Podcasting for Garden Writers

Create successful ePaper yourself

Turn your PDF publications into a flip-book with our unique Google optimized e-Paper software.

HOME COMPUTER If all your recording is to be done at

home then your home computer or laptop can be used as

your recording device. Download the free recording and

editing program called Audacity (www.audacityteam.org)

(not to be confused with the recording app I mentioned

earlier) and you’ll have everything you need to record, dice

and slice your audio, and layer-in music and sound effects

to create an award winning formula. Plenty of free videos

on Youtube can instruct you on how to do this (make sure

they’re up to date and from at least 2019). Audacity doesn't

work well with the latest version of Apples IoS Catalina. If

you have updated to Catalina there is a workaround and

plenty of advice on the web on how to do this.

Hooray! Your file is uploaded and ready to be published.

Saved successfully!

Ooh no, something went wrong!