NEDA A Tip of the Hat January 2021

New England Dressage Association's award winning newsletter!

New England Dressage Association's award winning newsletter!


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NEDA is important to me

because I get opportunities to

ride at amazing facilities with

amazing riders without traveling

all the way to Wellington.

Dressage to me is partnership

and love.

If I’m not at the barn,

I’m most likely working so that

I can afford to go to the barn.

I couldn’t live without

pony time.

Something most people

don't know about me is

that I own a small business -

Patriotic Pony Custom Crochet

(@patriotic.pony) - a brand I

created for inclusivity of all

sizes of horses. My Morgan is

very tiny, and I always

struggled to find things to fit

him, so I started making them

myself. Just like people, all

horses are different shapes

and sizes and should be able

to find things to fit them just

right without paying a fortune.

We have been open for almost

a year and I still get so excited

every time I get to help make a

small piece of someone's

dream come true!

Thank you, MacKenzie, for

answering our questions!

Are you interested in being

interviewed for the Youth

Corner? Send us an email!


W A N T E D !


Nominations Manager

The Nominations Manager will be responsible

for identifying and recruiting candidates to be

presented to the NEDA Board for any Board

vacancies, prepare annual ballot, maintain

accurate job descriptions and other information

required to fill vacancies, etc. Email for full job

descriptions and details

This role is a board position, so

you'll have a large part in shaping

what NEDA offers to members!

Contact: nominations@neda.org

18 TIP OF THE HAT NEDA.ORG January 2021

Are you a youth rider

interested in dressage and

LOVE our new Youth Corner?

Want to know

what NEDA has put

in place for you?

Want to become

one of our

highlighted riders?

Have ideas, comments

or questions about

Youth Corner?

Email us: youth@neda.org



NEDA members please take note -

Scholarships are currently available

for qualified applicants...

that could be you!

The next deadline for scholarship

applications is April 1st!

To receive an application or an

informational brochure about the

Scholarship Program. Go to:


Amy Bresky

Scholarship Chairman

3403 Youngs Rd., Southern Pines, NC 28387

Phone: (978) 270-3880

E-mail: scholarships@neda.org

Don’t Miss the Deadline!

Fiona Perreault. Photo: Jesse Klein

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