Faith & Flowers - October 2020

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A few words from our National Secretary

Council met via Zoom on 26th August to consider several issues and to

receive the annual accounts from our treasurer. This is a summary of the

important decisions.

Finances: Our income in the year ending 31 March 2019 was £2309 and

our expenditure £2736 a deficit of £427. In the last five years we have

only once shown a positive balance and, in the last three years, we have

consistently shown a deficit; £68 in 2018, £1757 in 2019 and £427 in

2020. Council felt strongly that we cannot continue to run year after year

with a deficit of expenditure over income. Our main income is from

membership subscriptions and from new memberships and our main

expenditure is our “Faith & Flowers” magazine and our website. We are

extremely grateful to Mark Edwards for keeping his costs on the latter to

a minimum.

Increases agreed: Our current membership fee of £10 for a full year has

not changed in many years and Council took the difficult decision to

increase membership subscriptions from the Current £10 to £15 for a full

year from 1 April 2021. New memberships will be pro-rata depending on

the date of joining (as now) but the registration fee will increase from £2

to £3. We have also been selling our lovely CEFAA badges at far less than

it costs us to have them made so the decision has been made to charge £6

per badge.

Council appreciates that these increases may cause concern for some

members, but we simply cannot allow the Association to continue losing

money each year.

Recruitment: Our membership numbers have been steadily falling in

recent years and we are not recruiting enough new members to replace

those leaving us. Our discussions on finances and membership costs led

to us to talk about the need to run a recruitment campaign and Council

will be looking at a strategy to take this forward. For instance, if 50% of

our current membership were to recruit just one person each, we would

have around 100 additional members. So please don’t wait for Council

or your branches to come up with ideas, which we will in due course, but

get talking to others in your churches who you might encourage to try

flower arranging.

National AGM 2020: It was, of course, greatly disappointing that we

could not gather in June in Birmingham. Obviously with the continuing

restrictions due to Covid 19 it is difficult for us to have a proper AGM.


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