The Aussie Magazine Autumn 2020

For members of the Southern Counties Australian Terrier Club

For members of the Southern Counties Australian Terrier Club


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How do I know if my dog is going deaf?

As dogs age, their faculJes can start to fade and it’s not

unusual for them to experience some level of hearing loss

or to go deaf in their older years. Here are some signs to

look out for that your canine friend may be struggling to

hear properly. If your dog’s hearing is fine, it’s good to be

aware of these behaviours for the future.

If your dog has always appeared at the ra2le of a full food

bowl or barked on hearing a knock at the door and no

longer responds to these triggers, it could be a sign that he

has hearing loss. Some owners report ‘selecJve hearing’ in

their pets, but this is usually caused by a dog being

engaged in an acJvity that he deems more exciJng than

his owner.

If your dog has always greeted you when you get home

but then you start finding him asleep when you get in, it

may be because he can no longer hear your car pulling into

the driveway or your key in the lock.

Upon hearing a noise, most animals will look up or around

to find the source of the sound. You can test your dog’s

hearing yourself by quietly entering the room so that he

doesn’t noJce you and then clapping your hands from a

distance away to see if he reacts. This should be used as a

test only, as approaching a deaf dog without warning can

someJmes be startling.

Your dog may appear surprised when touched while

sleeping and can even snap out of sleep due to the shock

of being stroked.

If he’s no longer responding to being called, he may sJll be

responsive to higher-pitched sounds, so you can try a dog

whistle to see if he can sJll hear the upper range.

Ways to help a dog with hearing loss

Discovering that your dog may have such difficulJes can be

worrying, but there’s no reason why a dog with hearing

loss can’t live a full and happy life.

1. Get them vet-checked – If you’re concerned that

your dog might not be able to hear you properly,

it’s important you take him to your vet for a check

up. It could be that a temporary condiJon, like a

2. Keep them safe – The most important consideraJon

when you have a dog with hearing loss is his safety.

If he is deaf, he would be at risk of not being able to

hear dangers, such as passing cars. It might be best

to keep your dog on a lead during walks and to try

and keep them interesJng by taking different

routes so he’s sJll gehng lots of sJmulaJon.

3. Teach hand signals – This is the first thing to do as

dogs can learn hand signals very quickly. These

gestures can let him know when to sit, stay, lie

down and follow. As your dog approaches you, start

giving your chosen hand signal and then give him a

treat when he reaches you. He will soon come to

associate the hand signal with the treat and will

return to you each Jme expecJng it. There is a lot

of informaJon

4. Give noJce – You can get collars and leads that say

‘I am deaf’ on them, which is a really good way to

make other people aware that your dog can’t hear

– especially if you do decide to let him off the lead.

5. A li2le freedom – If you have an obedient dog who

has always previously come back to you when

called, there’s no reason why you can’t allow him

some off-lead Jme once he has mastered hand

signals. It’s a good idea, however, to keep to open

spaces where you can see him easily and he can see


6. LocaJon services – Fihng a bell to your dog’s

collar is also a good idea so that you can locate him

easily, not just on off-lead walks but around the

home and garden too, as he can’t hear you calling.

There are a wide range of tracking devices available

and these may be useful if you do walk your dog

off-lead and they wander off.

7. Laser light. Another opJon is to use light. These can

be great to a2ract a2enJon and lead your dog back

to you. As with all laser lights you need to be

careful and they are less effecJve on a too sunny


8. Good vibraJons – Your dog has to be looking at you

to be able to see your hand signals, so another

thing some owners use is a vibraJng collar, which

you can acJvate from a distance. These are not

electric shock collars. As to the benefit, there

seems to be mixed feedback on the success.

9. Try not to startle – It’s important that you approach

your dog from the front, especially when he is

resJng, as he won’t hear you coming up from

behind. If your dog is laying on the floor, he may

feel the vibraJons if you stamp your feet to

announce your arrival. You could also switch the

lights on and off a couple of Jmes on entering a

room so that he knows you’re coming.

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