totallyMERRI honor photo book - Suzanne

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With LOVE for Suzanne on her Fiftieth Birthday


She has a beautiful heart, an intelligent mind, and a playful spirit.


Suzanne has a demanding job, two special kids, and a husband who works

as many hours as she does; yet she is never too busy to listen to a friend, take

Oreo for a walk, help a child (hers or a friend’s) write a paper, make a costume,

find just the right prop for a play, pick up David’s college roommate at the

airport, or pitch in to help a Scout with a project.


She helped her boys discover, develop, and take such pride in their unique gifts.

She taught them to seize adversity as an opportunity to make them stronger,

and even, as an opportunity to teach others. She has raised two confident,

sensitive, sweet and talented boys who are good friends to others and who

are poised to work hard and to enjoy all the gifts life has to offer. This is no

small accomplishment.

At work, Suzanne carries a heavy case load of litigation matters with all of

its deadlines and is relied upon heavily by her client and others at work for

her advice and counsel on many matters. She is as nice to the cleaning and

security staff s she is to her superiors. When multiple deadlines loom over her,

Suzanne keeps trudging along. She never gives up. She is a brilliant lawyer and

she is well respected by her colleagues.

Not surprisingly, Suzanne walks around a good bit of the time exhausted

beyond words. Yet, she will drive several hours on just two hours sleep to see

one of David’s plays, attend one of her nephew’s performances, or to sleep in

the freezing cold at one of Aaron’s Boy Scout camping trips.

With all that she has on her plate, she thinks nothing of taking on organizing

a book group, inter-faith hospitality week, Mitzvah Day at her temple, or her

latest undertaking, sitting on the Board of Trustees for Lawyers for Justice.

Friendship and community service are important to Suzanne. A sane person

would never take on these extra activities but Suzanne wouldn’t have it any

other way.

These are just a few of the reasons why most people who know Suzanne

describe her as amazing.

Suzanne has been a good friend to me --she extended her hand when I needed

a friend. I love to hear her laugh. I am proud and blessed to call her my friend

and my colleague.

- Love, Linda Day

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