The Aussie Magazine Autumn 2020

For members of the Southern Counties Australian Terrier Club

For members of the Southern Counties Australian Terrier Club


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Super Sniffers at Work

If successful, it could also add to Medical DetecJon

Dogs’ understanding of what the profile for cancer

smells like and provide more informaJon for their cancer

detecJon dogs to learn from in the future. Four dogs are

currently being assessed with a view to 2 working on the

full project. The dogs are a mixture of Labradors and


Urine samples from dogs with and without cancer have

been collected by Davies Veterinary Specialists and have

been used to train dogs to detect the difference and will

be used to test how accurate they are. The idea for the

project first came when Medical DetecJon Dogs CEO and

Co-Founder, Claire Guest, took her own cancer detecJon

dog, Daisy, to Vet Oncologist at Davies Veterinary

Specialists, Isabelle Desmas-Bazelle, for treatment for


Sadly, some Aussies are diagnosed with cancer. For many

breeds it can be the most common cause of losing a

beloved family dog. Treatments to help cure and manage

cancer in both humans and dogs are becoming increasingly

more successful, but the key is diagnosing as early as


We know that the Medical DetecJon Dogs Charity has

made great in roads in detecJng some common forms of

cancer in people. However, recently they were asked the

quesJon -

Can dogs detect cancer in other dogs?

That was the quesJon asked by the Medical DetecJon Dog

Charity. At last they have begun to answer the quesJon.

A study into whether cancer detecJon dogs can sniff cancer

in another dogs’ urine sample is being carried out for the

first Jme in the UK by the charity Medical DetecJon Dogs.

The project will invesJgate what would be a cheap, rapid

and non-invasive diagnosJc test for canine bladder cancer

by training dogs to detect the cancer from the odour of

urine samples.

Canine Urinary TransiJonal Cell Carcinoma (TCC) can look

like several other urinary tract disorders when tested for,

meaning diagnosis can be tricky.

The 2 experts started to quesJon whether canines could

detect cancer in other canines and Daisy was presented

with some samples of urine from dogs with and without

the disease. She picked out the posiJve samples quite


Claire Guest says: “Dogs are renowned for their sense of

smell and we know from many years of the dogs’ ability

to detect human cancer, that it is a disease that has

characterisJc odours that they can pick out very


“It seems obvious that they could do the same for canine

cancer and as the current screening tests are oden

inaccurate, not to menJon very unpleasant for our

beloved pets, we are very much looking forward to

showing that dogs themselves could be the key to

diagnosing this disease early in their four-legged


Isabelle Desmas-Bazelle says: “Current methods of

diagnosis can be slow and yield misleading outcomes –

for example a posiJve result can be because of other

non-cancerous condiJons such as infecJon. This means

that vets may target infecJon when in fact the dog could

have cancer.”

One possible method of looking for TCC is cystocentesis –

when a needle is inserted into the bladder to take a sample

of urine – but is best avoided as it can risk spreading the


DefiniJve diagnosis requires taking Jssue from the

suspicious area so a medical scienJst can look at it under a

microscope which is invasive, costly and delays the results

and therefore treatment.

The proof of principle study, a collaboraJon with Davies

Veterinary Specialists and part funded by The Kennel Club

Charitable Trust, will invesJgate this innovaJve test, which

has the potenJal to make dramaJc improvements to the

diagnosis and outcome of canine bladder cancer.

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