Faith & Flowers - October 2020

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Wedding Flowers for Very Different Times

This time last year Sonia, our Treasurer, asked me to help her

with flowers for her granddaughter’s wedding, planned for June

2020. I was happy to accept the invitation and, notebook in hand,

joined the bride and Sonia in the middle of March at the

wholesalers to select suitable flowers.

The wedding was postponed due to Covid restrictions and

rearranged for mid-September. The week before I returned to the

wholesaler to order the flowers. I was shocked to see only about

a quarter of the usual selection of flowers and foliage. Of course

there have been no events, many postponed or cancelled

weddings and places of worship having been closed until

recently, there has been a much reduced need for fresh flowers.

Once the flower order had been placed, we faced the dilemma of

how and where we could arrange whilst obeying social distancing

and following the Covid rul4es. Many prayers were offered that

week for a way forward for us.

The weather forecast for the end of that week was for sunny and

warm days. The flowers were duly collected and conditioned.

Buckets filled my shed and kitchen for a day!

Friday morning saw me awake early and setting up tables and

chairs in the garden so that the team of four of us could work

individually whilst following the regulations, with a box of

equipment on each table and my clipboard on the lawn. Believe

me, it was planned like a military operation! In little over four

hours we made the bride’s bouquet, 5 bridesmaids’ bouquets, 2

table decorations and 16 buttonholes and corsages.

At 2.20 p.m. the bride’s mother arrived to collect the flowers and

take them to the church in the Olympic Park, ready for the

ceremony the following day, and we sat down in the sunshine for

a late lunch and a well-deserved glass of fizz. It had been a

stressful and exhausting few days but also great fun with much

laughter and wonderful teamwork.


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