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was claimed to be ‘more accurate than ever’


but what exactly are they testing for?

Fundamentally they are screening for

whether the fetus has a ‘correct’ number of

chromosomes or not but in fact, this starts to

imply that to be a ‘normal’ human being, you

have to have 46 chromosomes. In one of the

leaflets that the NHS hands out to mothers

after screening, a list of complications such

as ‘heart problems, gut problems, hearing

problems, vision problems, thyroid problems


and dementia’ are listed. Simply listing these

complications makes the condition sound

very severe however these are complications

that any fetus could have. Anyone can grow

up to have ‘heart problems, gut problems,

etc’. In the past, when people have received

phone calls confirming a positive test for

Down’s, healthcare workers have said things

like ‘I’m ever so sorry but I have really bad


news’. Why is it bad news?

After receiving a positive result for Down's

Syndrome, 90% of women in the UK abort


their babies. In Iceland, this is worse - 10/10

women abort their babies. There is generally

a negative outlook about conditions like this

and eradicating the Down’s Syndrome

community implies that society views people

with this condition to be ‘imperfect’. This

therefore suggests that those without the

condition are completely ‘perfect’. In fact,

what is perfect?

We all know that ‘perfect’ is indefinable. In

this day and age, it has become accepted to

abort babies with Down’s Syndrome and

other genetic conditions. Although I am prochoice

and believe that women should have

the ability to choose what they want, I also

feel that this is completely ruthless. I have a

sister with Down’s Syndrome and in all

honesty, although she has a few learning

difficulties and other conditions, she is no

different from me or you. She has her own

hobbies, dreams and passion and radiates

such positive energy that I honestly could not

survive without her! The negative view on

people with genetic conditions like Down’s

has to be changed. Perhaps doctors and

healthcare professionals need to stop listing

‘all the things that could go wrong’ and start

talking about what could go right. They need

to start talking about how those with Down's

Syndrome are people filled with individuality,

emotions and life!

Many religions state that abortion should

only be allowed if the woman has an illness

since that could harm both the mother and

the fetus. Some also argue that abortion

should only be allowed in instances like rape

or incest but this suggests that for a woman

to have a right for her own body, someone

has to violate it first. In conclusion, I believe

that abortion should be legal in all countries

since equality is important and women

should be given the right to choose what’s

best for themselves and for their bodies.

Although providing analgesia will not resolve

the issue of a fetus’ right to life, it could

potentially solve the issue of fetal pain and

make sure that fetus’ die somewhat


However, I do also believe that the outlook on

abortion due to genetic conditions should be

changed since aborting babies since they are

genetically different to a ‘normal’ human is


A child with Down's Syndrome



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