This leads to the virus spreading throughout Racoon City,

with many people fighting for their lives and turning into Zombies.

Leon S Kennedy a cop with the RPD (Remote Desktop Protocol) and Claire Redfield

are stuck in Raccoon City during the outbreak and have to survive the oncoming zombie

hordes and track down Claire’s brother Chris. They soon learn that Chris has left Raccoon

City to investigate the Umbrella headquarters in Europe. With no motivation left to stay

in the city, two of them split up to flee the city. While escaping, Claire finds Sherry who

is escaping from an unknown creature. Leon encounters Ada Wong who is looking for

her boyfriend who is a researcher for Umbrella. All the game you will find unexpected

moments that will become more interesting and it will catch your attention for spending

hours and hours playing




3D section

By: David Landa

Technology, DIY & HM

Do you have much free time at home?

What to do during that time?

Are you a curious?

Do you like to create stuff for hobby?

Would you like to solve life problems or make it easier with hacks?

Now adays we are almost 100% involved in virtual classes, home office, virtual or not

presential courses, by the way supposedly we MUST be in our home due to Covid 19

worldwide issue so most of us we have extra time to do NOTHING (some cases), here the

questions is, Would you like to solve an issue of your life or make it easier ? If your answer

is yes this article is for you otherwise if not also this article is for you, in the following of this

article you will find some ideas, web page or some suggestions to do during this hard time!!!

Firstly, We have to understand what a technology DIY is (Do it Yourself) & HM



We have a lots of platforms to do that like programming microcontrollers from scratch, or

electronic tutorials for beginners, plywood crafts, wooden crafts or just Hacks ideas for

home all those are named as Homemade activities where you are involved in an idea in your


The first recommendation if you would like to start with electronics low cost and programming

is : Arduino is an open source and very cheap device and integraded with powerful

microcontrollers very easy to use, in some cases the price is around $15USD in stores like

amazon or ebay, but in mexico you can find in Mercado Libre a basic kit with free shipping

around $550 MXN





, bunch of tutorials to start from scratch in: https://www.



Second recommendation if you would like to start with some plywood or wooden HM DIY

the easy part is because probably you have the stuff and tools in your home or the needs are

low cost also: https://www.instructables.com/id/Plywood-beer-crate/




Third recommendation if you would like to start with Some Electronic / Electrical Hacks

for Homemade & DIY is easy because probably you have the stuff and tools in your home

or the needs are low cost also: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u6lbJrt5HKI&ab_channel=5-MinuteCraftsMEN

So now WE DO NOT have any excuse to keep doing something in our free time while this bad

situation happens.



The month of October is finally here. I know most people love these days, but I’m not particularly

excited. My reasons are obvious.

As long as I can remember, I have been afraid of darkness because my older brother used to

scare me all the time when I was a little kid. He would tell me there were strange noises at

home and turn the lights off whenever he had the chance, just in order to make me believe

there were mysterious presences, which was not true, of course.

One of the situations I remember the most from my childhood took place on October 30th.

I was 10 years old. My parents and brother were not at home, since they had gone to buy

some candies to be ready for next day and receive Halloween in the best possible way. I decided

to stay at home because I didn’t feel like going out.

It seemed to be a common afternoon. However, my parents had already lasted too much

outside home and I started to feel a little uncomfortable being alone for such a long time. In

addition, the windy weather and the movement of the tree branches created a more tense

environment. Despite that, I was trying to ignore any negative thought crossing my mind,

so I kept playing with my toys.

The day started getting dark, as if the Sun had vanished in the blink of an eye. The environment

was quiet and I could only hear the wind and the beat of my heart, which was turning

faster each time. Then, I heard something coming from the door. *Knock, knock*


In that moment, I felt a little better because I wasn’t

going to be alone anymore. “Perhaps, it’s one of my

friends” – I thought. Therefore, I jumped out of bed

and went directly to my door. Anyways, for some

reason, I decided to look through the peephole before

opening. Surprisingly, there was nobody outside,

but I opened the door and found a little box at

the doorstep.

After that, I got into my house and saw what was

inside the box. It contained a piece of paper with the

message “Knock, knock”.

Immediately, I dropped the paper on the floor and

went running to my bedroom. I didn’t know what

was happening, but I felt really scared. It was each

time darker, and there was no clue about the arrival

of my parents and brother.

In the middle of silence, the phone started to ring

and, of course, I was the only one who could answer,

so I ran towards it and picked it up.


After some seconds of silence, the answering machine

said: “You’ve got a new message”.

The message was the voice of a man saying “Knock,


I thought I was going crazy, especially when I remembered

I used to live alone


Haunted stadiums.

Hello! October is here so it’s the time to open the paranormal chest of sports. Today, I will

talk about soccer stadiums. Even the soccer world is not related to paranormal activities,

there are many rumors about places in which ghost have been seen or strange noises have

been heard. Do you believe this kind of stories? If you want to know about them, keep


1. La Bombonera Stadium.

It is one of the most famous stadiums in Argentina. Many people claim a man has been seen

several times sitting down on the seats. Some others have seen a boy running and jumping

on the field.

2. St. Mary Stadium.

Located in England. Its construction started in 2000, yet the workers started finding several

strange objects. A research started and it was found out that the place had been a cemetery

before. It is said the owners had a witch make a ritual to frighten away the evil spirits.

3. Azteca Stadium.

There’s a disturbing story about it. It is said that many workers disappeared mysteriously as

it was being constructed. Current staff has heard moans and noises at certain points of the



4. Ghazi Stadium.

Located in Afghanistan, this place was used by the Taliban Army to carry out public executions.

Some people say that the strange noises and moans are caused by the ghosts of all the

people who was murdered there.

5. Azul Stadium.

One of the main reasons why Cruz Azul hasn’t won a championship, according to the fans,

is because its stadium has a malediction. While some say it was built behind a cemetery,

others say some ghosts have been seen in the tunnels and the locker rooms.

True or false? It’s something we will never know. Stay safe!



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