Why Does Page Speed Matter The Most In SEO

Most people bounce off from a site if it takes more than three seconds to load and it’s enough to understand why it is so important. In this article, we will have a look at why page speed matters the most in SEO. If you don’t have an in-house team who can optimize your site, it’s better to go for professional SEO services and maintain a good page speed.

Most people bounce off from a site if it takes more than three seconds to load and it’s enough to understand why it is so important. In this article, we will have a look at why page speed matters the most in SEO. If you don’t have an in-house team who can optimize your site, it’s better to go for professional SEO services and maintain a good page speed.


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Why Does Page Speed Matter The Most In SEO?

When we talk about some of the most important on-page SEO factors, the site’s page

speed matters the most. No matter what kind of website it is, be it a personal

branding site, corporate site, or an eCommerce website, having good page speed

always pays benefits.

Most people bounce off from a site if it takes more than three seconds to load and

it’s enough to understand why it is so important. In this article, we will have a look

at why page speed matters the most in SEO. If you don’t have an in-house team who

can optimize your site, it’s better to go for professional SEO services and maintain a

good page speed.

Enhanced user experience

The most significant advantage of having an excellent page speed is improved and

elevated user experience. If a website is taking more than 3-5 seconds to load, the

majority of the people will cancel the page and it will increase the bounce rate.

According to a survey conducted by Google, if the website’s speed is degraded by 1

second, almost 16% of the visitors will not consider visiting the site again. With such

a minor delay, it can cause huge business losses; so the site’s page speed should

always be a priority.

Faster goal achievements

Another pivotal business benefit of having a good page speed is that it becomes

easier to achieve the marketing goals as the user experience is seamless. Be it

improving the conversion rate, or onboarding new customers, when the web site’s

performance is top-notch, marketing becomes much easier.

And if you are running an eCommerce business, then it becomes more critical to

take care of the loading speed. It’s a smart choice to go for good SEO services that

can help you optimize your digital retail show to make more sales.

Greater traffic that average loading site

It’s an open fact that if the site’s page speed is excellent, it will automatically grab

more visitors as no one wants to wait. Everyone is searching for answers for their

queries in a hurry, and if the site speed is low, no one will wait till the site opens.

Visitors will bounce off to another website to seek the answer.

So, working on your site’s speed will not only help you gain more visitors but also

improve your revenue. According to Google, a slight delay of half a second can cause

traffic drop up to 20% and it’s quite a huge number.

Better rankings

Speed is a major ranking factor for any search engine and for achieving top 10

positions for your desired keywords, you need to have your website optimized. If

you analyze the top ten websites that are ranking for a certain keyword, you will

find their site speed is excellent.

Google has also given hints many times that they consider speed as a major ranking

factor and sites do get benefits due to their good speeds. Good site speed can make

the efforts of SEO teams more visible as the site will rank for more keywords.

Better crawlability

A website’s crawlability is indeed affected by the overall page speed and search

engines can crawl more pages faster if the speed is optimized. If you have added a

new page to your site and want it to rank faster, the first thing is to optimize it for

good speed. Once you achieve this, it will be much easier for you to optimize the

other factors and rank that page higher.

These were some major benefits of why page speed matters the most in SEO and

why you should also focus on improving the same. If you don’t have a technical team

for managing your site, it’s better to opt for better SEO services and get your website

optimized for speed.

Source- http://theworldtechies.com/why-does-page-speed-matter-the-mostin-seo/

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