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happens when your body temperature drops


below 35°C, it needs to be treated in hospital . It

happens when your body loses heat faster than

it can produce it. When your body temperature

drops, your heart and other organs cannot work

properly, because of this if left untreated,

hypothermia can lead to complete organ failure

and death.

The most common causes of hypothermia are

exposure to cold-weather conditions or cold

water, however, being in any environment that is

colder than your body for too long can cause

hypothermia if you aren't dressed appropriately

or can't control the conditions.

Some examples of conditions that can lead to

hypothermia include:

- Wearing clothes that aren't warm enough for

the weather

- Staying out in the cold for too long


- Not being able to get out of wet clothes

7 - Stress

Some people can feel overwhelmed by the

expectations of Christmas, the lack of time and

money and the pressure of gift giving which can


cause them to feel incredibly stressed. As well

with the planning fallacy (a phenomenon where

we misjudge how much time and effort tasks will

take even though we have experienced them

before) people expect a fun, relaxing Christmas

and end up with a chaotic, stressful one. With

social media we can now see how everyone

else’s Christmas seasons are going which can

add even more pressure and stress to make your


Christmas better.

8 - Asthma

For some people, asthma is harder to control

during winter months as cold air is a major

trigger of asthma symptoms. The cold, dry air

can irritate your airways which can cause the

muscles inside to spasm. Also on cold days, air

pollution can sometimes be worse which is


another trigger of asthma symptoms. As well,

there’s a lot of cold and flu viruses going around


which can also exacerbate asthma symptoms.


blue. Raynaud's mainly affects your fingers and

toes, but it can also affect other areas of your


body, such as your nose, lips and ears.

10 - Dry skin

Dry skin is often worse during the winter, when


environmental humidity is low and there are

frequent sudden changes in temperature. Going

from the cold outdoors to a centrally heated


house can bring on an flare up of eczema.

11 - Arthritis

For people with Arthritis, joints can get more

painful in winter. This may be because when the

atmospheric pressure and temperature drops,

the pressure inside people’s joints that pushes on

the nerves increases which causes pain. As well

the colder weather can make people’s pain

receptors a lot more sensitive which means they


will feel more arthritis pain.

12- Heart attack

Studies have shown that cold weather may

increase your risk of a heart attack. This may be

because the cold weather increases your blood

pressure as your blood vessels constrict and

blood flow speeds up to keep your body warm.

The heart also has to work a lot harder in winter

to maintain body heat. Cold weather can also

increase cholesterol levels and can make blood

more likely to clot. As well, blood levels of

immune system compounds increase in winter

which can prevent your body getting infections

but research has shown that this can also


increase the amount of plaque in artery walls.


9 - Raynaud disease

Raynaud's disease causes parts of your body to

feel cold and numb due to cold temperatures or

stress. Small arteries that supply blood to the

skin narrow which limits blood flow. The affected

areas of skin usually turn white and then turn


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