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Ashford MHA 630 Week 5 Discussion 1

Nigeria: Health Care System




Ashford MHA 630 Week 5 Discussion 1 Nigeria: Health Care System

Nigeria: Health Care System. 1st Post Due by Day 3. Nigeria gained independence from the United Kingdom


October 1, 1960. It is comprised of 36 states and the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja. Nigeria is home to

approximately 380 different ethnic groups with 42 percent of the population residing in urban areas. Like the

Democratic Republic of Congo, Nigeria experienced a period of civil unrest immediately following its


HealthCare System

The public health care system in Nigeria is loosely based on the British system. Shortly after its independence,

the Nigerian government began to expand health services and the way in which it is organized: village level,

district level, and local government. The National Health Policy and Strategy to Achieve Health for All Nigerians

(1988) guaranteed primary health services to all Nigerians. The following goals were established:

• Increase health education

• Promote proper nutrition

• Family planning

• Improve maternal and child health services

• Increase immunization

• Implement prevention programs and control of endemic/epidemic diseases

• Accessible treatment for common diseases and injuries

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