Dr. Joseph Installation Journal
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29 GROVE STREET – STAMFORD, CONNECTICUT 06901 – (203) 348-8755 – Fax (203) 348-1890
Mark of Excellence Pre School (203) 353-1503 Federal Credit Union (203) 921-1664
Reverend Dr. Joseph G. Ford
Senior Pastor
Dear Faith Family and Friends:
To God be the glory for the great things he has done. What a joy and privilege it is to be pastor of Faith
Tabernacle Missionary Baptist Church.
We often mark years by pivotal moments in life: Isaiah 6:1 says “in the year king Uzziah died, I saw the Lord high
and lifted up.” Little did we know that the year 2020 would not only be remembered for the installation of Faith
Tabernacle Missionary Baptist Church’s 5 th pastor, but it would also be forever marked in history by two historic
events: the worldwide outbreak of COVID-19 and the unnecessarily inhumane salughterings of George Floyd,
Breonna Taylor and Ahmaud Arbery and subsequent resistance that has developed.
The high infectious rate of COVID-19 has required the nation to social distance, which has had a tremendous
impact on our ability to gather for worship, study, and fellowship. We have had to adjust to a new normal, but
through it all God has shown himself faithful. Though we have not been able to gather physically, we have used
the conveniences of technology to connect with each other virtually. Despite the pandemic we have continued
with our weekly worship services, prayer calls, Sunday school, Kids Zone ministry, and outreach to the
community. Though we have been physically apart, I believe we have grown spiritually closer to God and to
each other through our Daily Devotionals. Through all we have experienced there has still been a sense
of excitement within the church. Souls are being saved and people are joining virtually.
The deaths of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and Ahmaud Arbery have ignited a push for racial equality not only
across the country but around the world. We as a church are charged to be a prophetic voice in this changing
landscape. We must continue to speak truth to power and champion the cause of the least, lost, and
Though this is a challenging time, it is exciting because it allows us to think outside the box and reimagine
ministry. The possibilities are endless! I believe the best is yet to come. 1 Corinthians 2:9 says, “eye has not seen,
nor ear heard, nor has entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love
I would be remiss if I did not thank the pastoral search and installation committees for their diligence and
faithfulness in working through this process. I also must thank the membership for the love you have shown my
family upon our arrival.
To God be the glory for the great thing he has done!
Yours in Christ,
Rev. Dr. Joseph G. Ford
29 GROVE STREET – STAMFORD, CONNECTICUT 06901 – (203) 348-8755 – Fax (203) 348-1890
Mark of Excellence Pre School (203) 353-1503 Federal Credit Union (203) 921-1664
Reverend Dr. Joseph G. Ford
WHEREAS, we the members of Faith Tabernacle Missionary Baptist Church on July 14th, 2019 voted to accept
as the 5th senior pastor of this church the Reverend Doctor Joseph G. Ford; and
WHEREAS, on March 10, 2020, Gov. Ned Lamont issued an executive order proclaiming a state of emergency
throughout the State of Connecticut as a result of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) outbreak in the
United States and confirmed spread in Connecticut; and
WHEREAS, to reduce the spread of COVID-19, the United States Center for Disease Control and Prevention and
the Connecticut Department of Public Health recommend implementation of community mitigation strategies
to increase containment of the virus and to slow transmission of the virus, including cancellation of gatherings
of ten people or more and social distancing in smaller gatherings; and
WHEREAS, Governor Ned Lamont amended Executive Order No. 7 prohibiting social and recreational
gatherings of 250 people or more to require that all such gatherings of 50 or more people, including but not
limited to, community, civic, leisure, or sporting events; parades; concerts; festivals; plays or live
performances; conventions; and similar activities, as well as religious, spiritual or worship gatherings of such
size, are prohibited throughout the State of Connecticut; and
WHEREAS, Faith Tabernacle Missionary Baptist Church seeks to adhere to Governor Lamont's Executive Order.
Now therefore be it resolved, Faith Tabernacle Missionary Baptist Church held the Pastoral Installation of Dr.
Joseph G. Ford, virtually on the 26 th Day of April 2020, employing various technological platforms including;
Zoom, Facebook Live, YouTube Live, and the church conference call number.
Be it further resolved, a copy of this document will be kept in the church archives.
Deacon Curtis David
Trustee Edith Shamsid-Deen
Deacon Curtis David,
Chairman, Deacon Board
Trustee Edith Shamsid-Deen,
Chairlady, Trustee Board
Mrs. Yolanda Chapman-Smith
Mrs. Yolanda Chapman-Smith,
Church Clerk
Faith Tabernacle Missionary Baptist Church
74 th Church Anniversary and Pastoral Installation
Sunday, April 26, 2020
9:45 am
Order of Worship
Exhortation and Prayer…………………..…………………………………………..…………Dr. Joseph G. Ford
Praise and Worship…………………………………………………………………………….Min. James Fountain
Charge to the Sheep……………………………………………………………….…………Dr. Joe Samuel Ratliff
Brentwood Baptist Church, Houston, TX
Charge to the Shepherd.....................................................................Dr. Joe Samuel Ratliff
Brentwood Baptist Church, Houston, TX
Prayer of Consecration and Installation.............................................Dr. Joe Samuel Ratliff
Brentwood Baptist Church, Houston, TX
Presentation of Pastor Ford...............................................................Dr. Joe Samuel Ratliff
Brentwood Baptist Church, Houston, TX
Presentation of the Articles of Installation.........................................Deacon Curtis David
Deacon Chair
Presentation of Keys……………………………………………..………………Trustee Edith Shamsid-Deen
Trustee Chair
Reading of Church Resolution…………………………..…………….…………….……Mrs. Yolanda Smith
Church Clerk
Sermonic Selection…………………………………………………………..……….………Deacon Larry Hunter
The Message of Life, Love and Liberty…………………….…………...……… Rev. Dr. Joseph G. Ford
Dr. Joseph G. Ford
Lady Yolande Ford
On your Pastoral Installation
And I give you pastors according to mine heart, which shall feed
you with knowledge and understanding”
Jeremiah 3:15
King James Version (KJV)
The Next Generation Choir
Making Disciples, Transforming Lives!
Rev. Dr. Joseph G. Ford, Pastor
Faith Tabernacle Missionary Baptist Church
on Your Installation!
Rev. Anthony L. Riley
Senior Pastor
10 AM | Sunday
Monday Prayer Call | 6 AM
Dial-in number: 1-712-775-8978
Code 878547
11 PM & 6 PM | Prayer Service
Wednesdays | Noon & 7 PM
Wednesday Nights are Family Night!
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Congratulation On Being Installed
Rev. Dr. Joseph G. Ford
Rev. J. Michael Sanders, Pastor
116 Glenside Ave. * Summit, NJ 07901 * (908) 273-1199
Annias James
Chairman - Deacon Board
Phillip D. Hill
Chairman - Trustee Board
Congratulations & Best Wishes to
Rev. Dr. Joseph G. Ford
& Faith Tabernacle Missionary Baptist Church
in celebrating the Pastoral Installation of pastor and congregation.
We are so proud of our son in the faith. As the Lord joins pastor
and congregation, we pray for continued blessings for
many more years to come.
Dr. Joseph G. Ford
First Lady, Yolande Ford
and Family
on your Pastoral Installation Service. May God Bless you, and
cause the work that has begun with Pastor and people to prosper.
“And I will give you shepherds according to My
heart, who will feed you with knowledge and
understanding” Jeremiah 3:15
Taking care of
each other is what
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Best Wishes to
Faith Tabernacle Missionary
Baptist Church
1301 Stratford Avenue
Stratford, CT 06615
Dr. William B. Sutton, III, Senior
Phone: 203-377-1441
Fax: 203-377-5750
Email: fbcstratford@sbcglobal.net
Website: www.fbcstratford.org
Rev. Dr. Joseph G. Ford, May the Lord Bless you and keep you,
fill your life with His joy and sustain you by His grace. We all
joyfully welcome you and congratulate you on your installation.
Praise be to Jesus. We hold you faithfully up in prayer.
Pastor William B. Sutton, III, First Lady Maria E. Sutton
and the entire First Baptist Church of Stratford Family