Campaign Book

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Table of Contents

Mission 4

Media Campaign 6


SWOT Analysis

Brand Development 9

Mix Media


Target Demographic

Brand Elements 16

Color Palette

Texture and Imagery


Logo Evolution

Logo Specification

Future Vision 37

Conclusion 38


Copyright © 2016 by Las Vegas Silver Devils

Mission Statment

Bring the community together through the promotion of

the sport of ice hockey and stressing the philosophy

that sports builds comradery and character.

Copyright © 2016 by Las Vegas Silver Devils


The crisp chill in the air, the whizzing of blades gliding over ice, and the comradery

of the fans in the stands. Now imagine all of this taking place in the middle

of dessert. No, this is not a mirage, it is the legendary Las Vegas Silver Devils.

These demons of the ice have made their mark not only in Las Vegas but also

with in the ECHL. Once known as the Las Vegas Wranglers, the now Las Vegas

Silver Devils are a true Cinderella story.

Making their first debut in 2007, the Las Vegas Wranglers were the only

hockey team located in the state on Nevada. The Wranglers combined two elements

that contradicted each other, heat and ice. But do to a lack of wins and

viewership the Wranglers were put out to pasture after five seasons. But the City

of Entertainment did not give up on their dream of having their own hockey team.

As the old adage goes, if you don’t succeed at first, try and try again, and tried

they did. In 2014 the Wranglers were reintroduced as the Las Vegas Silver Devils.

The Las Vegas Silver Devils mission is to bring the community together

through the promotion of the sport of ice hockey and stressing the philosophy

that sports builds comradery and character. It is plane to see that under the Silver

Devils sinister and tough exterior, beats a heart of gold. Las Vegas has finally

acquired the hockey that they have been longing for. Through their outstand generosity

they have glided into the hearts of local fans.

Copyright © 2016 by Las Vegas Silver Devils

Page 7

1. The only hockey league in Las Vegas

2. Located in a high financial city

3. High tourist town

4. Hockey is a very contact sport; Las

Vegas loves contact sports. That’s why it is

the capital for the most contact sport


1. Las Vegas is a gambling

town and hockey is not a

popular sport to bet on.

2. The name is lacks excitement and luster.

Many of the Shows in Las Vegas have catchy


1. With the new T-Mobile

arena located on the strip, the

games will be easy to get to and

will be among the hustle and

bustle of the strip.

2. The large seating capacity of the arena

will offer the ability to sell more tickets

and turn a profit for more advertising.

3. By making a team that Las Vegas is

proud of, it will build camaraderie and

build a strong following.

1. Has to compete with other

Las Vegas minor league


2. Locals go to the sports

bars to see the professional

teams play

3. The gilts and glamor of the

Las Vegas Strip

4. The shows and other

attractions that are on the

Las Vegas Strip

Page 9

Media Mix

Content is everywhere. We are exposed to over 5,000 advertisements and

brands per day (Johnson, 2014). Whether it be a radio spot we hear in the car on

our way to work, a banner on website we are viewing or a TV spot that is run during

our favorite show. No matter what form it is in or if we even pay attention, we

are constantly surrounded advertisements. But not every marketing platform is as

effective as the next. You have to know the right platform to use to reach your target


The Las Vegas Silver Devils and the todays marketing have something very

important in common, they have both evolved. The team that was formally know

as the Las Vegas Wranglers, now has a new style, a new name, and a new way

of marketing. Traditional marketing, which was commonly print newspapers, print

magazines, TV, radio and billboards, has been replaced with digital marketing,

social advertising, online videos and social media. Today, obtaining new information

or seeing what your friends are up to, is as easy as pulling out your phone and

tapping on your favorite app or opening your web browser. In the article “How is

the Marketing Media Mix Changed”, it states that “roughly 2/3 or more marketers

are planning to increase their budgets for digital marketing (Marketing Charts staff,

2014).” The use of analytical tools are available to monitor your website and see

the amount of traffic it is receiving, and help you determine areas that you should

improve upon. The age of evolving technology is upon us and with it has come a

new way to reach the masses, and the Silver Devils are going to take full advantage

of it.

In Ian Linton’s article “What is a Media Mix” he mentions how individuals

turn to the internet to find information. He states that “when prospects are looking

for information, they may read publications covering their interests, such as

websites, or check product review sites (Linton, n.d.).” The Silver Devils are more

than just a hockey team; they are a brand that embraces innovation, technical advancement,

and their supporters. The Silver Devils mix media will primarily consist

of digital marketing:

Copyright © 2016 by Las Vegas Silver Devils

Page 11

Media Mix

Facebook, Tumbler, Twitter and Instagram are all free platforms for advertising

and reach a large audience. Several posts will be made daily to

keep viewers coming back. Each week an image of the Silver Devils mascot

will be posted of him at different Las Vegas landmarks. Contests that

require fans to post images of them showing their Silver Devil spirt will be

held on the Silver Devils social media pages. Winners will receive Silver

Devil fan gear, meet the team or game tickets.

Online Video platforms such as YouTube and Vimeo will be where the

Silver Devils will post game highlights, player interviews, some behind the

scenes fun and a weekly video message from the team.

An interactive team website that draws viewers in with team stats, roster,

history and upcoming games will give fans a closer look at their favorite

hockey team.

Use of Las Vegas’s well known glitz and glamour, their massive HD screens

and moving billboards will be ideal for promoting the Silver Devils. With these marketing

concepts, the Silver Devils will be on everyone’s lips.


Many aspects make the Las Vegas Sliver Devils like no other hockey team. They

are the only hockey team in the state on Nevada, they are the only hockey team

that can call a desert atmosphere home, the one thing that really helps the Silver

Devils Stand out above the rest, is the way they show their appreciation to their

fans. All teams have social media pages, websites, and special meet and greats

for their fans, but the Silver Devils are light years ahead of the traditional fan appreciation.

With weekly live chats with fans, weekly video postings, daily postings

from the team, creative contests with awesome prizes, exciting impromptu scavenger

hunts with player meet and greets and amazing free swag. The Las Vegas

Silver Devils know that it doesn’t matter how many games you win if no one is in

the stands to see it. As Marty Neumeire stated in his book ZAG, “it’s the customers,

no the companies, who decide which brands live and which ones die” (2007, Neumeire).

This “zag” will keep the Las Vegas Silver Devils fresh and exciting, and will

have the fans coming back for more.

Page 13

Target Demographic

Hockey is most dominate in Canada but is beginning to make its mark in the United

States. True hockey is not as main stream as the NFL, NBA and MLB and could be

considered a nich sport, its fan base is growing and is making waves in the States.

The Silver Devils are going to ride this wave of rapid growth and focus in on the

demographic that call themselves hockey fans.

Since hockey is a very expensive game to play it is predominantly watched

and played by white males in the mid to upper class. The expensive price tags this

game carries has narrowed the amount of diversity in spectators and players. With

about 30 black players currently in the NHL an all most no other ethnic minorities

(reference.com), the Silver Devils will target white male in their mid 30s to late 40s

that are in the mid to upper financial bracket.

Copyright © 2016 by Las Vegas Silver Devils

Target Demographic

Since hockey is a very expensive game to play it is predominantly watched and

played by white males in the mid to upper class. The expensive price tags this game

carries has narrowed the amount of diversity in spectators and players. With about

30 black players currently in the NHL an all most no other ethnic minorities (reference.com),

the Silver Devils will target white male in their mid 30s to late 40s that

are in the mid to upper financial bracket.

Black Hispanic White

33% $100k+

27% $40k-$75k

20% $75k-$100k

9% Less Than $20k

12% $20k-$40k

F an

D emographic

Age 2-17

Age 18-34

Age 35-54

Age 55+

Page 15


Meet Brad. Brad is a 32-year-old business managment graduate from UNLV. He is

a diehard Rebel fan and has stayed loyal to his alma mater team by buying season

tickets to their football games. He is recently engaged to his beautiful 28-year-old

blond girlfriend, the couple lives in Summerlin, a more upscale community in Las

Vegas. If Brad is not hosting a sports event viewing at his home, he can be found

taking in the game at the sports book with his buddies. Brad prides himself on being

the ultimate sports fan. His impressive man cave is decorated with signed sports

memorabilia from past and present legends. His common attire consists of designer

jeans or shorts, the top brand athletic shoes and a sports jersey. Brad is proud to be

a Las Vegan and enjoys the attractions that Las Vegas has to offer. He is a man that

is comfortable in his lifestyle and wouldn’t have it any other way.

Page 16

Color Palette

#0011a0 #0097bc #424241

Copyright © 2016 by Las Vegas Silver Devils

Textur and Imagery

The texture will be polished silver that shines like new money and gives off

a sleek feel. Along with silver will be diffrent textures of blue ice, that will

give off a cool frost feel and will represent this icey sport. The image of the

Las Vegas sign drawn in a circuit board grid with hands surrounding it in the

shape of a heart shows the Silver Devils love for their home town and their

love for technical innovation.

Page 18


The reason why I chose there two types of typography, is because they give off a

feeling of movement and speed. Two elements that the Silver Devils hold.









Logo Evolution

When it came to creating logos for the Silver Devils I wanted to make sure

they were edgy but still reflected where the team came from and that the

logo was something that would not offend viewers. I took a lot of aspects

that would remind views of Las Vegas and incorporated elements that are

seen in hockey. I wanted to make sure that the logo was inviting to all ages

because the Las Vegas Silver Devils may have a menacing name, but they

are the furthest thing from it.

Page 20

Logo Evolution

Top 5 Jersey Designs

Copyright © 2016 by Las Vegas Silver Devils

Logo Evolution

Final Jersey Design

The final jersey design incorporated the history and of Nevada and a well know

nick name that the city of Las Vegas wears proudly. Nevada is known as the silver

state, due to the silver mining that took place years ago and every knows Las Vegas

as “Sin City”. By combining these two elements, the Las Vegas Silver Devils.

Page 22

Logo Specifications




The Las Vegas Silver Devils logo can not be displayed in another color or

shap then the one that is shown in this book. This perserves the look of

and feel of the logo.

Copyright © 2016 by Las Vegas Silver Devils

Logo Variations

Page 24

Street Team

I have decided to change my original idea for my guerrilla marketing campaign

to one that is more mobile. The Las Vegas Devils will have street

teams that will travel all over Las Vegas stopping at well-populated locations

such as gyms, high schools, and of course the Las Vegas Strip. The

Street Team will be accompanied by players of the Silver Devils and the Las

Vegas Silver Devils mascot. We wanna make sure our fans cheer on the

team in style, the Silver Devil Street Team will be handing out free swag at

each location. Track the Street Team on the Silver Devils Facebook, website

and twitter.




T-shirts are a great way to get the word out about the Las Vegas Silver Devils.

People love free appeal, and when they wear the Silver Devils logo they turn

into walking billboards.

Copyright © 2016 by Las Vegas Silver Devils

Page 26

For fans to match the devil in the logo, I thought sunglasses would be an ideal

asset. Also being that Las Vegas receives strong waves for the sun 365 days a

year, local fans will be able to show their support year round. I decided to give

each color a catchy name, much better than the boring blue, light blue and white.



The Frost Towel will be a souvenir that fans will be able to swing around during

the game as they cheer on their team. I can also be used to distract the opposing

team while making penalty shots. This will give the fan a feeling of helping out their

home team.

Copyright © 2016 by Las Vegas Silver Devils

Page 28

To promote an active life style and to help keep hydrated in the Las Vegas

heat. The Silver Devils sports bottle is the ideal companion.

With the Las Vegas heat, the inside of your car can reach scorching high degrees.

In Las Vegas having a sunshade for your car is a must. I believe this asset well

help Las Vegans keep the insides of their cars cool as well as help get the word

out about the Las Vegas Silver Devils.

Copyright © 2016 by Las Vegas Silver Devils

Page 30

To show company what team you support and to add a stylish touch to your

home décor. The Silver Devils poster is the only way to go.


The Silver Devils website along with the Silver Devils

facebook, YouTube, and Twitter will provide their fans

with the means to stay connected with the team.

Copyright © 2016 by Las Vegas Silver Devils

Page 32

According to an article that was posted in the Las Vegas View Journal, millennials,

those that were born in the 80’s and 90’s, are ditching high car payments, expensive

car insurances, and harmful fossil fuels and are using public transportation. “CNW

Research, adults from the ages of 21 to 34 account for only 27 percent of the new

cars sold today. That’s down from 38 percent in 1985. Even more, less than half of

prospective drivers in the age group of 19 and younger even have a driver’s license.

That’s down from two-thirds of that population in 1998. (Sodomma, 2013)” With my

target demographic relying more on public transportation, an ideal marketing ploy

would be to place the Silver Devils logo on the very thing they see ever day, buses and

bus stops.

Copyright © 2016 by Las Vegas Silver Devils

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Page 36



The dream for the future of The Las Vegas Silver Devils is that this team

will expand from a minor league team to become a major league team and

thrive. Everyone cheers for the underdog. The hope and passion that ignites

the average Las Vegas Silver Devils fan should become so contagious,

that it will sweep all the way from Las Vegas Nevada to Carson City.

The message this team sends is the same as the infamous Rocky character.

Keep trying, keep believing and with a great marketing plan, using

digital marketing paired with ads, massively appealing assets, steady word

of mouth, phenomenal audience reception and a little luck (after all this is

Vegas) the Silver Devils will hit the envisioned goal.


In conclusion the under lying theme and the main theme of the Las Vegas

Silver Devils is unity. A unified community, city, county, state, country. Perhaps

this sounds overly ambitious but any journey no matter how long begins

with a single step. Ice hockey in the desert? It can’t be done. Well it is happening

and it is successful. All people need is a cause to unite them. When

people are able to come together and bond through a positive action (cheering

on an underdog) the outcome is usually stable and permanent. We set

aside our differences and embrace our similarities. We think, act and function

as one. This is an important lesson to be reminded of, especially at this

particular time in history. Unification, the way of the future.

Page 38

Bethany Alexander


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