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New Heights Educational Group


Here are some of the differences:

Charter Schools

Why Charter School?

By Khrista Cendana

1. May use a lottery system if the charter school is

popular and hard to get into for the


2. Smaller class sizes.

3. Transportation is arranged by the students.

4. Private board.

Why do you want to go to a charter school? My

mom has been telling me that if I were still in

school, she would have enrolled me in a charter

school rather than a public school. Are charter

schools better? What are the differences and

options when enrolling? I always thought that

charter schools help students more than public

schools, is that true? Are they clearly different or

are they the same? To find out the correct answers

these questions, we need to dig a little bit


Public Schools

1. They must accept every child in its district.

2. Larger class sizes.

3. Education standards set by the state education


4. Transportation provided by school within

designated area.


I think it depends on what charter school you want to attend online or even physical. The ones I checked are

in California, Nevada and Ohio and have different requirements for the students to be able to learn online.

Moreover, it depends on the individual state to have ​Teachers Certified Or Not ​by the education commision.

Charter schools are run by nonprofits ( ​What Are Charter Schools ​) and are funded by the federal government

with the amount depending on how many students are enrolled.

Charter schools at the end are like ‘traditional’ schools, and they differ from one another like any

other school does, depending on their sizes, number of students and state regulations. If I were

looking for either a public or charter school, I may go for charter school for my kid because it has

fewer students. It’s up to you, however, to choose what school is good for your children.

Websites Used In Article:

Public vs Private vs Charter

Charter Vs Public


San Diego

The Delta Academy

Ohio Connections Academy

Buckeye Online School For Success

Teachers Certified Or Not

What Are Charter Schools

If you want to know more, check out ​Public vs Private Vs Charter

What is ​​the same in charter vs public schools?

1. They are both free

2. Cannot discriminate students.

3. Both school systems are considered public.

If you want to know more, check out ​Charter Vs Public ​​Comparison

Online Charter School

San Diego ​- diploma, one-on-one attention, individualized program, accreditation, online classes, respected

education. (California)

The Delta Academy ​- online model, attend evening sessions once a week, teachers availability face-to-face,

tech lounge, flexibility, etc. (Nevada) Ohio Connections Academy ​- free, certified teachers and coaches,

online multimedia, accessible everywhere. (Ohio) Buckeye Online School For Success ​- tuition free, grades

K-12, 100% online. (Ohio)

Are they clearly different or are they the same?

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