totallyMERRI honor photo book - Suzanne

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I love Suzanne because she is joyful, happy, and an incredibly

upbeat person to be around. She has the happiest voice of anyone I know and she

just exudes excitement. When I’m with Suzanne, I feel as if I’m swept up into fun

times and that there will be something new and different and wonderful around

every corner. And that’s always the way it has been, in high school and as young

adults and now as mothers of terrific college aged kids. With Suzanne, I always

feel young at heart, like I’m 14 and ready to go on an adventure. Who else

but Suzanne could have gotten me to ride my bike down the busy streets of

New City during the dark hours one evening to meet her at our local Burger

King. That time began when I was taking a short study break and chatting with

Suzanne on the phone, when all of the sudden, Suzanne got hungry and had a

whim to go and get some french fries right then and there. But it had to be fries

from Burger King, because the Burger King ketchup tasted sooo much better

than McDonald’s. Of course this made perfect sense to me since, as usual, it was

hard not to get swept up into a Suzanne adventure, where all the ideas sounded

like a great adventure, no worries hovered around, and everything made perfect

sense. So, I put aside my books and studying for the night, hopped on my

brother’s large ten speed bike (which I had never ridden before) and pedaled fast

and furiously down the dark streets of Little Tor Road to Burger King. Suzanne

was already there and we had such a great time sharing our fries and chatting.

I don’t remember what we talked about, but time passed quickly and when we

finished, it was really late and pitch dark outside. What to do with my bike?

Suzanne came up with a great idea: leave it leaning against some random pole

in the parking lot. She figured if the bike was leaning against a pole, it’ll look

as if the owner left it just for a second. And then I could pick it up the next

day after school by walking the 2 miles from the high school back to Burger King.

And of course, that’s what I did. And the bike was still leaning there, just

as Suzanne imagined it would. With Suzanne, leaning bikes don’t get

stolen, great tasting ketchup really matters and fun times can be had at any time,

anywhere. And me.... a nerdy, more than half afraid of the dark, bike riding

friend of Suzanne’s, who to this day, remembers nothing from the studying

done that evening, and everything about impulse and great tasting ketchup on

crispy fries, and chatting with a friend like Suzanne. — Shirley

I love Suzanne because of her tremendous heart and for all the

zany humor she generously sprinkles on all those she loves. I adore Suzanne

because she radically changed how I experienced high school. Instead of feeling

lonely, somewhat afraid & known as “the principal’s daughter”, I began to

have fun, made new friends & joined Summer Theatre, all because of Suzanne.

We love Suzanne because . . . she is a baby whisperer!!

— Much love, Deborah, Zach, Noah and Ethan Klehr

Suzanne makes me laugh all the time-- one of my few regrets about living in

Paris is that she’s not one of my neighbors. Thanks to FB, we now have more

frequent exchanges, many delirious, some intimate & all heartfelt. If Suzanne

were a fruit, she would be a ...pomegranate; Beautiful, original & delicious. She is

a TRULY Wonderful person (much like her mother) & a lovely friend. — Kathy

I love Suzanne because ... she is full of life. One of my favorite

memories of her is going to the circus with her in Hartford. Most people dress

up for the theater; she wore bright yellow baggy pants and a bright red clown

nose. She brings sunshine to otherwise cloudy days. — Phil Yoo

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