CSR Training Manual

The training manual for SMA Healthcare's CSR's.

The training manual for SMA Healthcare's CSR's.


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SMA Healthcare improves lives through exceptional substance

abuse and/or mental health services


SMA envisions a community where all individuals living with

addiction and mental health needs find hope, healing and



Service | Integrity | Excellence.




Customer service is

not a department, it’s

everyone’s job.

~ Anonymous


CS Mission Statement 3

Important Phone Numbers 13

Human Resources Contact Info 15

Acronym & Abreviation List 16

Outpatient Locations Phone | Fax | Mail 20

Outpatient Services Provided Per Site 21

SMA Healthcare Locations 22

SMA Healthcare Dress Code 23

Your customer doesn’t

care how much you

know until they know

how much you care.

~ Damon Richards

It is the mission of the Customer Service team of SMA Healthcare to maximize

the treatment experience of our patients through the highest quality of

mental health and substance abuse treatment and care. We are dedicated

to providing a positive experience for our patients through professionalism,

efficient teamwork and a positive attitude. Reflect the “SMA” Way — “Service,

Integrity, Excellence”

The following acronym resonates SMA’s commitment to “quality of



E — Effective

M — Mindful

P — Patience

A — Achievement

T — Trusting

H — Helpful

Y — “You Matter!”

Balancing The Cash Box 26

Just In Time Scheduling 26

Scheduling Appointments 28

Appointment Confirmation 30

Each client has different needs. They come to our CSR staff with different

issues and they may need unique treatment/interactions to solve those

issues. Because of this, there is a single attribute that stands out above

all of the rest: EMPATHY!


Move Forward List 31

Discharge 31

Misc. Forms 32

CSR Process Receiving And Returning

Medications/Injections From Pharmacy 34

Medication Assisted Treatment 37

MAT Referring Process 42

Balancing Of Pos Register 43

Empathy is the ability to understand another person’s feelings

and desires — the best and most successful Customer Service

Representatives have a great sense of empathy. The most important

facet of empathy in customer service is learning and understanding

what success and happiness means to our clients. Our organization

provides services to a very vulnerable, fragile and unique population;

putting our clients at ease and placing them with the correct person is

key to the client’s success.

CSR’s develop empathy by learning to LISTEN. Listening skills are the

foundation of CSR skills. It is important to always approach clients with

a personalized, warm welcome.

Settle A Batch Manually 43

Financial Services Policy & Procedures 44

Receivables Proceedures 46

• Seek to politely understand the client’s need

• Find a solution

• Listen for and resolve client’s issues or concerns

• Close your interaction with client, making them feel genuinely

Cash Receipts & Disbursements 47

• welcome to return

Client Rights 49

Seeking politely and listening for and resolving issues are actions that

are focused on “EMPATHY”.

The importance of showing empathy yet still being able to draw a

boundary is key to our clients continuing to engage in services at SMA

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Kind words can be

short and easy to

speak, but their echos

are truly endless.

~ Mother Teresa

Healthcare. Clients should feel that not only do the CSR’s care about

their wellbeing, our entire organization as a whole does as well.

This training manual is a document that represents what is expected

each and every day. Following these expectations will make our

employees (not only CSR staff) a success at whatever job they hold

within the organization.

The goal in providing excellent customer service is:

• • Client Satisfaction

• • Reaching goals

“Service above self, go above and beyond one person every day”;

this represents our overall customer service goals.

In addition to the CSR staff, all staff should have positive interactions

with the clients, creating the confidence that their problems get solved

and that the client is satisfied at the end of the interaction.


Our organization is known to provide excellent customer service

and places a very strong emphasis on serving clients that begins at

the VERY TOP. Our CEO is on board and our employees see that.

Dedication to the importance of customer service crosses every

department and every rank from the highest executive managers to the

front line representatives.

The CSR Mission Statement and the “SMA WAY” (service, integrity,

excellence) defines the essence of providing excellent customer service

throughout our organization, exceeding expectations to all those that

we are privileged to serve!

The goal in providing excellent customer service should always be

to ensure that the client is satisfied throughout the entire course of

their journey and that they have had (or continue to have) a positive


The ideas/expectations always tie back to “EMPATHY”. Every staff

member within our organization should always be focused on helping

our clients achieve their goals.

Employees who have the greatest effect on our clients may not be in

the CSR position — we are all a team however and it takes all of us to

help each client reach their goals and improve their lives, health and



Customers don’t

expect you to be

perfect. They do

expect you to fix

things when they go


~ Donald Porter


Excellent customer service is the lifeblood of our organization.

Customer Service should not be a “department”; it should be our entire

organization! The following are skills that can be developed to deliver

the best experience for our clients:

• Empathy, or the ability to understand and share the feelings of

others is required at every stage of our organization, from the

beginning of the treatment episode, to completion.

• To provide great customer service, you should understand

the emotions of others and not take things personally when a

client becomes angry. At its simplest level, empathy breeds

understanding. If a client feels understood, they will feel valued.

If a person feels valued, they will engage and benefit greatly from

the services our organization is providing to them.

• Suggestions to help build empathy are: see things from the

client’s perspective, validate the client’s perspective, be aware

of your attitude, don’t just hear, listen; look for verbal and visual

cues that you are on track and the client is happy, ask the client

what are they hoping to achieve. The easiest way to define client

success is to have them define it in plain words. By practicing

these steps, you will seem more engaged and interested in what

people are saying which in turn will make the client feel more

valued and appreciated.

One of the most important skills needed to deliver great customer

service is the ability to really listen and understand what the client’s

pain point is and why they are experiencing it. Suggestions to develop

good active listening skills are as follows:

• Receive information without interrupting — pushing bias,

argument and internal dialogue aside. Show appreciation

through attentive body language — smile, nod and make small

verbal gestures such as “I see” to show full undivided attention.

Summarize the client’s pain points. This demonstrates you

understand the core problem the client is facing and will make

it easier to reach a resolution. Ask clarifying questions to gauge

your level of understanding — clear up any misunderstandings.

The most important thing we can give our clients is our attention!

We should always be going above and beyond to make sure that the

client is happy. An example would be, perhaps you are unable to handle

a client’s problem and should transfer them to another department.

Instead of giving the client another telephone number to call, only to

be placed on hold, or disconnected, do a “warm call transfer”; make

sure that someone is awaiting the call when you make the transfer and

that person knows who they are speaking with and what the call is all

about. Before completing the “warm” transfer, go the extra mile and

ask the client if there is anything further you can do to assist them.

Policies and procedures pertaining to customer service and finance

located in separate section of this training document.

It’s very important to know your clients and still be able to draw the

necessary boundary; a great interaction begins with knowing what the

client wants and needs. Client’s love personalization. It makes them

feel valued and important.

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The more you engage

with customers the

clearer things become

and the easier it is to

determine what you

should be doing.

~ John Russell

Patience - We are taught at a very early age that patience is a virtue.

In reality, very few people are ever really shown how to be patient.

Patience is not innately gifted to us at birth, it is something that we

consciously do. It’s really just like any other skill, the more we practice

it, the more patient we become. The ability to be patient (even when

our clients are not) is one of the most essential customer service skills

to develop and one you will call on every single day! Customers will get

angry and take frustrations out on you. They will not always understand

the solution to a problem no matter how many times you explain it to

them. Clients will want their problem solved yesterday. Each scenario

will test your patience. The key is to remember that you are the face of

this organization at the moment you are dealing with these situations;

you cannot allow a client’s negativity to influence the way in which you

are treating them.

There will be times when situations that occur aren’t covered in this

training document (“curve balls”). When this type of a situation occurs,

you need to be able to think quickly on your feet; there may be situations

where you will find yourself to be completely stuck. If this should occur,

a go to chain of command person/s needs to be identified (supervisor,

site director, etc.), reaching out to that person/s for assistance. The

identified person/s need to be easily accessible; communication should

be specifically stated (how will you get assistance, e mail, telephone or

in person); the best way to establish is to ask the resource person/s

which communication method works best for them.

Know what your

customers want

most and what your

company does best.

Focus on where those

two meet.

~ Kevin Stirtz

The following are a few pointers for dealing with disgruntled clients/

family members:

• Don’t take it personally! Most likely, they are not angry with you so do

not try to defend yourself. Start by listening to their whole story while

acknowledging them quietly.

• When the client or family member is at the peak of expressing anger,

sorrow or distress, show concern for them silently.

• In this battle, you and the client or family member are on one side and

the problem is on the other. Work together to solve the issue.

• If you encounter a loud and abusive client or family member, respond

by speaking softly and with a steady tone.

• Make sure that you are addressing the technical, administrative and

emotional aspects of the client’s concerns.

• It really doesn’t matter who created the problem or what transpired

before the client or family member presented. Tell the client or family

member that you will resolve their problem and will apply your

personal effort to achieve positive results.

• It is important for you to keep in mind that you can speak to a manager

if things start to feel out of hand.

• If you ever, ever feel threatened with bodily harm, remove yourself

from the situation immediately. Do not ever be afraid to call for help.

When you come into a situation where you are dealing with an

angry customer, it is important to remember not to take the situation

personally. Angry clients will take their frustrations out on you; it is

not personal however. Most likely, the client is merely venting; at this

point, let them get all of their anger out without interrupting and then

provide them with the help they need. Never argue back; when a client

becomes extremely irate it can be very easy to go on the defensive.

Sometimes it will be tempting to fight back, especially when you know

the client is wrong; however, it is crucial that you handle the situation

without losing your cool and of course, reach out for assistance before

the situation becomes out of control; using good, sound judgement in

these cases is key. Assure the client that you are going to do everything

in your power to help them. Developing trust with our clients is so

beneficial to their health and wellbeing; keeping them engaged as well

as recommending our organization to others who are suffering from

behavioral health issues.

All employees should have a deep working knowledge of our

organization; they should be up to date on services/programs offered

at each site location and deeply understand the benefits and value of

the great services this organization provides to our community.

Why is Body Language Important in Customer Service?

Body language is important in customer service because it affects

how clients will react to what you’re saying to them. Over 90% of

communication is delivered through body language, as well as one’s

tone of voice. In face-to-face customer service, representatives should

control both of these skills if they want to consistently provide a delightful

supportive experience.


Maintain Eye Contact When the Client Is Speaking

Eye contact lets a client know that you’re listening to what they’re saying.

By maintaining eye contact when the client is speaking, it tells them

you’re paying attention to their story and recognizing the significance of

their roadblock.

Your facial expressions also play an important role in how a client will

react. If you show compassion and empathy in your reaction, they’ll know

that you care about their problem.


Practice Good Posture

No matter what industry you are in, you will always encounter customers

(clients, family members) who may be angry, unhappy, etc. However, it is

imperative that you master the act of handling these clients in a respective

and professional manner.

Posture is typically associated with confidence. The better posture you

have, the more confident you appear to the client. This makes it more

likely that they’ll trust your solutions, especially when an explanation is a

bit more complicated.

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Being on par in terms

of price and quality

only gets you into the

game. Service wins

the game.

~ Tony Allesandra

Smile When It’s Appropriate

You should always look for opportunities to smile with a customer. Not

only does this show that you’re happy to help, but also that you feel

optimistic about the case. Having a pessimistic or uninterested attitude

lets the customer know that your attention is elsewhere and not focused

on solving the problem.

Avoid Unnecessary Movement

Fidgeting or making unnecessary movements can be distracting and take

the client’s attention away from the case. Or worse, they could suspect

you’re uninterested in the conversation and more focused on another

task. When speaking with a client or listening to their response, stand

still and limit motion to just your hands. Hand gestures can help portray

a point and show your enthusiasm for the situation. Just make sure you

don’t overdo it, as excessive hand gestures can be distracting as well.

Keep an Open Stance

Keeping an open stance may seem like a small detail, but it does make

you appear more approachable. When you face the customer — rather

than turning away — you seem more engaged in the conversation. It’s

also easier to maintain eye contact when you’re facing the person that

you’re speaking to.

Be Conscious of Your Tone

Tone can dramatically influence how your message comes across. It’s

important to keep your tone in check, especially when a situation isn’t

going as planned. Being monotonic can make you seem uninterested

while being too enthusiastic can make you seem insincere. Find a happy

medium with a casual, professional tone that’s friendly and agreeable.

Avoid Crossing Your Arms

In some cases, crossing your arms can seem intimidating. It can look

like you’re trying to persuade the client rather than helping them find a

solution. To avoid this, try to keep your arms by your sides if you’re not

using them to illustrate a point.

Speak Loudly, Clearly and Confidently

The volume of your voice can also indicate how confident you are in your

response. Be sure to speak clearly and avoid mumbling. Pay attention to

your cadence (rhythm) as well, as talking too quickly can confuse clients

and leave them with more questions than answers.

The goal as a

company is to have

customer service that

is not just the best but


~ Sam Walton

experience. In addition, most often you are the person that everyone goes

to when they have a question; you keep the front desk in check; there

isn’t much that you, as a CSR doesn’t do!

When you take a position as a Customer Service Representative, it is

very important that you can work well under pressure while maintaining

a consistently pleasant and professional demeanor when communicating

with our clients, fellow team members, peers and the community as a

whole. Understanding your duties and how they affect the day-to-day

of the office’s dynamic will make your work decisions smarter and much

more effective.

Please always remember this: Do not minimize the impact that you and

your job performance have on clients, fellow team members and other

employees. Your job is exceptionally important.


Greeting Clients and Helping Them Find Their Way

The most important duty on your list is customer service. When a client

arrives, the following steps should occur:

• Greet them warmly

• Help them with their needs and offer them your help immediately

• Provide knowledgeable answers to any questions they may have

about our organizations operations.

In addition to in-person greetings, a customer service representative is

responsible for answering all incoming calls politely and efficiently.

You will be provided with a cheat sheet (example enclosed) that lists

important extensions and telephone numbers. Having these numbers

close by will eliminate wasted time, allowing you to go through different

calls much quicker. Always have a pen and paper nearby which will also

be helpful when taking messages.


As a Customer Service Representative, in addition to managing the

schedules for practitioners and therapists, you will be asked to take care

of other miscellaneous, but very important tasks.

These may include the following:

• Order office supplies


Customer Service Representatives are essential to any business. You are

professionals who are most often the first impression (first and last point

of contact) that anyone has of our organization, you are the “face of SMA”.

The way in which you treat and interact with our clients, family members,

the community, etc. has a definite impact on our client’s overall treatment

• File documents

• Make photocopies, scan documents and maintain working

knowledge of all office equipment

• Send and receive faxes

• Perform accounting/bookkeeping tasks

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During the Confirmation Call - Use the Call to Gain Information

Confirm the following information:

calls provide critical intelligence for the daily plan and assist the care

team in maximizing efficiency during the client visit. For highest impact,

confirmation calls require planning and must be done on a consistent

basis. If a patient does not want to confirm and needs to change an

appointment, reschedule them immediately while they are on the phone.

You’ll never have

a product or price

advantage again.

They can be easily

duplicated, but a

strong customer

service culture can’t

be copied.

~ Jerry Fritz

• Appointment date and time still works for the patient by asking

specifically and directly (e.g., have the patient state his/her intention

to keep the appointment).

• Update demographic data, phone, email, mailing addresses

• Patient knows how to cancel appointment and what number to call

if he/she needs to cancel or will be late. What happens if patient is


• The patient’s expectation of the visit. Will the patient require

additional services? Will he/she need to have forms filled out? Are

prescription refills needed?

• Pre-ordered labs/imaging tests/referral appointments have been

completed, if required, for the visit.

• The patient knows where to go for the visit.


• The purpose for the visit and the importance of keeping the


• The best way to cancel the appointment if the patient cannot make

the appointment.

• Whether the patient should expect a co-payment at the time of the


Key points when making confirmation appointment calls

In the world of

Internet Customer

Service, it’s important

to remember your

competitor is only one

mouse click away.

~ Doug Warner

Review the details of the appointment.

• Confirm that appointment date, time and address still works for the

client by asking specifically and directly (e.g., have the client state

his/her intention to keep the appointment).

• Review the purpose of the visit and the importance of keeping the

appointment. Determine other needs for the upcoming appointment

by stating “I see that the purpose of your appointment with X is

________ ; is there anything else that you will need during this

appointment? (e.g., medication refills, forms completed)”. Document

these needs on the schedule.

• Advise whether the client should expect a co-payment at the time of

the visit and ask them to bring a copy of their insurance card.

• Confirm the client’s address/phone number by asking the client to

“please confirm your mailing address, email address and the best

telephone number to reach you”.

• Ensure that the client knows how to cancel the appointment and

what number to call if he/she needs to cancel or will be late. “If you

are running late or need to cancel or reschedule (even on the day

of your scheduled appointment), please call me at ________ and I

will reschedule you. Cancellations are used to fit in other clients that

may need immediate care.”

• Remind the client that there is a 24 hour notice of cancellation

requirement and state the cancellation fee of $25.00 if the proper

notice is not given, unless of course there is an emergency situation

which the client would need to advise.

1. Introduction & commitment to keep appointment.

2. Determine status of pre-ordered services or the need for refills, etc.

3. Recap why you’re calling and what information the client/patient

needs to know (how to cancel or reschedule appt. and the location

of the appointment).

4. Review co-payment requirements, if necessary.

5. Review any pre-visit instructions, if necessary (Ex. Remind client to

bring in their list of medications).

Call Length

Many clients still prefer a phone call over a text message or email. The

data shows they like these calls to be short and sweet. Keep your call

scripts simple and to the point. Patients tend to stop listening after around

45 seconds.

• End the confirmation call by asking the client if they have any further

questions and let the client know that we look forward to seeing


Take the time to develop your own script. Maybe start with something

like this:

Call Window

“Hello Mrs. Jones. This is Mary at SMA Healthcare with your


reminder call. Our schedule indicates that we have reserved

an appointment for you on Wednesday, May 10, at 9 a.m. at

our ______location. We’re looking forward to seeing you then!

Please remember that we have reserved this time for you and

we’re relying on you to be there. If you are unable to keep this

appointment, please contact me at ______.

Guide to Appointment Confirmation Calls

A well-executed confirmation call process supports and builds

relationships between clients and the care team. In addition, confirmation

Different modes of communication have different approaches to optimize

response. Phone call response rate increases at certain times of the day.

Patients are most responsive to phone calls at 4:00 p.m. Although, 5:00

p.m., 3:00 p.m., and 9:00 a.m. are also good times to call. Calling during

lunch hours is likely a waste of time.

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The Importance of Checklists


As a Customer Service Representative, the reception area is your

responsibility. Everything from cleaning to organizing and dealing with

clients and family members is your shared responsibility with your other

Customer Service Representative Team members.

Flaqler CTTU

CTTU Office (386) 254-1290

CTTU Cell Phone (386) 527-8530

Good service is good


~ Siebel Ad

No matter how long you have been doing your job, it is always good to have

a checklist you can follow for each and every one of your responsibilities.

The more organized that you are, the better.

Having such lists is also a great help if someone is covering the front desk

in your absence. This will ensure that all tasks are carried out properly

without having to worry about duplication.

Daily morning checklist may look as follows:

• Check telephones for messages

• Pass on any relevant messages

• Check fax machines and distribute any pending faxes

• Ensure that client sign in sheet is ready to use

• Receive and distribute mail (rotate staff for this task)

• Prepare outgoing mail (rotate staff for this task)

• Turn computer/s on

• Go through the daily cleaning checklist before clocking out

Daily evening checklist may look as follows:

• Fill up paper trays in copy machine

• Put client sign in sheet away in secure area

• Ensure that the waiting area and your stations are left in a tidy


• Turn computer/s off

• Ensure that garbage cans do not contain food products which can

leave a bad odor

• Ensure that all confidential material that needs to be shredded is

done so before leaving for the day

• Ensure all cash receipts (money) are placed and locked securely

in the safe

To keep a customer

demands as much

skill as to win one.

~ American Proverb


Access Center, available 24/7* (800) 539-4228

Corporate Compliance (386) 226-4540

Family Education Program (386) 254-1241

Patient Accounts — Mental Health (386) 236-3214

Patient Accounts — Substance Abuse (386) 254-1153

Patient Assistance Program (PAP) (386) 236-1818

Performance Improvement (386) 236-3112

Pharmacy (386) 236-3188

Release of Information (Medical Records) (386) 236-3285

Switchboard (386) 236-3200

*After Hours and Emergency Contact for all programs.

Other Resources

Advocacy Ctr. for Persons with Disabilities (386) 238-4910

Advocacy Committee (HRAC) (800) 342-8170

Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) (888) 756-2930

Cocaine Anonymous (CA) (386) 257-0737

Domestic Abuse Council (386) 257-2297

DCF Substance Abuse & Mental Hlth. Off. (386) 254-3744

Florida Abuse Registry (800) 962-2873

Mental Health Association (386) 252-5785

NAMI (386) 503-7219

Narcotics Anonymous (NA) (800) 477-0731

Suicide Hotline (800) 273-8255

United Way First Call for Help 211


Lynda Flassig Off: (386) 236-3292 Cell: (386) 299-6794

Lorrie Kenyon Off: (386) 236-3223 Cell: (386) 527-1178

Pers. Cell: (386) 341-7483

Finance/Patient Accounts

Gloria Floyd (386) 236-1824

Debbie Bradley (386) 236-1648

Joyce Knowles (386) 236-1153

Sabrina Lund (386) 236-1688


Irene Kazaniuk (386) 236-1689

Tammy Dean (386) 236-1655

Accounts Payable

Carrie Washington (386) 236-1684

Kathy Spaziano (386) 236-1707

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To give real service

you must add

something which

cannot be bought

or measured with

money, and that

is sincerity and


~ Don Alden Adams


Jill Hageman (386) 236-3196

April Melnick (386) 236-1696

MIS Help Desk

General (386) 236-3142


Linda Noel (386) 254-1124

Site Contact Information

Four Townes Care Center

Brian Wahl, ext. 3577 (1st Contact)

Sarah Nissen, ext. 3580 (1st Contact)

Heather Young, ext. 3575

Mia Antoine, ext. 1152

Mary Beth Sottrel, ext. 3579

Putnam Care Center

Lori Shaw ext. #2240

Nancy Russo


Letitchi Tookes


Kristin Green


Lynda Tarus


St. Johns Care Center

Sandra Jackson


Dwan Hunte (904) 547-2215

Christine Ventresca (904) 209-6238

Flagler Care Center

Alicia Vincent (386) 547-2651

Anna Torres (386) 898-1990

Nicole Lucente (386) 333-2329

Northeast Care Center

Robert Batie

DeLand. Care Center

Tiara Wynn

Jennifer Stephenson

(386) 506-9945 (personal, 1st choice)

(386) 898-2371 (company, 2nd choice)

386-898-1237 (1st choice)

Twynn@smahealthcare.org (2nd choice)


Your ability to

communicate is an

important tool in

your pursuit of your

goals, whether it

is with your family,

your co-workers

or your clients and


~ Les Brown

Kelly Mellichampe, VP of Human Resources 236-1694

Nate Loucks, Dir. of Human Resources 254-1216

Debra Laudat, Mgr., Benefits & Engagement 236-3298

Betty Cates, Front Desk Coordinator (Magnolia) 236-3215

Christopher Chmielewski, HR Specialist 254-1263

Samuel Green, Talent Acquisition Specialist 236-1685

Stephanie Magrich, HR Generalist 236-1692

Shawn Proctor, MHAT Coordinator 236-1674

Kelly Smiddy, HR Representative 236-1691


HRMS/Data Entry Updates/HR Actions – Stephanie Magrich

ADA Requests – Debra Laudat

Address Changes – Stephanie Magrich, Kelly Smiddy

Applicant Stack Questions & Recruitment – Samuel Green, Nate Loucks

Badges – Betty Cates

Benefits& Plansource Life Event Changes – Kelly Smiddy

Benefits & 403b Questions – Kelly Smiddy, Debra Laudat

Caring Program – Tammy Flippin, Betty Cates

Compensation & Employee Relations – Kelly Mellichampe

Conference Room Reservations for Magnolia – Betty Cates

Credentialing – Nate Loucks

Document Updates (licenses, insurance, etc.) –Stephanie Magrich,

Nate Loucks

Employee Personnel File Requests – Betty Cates, Kelly Smiddy

Employment Verifications – Betty Cates

FMLA / Leave of Absence – Debra Laudat

General Information – Betty Cates

Job Descriptions – Stephanie Magrich

New Hire Benefits – Kelly Smiddy

Posting Memorandums, Onboarding & Requests to Hire – Stephanie


Shirt Requests – Betty Cates

Terminations – Kelly Smiddy

Timeclock – Chris Chmielewski, Nate Loucks

Training Questions – Aaron Taggart

Volunteers & Interns – Christopher Chmielewski

Workers Compensation – Debra Laudat

Workforce Connections – Kelly Smiddy, Stephanie Magrich

Any Items not listed above – HRinbox@smahealthcare.org

Cantley Outpatient Center

Jennifer Stephenson ext. #3296,

Katy Redel ext. #1238

Hakeeem Rufai ext. #1166

Karen Wietzel ext. #3212

DeLand Men’s Residential Treatment

Burton Thomas ext. #1266 cell (386) 538-1036

Christopher Brown ext. #1283

Amanda Logan ext. #1760

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You don’t earn

loyalty in a day. You

earn loyalty


~ Jeffrey Gitomer

AA/NA Alcoholics Anonymous/Narcotics Anonymous

ADM Alcohol, Drug and Mental Health

ADOP Adolescent Outpatient

ADT Adult Day Training

AGS Application Generating System

AHCA Agency for Health Care Administration

AL Activity Log

ALF Assisted Living Facility

AMA Against Medical Advice

AOP Adult Outpatient

APD Agency for Persons with Disabilities

APPT Appointment

APRN Advanced Practice Registered Nurse

ARF/JARF Adult Receiving Facility/Juvenile Receiving

ART Adult Residential Treatment

ASAM American Society of Addiction Medicine

ASO Administrative Services Organization

Benzo Benzodiazepines

BHT Behavioral Health Tech

BNW Beachside Neighborhood Watch

BPSA Biopsychosocial Assessment

BSFT Brief Strategic Family Therapy

CAP Certified Addiction Professional

CARF Commission on Accreditation for Rehabilitation Facilities

CAT Community Action Team

CBC Community Based Care

CBCC Chet Bell Crisis Center

CBHT Certified Behavioral Health Technician

CBT Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

CCM Certified Case Manager

CCMS Certified Case Management Supervisor

CEO Chief Executive Officer

CFARS Children’s Functional Assessment Rating Scale

CFO Chief Financial Officer

CINS/FINS Children in Need of Services/Families in Need of Services

CIO Chief Information Officer

CIT Crisis Intervention Team

CIWA Clinical Institute Withdrawal Assessment

CM Case Management

Comp Comprehensive

COO Chief Operating Officer

COWS Clinical Opiate Withdrawal Scale

CPT Cognitive Processing Therapy

CQI Continuous Quality Improvement

CRS Central Receiving System

CSAT Center for Substance Abuse Treatment

CSU Crisis Services Unit

CTDP Correctional Treatment Diversion Program

CTTU Crisis Triage and Transport

CWS Clinical Work Station (Committee)

CYT Cannabis Youth Treatment

DAP Data Assessment Plan

DBPD Daytona Beach Police Department

DBS Division of Blind Services

Words of

comfort, skillfully

administered, are

the oldest therapy

known to man.

~ Lous Nizer

DBT Dialectical Behavioral Therapy

DC Discharge

DCF Department of Children & Families

Detox Detoxification Unit

DJJ Department of Juvenile Justice

DMRT DeLand Men’s Residential Treatment

DOC Department of Corrections

DOH Department of Health

DSM Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders

DVR Division of Vocational Rehabilitation

HER Electronic Health Record

EIP Evidenced Informed Practices

ERS Event Retrieval Services

ES Emergency Screening

Exec Mgmt Executive Management

FACT Florida Assertive Community Treatment Team

FADAA Florida Alcohol & Drug Abuse Association

FARS Functional Assessment Rating Scale

FBHA Florida Behavioral Health Association

FCASV Florida Council Against Sexual Violence

FCCMH Florida Council for Community Mental Health

FCDV Florida Council on Domestic Violence

FCBHP First Coast Behavioral Health Partners

FCMS First Coast Management Services

FDLE Florida Department of Law Enforcement

FDVR Florida Division of Vocational Rehabilitation

FIS Family Intervention Specialist

FITT Family Intensive Treatment Team

FJJA Florida Juvenile Justice Association

FQHC Federally Qualified Health Clinic

FSPR Formal Service Plan Review

FDLE Florida Department of Law Enforcement

FY Fiscal Year

GPRA Government Performance & Results Act

HIPAA Health Insurance Portability & Accountability Act

HND House Next Door

HR Human Resources

HSU High Service Utilizers

ICT Integrated Care Team

ISAR Integrated Substance Abuse Recording


Information Technology

ITP Individual Treatment Team

JAC Juvenile Assessment Center

JCAHO Joint Commission Accreditation of Health Organizations

JPO Juvenile Probation Officer

LBR Legislative Budget Request

LCSW Licensed Clinical Social Worker

LEO Law Enforcement Officer

LMFT Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist

LMHC Licensed Mental Health Counselor

LSC Life Skills Coach

LSF Lutheran Services of Florida (SMA’s Managing Entity)

MAR Medication Administration Record

MAT Medication Assisted Treatment

MD Medical Doctor

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A customer is the

most important visitor

on our premises, he

is not dependent on

us. We are dependent

on him. He is not

an interruption in

our work. He is the

purpose of it. He is

not an outsider in our

business. He is part

of it. We are not doing

him a favor by serving

him. He is doing us a

favor by giving us an

opportunity to do so.

~ Mahatma Gandhi
























































Managing Entity



Mental Health

My Place Apartments

Medical Review Officer

Moral Reconation Therapy

Master Treatment Plan

National Institute of Drug Abuse

Not Otherwise Specified

New Smyrna Beach

Office of National Drug Control Policy


Office of State Court Administration

Opioid Treatment Program

Projects for Assistance in Transition from Homelessness

(This is a Mental Health Outcomes form)

Primary and Behavioral Health Care Integration

Primary Care Physician

Protected Health Information

Performance Improvement Committee

Process Improvement Team

Prevention on the Move

Putnam and St. Johns Counties

Psychosocial Rehabilitation

Quality Assurance

Residential Adolescent Program

Residential Level

Registered Nurse

Release of Information

Recovery Oriented System of Care

Reporting Unit

Substance Abuse

Substance Abuse & Mental Health (previously ADM)

Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration

Supported Employment

Stewart-Marchman-Act Health Services, Inc.

Stewart-Marchman-Act Foundation

Strengths, Needs, Abilities and Preferences

SSI/SSDI Outreach, Access and Recovery

Temporary Assistance for Needy Families

Treatment Alternatives to Street Crime

Therapeutic Behavioral On-Site Services

Tricyclic Antidepressant

Targeted Capacity Expansion

Tomoka Correctional Institution

Targeted Case Managers

Targeted Case Management


Treatment Plan Review

Treatment Team Review

Utilization Review

Volusia County Branch Jail

Volusia County Corrections Facility

Volusia County Department of Corrections

If you just

communicate, you

can get by. But if

you communicate

skillfully, you can

work miracles.

~ Jim Rohn








Vince Carter Sanctuary

Victims of Crime Act

Vice President

Volusia Rape Crisis Center

Women Assisting Recovering Mothers

Women’s Intervention Specialist

Weekly Progress Note

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Access Center: (800) 539-4228

Crisis Center: 1150 Red John Rd, Daytona Beach 32124

Front Desk: (386) 236-1768

Main Center - PO Box #71

5001 (Adult MH)

1220 Willis Avenue Daytona Beach, FL 32114

Phone:386-236-1763 (1765)

Louis Dignozio, Dawn Holmes, Jennifer Devito

Floaters: Sally Masse, Open position


Nurse Phone: 386-236-1769

Nurse Fax: 386-236-3161

Bunnell - PO Box #23

5002 (Adult MH) 4501 (Adult SA) & 4532 (Adolescent


301 Justice Lane Bunnell, FL 32110

Phone: 386-236-1810, 386-236-1753

Janet Patterson, Brenda Balco

Northern Floater: open

Fax: 386-586-2313

Nurse Phone: 386-236-1718

Nurse Fax: 386-236-3162

Bunnell CSR for Project WARM - PO Box #23


301 Justice Lane

Bunnell, FL 32110

Phone: 386-254-1199

Phyllis Downes

Fax: 386-254-1254

Cantley Center - PO Box #57

4503 (Adult SA) & 5701 (Mental Health Therapy)

702 Ridgewood Avenue Daytona Beach, FL 32114

Phone: 386-254-1284

Pamela Watson

Floaters: Sally Masse, Open position

Fax: 386-254-1289

Cantley Center - PO Box #57

4531 (Adolescent SA)

702 Ridgewood Avenue

Daytona Beach, FL 32114

Phone: 386-254-1285

Portia King

Floaters - Sally Masse, Open position

Fax: 386-254-1289

DeBary — PO Box #12

4509 (Adult SA) & 4535 (Adolescent SA)

356 Englenook Drive

DeBary, FL 32713

Phone: 386-668-3570

Yaritza Colon

Floater: Sally Masse, Open position

Fax: 386-236-3115

Deland - PO Box # 16

5004 (Adult MH)

105 West Calvin Street

Deland, FL 32720

Phone: 386-254-1100

Brian Garber, Priscilla Goldilla, Tierra Chandler

Floater: Sally Masse, Open position

Fax: 386-254-1144

Nurse Phone: 386-254-1103

Nurse Fax: 386-254-1119

Deland Men’s Residential (DMRT) - PO Box #19


1251 North Stone Street

Deland, FL 32720

Phone: 386-236-3180

Malisa Long

Fax: 386-236-3183

Nurse: 386-236-1651, 3177, 3181

Palatka - PO Box #52

5010 (Adult MH) & 5051 (Adolescent MH)

4505 (Adult SA) & 4537 (Adolescent SA)

330 Kay Larkin Drive

Palatka, FL 32177

Phone: 386-329-3780 (2227)

Katherine Allibone, Iesha Bellinger

Floater: open

Fax: 386-236-1676

Nurse Phone: 386-329-2234

Nurse Fax: 386-385-1263

St. Johns - PO Box #59

5009 (Adult MH) & 5050 (Adolescent MH) & 4506

(Adult SA) & 4538 (Adolescent SA)

200 San Sebastian View

St. Augustine, FL 32084

Phone: 904-209-6200 ext. (6208)

Claudette McCray

Floater: open

Fax: 904-209-6291


Med Records Fax: 904-209-6201

Referral Fax: 904-209-6291

Adult Nurse Phone: 904-209-6224 | 904-209-6234


Main Center

Psychiatric Evaluation - 1066

Medication Management - 9015

E&M New Patient High Comp - 9025

Treatment Plan - 3300

Treatment Plan Review - 3301

Brief Behavioral Status Exam (BBHSE) - 3004

Nursing Services (Injections) - 3101

Primary Care & Wellness Services (PBHIC) - 9066

Case Management Services - 3650, 3655

Medical Assisted Treatment - 3002, 3100

Drug Screen - 3109

Bunnell/Project WARM

Psychiatric Evaluation - 1066

Medication Management - 9015

E&M New Patient High Comp - 9025

Treatment Plan - 3300

Treatment Plan Review - 3301

Brief Behavioral Status Exam (BBHSE) - 3004

Bio-Psychosocial - 3007

Individual Therapy - 3100

Group Therapy - 3200

Nursing Services (Injections) - 3101

Screenings - 3001

Drug Screen - 3109

Comp Psychosocial/Evaluation - 3002

lndepth Assessment New Client SA - 1053

lndepth Assessment Established SA - 1054

Level 11 Assessments - 3006

ADI Sign Up - 3905

Drug Court - 3903

Collateral - 3100

Court Visit - 3505

Cantley Ctr. Adult & Adolescent SA/MH Therapy

Screening Adult - 3001

Level 11 Assessments - 3006

Comp Psychosocial/Evaluation - 3002

lndepth Assessment New Client SA - 1053

lndepth Assessment Established SA - 1054

Behavioral Health Screening - 1055

Bio-Psychosocial - 3007

Individual Therapy - 3100

Drug Screen - 3109

Group Therapy - 3200

ADI - 3905

Drug Court- 3903

Collateral - 3103

Court Visit - 3505

Debary Adult & Adolescent SA

Screening Adult - 3001

Level 11 Assessments - 3006

Comp Psychosocial/Evaluation - 3002

lndepth Assessment New Client SA - 1053

lndepth Assessment Established SA - 1054

Behavioral Health Screening - 1055

Individual Therapy - 3100

Drug Screen - 3109

Group Therapy - 3200

ADI - 3905

Drug Court - 3903

Collateral - 3103

Court Visit - 3505


Psychiatric Evaluation - 1066

Medication Management - 9015

E&M New Patient High Comp - 9025

Treatment Plan - 3300

Treatment Plan Review - 3301

Brief Behavioral Status Exam (BBHSE) - 3004

Bio-Psychosocial - 3007

Individual Therapy - 3100

Group Therapy - 3200

Nursing Services (Injections) - 3101

Drug Screen - 3109

Palatka/St. Johns Adults & Adolescent

Psychiatric Evaluation - 1066

Medication Management - 9015

E&M New Patient High Comp - 9025

Treatment Plan - 3300

Treatment Plan Review - 3301

Brief Behavioral Status Exam (BBHSE) - 3004

Bio-Psychosocial - 3007

Individual Therapy - 3100

Group Therapy - 3200

Nursing Services (Injections) - 3101

Screenings - 3001

Drug Screen - 3109

Comp Psychosocial/Evaluation - 3002

lndepth Assessment New Client SA - 1053

Indepth Assessment Established SA - 1054

Behavioral Health Screening - 1055

Level 11 Assessments - 3006

Drug Court - 3903

Collateral - 3103

Court Visit - 3505

ADI - 3905

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When you

help others feel

important, you

help yourself feel

important too.

~ David J. Schwartz

24 hour Access Center

Call: 800-539-4228

Fax: (386) 236-3259


Administrative Services

150 Magnolia Avenue

Daytona Beach, FL 32114



Cantley Outpatient Center

702 S. Ridgewood Avenue

Daytona Beach, FL 32114

Chet Bell Crisis Center

1150 Red John Drive

Daytona Beach, FL 32124

Daytona Beach

Work Release I

3601 US Hwy 92

Daytona Beach, FL 32124

Daytona Beach

Work Release II

1341 Indian Lake Road

Daytona Beach, FL 32124

DeLand Care Center

105W. Calvin Street

DeLand, FL 32720

Deland Men’s Residential


1251 N. Stone Street

Deland, FL 32720

Dr. James E. Huger

Adolescent Campus

3875 Tiger Bay Road

Daytona Beach, FL 32124

Enrichment Program

225 Fentress Blvd., Suite A

Daytona Beach, FL 32114

FACT Volusia & Flagler

207 San Juan Avenue

Daytona Beach, FL 32114

Flagler Care Center

301 Justice Lane

Bunnell, FL 32110

Four Townes Care Center

356 Englenook Drive

Debary, Florida 32713

Northeast Care Center

1220 Willis Avenue

Daytona Beach, FL 32114

Palatka Drop-In Center

521131h Street

Palatka, FL 32177

Putnam Care Center

330 Kay Larkin Drive

Palatka, FL 32177

SMA Foundation

150 Magnolia Ave

Daytona Beach, FL 32114

(386) 254-1136


St. Johns Care Center

200 San Sebastian View

St. Augustine, FL 32084

St. Augustine Drop-In Center

920 State Road 16

St. Augustine, FL 32084

Volusia Rape Crisis Center

311 N. Orange Street

New Smyrna Beach, FL 32168

(800) 503-7621

Policy Number HR080

The appearance of each employee

is an important part of SMA Healthcare,

Inc.’s image. An important

contributing factor to the success

and acceptance of SMA is the professional

image and appearance of

its employees. A pleasant, professional,

and neat impression on our

clients, the general public, and coworkers

is required to develop pride

and confidence in our agency and

its employees. It is the responsibility

of each staff member to adhere

to the dress code as outlined, with

awareness that this dress code provides

a guideline only.


All SMA leaders will be responsible

for the application and enforcement

of this policy within their respective

departments, as well as across the

organization. Human Resources will

be responsible for interpretation of

application of this policy.


1. A clean, neat professional appearance

is required of all employees.

The requirements of the job are the

main criteria used by each department

to establish dress standards.

All aspects of the dress code are

applicable if an employee is performing

any services in any work

area of our campuses.

2. All staff are required to wear their

company—issued identification

badges whenever on company

property. The badge shall be either

on a company issued break-away

lanyard or attached to clothing by

means of a clip. The badge shall

be located above waist height

and shall be in good repair and

clearly readable. Replacements

are available from the Human

Resources Department.

3. SMA Healthcare, Inc. dress code

includes, but is not limited to, the

following standards:

A. Hair:

1. Clean and well-groomed hair

is expected.

2. In residential facilities, hair

that touches a staff’s shoulders

must be pulled back and

secured in a fashion such as a

ponytail, braid, or bun.

3. Beards, mustaches, and sideburns

must be neat, trimmed,

and wellgroomed according to

the standards of your department.

B. Jewelry:

1. Jewelry should be professional

in appearance, and not excessive.

2. Necklaces worn by Direct

Care and Nursing staff must be

tucked under the shirt.

3. Body piercings such as lip,

eye, or nose piercings are not

allowed to be worn by Direct

Care or Nursing staff.

4. No hoop or dangling earrings

are allowed to be worn by Direct

Care or Nursing Staff.

5. Excessive bracelets or rings

are not allowed to be worn by

Direct Care or Nursing staff.

C. Cosmetics:

1. Make-up, if worn, should be

worn in moderation and present

a clean, polished look.

2. Fragrances can be worn if

lightly applied due to sensitivity

and allergies of both internal

and external clients.

D. Fingernails:

1. Artificial fingernails are prohibited

for all Nursing and Direct

Care staff as they are both

an infection control and safety


2. Natural fingernails should be

short and well-kept. Fingernails

may be painted.

3. Fingernail art such as beads

or gems is not permitted for Direct

Care or Nursing Staff.

E. Tattoos:

1. Body art, such as tattoos,

must be covered up if it makes

reference to sex, drugs, alcohol,

violence, or other subject

deemed offensive.

F. Footwear:

1. Shoes must be worn at all


2. Shoes must be clean, in good

repair, and appropriate for the

work duties and responsibilities


3. Staff in residential facilities

must wear closed toe and rubber

soled footwear. No “rocker”

shoes or high heels are allowed.

4. Shoes with heels more than

3 inches in height are not allowed.

5. Flip flops are not to be worn

by any staff.

G. Ball caps/hats:

1. Ball caps or hats are generally

not permitted unless approved

by the program/department

management. u

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2. Ball caps or hats worn which

are approved, must be either

SMA issued or if not SMA issued

must be solid in color with

no logos, names or messaging.

4. Clothing should be selected to

project a professional appearance,

keeping proper fit and safety in

mind. Clothing with slogans, obscene

language or depicting sex,

alcohol, drugs, racial or ethnic slurs,

and depicting particular lifestyles

are not acceptable.

A. Direct Care staff (Behavioral

Health Technicians (BHTs), Youth

Specialists, Correctional Technicians)

and their supervisors shall

wear the following to work:

1. Agency issued polo style

shirts with colors specific to

their positions.

2. Blue, black, or tan pants.

Pants must be of a professional

style according to the standards

of your department.

3. Shorts, jeans, and denim

pants are not allowed.

4. Men’s shirts must be tucked

in at all times.

5. Footwear must be closed toe

and rubber soled.

6. Tops with strings or hoods

are not allowed.

7. Solid white, black, or navy

blue long sleeved shirts may

be worn under agency issued

polo style shirts for warmth. No

lettering or other decoration is

allowed on the shirt sleeves.

B. Customer Service Representatives

(CSRs) shall wear the following

to work:

1. Agency issued polo style

shirts with color specific to their


2. Blue, black, or tan pants.

Pants must be of a professional

style according to the standards

of your department.

3. Shorts, jeans, and denim

pants are not allowed.

4. Men’s shirts must be tucked

in at all times.

5. Footwear must be closed toe

and rubber soled.

6. Solid white, black, or navy

blue long sleeved shirts may

be worn under agency issued

polo style shirts for warmth. No

lettering or other decoration is

allowed on the shirt sleeves.

C. Nursing Staff shall wear the following

to work:

1. Navy blue scrubs.

2. Shorts, jeans, and denim

pants are not allowed.

3. Footwear must be closed toe

and rubber soled.

4. Solid white, black, or navy

blue long sleeved shirts may be

worn under scrubs for warmth.

No lettering or other decoration

is allowed on the shirt sleeves.

5. Navy blue scrub jackets may

be worn over scrubs for warmth.

D. Nursing supervisors shall wear

the following to work:

1. Caribbean blue scrubs or

lab coat when working or interacting

with clients.Nursing

supervisors may follow Clinical

and Administrative dress codeguidelines

when not interacting

directly with clients.

2. Shorts, jeans, and denim

pants are not allowed.

3. Footwear must be closed toe

and rubber soled when working

with clients.

4. Solid white, black, or navy

blue long sleeved shirts may be

worn under scrubs for warmth.

No lettering or other decoration

is allowed on the shirt sleeves.

5. Caribbean blue scrub jackets

may be worn over scrubs for


E. Pharmacy staff shall wear the

following to work:

1. Black scrubs or a black agency

issued polo style shirt.

2. Blue, black, or tan pants.

Pants must be of a professional

style according to the standards

of your department.

3. Shorts, jeans, and denim

pants are not allowed.

4. Men’s polo shirts must be

tucked in at all times.

5. Footwear must be closed toe

and rubber soled.

6. Solid white, black, or navy

blue long sleeved shirts may

be worn under scrubs or agency

issued polo style shirts for

warmth. No lettering or other

decoration is allowed on the

shirt sleeves.

7. Black scrub jackets may be

worn over scrubs for warmth.

F. Clinical and Administrative staff

other than noted above shall wear

the following to work: u

1. Professional/business attire.

2. Polo style shirts and dress

shirts are acceptable.

3. Slacks are acceptable.

4. Work appropriate ankle and

Capri/crop pants mid-calf

length or longer are acceptable.

5. Leggings are not allowed.

6. One or two-piece daytime

dresses, skirts and blouses are


7. Dresses/skirts cannot end

above the tips of the fingers

when one’s arms are at one’s


8. Low-cut and or “see through”

clothing or any type of provocative

clothing is not allowed.

9. Shirts/blouses/dresses that

expose the shoulders are not

allowed unless worn under a

jacket, cardigan or other top.

10. Tank tops are not allowed.

11. T-shirts are not allowed.

G. Facilities staff and Enrichment

workshop staff shall wear the following

to work:

1. SMA Healthcare, Inc. supplied

shirts that identify them

as employees of SMA.

2. Knee length shorts or jeans

are acceptable dependent on

the type of work being performed.

3. Footwear should be appropriate

to the type of work being


H. Kitchen staff shall wear the following

to work:

1. Chef jacket of a style/color

approved by the Department


2. Blue, black, or tan pants.

Pants must be of a professional

style according to the standards

of your department.

3. Jean and denim pants are not


4. Specific head covering approved

by the department will

be worn at all times in the kitchen.

5. Non-slip, closed toe shoes.

5. Casual Fridays:

A. SMA Healthcare, Inc. observes

“casual Fridays” for staff who are

not required to wear SMA issued

shirts or scrubs. This relaxing of

the dress code for Fridays is a

privilege and not a right and will

be dependent on the direction of

your supervisor.

B. Friday casual attire will not

be worn by employees who are

scheduled to attend outside appointments

as a representative of


C. Direct Care staff, Nursing Staff,

and CSRs will not observe “casual

Friday” unless otherwise directed

by their program supervisor.

D. The following are guidelines for

acceptable “casual Friday” attire:

1. Jeans may be worn providing

they have no holes, tears, frayed

edges, tatters, or are excessively


2. Polo style shirts and other

collared shirts may be worn.

3. Sports shoes may be worn

provided they are clean, in good

repair, conservative in style and

color, and appropriate for the

work duties and responsibilities


4. T-shirts and shorts are not


5. Flip flops are not allowed.

6. Program specific dress code

may exceed the general dress

code to meet the need of the

environment as determined by

that program’s administrative/

supervisory staff.

7. Staff volunteering for SMA

events will dress in appropriate

SMA sanctioned attire. Guidelines

for appropriate event attire

will be provided by the event

coordinator prior to the event.

8. If, at any time, your attire is

deemed to be inappropriate for

your position, job function, or is

felt to violate these procedures

or jeopardize your safety, you

may be asked by any supervisor

to leave the facility and

return with appropriate dress.

Your absence to do this shall be

considered “off the clock”.

9. Failure to comply with the

guidelines set forth in this procedure

may result in progressive

disciplinary action being


10. A staff member may request

an exception from this policy

for specific individual circumstances

(e.g. religious practice,

medical need) by submitting

a written request to the Vice

President of Human Resources,

who will determine if the exception

is approved.

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Don’t dwell on what

went wrong. Instead,

focus on what to do

next. Spend your

energies on moving

forward toward finding

the answer.

~ Denis Waitley

The Customer Service Representative (CSR) is to utilize the following procedure

daily to balance the cash box.

A. At the beginning of each business day, the CSR will indicate on the daily

cash log provided (per program specific) amount of funds in their cash

box. The CSR will initial they have verified the dollar amount along with a

witness verifying the funds and initialing all is accounted for.

B. The CSR will enter all payments received into Avatar using the Payment

Receipt Entry option selecting the Location, Fee Type, Payment

Type, then entering the dollar amount collected and check number if

payment was made by check.

C. Prior to the end of each shift the CSR will run the Payment by Location

Report which generates total funds taken in for the day. The CSR will print

the report and complete the daily bank deposit.

D. At the end of each shift daily, the CSR will balance the cash box, initial

they have verified the dollar amount along with a witness verifying the

funds and initialing all is accounted for. Any discrepancies will be reported

to the Customer Service Manager immediately via phone call/email.

The CSR will complete an Occurrence Report and send to the Customer

Service Manager for follow-up.

E. All CSR’s are held accountable for any overage/shortage of their cash



Purpose - To describe the process for clients to initiate psychiatric services

and obtain scheduled follow-up appointments for adult and adolescent

medication management services.

1. Routine medication management and new client visits are eligible for

Just In Time Scheduling.

2. For new clients, the Access Center will schedule an appointment within

3-5 business days of the call seeking services.

3. For routine visits, after completion of their appointment, clients are given

an appointment sheet indicating approximate return visit timeframe

and the type of service needed. The CSR will enter this information into

the Next Med OP Appointment option.

a. Clients will call the Access Center within 10-14 days of their return

date to schedule a specific appointment time with their Physician/

APRN. If their preferred Physician/APRN is not available, clients may

elect to see an alternate Physician/APRN where there is more than

one Physician/APRN available. u

To earn the respect

(and eventually

love) of your

customers, you first

have to respect

those customers.

That is why Golden

Rule behavior is

embraced by most

of the winning


~ Colleen Barrett

b. If clients miss their scheduled appointments, the Access Center will

schedule another appointment within 3-5 business days.

4. Same day appointments may be scheduled if a provider has availability

in their schedule for the specific type of appointment.

a. Clinic staff may double book one client per day per Physician/APRN

in a morning time slot without prior approval of the Physician/APRN.

5. Clients will not be routinely given refills of medication over the phone,

will be redirected to use the Just In Time scheduling. There may be exceptions

during a provider absence.

6. The exceptions to the Just In Time Scheduling process are as follows:

a. Clients who are in need of an interpreter.

b. Clients who need scheduled for injection appointments.

c. Follow up appointments for adolescent clients.

d. Clients who are called in off the waiting list.

e. Clients in residential treatment programs with SMA who are being

seen by the APRN at the residential program location.

f. Appointment needs to be adjusted to ensure accurate paperwork is

completed during the scheduled appointment time.

g. Appointments are rescheduled due to a call in from an APRN.

h. An APRN who request a follow up appointment within 2 weeks will

be double booked and scheduled by the CSR prior to the client leaving

the clinic.

i. Current clients who arrive at a clinic location in need of an urgent

appointment who are being scheduled on the current or following

business day.

j. Clients in Putnam and/or St. Johns Counties who meet with the

Emergency Screener and are determined to be in need of an initial

Medication Outpatient appointment.

I. All subsequent follow-up appointments should be scheduled as

per the JIT scheduling protocol.

k. Clients who see Dr. Czaykowsky and child/adolescent clients.

I. Clients recently discharged from an inpatient crisis unit, who are

unable to be seen during the available walk in times due to schedule


i. A staff member at the clinic location will meet with the client in

lieu of a prescriber and will document this service. This staff member


facilitate a call to the Access Center with the client present in order

to schedule a medication outpatient appointment.

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Purpose - To maintain efficiency when scheduling appointments for new

and existing clients and work towards a full schedule each day.


2. If the client fails to schedule the appointment when leaving or needs to

reschedule and calls the Access Center instead of the clinic location, the

Access Center will schedule or reschedule the appointment.

There is a spiritual

aspect to our lives

— when we give,

we receive — when

a business does

something good

for somebody, that

somebody feels good

about them!

~ Ben Cohen

1. The Scheduling Calendar in Avatar will not be cleared at the end of the


2. APRN should have 7 hours of scheduled time per day.

3. Therapists should have 7 hours of scheduled time per day except Fridays

when they may have fewer hours based on hours worked.

4. The CSR is responsible for “active schedule management” which

means they will work to keep the schedule full each day during all available


a. To ensure a full schedule each day the CSR may be required to move

appointments around.

i. For example, if there is a cancellation in 20 minutes but the next

visit is a telehealth appointment, the CSR will call the client to see if

they can attend earlier. If agreeable the CSR will adjust the schedule

and call to get another client in from the Move Forward List.

b. The clinic nurse will ensure they communicate any schedule changes

to the CSR.

5. The CSR may overbook each Physician/APRN for a 9015 (20 minute)

appointment at the same time as the first 9015 appointment by 1 client

per day in the designated overbook appointment time.

New Clients/Reopened


treatment will

make a customer

a walking


~ James Cash Penney

3. The CSR will enter in the necessary information in the Next Med Op


a. Medication Management:

i. Telehealth based Appointments:

(1) The APRN will email the CSR at the end of each day notify

them who attended and did not attend for their scheduled appointment.

(2) The CSR will call all clients on the list to schedule either a

follow up appointment for clients who attended and reschedule

those clients that were a no show for their appointment.

ii. Office based Appointments:

(1) The CSR will schedule the client’s appointment prior to leaving

the office.

(2) The APRN will email the CSR at the end of each day notify

them who attended and did not attend for their scheduled appointment.

(3) The CSR will call all clients on the list that were a no show for

their appointment and reschedule the appointment.

b. Mental Health Therapy:

i. Telehealth Appointments

(1) The therapist will schedule the client’s appointment prior to

ending the session.

1. Access Center will schedule new appointments.

a. If a client is being reopened, Access or the CSR may schedule, within

a year from when they were closed they will be scheduled with the

provider they were previously seeing, more than a year any provider.

2. If the new appointment is for a hospital follow-up, Access will provide

the hospital or the client with the appropriate walk-in time for the location

closest to the client’s residence.

ii. Office Based Appointments

(1) The therapist will direct the client to the front desk and the

CSR will schedule the clients next session.

4. Hospital follow-up appointments for existing clients will be scheduled

within 7 days from discharged with their existing APRN.

a. The client should be placed on the schedule as a double booked

appointment in the morning on the prescriber schedule.

a. At DeLand each APRN will have their schedule blocked for 2 hours

one day a week to accommodate the hospital walk-ins.

3. If a client calls to cancel their New Psych Evaluation appointment, the

CSR or designee, will reschedule the client at the next available New

Psych Evaluation time slot.

Existing Clients

1. CSR will schedule the follow-up appointment for the client prior to them

leaving the clinic. u

b. If there are no available times on the schedule, the Access Center

staff should collaborate with the clinic nurse and/or the site supervisor

to identify a time within the required 7 day timeframe for the client to

be seen.

5. If an existing client comes to the clinic during the hospital walk-in time,

the client will be seen that day if their existing APRN has availability, if the

schedule is full, the CSR will collaborate with the clinic nurse or APRN to

identify a time.

6. If a client requests an earlier appointment due to medication or psychiatric

symptoms that are not emergent, the client will be referred to the


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Purpose - To maintain efficiency by contacting clients on the provider

schedule to confirm their attendance.

Purpose - To offer new clients the option of being placed on a list to be seen

prior to their scheduled appointment if earlier appointment is available.

Most people spend

more time and

energy going around

problems than in

trying to solve them.

~ Henry Ford

1. Four (4) business days prior to a clients scheduled appointment they

will receive an automated message reminding them of their appointment.

2. Two (2) business days prior to a client's scheduled appointment the

LPN, or designee, will personally call each client that is scheduled to remind

them of their appointment.

3. New Psych Evaluation appointments must be confirmed by the client.

a. If a message is left for the client, they will be informed that they must

call back to confirm their appointment no later than 3:00pm the business

day prior to their scheduled appointment and if it's not confirmed

their appointment will be cancelled.

b. If a message is left the LPN will provide the CSR phone number for

them to call back to.

c. When a client confirms their appointment the staff member receiving

the call will go into the Scheduling Calendar, right click on the appointment

select Status Update, check Yes for Confirmed and under

Confirmation Notes staff will put their name along with the date and

time the client called; if someone other than the client calls to confirm

the appointment staff will indicate the individuals name and relationship

to the client.

i. Once the appointment has been confirmed a blue bubble will occur

on the appointment.

d. If a client scheduled for a Psych Evaluation does not confirm by

3:00pm the day before the scheduled appointment, the CSR will cancel

the appointment and will proceed to contact clients on the waiting

list in order to fill the vacant appointment time.

4. If a client calls to cancel their New Psych Evaluation appointment, the

LPN, CSR, Access or designee will reschedule the client at the next available

New Psych Evaluation time slot.

We see our

customers as

invited guests to

a party, and we

are the hosts. It’s

our job to make

the customer

experience a little

bit better.

~ Jeff Bezos

Medication Management

1. CSR will maintain the Move Forward List in Avatar.

2. Move Forward List will include the following:

a. Is the client a candidate to access to eCare?

i. Does the client have access to smart phone, tablet or computer?

ii. Does the client's payer cover eCare?

b. If not a candidate for eCare, how much notice would the client need

to get to an appointment?

3. Existing clients will not be placed on the Move Forward List. If an earlierappointment

is needed it will be scheduled during one of the permitted

overbooking times.

Mental Health and Substance Use Therapy

1. The therapist will maintain the Move Forward List and notify the CSR

when they are able to take a new client.


Purpose - To maintain efficiency of services prior to discharging a client.

Medication Management

1. The Peer Specialist or designee will run the 180 day report at least once

a month.

2. Staff will call all clients who are on the 180 day report.

a. If the client does not answer staff will leave a message notifying

the client if they do not contact the office within 7 days they will be



1. The assigned therapist will run the 30 day report at least once a month.

2. The assigned therapist will call all clients who are on the 30 day report

a. If the client does not answer staff will leave a message notifying

the client if they do not contact the office within 7 days they will be


b. If the number is invalid staff will mail a letter to include a deadline to

respond by prior to discharge to include a deadline to respond by prior

to discharge.

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To listen closely

and reply well

is the highest

perfection we

are able to

attain in the art

of conversation.

~ Francois de La





Daytona Beach Clinic: Clients who receive their medications / Injections

from SMA Pharmacy shall pick up the medications in Building 2 — Pharmacy.

For injections the client shall pick up the prescription, pay and sign

for their injection at the pharmacy prior to meeting with the nurse for the

injection. Client will check in with the CSR in building 1-A and the nurse will

administer the medication to the client.

Satellite Clinics: SMA Pharmacy will send the medications directly to the

clinic site.

1. CSR will verify and sign for all medications being delivered.

2. CSR will store all dry medications into locked file cabinets in alphabetical


3. CSR will take labels off bags of injections, file in alphabetical order in

file folder of locked file cabinet.

4. CSR will give all injections to the nurses to be stored.

5. When client comes in for injection, CSR will pull the label, scan it, collect

any fees due and have the client sign for the injection. All medications

must be scanned through the POS System as all clients are expected to

pay the co-fee for all medications. (No exceptions)

6. The client will show the label and receipt to the nurse when called and

the nurse will then administer the injection.

7. Clients' who receive medications from a private Pharmacy shall bring

their medication to the nurse for their injection.

Ordering of Injections from SMA Satellite Clinics:

1. Nurses are to email Nicole Sproul (Pharmacist) along with the Pharmacy

Distribution Group to order the injections.

2. Orders must be made a couple of days in advance to make sure the

Pharmacy has the inventory.

3. The emails should include the clients MR#, prescription number or the

name of the injection.

4. Pharmacy will then respond back with any issues to the request and/or

Processing meaning the injections will be on their way.

Every Monday the CSR completes a medication inventory. For clients who

have "insurance" and have not picked up their medication within 14 days of

delivery it must be returned to the Pharmacy utilizing the Returned Medication

Form. The medication label indicates what type of insurance the client

has. For "indigent" clients after three weeks of holding medications the CSR

is to return all medications to the Pharmacy utilizing the Returned Medi- u



cation Form. The CSR will pull the injection labels from the file and notify

the nurse of the injections that need to be returned. Return the Risperdal,

Invega, Haloperidol, and Abilify Maintena injections with their labels. For the

Fluphenazine injections, just the labels need to be returned, not the medication.

If a site nurse has to use a sample because the prescription hasn't arrived

yet you must contact Nicole, the Pharmacist, or a pharmacy tech by phone

or email and the Pharmacy will run a label and fax it to the site so it can be

scanned out. The Pharmacy will send a replacement medication to the site.

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The purpose

of a business

is to create

a customer

who creates


~ Shiv Singh

Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) is a form of treatment for substance

use disorders (addiction); it’s proven purpose is harm reduction, increased

recovery rates, improved quality of life for the patient and family, and saving

lives. MAT is offered in Volusia and Putnam Counties for adults 18 years of

age and older. MAT’s treatment team consists of: Physician/APRN, RN/LPN,

Clinician, Case Manager/Navigator, Peer Support Specialist, and Program

Director. The goal of MAT is to improve social functioning, relapse prevention,

improving moral reasoning, and selfesteem. You must be willing to

participate in all aspects of the program, including being seen on a weekly

basis. The frequency may change based on the recommendation by the Physician/APRN

in consultation with the remainder of the treatment team. Your

duration of treatment depends upon the severity of your addiction and your

motivation for treatment.

After you are engaged in MAT for 6-12 months and have moved to once a

month appointments for both therapy and medical, you are eligible for aftercare.

In aftercare you will be seen once a month by the Physician/APRN,

clinician and/or case manager and complete treatment plan reviews every

6 months. If relapse occurs and two positive drug screens are provided, the

clinical team may recommend that you go back to an outpatient level of care

in MAT.

Hours of Operation for MAT

MAT Volusia County, excluding major holidays;

1. Medical appointments (with prescribing Physician/APRN)

Monday —Thursday 8:30am to 4:00pm

2. Therapy appointments Monday — Friday 8:00am to 4:00pm

MAT Putnam County, excluding major holidays:

1. Medical appointments (with prescribing Physician/APRN)

Mondays Only 8:00am to 5:00pm

2. Therapy appointments Monday — Friday 8:00am to 5:00pm

Potential Course of Treatment/Services for MAT

Clinical Treatment/Services are provided by staff with a minimum of a Master’s

Degree; supervised by licensed clinician. Case Manager/Navigator Services

are provided by staff with a minimum of a Bachelor’s Degree, and Peer

Support Services are provided by staff with a minimum of High School Diploma/GED

with lived experience related to the population served; supervisor

possesses a Master’s degree. Medical treatment/services are provided

by a Physician/APRN and nursing services by a RN/LPN.

1. Intake and Orientation into treatment/services

2. History and Physical

3. Comprehensive/Biopsychosocial Assessment

4. Suicide Risk Assessment

5. Induction appointment, to determine appropriate level of medication

needed to manage withdrawal symptoms.

6. Individualized treatment plans (Initial, Master, and Reviews)

7. Weekly Drug Screenings

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8. Weekly individual therapy sessions and group as clinically necessary

9. Weekly, ongoing contact with case manager and peer specialist as


10. Weekly appointments with the prescriber to monitor progress of symptoms

and cravings and adjustment of prescription as needed.

a. Managing prescribed medications for opioid use disorder in the

presence of pain

3. Medications prescribed by medical provider to treat Opioid or Alcohol

Use disorder.

4. Be honest about your drug use, withdrawal symptoms and cravings.

Here is a simple

but powerful

rule: always

give people

more than what

they expect to


~ Nelson Boswell

a. Appointments are reduced to bi-weekly or monthly based on

compliance and progress in treatment.

11. Linkage to ancillary services and community resources as needed.

12. Collaboration with your referral source (if applicable), other SMA programs,

and/or other treating providers may occur during your treatment/services

to ensure continuity of care.

Potential Benefits of MAT

Benefits of treatment can be increased through your motivation, commitment,

and desire for change.

1. To assist you with your withdrawal symptoms.

2. To assist you with the induction process of medications used to manage

your Substance Use Disorder (SUD).

3. To monitor your use of prescribed medications for your SUD.

4. To provide you with individual and group counseling, case management

and peer support to assist you in overcoming your SUD.

5. To link you to additional services to help you in other areas of living.

Potential Risks of MAT

There is always some level of risk when an individual enters into treatment.

Risks may include, but are not limited to, the following:

1. When taking buprenorphine or naltrexone your brain returns to an opioid

naïve state, leaving you at high risk of overdosing if you suffer a

relapse on opioids.

2. If you are taking Buprenorphine and consume too much of the drug or

take in combination with other drugs you can potentially suffer from

an overdose.

3. Misuse of Buprenorphine by intravenous injection can cause infectious

complications as well as result in death from overdose.

4. There is a risk of death by mixing buprenorphine with other drugs like

alcohol and benzodiazepines (drugs like Valium®, Klonopin® and Xanax0).

Expectations of MAT Clients

1. Participate in Individualized and Group Therapy

2. Education provided on:

a. The disease of addiction

a. Using medication in your recovery

a. How to respond, recognize and prevent overdoses

a. Withdrawal symptoms related to opioid and alcohol use

Customer service

is just a day in,

day out ongoing,

never ending,




type of activity.

~ Leon Gorman

5. Weekly observed urine drug screens.

6. Referral to other care providers if concerns arise in treatment (psychiatric

care, primary health care).

Rules for MAT

Rules are established to help keep you, other clients, staff, and visitors safe

and to encourage each of you to create the self-discipline and structure you

will need in order to be successful in the program and in your recovery. Rules

are subject to change at the discretion of the treatment team and administration

based on the program needs. It is important to be aware that consequences

may result when the rules are not followed, including reporting to

your referral source, if applicable, and there is a possibility of an immediate

unsuccessful discharge from MAT.

1. MAT appointments may take multiple hours, coordinate appropriately.

2. Attending an appointment intoxicated/ appearing under the influence

of a mood altering substance or refusal to submit a drug screen may

result in not being dosed during appointment.

a. a. The physician/APRN will determine if a referral to inpatient detoxification

is required or if you can be seen at the next available


3. Do not discuss medication or dosage with other MAT clients. If this

occurs you will be asked to leave the clinic.

4. Take medication(s) as prescribed.

a. Discuss any changes you want to make to your medication with

the physician/APRN prior to changing your dosage regimen.

a. Taking medication by any other means than prescribed (snorting

or intravenous injection) is considered medication misuse. These

actions may result in supervised dosing at the clinic, referral to

a higher level of treatment, such as inpatient detoxification, a

change in medication, and/or discharge from the program.

a. Your medication MUST be stored safely to ensure no theft or misuse

of medications. If medication is missing, please notify prescribing

physician/APRN immediately to determine next step in


5. Notify the physician/APRN of any medical or surgical procedures that

will cause pain in advance.

6. A patient is allowed a max of 2 inpatient detoxification within 1 year

while in the MAT program.

a. Going to inpatient detoxification does not mean that you are discharged

from the MAT program.

a. The detoxification center will be notified to continue your usual

buprenorphine dosage, pending buprenorphine is a medication

used in the detox facility, unless there are medical reasons which

contradict this.

7. Treatment involves more than taking medication, therapy (individual

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and group) is mandatory as it is a necessary part of treatment.

3. You are incarcerated for an extended period of time (over 20 days).

8. You must attend all scheduled appointments.

4. You request discharge.

In the world of

Internet Customer

Service, it’s

important to

remember your

competitor is only

one mouse click


~ Doug Warner

a. If an appointment must be missed due to mitigating circumstances,

a 24 hour notice is recommended to ensure proper rescheduling.

9. Missing medication appointments should be avoided at all costs; as

your medication is prescribed from one appointment to the next due

to the type of medication. If appointment is missed, you will be given

first available with provider.

10. Not complying with program rules and/or not having contact with the

MAT program for a specified period (2 weeks-30 days) will result in

being discharged from the program.

11. Respect the confidentiality of other clients, do not discuss or disclose

any information regarding any client outside of the program or on social


Ways to Succeed in MAT

1. Be engaged in your treatment; Therapy, Case Management and Medical


2. Do not use street drugs or alcohol while in MAT services.

3. Take your required UA’s in an honest manner, do not attempt to tamper

with urine samples.

4. Be consistent in your communication with MAT staff.

5. Respond timely to messages from MAT staff.

6. Take your MAT medications as prescribed.

7. Attend all your scheduled MAT appointments, if you miss a medication

appointment you will not be given more until your next appointment.

Service, in short,

is not what you

do, but who you

are. It is a way of

living that you

need to bring to

everything you do,

if you are to bring

it to your customer


~ Betsy Sanders

5. You demonstrate lack of motivation to participate in the agreed-upon

treatment/services. Notification to the

referral source will occur if applicable.

6. You do not follow program and/or agency rules. Notification to your

referral source will occur if applicable

7. You have no contact with the program for 28 days or longer.

When you are discharged from MAT you will be discharged either as Successful/Completed

Treatment, Unsuccessful/

Referred Outside Agency, Incarcerated, transfer to another service provider

and/or death.

1. Successful/Completed Treatment is decision made between the physician/APRN

and you regarding the medically appropriate taper with

medications. The discharge progress is tailored to each client’s treatment.

2. Unsuccessful/ Referred Outside Agency is determined when you do

not follow the listed expectations/rules in the MAT agreement; and

will be staffed with the clinical team for referrals.

a. When discharging unsuccessfully from the program, clients will

be offered a medical taper with medications (estimating 2-3

weeks). All appointments MUST be made during the taper, as no

reschedules will be permitted.

3. Incarcerated, if you are sentenced to more than 20 days in jail, the

program will discharge you. Upon release and you contacting our program,

re-admission may occur.

4. Transfer to another provider, if you desire to change treatment providers

and request MAT discharge you from services.

Transition/Discharge Criteria for MAT

Staff will develop your transition/discharge plan as soon as it is clinically appropriate

and provide you with a transitionsummary and certificate for you

progress. The transition/discharge plan will be developed with you and any

family or friends, referral sources and/or other community agencies that you

agree upon and may be applicable to your treatment. When you transition

to aftercare you will receive a transition summary and a certificate for your

progress. The transition/discharge criteria include, but are not limited to, the


At the time of discharge you will receive a transition/discharge summary

that will include information to help you maintain your stability upon discharge.

This document will include your identified support system, resources,

and referral information needed to help you maintain your recovery and


1. You demonstrate a need for a higher level of care.

a. a. MAT will refer, assist and keep you open with the program if

you chose to seek a higher level of care within SMA agency. (i.e


a. b. If a higher level of care is sought outside SMA, MAT will provide

appropriate referral to another provider to continue MAT care.

a. c. If you decline/refuse to seek a higher level of care; MAT will

discharge you, offer a medication taper (if appropriate) and provide

appropriate referrals for your care. Notification to your referral

source will occur if applicable.

2. You request to receive services from another provider.

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REFERRING PROCESS - 800-539-4228




Step-by step guide for how to settle a batch

Life is for service.

~ Fred Rogers

Complete a Walk-in Substance Abuse / Mental Health

Screening at SMA



702 S. Ridgewood, Daytona Beach FL 32114

Adults - (386)-254-1284

Tue-Thur 8:00 am - 3:30 pm

First come, First serve basis

Last person seen at 3:00 pm

Adolescents - (386)-254-1285

Contact office for scheduled screening

or attend walk in Fri 8:00 am - 3:00 pm

The Customer Service Representative

(CSR) is to utilize the following

procedure daily to balance the POS


A. At the beginning of each business

day, the CSR will indicate on

the daily cash log provided amount

of funds in the POS Register. The

CSR will initial they have verified the

dollar amount along with a witness

verifying the funds and initialing all

is accounted for. Satellite Clinics:

SMA Pharmacy will send medications

directly to the clinic site.

When you set up your Coverage account, you decided when you’d like your

payments to settle at the end of every day. In the event you’d like to settle

a payment batch before your established automatic batch times, simply

follow these steps.

1. Select Payments in the Coverage left menu bar


356 Englenook Dr, Debary FL 32713

Adults - (386)-668-3570

Wednesday 8:00 am -11:00 am

MUST be present before 8:00 a.m

Adolescents - 1:00-3:00 pm



301 Justice Lane, Bunnell FL 32110

Adults - (386)-236-1810 Wednesday 12:00 pm - 3:00

pm MUST be present at 12:00pm to be seen.

Adolescents - Contact office for scheduled screening

Cost - $12, if drug screen is needed. Screenings are

based on a sliding fee scale and not covered by insurance.

B. When clients arrive to pick up

medications the CSR will scan the

medication label stapled to the

medication bag in the POS Register

and collect any fees due and have

the clients sign they have received

the medication. All medications

must be scanned through the POS

System as all clients are expected

to pay their co-fee. (No exceptions)

C. Prior to the end of each shift daily,

the CSR will balance the POS Register

and complete the daily bank

deposit. CSR will verify the dollar

amount along with a witness verifying

the funds and initialing all is

accounted for. All POS funds will be

locked in the safe nightly.

2. Click Settle All.

3. Select Cancel or Confirm when prompted

Upon the completion of screening; the assessment

counselor will send referral to the MAT team. MAT navigator/case

worker will contact client upon availability for

intake date. When contacted, an intake will be scheduled

with medical team for evaluation for medication (subutex

or vivitrol). An appointment will also be scheduled

with therapist for the biopsychosocial assessment to be


D. All CSR’s are held accountable

for any overage/shortage of the

POS funds.

E. If credit card transactions fail to

settle, follow instructions “Settle a

Batch Manually”.

A screen will display that indicates a transaction was successfully settled

After intake, the client will be seen 1-2 times weekly for medication and

therapy (required). Therapy will be individualized to meet client’s needs;

individual sessions or group therapy.

*If MAT is experiencing a high volume of referrals, clients are encouraged

to attend SMA outpatient groups while waiting for placement in MAT*

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To give real service

you must add

something which

cannot be bought

or measured with

money, and that

is sincerity and


~ Don Alden Adams




Policy: Fee discounts are to be based on the federal poverty guidelines published

annually in the Federal Register as required or such other basis adopted

by the Corporation with the intent of reducing barriers to service and

complying with the requirements of our state funding sources.


1. All applicants for service will be required to complete a Client Registration

Form. Based on the financial data provided by each client on the

Client Registration Form, a discount will be applied consistently, without

discrimination, to all applicants for whom a particular procedure is to be


2. Federal poverty guidelines and applicable State statutes shall be used

to determine discounts for all services performed, as required by the

State Funding.

3. The following definition of “Members of Household” is to be utilized in

applying the poverty guidelines:

All members listed on federal tax return, including minor children,

head of household, spouse of head of household, or domestic partner

of the head of household (not listed on return) will be counted

with the following exception: For adults receiving services and living

with their parents, no matter what their age, only the income of the

adult receiving services will be counted.

4. Discount schedules assigned to applicants are not intended to limit the

usual and customary fees associated with third party reimbursements for


5. Discounts shall apply only to those services not covered by a third

party payer.

6. In the event a client’s financial status changes, the client must complete

a new Client Registration Form. A fee discount can be reviewed at

the request of the client or clinician at any time.

7. SMA Healthcare’s discount rate will be adjusted from time to time

based on revisions to the Federal poverty guidelines and applicable State


8. Staff recommendations for fee discount revisions will be presented to

the Personnel and Finance Committee and State funding sources as required

by contract.




1. SMA Healthcare provides discounted services to clients who are uninsured or under-insured and meet poverty

guidelines utilizing the following definition of Members of Household:

All family members listed on federal tax return, including minor children, head of household, spouse of head of

household, or domestic partner of the head of household (not listed on return) will be counted with the following

exception: for adults receiving service and living with their parents, no matter what their age, only the income

of the adult receiving services will be counted.

2. Clients who qualify for alternative programs or services within the county or state which pay for care, or who have

third party insurance are not eligible for discounted care. These include entities that have contracted with SMA to

provide services to clients including FACT Team clients and their contracts are managed by the Accounting Manager

in charge of contracts.

3. In order to qualify for a potential discount, a client shall enter his or her basic financial information on the appropriate

section of the Client Registration Form and sign and date the form. Clients may also be asked to provide proof

of income. (Note: Although it is no longer mandatory that the client submit proof of income to establish a need for

a fee discount, SMA may request to have this documentation to substantiate any financial aid).

4. A Customer Service Representative or administrative support staff will enter this information into AVATAR.

5. Clients will asked to verify / attest the information given is correct as printed on the Financial Assessment Form

and sign and date the form.

6. Clients under the age of 18 will not sign any financial forms. The parent or

guardian will complete the financial information on the client registration form and sign and date the form. The parent

or guardian will be asked to verify / attest the information given is correct as printed on the Financial Assessment

From and sign and date the form.


Policy: Fee schedules will be maintained by SMA Healthcare at a level which ensures maximum levels of reimbursement

from third party and other payors including Medicaid, Medicare, and others without acting as a barrier

to service delivery.


1. Fee schedules will be reviewed from time to time to ensure that the usual and customary charge associated with

various procedures equals or exceeds the amounts reimbursed by third party and other payors including Medicaid,

Medicare, and others.

2. Fees for procedures will be increased immediately to meet or exceed amounts eligible for reimbursement by third

party and other payors including Medicaid, Medicare, and others upon notification from those payors of revisions to

payment schedules which result in increases in reimbursement for various fees.

3. The Board of Directors and other interested parties will be notified of these increases within one month of their

implementation as directed by contract.

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I’ve learned that

people will forget

what you said,

people will forget

what you did, but

people will never

forget how you

made them feel.

~ Maya Angelou

An attempt will be made to collect client fees, net of appropriate discounts,

at the time services are rendered.


1. Collection of client co-pays and minimum fees for outpatient services is

made by the Customer Service Representative at the time the client arrives

for his/her appointment.

2. Credit is not automatically issued unless prior arrangements have been

made through the Customer Service Representative.

3. The Customer Service Representative will attempt to collect client fees for

services rendered at the inpatient unit upon discharge. If the client represents

that they are unable to pay upon discharge, the Customer Service

Representative will request that they contact Patient Accounts to establish

a payment plan.

4. For those clients who have not made a payment on their account in 90

days, Patient Accounts will attempt to contact those individuals and arrange

a payment plan.

5. All clients who have not made a payment to their account in 120 days or

more will be sent a letter asking them to pay their bill immediately or contact

Patient Accounts to arrange a payment plan.

Be kind and merciful.

Let no one ever

come to you without

coming away better

and happier.

~ Mother Teresa

All receipts of the corporation will be deposited intact to an appropriate bank

account no later than one business day after receipt.


1. The Customer Service Representative or designated staff member, hereafter

referred to as CSR, shall complete a receipt for each good or service

for which payment is received. All receipts are to be entered into Avatar. The

CSR shall prepare a deposit for the cash & checks received and take this deposit

to the nearest Wells Fargo banking location for deposit. The Payments

by Location Report, bank deposit receipt, deposit ticket, receipts and any

other supporting documentation are to be scanned at the end of each day

into the Cash Receipts folder.

2. Daily, the Cash Receipts Financial Analyst (FA) shall review the daily cash

receipts log sheet for each site to ensure accuracy.

3. Daily, the FA shall reconcile the daily bank deposit verification report to all

applicable sources make appropriate notes on this report for coding and

entry into Sage 100 by appropriate finance staff.

4. For all checks received by Financial Services, the FA shall prepare deposits

as appropriate for deposit utilizing the Wells Fargo Remote Deposit

Capture (RDC) system (please refer to the user manual for details of use). All

documentation shall be attached to the Deposit Detail Report and provided

to the appropriate finance staff for coding and entry into Sage 100.

6. All clients who have not made a payment to their account in 120 days or

more and do not respond to the letter referenced in Item 5 above, will be

considered to have defaulted on their financial obligation to SMA and their

accounts may be written off as bad debt. These clients will then be expected

to pay for all future services at the time the client arrives his/her appointment.

7. If a client has the ability to pay according to SMA Healthcare’s fee scale

and discount policy and refuses to pay, there will be no future services unless

these services are necessary for prevention of hospitalization or other

life-threatening situations.


5. For all cash received by Financial Services, the FA shall prepare deposits

as appropriate for deposit to an appropriate Wells Fargo banking center. All

documentation shall be attached to the Deposit Detail Report and provided

to the appropriate finance staff for coding and entry into SAGE 100

6. The FA shall enter appropriate information for each deposit into the Deposit

Analysis Report on a daily basis and ensure that all deposits have been

entered in a timely manner.

7. The FA shall scan a copy of all deposit backup into the shared folder and

either provides it to the appropriate finance staff for entry or attach it to the

hard copy deposit record as appropriate. The hard copy of all entered deposits

shall be batched and filed.


8. Adjustments require a completed Journal Entry Form, along with supporting

documentation, provided to the Accounting Manager for entry.

To ensure proper documentation of information both in the client chart and

in AVATAR, Patient Accounts staff shall make the necessary updates in the

system based upon the information provided by the client or when statements

are mailed and returned with new address notification or no return


9. Any returned checks returned shall be entered into the NSF Log by the FA.

There will be a $25 fee assessed to the client for each returned check.

a. If the returned check was returned for any reason other than Not Sufficient

Funds (NSF) then the FA shall provide copies of the returned check

to the area in which the check was received so that they may attempt

collection of the returned check and fee.

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It is not your

customer’s job to

remember you, it is

your obligation and

responsibility to make

sure they don’t have

the chance to

forget you.

~ Patricia Fripp

b. If the individual has any prior returned checks that were not accepted

on redeposit noted in the log, the FA shall provide copies of the returned

check to the area in which the check was received so that they may flag

the individuals file as “cash/credit card only” and attempt collection of

the returned check and fee.

c. If the individual does not have any prior returned checks on the log or

any prior returned checks were accepted on redeposit then the FA shall

attempt to redeposit the returned check. If a re-deposited check is returned

then the FA shall provide copies of the returned check to the area

in which the check was received so that they may flag the individuals file

as “cash/credit card only” and attempt collection of the returned check

and fee.

d. The FA shall provide copies of all returned checks that have been turned

over for collection to the Accounting Manager responsible for banking so

that appropriate adjusting entries may be made and copies to the PA

Manager if the returned check turned over for collection was for any first

party payments.


We are pleased to have the opportunity to serve you

and/or your family member. This booklet contains your

rights and responsibilities as a client or as an employee

at Enrichment along with information that may be helpful

during your treatment/services with us.



All staff are expected to observe SMA Healthcare (SMA)

Code of Ethical Conduct. The purpose of this code is to

provide a guide by which all employees, regardless of

discipline, may follow in delivering professional services

to our clients at all times. This Code of Ethical Conduct

is based on the core values of service, integrity, and excellence.

Our Mission - SMA improves lives through exceptional

substance abuse and/or mental health services.

Our Vision - SMA envisions a community where all

individuals living with addiction and mental health

needs find hope, healing and recovery.

Our Values

Service: To elevate services to others above


Integrity: To act in a professional, responsible,

and trustworthy manner at all times.

Community Based and Outreach Services: Florida

Assertive Community Treatment (FACT), PATHWAYS,

Family Intervention Services (FIS), Family Intensive

Treatment (FIT) Team, Temporary Assistance for Needy

Families (TANF), Targeted Case Management (TOM),

Supported Employment, Psychosocial Rehabilitation

(PSR), Adult Day Training (ADT) and Family Education.

There are benefits and risks when receiving services.

Benefits of services may include improved mood, social

interactions, and psychological well-being and resolution

of personal problems. Risks include but are not


to feelings such as stress, sadness, guilt, frustration and

not agreeing with the staffs assessment, diagnosis,

case formulation and/or treatment recommendations.

In general SMA discourages medication prescriptions of

benzodiazepines, amphetamines, methamphetamines,

and derivatives by our Physicians/Advanced Practice

Registered Nurses (APRN).


Involvement of family members and/or other support

persons is highly encouraged. Family member and/or

other support persons can be actively involved in the

assessment, development of treatment, ongoing evaluations

of services received, and can help improve your

progress and recovery. If there is a family member and/

or other support persons who you would like to be involved

in your treatment please let us know so we can

ensure the proper consents are signed to have them be

a part of your treatment.

Excellence: To strive for continuous quality and

performance improvement.



Outpatient Services: Mental Health Therapy, Substance

Abuse Therapy, Medication Management, Medication

Assisted Treatment (MAT), Correctional Treatment

Diversion Program (CTDP), and Drop-In Centers

Crisis Services: Inpatient Mental Health Stabilization,

Inpatient Detox, Crisis Triage and Treatment Unit

(CTTU), and Volusia Rape Crisis Center (VRCC)

We want to hear what you think about our services;

what we are doing right and what we can improve. Suggestion

boxes are inside the facilities for you to share

your feedback with us.

However, if you wish to voice a concern immediately,

please speak with a staff member. We make every effort

to address your concerns at the lowest level possible. If

the concern can be acted upon immediately, staff will do

so; if not, staff will discuss the reason with you and try to

satisfy it as best as possible.

Residential: Adult and Adolescent Substance Abuse

and Youth Respite Shelter

You may also mail or contact the Performance Improvement

Department your suggestion/concern or if you decide

later you are not satisfied with an outcome directly.

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Please specify the name of the facility and/or program

when submitting a written suggestion/concern. You may

submit your suggestion/concern anonymously. However,

please be aware that we will not be able to contact

you without contact information.

VP of Quality Assurance

SMA Healthcare

150 Magnolia Avenue, Box 78

Daytona Beach, FL 32114

(386) 236-3112

Every effort shall be made to ensure that no employee

or representative of SMA be permitted to take action

against an individual in the form of punishment, retaliation

or reprisals in response to the submission of a grievance.

No client will be denied service or limits on service

imposed based on the submission of a grievance.

If you are in a 24-hour facility it is expected that the entire

process from admission of your concern to the communication

of the final decision will take no more than

six days. For other service programs the time-frame may

take longer due to issues of establishing contact with

the appropriate people to review your concern. It is anticipated

that in most instances, this process will take

no longer than 30 days, giving each level a ten-day turnaround

time. At any point, you may also express your

opinions outside of SMA if you so choose.


All communication between you, and/or the person that

represents you, and SMA staff will be treated as strictly

confidential, and no information will be released without

your written permission unless there’s an exception to

the confidentiality as indicated below.

Exceptions to Confidentiality

There are exceptions to confidentiality that are either

mandated or implied by Florida law and that certain

information which would otherwise be confidential may

be provided under the following circumstances:

1. There is a cause to suspect that a minor child, disabled

or elderly person has been or may be the victim

of abuse.

2. There is cause to suspect that you pose a risk of

imminent harm to yourself or others or if you commit

a crime on SMA property.

3. The parent or legal guardian of a minor child or

adolescent may receive limited verbal information related

to the child’s/adolescent’s treatment plan and

current physical and mental condition.

4. Your record may be disclosed to SMA staff or

emergency personnel on a “need-to-know” basis.

5. In the event of an emergency, SMA may contact

your emergency contact.

6. There is a Court Order for SMA staff to testify or

release information.

7. You file a civil or criminal suit against SMA or any

SMA employee arising out of services received from


8. Your record may be reviewed by the Agency for

Health Care Administration, the Florida Department

of Children and Families, or the Human Rights Advocacy

Committee when they are evaluating a facility

or investigating a complaint.

9. Your record may be disclosed to an authorized

representative of the Florida Department of Children

and Families when the administrator of that agency

or the Secretary of the Department deems it necessary

for your treatment, maintenance of adequate

records, and compilation of treatment data or evaluation

of programs.

10. Information from your record can be used for

statistical and research purposes if your identity is

protected. SMA staff may discuss your diagnosis,

treatment, health history, and progress in the program,

with other SMA personnel as relevant to your

clinical care. You have the right of reasonable access

to your clinical record unless such access is determined

to be harmful to you. You cannot be filmed or

photographed without your consent. However, there

may be times where activities will be videotaped in

common areas.


SMA staff may complete a search of you and your personal

belongings while on SMA property and/or while

admitted to an inpatient or residential program to ensure

safety. Items considered contraband will be discarded

per SMA’s Searches and Contraband procedure.

If someone becomes unmanageable and causes a

safety risk, staff will use MANDT techniques to attempt

to de-escalate the situation, if safe to do so. If those attempts

are unsuccessful law enforcement will be contacted.

Seclusion and restraint is only used at the inpatient



Infection Control Practice is simple. Everyday preventive

actions can help slow the spread of germs that can

cause many different illnesses. Wash your hands often

with soap and warm water for 20 seconds before eating

and after toileting and do not share personal items; if

soap is not available use hand sanitizer. Notify staff if

there is a spill of bodily fluids, if you have an open draining

wound, penile or vaginal discharge, if you are bleeding,

or have a persistent cough or coughing up blood.


As a recipient of services at SMA you are responsible

for payment based on any fees associated with the services

you receive. You are required to sign a financial

agreement for services. If you are entitled to insurance

benefits for services provided at SMA, we will assist you

in collecting payment from your insurance company, as

well as obtaining the necessary authorizations. SMA

participates in most networks but not in all of them including

as an out of network provider. If SMA does not

participate with your insurance company and you chose

to receive services through SMA there is no discount

and you are required to pay 100% of fees associated with

the services you receive. If you are uninsured, fees are

discounted based on the federal poverty guidelines with

the financial information you provided on the financial


If you receive services at the inpatient facility, SMA may

attempt to appeal the denial of the inpatient authorization

for you. In the event that your insurance stops authorizing

your inpatient stay, you may be billed by SMA

for the denied stays. If you do not have insurance, we

will calculate your estimated bill based on your financial

information provided to staff and ask for payment in full

at the end of your stay.

SMA can bill Medicaid and Medicare for most outpatient

services, but not for inpatient services. Note: Medicaid

HMOs and PMHPs can usually be billed for inpatient

services. Supported Employment services are funded

through Department of Vocational Rehabilitation or

Agency for Persons with Disabilities.

Acceptable Proof of Income

1. Letter from employer or consecutive pay stubs showing

gross income for at least the last thirty days or an

income tax return.

2. Award letter or letter from individual or agency from

which income is received.

a. S.S.A, S.S.I., V.A., Pension, Welfare

b. Child Support/Alimony

c. Friends or Relatives

d. Any other income source


You are expected to pay your portion of fees due at the

time of your appointment or at the end of your stay. Bills

are sent out on a quarterly basis for any unpaid portion

of services rendered. SMA accepts cash, money orders,

all major credit cards and checks. You must provide a

picture I.D. if paying with a check. Patient Accounts staff

is available to assist you in arranging payments on your

account by calling (386) 236-3292.

Medication Financial Assistance

Based on your income, you may qualify for assistance

with paying for your psychotropic medications in one of

the following ways:

1. If you qualify for a discount, you may be eligible for

Indigent Drug Program (IDP).

2. If you are eligible for a 100% discount, you would

pay a minimum of $7.00 for each prescription (if purchased

through the SMA Pharmacy).

3. If your medications are not covered under the IDP

Program, SMA operates a Patient Assistance Program

(PAP) which works with several pharmaceutical

firms to help defray the cost of certain psychotropic


a. If a medication you have been prescribed qualifies

for this program, you will be asked to supply

the following documentation directly to the PAP


i. Income

ii. A Medicaid denial letter

4. For information about this program and/or eligibility

to participate, call (386) 236-1654 or (386) 236-



In order for treatment to be successful you must commit

to attendance of service(s) and treatment specified on

your Treatment Plan. If you need to cancel an appointment,

you will need to contact SMA at least 24 hours prior

to the time of your appointment. If you do not provide

adequate notice, the appointment will be noted as a no

show appointment and you will be responsible for the

$25 no show fee.

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In accordance with Florida Statues 394.459 and 397.501

Each facility shall post the Rights of Clients, detailing

the rights listed below. This notice shall be posted in a

place readily accessible to clients and in a format easily

seen by clients. This notice shall include a statement

that provisions of the federal Americans with Disabilities

Act apply and the name and telephone number of a person

to contact for further information. This notice shall

also include the telephone numbers of the Florida local

advocacy council and Advocacy Center for Persons

with Disabilities, Inc.

Treated with Dignity and Respect

The dignity of all clients served must be respected at all

times and upon all occasions.

Nondiscriminatory Services

u You have the right to receive services regardless

of race, gender, ethnicity, sexual preference, age,

HIV status, prior service departures against medical

advice, disability, number of relapse episodes, use

of prescribed medications, coexisting diagnosis, or

financial status. Denial of service or early discharge

may occur if you have problems beyond the programs

scope of service.

u You have the opportunity to participate in the creation

of an individualized plan for goals and services

and to receive pertinent information in sufficient time

to assist in your decision making.

u You have the right to receive the most appropriate

services available in the least restrictive setting,

based on the needs and the best interests of the

individual and consistent with optimum care of the


Quality of Services

u Services will be delivered suited to your needs,

administered skillfully, safely, humanely, with full respect

for your dignity and personal integrity, and in

accordance with all statutory and regulatory requirements.

u You have the right to ongoing assessment of your

progress and change in services to meet changes in

your condition.

u Prepare a Safety Plan/Advance Directive with a

staff member, if applicable.

u You have the right to participate in discharge


u Inpatient program is required to provide a physical

examination by a health practitioner within 24

hours for

crisis or 48 hours for detoxification from your arrival

time at the facility.

u Inpatient program is required to make reasonable

efforts to honor those choices or transfer to another

facility that will honor your choices.

u After discharged from SMA you have the right

to seek treatment from the professional or agency of

your choice.

Request Discharge by Persons on Voluntary Status

u If you request discharge, your Physician/APRN

will be notified and you will be discharged within 24

hours from an inpatient facility and within 3 working

days from a state hospital, unless you withdraw your

request or you meet the criteria for involuntary placement.

If you meet the criteria for involuntary inpatient

placement or involuntary outpatient placement, the

hospital administrator must file a petition with the

Court for your continued stay within two (2) working

days of your request for discharge.

Expressed and Informed Consent

u You have the right to receive specific information

prior to expressing consent for admission or treatment.

This informed consent includes:

1. Purpose of your admission.

2. Proposed treatment, purpose, and its anticipated


3. Possible risks and side-effects of your treatment.

4. Alternative treatment method(s).

5. Anticipated length of treatment.

6. How your treatment will be monitored.

7. Advising you that you may later revoke consent

for treatment either verbally or in writing.

Protected Health Information

u Although your clinical record is the physical

property of SMA, you have the right to:

1. Request restrictions on certain uses and disclosures.

However, please be advised that SMA is


not required by law to agree to a requested restriction.

2. Receive confidential communications of your

protected health information.

3. Request to inspect and receive a copy of protected

health information contained in your medical

record, providing that the attending physician

approves, at which time a summary of treatment

will be provided.

4. Request to amend protected health information

contained in your medical record.

5. Receive an accounting of disclosures of your

protected health information.

6. Receive a paper copy of any communications

you receive from SMA electronically.

7. Requests for the above should be made in writing

and submitted to:


SMA Healthcare

Attn: Health Information Management Dept.

150 Magnolia Ave

Daytona Beach, FL 32114

u You have the right to communicate freely and privately

unless your Physician/APRN or treatment team

determines that such communication is likely to be

harmful to yourself and/or others or a program requires

observation of communication to ensure safety of individuals,

staff, and the community.

u You have the right to receive and send sealed, unopened

correspondence, unless there is reason to believe

that its contents could be harmful to yourself and/

or others.

u You have the right to a reasonable number of visitors

during designated visitation times, if visitation is permitted

at the program.

u You have the right to reasonable use of a telephone

based on the program’s rules.

1. Mental Health Programs Only — If your communication

or visitation is restricted, you will be given a

written notice including the reason(s) for the restrictions.

The restriction to communicate or receive visitors

will be reviewed at least once every 7 days.

2. Access to your attorney (at a reasonable time), to a

phone for the purpose of reporting abuse, or contacting

the Disability Rights Florida cannot be restricted.

Free from Abuse and/or Neglect

u If you are a victim or if you see another person being

physically or mentally abused, or neglected, you have

the right to report this abuse.


You have the right to report this abuse to:

1. Florida Abuse Registry 1-800-96-ABUSE (962-


2. Human Rights Advocacy Committee (HRAC)


3. Advocacy Center for Persons with Disabilities

(386) 238-4910

4. Substance Abuse & Mental Health Office of the

Department of Children and Families (386) 254-3744

5. The SMA Performance Improvement Department

at (386) 236-3112

6. Any other entity or individual of your choosing.

Designation of Representative

u You will be asked to identify a person to be notified

in case of an emergency. Further, if you are at a facility

for involuntary examination and do not have a guardian

appointed by the court, you will be asked to designate

a person of your choice to receive notification of your

presence in this facility, unless you request that no notification

be made. If you do not or cannot designate a

representative, a representative will be selected for you

by the facility from a prioritized list of persons. You have

the right to be consulted about the person selected by

the facility and you can request that such a representative

be replaced.

Habeas Corpus

u At any time, and without notice, an individual involuntarily

retained by a provider, or the client’s parent,

guardian, custodian, or attorney on behalf of the client,

may petition for a writ of habeas corpus to question the

cause and legality of such retention and request that the

court issue a writ for the client’s release.

Right to Counsel

u You have the right to be represented by counsel

in any involuntary proceeding for assessment, stabiliza-

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tion, or treatment. If you, or if a minor your parent/legal

guardian/legal custodian, may apply immediately to the

court to have an attorney appointed if you cannot afford


Care and Custody of Personal Effects

u You have the right to your own clothing and other

personal effects unless removed for medical or safety

reasons. If they are taken from you, an inventory of the

possessions will be prepared and given to you for signature.

The possession will be returned to you or your representative

upon your discharge or transfer from SMA


Vote in Public Elections

u SMA is a voter’s registration site offering its clients

the opportunity to register to vote. To register to vote

you must:

1. Be a U.S. citizen (a lawful permanent resident cannot

register to vote).

2. Be at least 18 years old.

3. Be a Florida resident.

4. Have had your rights to vote restored if you have

ever been convicted of a felony.

5. Have had your right to vote restored if a court has

ever declared you to be mentally incapacitated as to

your right to vote.

Education of Minors

Religious Worship

u If you are in an inpatient or residential program you

have the right to practice your religion at a time that

does not interrupt programing.

Well-balanced, regular and nutritious meals

u If you are in an inpatient or residential program, you

have the right to well-balanced, regular and nutritious

meals provided by the program. If you have an allergies

or special diet requirements make sure a staff member

is informed. Meal calendars are posted in designated areas

of each program.


u You have the right to refuse to perform any work

which is of a financial benefit to SMA.

u When you perform any work which is of a financial

benefit to SMA, you are to be paid according to Federal

Minimum Wage Laws. (Tasks of a housekeeping nature

are not considered to be wage earning labor).


SMA staff will complete an assessment to obtain a

clearer picture of how to best service you. Not only will

the assessment include an interview from you but it may

also include information gathered by family or support

system, court system, or other providers. All this information

will be used to ensure the appropriate treatment

is offered.



or behavior, being sexually inappropriate, or participation

in illegal activity at the program is not tolerated and

can result in termination from the program.

u You will be respecfful and courteous to staff, other

clients, and visitors. You will not cross talk or belittle others.

You will keep your cell phone on silent and will not

use any electronics during your appointment.

u You will actively participate in the program and follow

the program rules.

u You will not discuss other clients’ names or issues

within or outside of the program.

u You will not bring any weapons or legal/illegal substances

onto SMA property (including knives, scissors,

fingernail clippers/files, tools, etc.).

u You will not damage property or steal from SMA,

staff, or other clients.

u You will keep all prescription medications in the

original container and on yourself at all times. If you are

in an inpatient or residential program, prescription medications

will be handled by nursing staff per programs


u You will not come to SMA Outpatient or Residential

programs under the influence of illicit drugs or alcohol.

u You understand that SMA facilities are tobacco free

including E-Cigarettes.

u You will bring your insurance cards, and be prepared

to pay your co-pays.



u SMA staff will help you coordinate your overall treatment.

u SMA staff will introduce you to key staff members of

your treatment team and peers when applicable.

u SMA staff will support you in emergency situations

and safety issues which could include the use of verbal

de-escalation practices to ensure appropriate behavior.

u SMA staff will show you the locations of the bathroom(s),

grievance box(es), first aid kit(s), fire extinguisher(s),

emergency exit(s), and evacuation plan. If applicable,

SMA will show you the locations of the nurse’s

station/exam room, activity area/patio/day room, dining

room, and your room and bed assignment.

u SMA staff may be able to assist you in certain situations

related to benefits, entitlements and court hearings.

u SMA staff will assist you in meeting your basic

needs by providing you with linkages to food, housing,

financial assistance, transportation, vocational services,

educational services and therapy by utilizing community

and advocate resources.

u SMA staff will assist you with communicating with

your Physician/APRN regarding your substance abuse,

mental illness and medication status, and attend behavioral

health appointments with you at your request.

u SMA staff is responsible for providing treatment

updates for clients to the appropriate referral sources

when required or mandated.

u Each minor in a residential service has the right to

receive educational services.

u Your parent/legal guardian has the right to give consent

for treatment.

u Your parent/legal guardian has the right to give consent

for release of information.

Manage Your Own Money

u You have the right to manage your own money unless

there is a court ordered stating otherwise.

u Unless you are in an inpatient or residential program,

program procedures are followed.

You will work with your treatment team to develop your

person-centered plan. This individualized plan will guide

your services with us at SMA documenting your goals,

strengths, and preferences. This helps you and your

treatment team to stay focused your personal goals

throughout treatment. Your person-centered plan will be

reviewed and updated per program requirements.



u You will keep and be on time for appointments

(home visits, office visits, etc.) or give 24-hour notice for

cancellation if you are unable to keep your appointment.

u You will notify SMA staff of any change in your address,

telephone numbers, e-mail address, insurance,

financial status, or emergency contact information.

u You understand that depending on the program,

you may be discharged following a specified period of

no contact with that program.

u You understand that you have the option to provide

informal feedback to SMA staff and may complete a Client

Satisfaction Survey as often as you wish.

u In case of after hour emergencies you may contact

the SMA Access Center at 1-800-539-4228.

u You understand that violence, threatening language

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SMA Healthcare is an equal opportunity and drug-free workplace and prohibits discrimination in all programming and activities on the basis of

race, color, sex, age, religion, national origin, marital status, disability, veteran’s status, or other legally protected status.

If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation, you should contact our ADA Coordinator inperson or by mail at 150

Magnolia Ave, Box 78, Daytona Beach, FL 32114. You can also Phone: (386) 236-450, Fax: (386) 236-3157 or Email: ADAcoordinator@

SMAhealthcare.org your ADA needs.

All SMA Healthcare Facilities are Non-Smoking

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