Crawford Times - Summer Edition 2020 (2)

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actively participate in pageants

that empower young ladies to use

their voices for change.

Even more impressive is that

you’re also studying medicine

– you’re in your 4th year now.

Which area of medicine are you


I’m currently studying to attain

a degree in general medicine

as a whole and so specialising

will be in a couple of years from

now. At this exact moment my

heart is really drawn to obstetrics

and gynaecology. Since I’m in

4th year and there’s still so much

medicine to learn, so this might

change. I find this discipline

so interesting and the first time

I witnessed a C-section I was

overwhelmed by emotion – it felt

like an epiphany moment and

made me feel like THAT is what I

wanted to do for the rest of my life.

The birth of a child is such a lifechanging

moment for both the

mother and father and the idea

of acquiring the skills, knowledge

and responsibility to safely deliver

a new life is something I definitely

am interested in.

If we come to check-in on you in

five years, what do you hope to

have achieved?

In five years’ time, I will be 27 years

old and will have just completed

my community service years as a

general practitioner and will be

choosing a specialty in medicine.

I would also like to have entered

Miss South Africa and won in

any one of the coming five years.

I would be using this platform

to share my story with others

– hopefully a story that would

inspire others to be courageous

in pursuit of their dreams

despite their background. I really

believe that transparency in this

generation is so important and

I’d like to be as real as possible

in sharing my life experiences,

the traumas, the successes, the

pain, and the tribulations that

molded me into the lady that I

am today. I would also like to have

30 | Crawford Times

used this platform to expand

my Dance4Justice campaign.

Haha…and on an even more

personal level, I’m actually also a

hopeless romantic and hope to

have found the love of my life!

How did Crawford prepare you

for the path you’ve taken?

I really thank my mom for keeping

me in Crawford College. My

mother is a single mom and her

decision in keeping both my sister

and I at Crawford Pretoria was

a sacrifice that I am so grateful

for! The academic standard

that Crawford Pretoria held was

always very high and it forced

me to work extremely hard to

achieve the results that I wanted

in my school years. Work ethic is

so important to maintain as it is

often the key to many doors you

deeply desire to open. Working

hard became a norm and this

really helped me adjust to the

pressures at university – university

felt like something I could handle.

Crawford also embraced the

uniqueness and diversity of each

student and I only realised the

true value of this when I entered

university. I wasn’t afraid to be

my authentic self in a room full of

people different to me. There were

also a few teachers who always

believed in me and didn’t limit

my capabilities. I persevered and

through the 12 years of being

in Crawford, the countless extra

lessons and my mom’s support, I

am where I am today. I will always

carry Crawford and all the lessons

it taught me proudly in my heart.

What are three daily habits you

swear by?

Praying, having that 10-minute

Beyonce concert I mentioned

earlier, and going for a quick run in

the morning before the day starts.


Favourite song? ‘Got to be real’

by Chery Lynn

Favourite thing to do (if you’re

not wearing a crown or

studying)? Shopping!

Favourite way to start the day?

Taking a jog with a friend

Favourite way to end the day?

Taking a long hot shower and

snuggling into bed with a warm

cup of chamomile tea

Favourite meal? Waffles with

ice-cream and syrup

Favourite famous person?

Zozibini Tunzi

Favourite place in the world?


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