Be a Hummingbird

Welcome to the second edition of the 6th graders research journal where we find out more about the action that they are taking to protect the planet.

Welcome to the second edition of the 6th graders research journal where we find out more about the action that they are taking to protect the planet.


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Be a Hummingbird

Using the National Geographic Geo-Inquiry

process, our students are using their ISQH

investigations to create service learning action

research projects and saving the planet at the

same time.

Be A Hummingbird

2021 2nd Edition of ISQH research


By 6th grade

What is a hummingbird - and why are the 6th

graders obsessed with them? ................................... 4

Let’s Find Ways to Attract Our Pollinators by Alya . 6

Robotic Bees by Ayaan ............................................ 12

A response to Ayaan by Salma ............................... 15

The importance of Bees in Islam by Ahmed ......... 21

Do we actually need flies? By Bisher

..................... 26

How do we create a biodiversity garden at SISQ?

by Soundus ............................................................... 33

Hummingbird Heroes .............................................. 39

What is a hummingbird - and why are

the 6th graders obsessed with them?

When our 6th graders were

learning about permaculture with

Papy Michel, he told them a story

from the Native American people

that had a profound effect not just

on our class but on some of the

greatest ecologists alive today.

Here is the English version as told by Pierre Rabhi (the

founder of The Hummingbird Movement”).

The tale goes as follows:

‘’One day, there was a huge forest fire. All the

terrified animals helplessly watched the disaster.

Only the hummingbird decided to take action,

going to get a few drops of water in its beak to

throw them on the fire. After a moment, the

armadillo, annoyed by his helpless actions, said to

him: "Hummingbird! Are you out of your mind? Do

you think it is with these drops of water that you will

extinguish the fire?

"I know that I am small and can only do a little”,

answered the hummingbird, but I have to do my


The mission statement of our school is to create students

who are prepared to “do their part”. In the words of the

Nobel prize winner, Wangari Maathai:

"I may feel insignificant, but I certainly don't

want to be like the animals watching as the

planet goes down the drain. I will be a

hummingbird. I will do the best I can." —

Wangari Maathai

By the end of January, nearly 50 MYP students had

signed up to help with the international Global Social

Leaders Competition where they had to design a project to

address one of the United Nations Sustainable Development


One of the projects is our school garden which the

students have named “The Hummingbird Haven” and I will

let Sonam explain why:

We started the year as the smallest bees in the hive but just

because we were the smallest bees from the hive didn't mean

we had small ideas

In this edition, we hope that you enjoy reading

about how our smallest members of MYP are “doing

our part” and making sustainable changes in Qatar.If

you are inspired by any aspect of this publication and

you would like to help, please contact `Mrs Olivier


Let’s Find Ways to Attract Our

Pollinators by Alya

Perhaps you didn’t read our last edition where we looked

at the role of pollinators and their importance to our

survival. Don’t worry because Alya will be sharing her

research about how important pollinators really are!

Some of her findings will definitely make you stop and

think about these creatures in a brand new way.

What are pollinators?

Pollinators are the creatures that help with transferring

pollen which comes from flowers. This is to create a new

generation of plants, and also to help with the growth of


Why do we need to protect pollinators?

We need to protect pollinators because pollinators are an

essential part of our foods. If you want to find out more

about this topic, what pollinators do specifically, and what

types of pollinators there are, then keep reading!

Pollinators help with gaining our food resources and

sometimes without some of our pollinators some foods and

resources will no longer exist.

We know that bats, birds, insects like bees, birds, and

other animals on the ground are great pollinators. Flowers

that help with pollination are: Flower Floss (Ageratum),

Borage, Cosmos ‘Sensation’, Mexican sunflower, Milkweed,

Egyptian Star Flowers (Pentas), Pincushion flower

(Scabiosa), Verbena, and Zinnia. Pollinators get attracted to

flowers because of their pollen.

When a pollinator visits

a flower, some of the

pollen gets trapped in its

fur or on its beak and gets

transferred to other

plants and this is how we

can get new plants


Pollinators are very important for the growth of

vegetables, and fruits because if some pollinators did not

exist; food resources would drop: These pollinators include

bees, bats, hummingbirds, butterflies and even wasps and


Earthworms are not pollinators but they can take the

CO2 from the environment, and then taking it back into the

soil which helps with planting, This is why earthworms are

important for the plants, and for them to grow.

Unfortunately, pollinators are rapidly becoming


This graph shows how the declining number of

pollinators will affect plant growth

As you can see, pollination is valuable because it is the

basis for the fruits we have and eat.

Bees are important pollinators because if they did not exist

some of our food resources would not either such as:

Blueberries, Cherries, Cucumbers, and Onions.

Bats are important because whenever they eat the fruit

they need to spit out the seed, then go to the ground which

then starts to grow.

Mammals that have fur can also attract because whenever

pollen goes on their fur when they walk or run the nectar

from the fur that they gather, may then go to other plants

therefore, this will pollinate other plants.

I hope that some of these reasons show you how important

pollinators are, and how important pollinators are to

plants, vegetables, and fruits.

The financial costs if we lost natural pollinators are an

estimate of 839.922 billion QAR to 1,371.62 billion QAR or

€190 to €310 billion. This is a big amount of money, and

this is not only harming the pollinators but is also harming

us humans by increasing our financial costs and also

destroying some of our food resources.

Let us find a solution

If we also do not pollute as much, we can save some of

the pollinators. We can also start making creative solutions

to pollution and habitat loss such as drone delivery and

planting trees. The insects, animals, and other creatures

have the right to survive.





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Robotic Bees by Ayaan

There are times when we just need to be realistic. Ideally,

we should never be in a position where bees become

extinct (and we face starvation because we have lost these

valuable pollinators) but shouldn’t we be prepared for

the worst? In this article, Ayaan discusses the strengths

and weaknesses of robotic bees

Imagine you are left in a flower patch without any food. All

you see is flowers and… what is that tiny flying object?

Gasp! It's a bee! You follow the beautiful bee to its beehive

and take some honey. While you are eating the honey, you

wonder, what will replace these nice bees? Will they even

be replaceable? Keep reading to find out...

Why I chose this topic is because the population of bees

is draining extremely quickly and I want to investigate if the

future (aka the machines) can replace the bees which make

honey that almost everyone in the world loves. Mrs Olivier

pointed out that an even more important aspect was the

bees’ role as pollinators.

Believe it or not, robotic bees already exist in Japan and,

if you use a robotic bee, it pollinates the flower in 53 out of

100 tries. So it won’t be bad but it will take time for the

robotic bee to pollinate the flowers. This all was done with

a remote control robotic bee so you can tell how hard it is.

It will take about another year or so to create an automatic

bee which can find flowers by itself and pollinate by itself.

While normal bees can pollinate 30% of the pollen there is,

robot bees can pollinate 41% of what is available. Even

though it takes lots of tries, it can still pollinate more than

the natural bee.

Robotic bee with sticky pollinator hairs that copy a bee’s

hairy body

So if robotic bees are superior pollinators then what

other advantages do they have?

When the temperatures rise and it gets hot, the natural

bees go to the front of the hive and flap their wings really

quickly to make like an air current and there will be a fan

that air conditions the temperature of the hive. When the

temperature of the air is between 57-100°F, honey bees are

usually eager to work. However, they cannot fly very well

when the temperature is below 55°F. Some sources state

that flying activity does not take place outside of the

50-110°F air temperature range.

When the air temperature is around 64°F, honey bees

can begin to cluster together in the hive to keep the queen

and themselves warm. At outside air temperatures of

around 57°F, the honey bees will cluster more closely

together and the exterior of the cluster will appear more

compact. They also stay in their hives and use their wings

to cover them like a blanket.

Unlike natural bees, robotic bees get the upper

hand here because they can continue working

under extreme temperatures.

So, does this mean that robots can just replace our bees? To

summarise this information, natural bees can harvest 30%

of the available pollen while robotic bees can harvest 41% of

the available pollen. (1-0) But, even though they get more

pollen, they still need to convert it into honey, and robotic

bees cannot do that. In conclusion, natural bees get the

upper hand here.





A response to Ayaan by Salma

Robotic bees might have certain advantages over the real bees

but Salma has decided to defend these insects by investigating

some of their benefits to our society in more detail...

Imagine that you are walking in a flower garden full of

flowers and trees and you start to hear something buzzing.

It gets louder and louder as it gets closer to you, you worry

And … IT’S A BEE!

Bess are a type of Flying

insect , mainly feeding on

nectar from flowers. They are

known for producing

honeyand other useful

substances consumed by

human beings. In addition to

that, they help in the

reproduction of plants

through pollination.

This why I choose this topic because I LOVE HONEY. It is

a natural sweet food and very helpful in giving energy and

curing Colds and Flus. And, as everyone knows, bees make

honey so without these bees...NO HONEY.

It’s time to look at some of the different types of bees that

we get:

1. Honey bees

These are the famous type who produce honey. Honey

bees lives in something that looks like a bird nest called

hives. Honey Bees have long provided humans with honey

and beeswax. Such commercial uses have spawned a large

beekeeping industry.

2. Bumble bees

They don’t


honey, rather

they are more

active in


process ,

moving pollen

grains from

one flower to

another flower

and helping

flowers and

crops to


3. Carpenter bees.

Like the


bees, these

bees are



So why do we even need these creatures? Let’s look at a

few of the main reasons:

A. Honey

Without bees the world wouldn't have known about honey

and honey is one of the most natural surgery substances in

the world. Humans consume raw honey as a super food

that gives them immunity to many diseases and a very good

remedy especially when mixed with lemon. This would be

a perfect choice for kids who find flu drugs not easy to take

because they have a bad taste

Some athletes use it as a natural energy booster. Also

honey is being used in many cosmetic products related to

skin care, hair care and other beauty related uses.

Honey is high in antioxidants that reduces the risk of heart

diseases , cholesterol and can stabilize blood pressure.

B. Talking Business $$$

Bees also have a great impact on the business world . The

HONEY INDUSTRY in USA was worth $4.74 Billion

That is a lot of money and people involved, creating jobs

and adding wealth to many people

C. Propolis

Propolis is a by product of the

Bees in the Hive , The extracts of

Propolis have numerous

applications in treating various diseases due to its

antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antibacterial,

antimycotic, antifungal, antiulcer, anticancer, and

immunomodulatory properties.

D. Agriculture

Honey making requires bees moving from one plant and

one flower to another sucking the nectar from various

flowers, by doing so they help in transferring the pollen

grains from male to female flowers helping in reproduction

of main crops just like apples, berries, broccoli , melons,

tomatoes and cherries.

Without the help of bees , these crops won't be available

with the same quantity today and the world would

be running short of these crops which are

available most of the time to


In the same time bees pollinate

crops that animals and birds

feed on which in turn humans

eat those animals and birds. So

bees helps human in their food

directly and indirectly

E. Perfume

During the same trip. a bee might land on a

non crop flower, flowers that only have a

scent and it also helps in reproducing them , and helping in

having more flowers and scented plants.

Humans uses these flowers in making fragrances , perfumes

and scented products in addition to flowers used for


F. Biodiversity

Bees also helps in

reproducing other non

crop and non scented

flowers that make parks

and fields full of flowers to

have a beautiful environment.

Now that you know about this do

YOU think that bees can save


And are they necessary to our lives?

Could we ever replace them with

robotic copies?





The importance of Bees in Islam by


Did you know that bees are so important that the prophet

Mohammad (PBUH) encouraged every believer to copy their

lifestyle? In fact, there is an entire Surah in the Quran that

focuses on these special creations. Regardless of your religious

background, I’m sure that you will enjoy this article.

Do you know that more than 80% of our food comes

from bees? I will be exploring and investigating the

importance of bees, and why they are mentioned in The

Quran and The Sunnah of Prophet Muhammed (PBUH).

In grade 6, no one (including me) knew that they were

mentioned in the Quran because Allah (SWT) wants us to

act like bees, and observe their ways of living in a society. I

wanted to find out more about why these creatures are so

important to my faith.

Fun Facts:

Did you know that...

The honey bee is the only insect that

produces food eaten by man.

A honey bee can fly for up to six miles, and

as fast as 15 miles per hour, therefore, it

would have to fly around 90,000 miles -three

times around the globe – to make one pound

of honey.

It takes one ounce of honey to fuel a bee’s

flight around the world.

Honey is 80% sugars and 20% water.

Honey bees must consume about 17-20 pounds

of honey to be able to biochemically produce

each pound of beeswax.

My Survey:

The reason I made a survey was so that I can get

everyone’s opinions, and so I know what everyone in my

grade thinks about bees. I also wanted to see if my fellow

Muslims knew about how important the bees are in Islam.

Question 1: Why do you think bees are attracted to


Most people said that they think bees are attracted to

humans because they are attracted to bright colors. One

person said that bees are attracted to us because when they

think we are trying to attack them, they sting in selfdefense.

Another said because they love blood, and 17% of

the respondents were not sure.

Question 2: What do you think a farmer's perspective of

a bee is?

The Majority said that they think a farmer’s perspective

of a bee is someone who values them and gives them their

own space to live, and some thought that farmers value

bees because they produce most of the organic farmer’s


Question 3: Why do you think that bees are mentioned

in the Sunnah and the Qur'an a lot (if you are not

Muslim, you can leave it blank)?

The Majority didn’t know, and then some said that it was

because Allah is showing how bees have the ability to

survive, and make honey. Someone else said that it’s in the

Qur’an to inform the importance of life in society,

Furthermore, some people said that it is because they make

honey which was used as medicine when none was

available back then, because Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)

likes bees and finds them harmless, and the final person

said that it’s

there to


people how



for us to

keep them,

or else they

will get



4: Why do

you think

that bees

are needed in our environment?

The majority said that bees are needed in our

environment to pollinate, give us honey, and produce

almost all of our food.

Our class learned a lot about bees from Papy Michel (an

organic gardener from Bourges) but I wanted to find out

more from an Islamic perspective. With the help of my

Islamic studies teacher, this is what I discovered:

The first thing that I found out was that bees are

mentioned in the Quran because Allah is telling us that we

should be acting like bees, and it is mentioned in the

Hadeeth as proof of it’s mentioning in the Quran. The

second thing I found out is that bees actually follow

humans because they are either wearing bright colors, have

sticky hands, or are sweating. Bees are attracted to all three

of these things.

These are some examples where bees are mentioned in

The Quran


And your Lord inspired to the bee, "Take for yourself

among the mountains, houses [i.e., hives], and among the

trees and [in] that which they construct

َ وْحَى رَب ُّكَ‏ إلَى الن َّحْلِ‏ َ أنِ‏ ات َّخِذِي مِنَ‏ الجِبَالِ‏ بُیُوتًا وَمِنَ‏ الش َّجَرِ‏ وَمِم َّا یَعْرِشُونَ‏

ثُم َّ كُلِي مِن كُل ِّ الث َّمَرَاتِ‏ فَاسْلُكِي سُبُلَ‏ رَب ِّكِ‏ ذُلُلاً‏ یَخْرُجُ‏ مِن بُطُونِھَا شَرَابٌ‏ م ُّخْتَلِفٌ‏

َ ‏أ‏ لْوَانُھُ‏ فِیھِ‏ شِفَاءٌ‏ ل ِّلن َّاسِ‏ إن َّ فِي ذَلِكَ‏ لآیَةً‏ ل ِّقَوْمٍ‏ یَتَفَك َّرُونَ‏

Then eat from all the fruits and follow the ways of your

Lord laid down [for you]." There emerges from their bellies

a drink, varying in colors, in which there is healing for

people. Indeed in that is a sign for a people who give


Whether we are Muslims or not, we can all follow the prophet’s

advice to consider our own habits and whether we produce

“pure” things. Part of the beauty of an international school is

that we can learn so much about our own beliefs and the

beliefs of others. Or should I say, our own BEEliefs?






Mr. Saed Talafha - Islamic Teacher- stalafha@sisq.qa








Do we actually need flies? By Bisher

Even the creators of robotic bees recognise the value of

the insects that they are replacing but what about flies?

What could they possibly offer us besides disease and

irritation? Keep reading to find out!

Have you ever wonder what flies are and why do we need


Well, you came to the perfect article, because, in this

article, we will talk about flies, the life cycle of flies, positive

information about flies, negative information about flies

and how flies help hospitals cure illnesses.



Flies are insects, they have 6 legs and 2 eyes. There is

approximately 120,000 species.

Adult flies like to eat sugar or flower nectar the most. Fruit

flies like to eat yeast cells that grow on rotting fruits and any

other sugary stuff.

Flies live up top 15-25 days. Fun fact: Flies are really good at


Flies only

have one

pair of




insects that

have 2 pairs

of wings.

Flies don’t

have teeth


they have a

long tongue


sucks up


Flies are incredibly well designed!

Flies like to

rest on

walls and ceilings next to a food source. These insects are

able to see 360 degrees at once because it has compound

eyes (thousands of tiny lenses). They can taste food with

their teeth and some flies can walk upside down.

Flies lay a range 75 to 100 eggs and hatch with in 12 to 24


I interviewed an expert (Pappy Michel, the father-in-law

of Mrs. Olivier) who knows a lot about farming and insects

and I asked him some questions. First I asked him “Do flies

help with farming?” his answer was interesting because he

said “Yes, They feed birds and bats. Birds and bats have

poop that feeds the garden, Flies are also pollinators” as

anyone else would say how do flies pollinate as surprising

as it can be he said “the same as bees pollinate” I was

surprised by that. Next I asked him if flies help with

medicines and stuff related

to that like hospitals and

cures he said that baby flies

help when there is the

sickness in a person’s toe and

they have to chop it off but

instead baby flies eat the

bacteria on the toe so the

person doesn’t have to chop

it off anymore.

I then decided to find out

what my friends knew about

the subject. I asked some

people questions about flies

using a survey. My first

question was “Do you know

what flies are?” 89.3% said

yes and 10.7% said no. Next, I

asked people like flies 85.7%

said no and 14.3% said yes.

After that I asked if they

think flies are good at anything

57.1 said yes and 42.9 said no. Finally, I asked the main

question “if there was no more flies would that affect us”

53.6 said yes and 46.4 said no.

So let’s see who is correct! Can baby flies save people

from losing their limbs? Which of my friends were

correct about thinking that flies might have some


Papy Michel was correct! Some flies pollinate flowers! Flies

recycle food (the cleaners), so without the flies the world is

a much dirtier place to live in.

Without flies other species would become extinct: frogs,

lizards, spiders, bats, dragonflies, fishes and birds all eat

flies. Flies are also decomposers: They encourage dead

carcasses to decompose faster which then enriches the soil.

I also discovered that baby flies are called maggots and

they are used in hospitals to help burn victims because they

eat away dead flesh and prevent infection.

Maggots: useful for medicine and a food source

for other animals

Many flies do an enormous service for us and the planet by

cleaning up all sorts of the biological world’s detritus, from

deadwood to the slime in drain pipes.

Drain flies, or sewer gnats, are actually cleaning up human


In fact, some people are even using black soldier fly

larvae as a protein source as they contain more zinc and

iron than lean beef!

Unfortunately, flies spread disease and wounds can get

infected by maggots too. Some flies bite mammals and

some lay eggs under their skin.

Flies contaminate surfaces they land on. After feeding

on garbage, sewage, decaying matter and feces, flies

transfer germs wherever they land, including your food.

But this can also help us because the outer surface of the

flies contains antibiotics killing bacteria and viruses.

Scientists are currently finding ways to liberate these


Entomologists confirm in their latest research, that there

is a great similarity between the flies and the human heart!

There are the same symptoms of heart disease resulting

from aging, therefore, they strive to utilize flies in the

manufacture of heart disease medications.

But that is not all I found!

Professor Juan Alvarez Bravo of the University of Tokyo,

says: "The last thing that one can accept is to see the flies in

the hospital! But we soon will witness an effective

treatment for many diseases that are extracted from flies!

There are also some researchers in the United States trying

to find new ways of healing using flies and they confirm

that the treatment using flies is scientifically accepted in the

near future.

A few months ago some researchers from Auburn

University got a patient for their discovery of a protein in

the saliva of the fly, this protein can accelerate the healing

of wounds and chronic skin cracks.

After my research, I think that the flies are very

important for the other insects that eat it and survive off of


And we’ve seen how it’s useful and help us in many ways,

even with so many negative things.

But I also think, like most people, that flies are one of the

most annoying insects ever. Hopefully, we can learn to live

together peacefully.



How do we create a biodiversity

garden at SISQ? by Soundus

Soundus is the leader of the GSL Hummingbird Haven project

and she used her ISQH research skills to investigate whether

6th graders could create a biodiversity garden at SISQ. This

article is the first part of an action research cycle so I

hope that you will be looking forward to hearing her

updates throughout the year.

In our school SISQ, we are risk takers, we are action takers,

we are inquirers, we are investigators! At SISQ we take

action no matter what situation we are in. No matter what

age we are, we will take action and we will help our planet

no matter what happens. We will rise and we will do what

is best for our planet and what is right for our school!

So, the focus of this article is to explore and to investigate

whether we will be able to have our school garden and

reach our UN SDG of protecting “life on land”.

Firstly, what are the benefits of having a school garden?

• We, as a community, can remove our carbon footprints

from the air.

• I recently emailed MMd.Emilie asking if it was ok to

cooperate together with the school garden and she

replied that it will be a great opportunity for the younger

students to understand and learn more about why we are

doing the garden and how to help the environment. The

grade 2s already have a garden and if little ones can do it

then so can we!

• Another benefit of having a school garden is so that we

as a school can help the environment, and if all the

schools in the world do that, then the environment will

become healthy once again. We as a community are

doing our job to protect “life on land”.

What are some of the drawbacks of having a school garden?

• If, for example, a student has an allergy to a specific

flower or plant then they will get an allergic reaction and

that will cause a problem.

• If the bees start getting attracted to the flowers and plants

and the little kids start whooshing the bees away, the

bees could sting them then they will cry and they might

get an allergic reaction.

• If, for example there are heavy winds, they will blow all

the plants away and then there will be a big mess and we

have to try and avoid that.

On the 7th January, I met with Mr Paolillo (the school

safety manager) and he helped us to select some land that

would provide enough shade and space for the plants and

enough distance between the students and the insects.

We have the responsibility to ensure that our garden is kept

tidy so no hives will be built and we must plug all holes and

cracks. We can provide food, water and nectar for our

pollinators but we cannot allow them to nest.

To overcome this challenge, we have found many families

who are hosting hives in their family gardens so we will

support them by creating insect feeders from recycled

plastic and they will post updates of their hives on our GSL

websites. This is more sustainable because it is better to

have a lot of gardens instead of just one.

What flowers attract bees and butterflies?

During my research I found out that there are specific

flowers and plants that attract bees and butterflies the

most like: Alyssum, Aster, Bee balm, Butterfly bush,

Calendula,Cosmos, Daylily, Delphinium, Lavender, Roses,

Blue and purple flower, Daisies and many more. These

plants have to be planted in a very precise way. For

example they need an equal amount of shade, equal

amount of sun, enough water and natural fertilizers to

make them grow faster.

The area we chose to garden already supports healthy

plants and we are confident that our pollinators will thrive

in this area.

What way can we help our garden grow in a natural and

healthy way?

You might be wondering how we can help our garden

grow faster and healthier? Well, lots of gardeners think that

using toxic fertilizers is the best way to help their garden

and plants grow. What they don’t know is that those

fertilizers they were using is killing the animals that help

pollinate the garden and the plants.

On the other hand, there are some natural fertilizers that

are made of the following: animal waste, compost and

many more. You might think that is disgusting but really it

helps the plants grow and also that it does not kill the

pollinators that are trying to help the garden grow.

Did you know that the normal fertilizers contain:chemicals,

including zinc, lead, cadmium, chromium and even

arsenic? These chemicals may result in harmful effects to

humans and to animals health or even death. Think about

which way is better using natural fertilizers or to use toxic

chemicals that kill animals and animals trying to help the

farmers plants grow and to be healthy? The European

Union has agreed to use only natural fertilizers and so has

Tokyo and that will make a massive change in the world of


Obviously, we are not happy to use these dangerous

chemicals in a school with young children.So, what are

some natural fertilizers that we can use to help our

plants grow?

After some further research with Papy Michel (aka:the

garden expert) I found out about a natural fertilizer called

coconut fiber. From the interview with Papy Michel, here

is a summary of what is coconut fiber and how it will help

our plants and garden grow: Coconut fiber actually protects

the plants from invading one another's roots and protecting

them from all the moisture of the soil and from any bacteria

that is on the outside of the soil. When we were in class

learning about fertilizers that’s when something sparked

my brain, so I thought why not research what are the

natural fertilizers that we can use when planting our school

garden and how much it will cost and where we can buy it

from. In the graphic you will read about the costs of every

single plant and fertilizer.

Garden Budget (graph 1)

Garden Budget (graph 2)

Reducing our carbon footprint

Here is a fun fact about plants: Did you know that some

plants like beans can absorb the carbon in the air? If you

think of it like this, plants have 2 benefits: they help the

environment become a greener place and also help reduce

global warming by sucking up the carbon in the air.

As trees grow, they help stop climate change by removing

carbon dioxide from the air, storing carbon in the trees and

soil, and releasing oxygen into the atmosphere. Also

another plant that helps is the beans. In our SISQ garden

we will try our best to plant the plants that help reduce

global warming by absorbing the carbon dioxide in the air.

We hope that you will continue to read about our research

journey in our next edition.

Hummingbird Heroes

The hummingbirds would like to thank Adela Metaxa for

her guidance and financial support. Our gardeners were

privileged to receive some financial education and support

with a school based business loan in order for them to

achieve their gardening project. We are incredibly grateful

for her continued support.

Another hummingbird hero is Mr Giuseppe Paolillo who

continually went the extra mile to ensure that our students

could make informed choices about safety. Under his

guidance, our team could also learn about some of the

initiatives from PYP and this was a very inspirational for

them. We are grateful for his support in organising the

removal of the stones.

The hummingbirds would also like to thank Arlene Carag

for her support with marketing. Thanks to her enthusiasm

and support, we have been able to get donations to

continue our service research projects and she has

continued to faithfully publicize our learning journey.

We couldn’t do this without you!

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