Maricho November Edition

Bridging the information gap in the agricultural sector value chain

Bridging the information gap in the agricultural sector value chain


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By General Beven Mundida

The number of chickens you start with do not matter.

You can begin with one, three or five chickens and end

up being a millionaire if you do the following;

Analyse: You need to take time to investigate and

analyse. Learn a few things on how to start and run your chicken

business perfectly.

Understand the risks and rewards: Any business requires an

entrepreneur to be a risk taker. As you investigate, get to learn

the risks you will have to take and the rewards that will come


Keep records: This is one of the most important tools in any

successful business. As you start, always keep detailed records

of expenses and profits earned. Keep an inventory of all the

equipment you may have bought. This helps you to understand

your financial position and helps you to identify your strengths

and weaknesses. Correct all the mistakes and maintain the


own feeders, drinkers, and make your own feeds. Ensure that

your compound is well fenced to barricade the predators from

entering and causing loses. This will help in maximising profits.

Be patient and focused: Before you start a business, you must

be clear on what you want to achieve and how to get to your


Many people want to start making profits immediately, but always

remember the old saying: Rome was not built in a day. They start

a business without considering the factors involved in building

the business.

Do not give up easily. Stay focused and achieve the best.

Accept competition: You may see some people around you

investing in the same line of business. Competition is good for


General Beven Mundida (Livestock consultant)

Contact call/ WhatsApp +263 776 420 161

Email: gbmundida@gmail.com

Be organised and be punctual: Chicken farming business is not

a lazy man’s business. You will have to

organise your work well and be an early

riser. You have to do things at the right

time and perfectly. The chicken house

should always be clean.

Ensure that there is continuous supply of

clean water and proper feeds. Vaccinate

the chickens on time to prevent diseases.

To manage this, you should have a table

of day-to-day activities so that you do not

forget important tasks.

Be creative: As the saying goes,

necessity is the mother of invention. Think

about what other things you need to do as

an individual to reduce the costs of rearing

chickens. You can decide to make your


A resource for Agribusiness

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