Swaffham Newsletter

March 2021

March 2021


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March 2021

Your free town newsletter published by Iceni Partnership


newslet ter


Iceni Photo competition

entries are out of this world!

Find out about this stunning image and some of our

other favourites on the article on p.6

Read about on p.7

Heart Nebula by amateur astrophotographer Andy Simmons

Club activities restarted after its festive break on the 20th January with a competition evening.

Winner of the Christmas themed section was Alan Peggs, with his Image "Carols and Lessons" an

winner of the Open competition was Rae Mitchell with her image "Pile of Puppies" both images

shown below:-










& District




published by

Your monthly magazine is published by:

Contact the editor:

01760 722 800


Swaffham Newsletter

Iceni Partnership

Swaffham Community Centre

The Campingland


PE37 7RB

Registered in England Company Number 4257830 Charity Number 1101814 VAT Number UK800057775

Comments or queries welcomed.

Delivery issues should be addressed to Kerry at

Swaffham Town Council - details at rear of magazine.

Deadline for editorial and advertising is the

12th day of the previous month.

Advertisers - We operate an industry standard

pre-paid system of billing. The rates were subject

to a small increase beginning April 2020, in line

with production costs.


3 School Speak

5 Church News/WI

6 Iceni Photo Competition

7 Swaffham Rotary/Men's Shed

8 Hospital LoF's/Home Hospice


13 Swaffham Lions/ Camera Club

14 Swaffham History Group

15 Museum Matters

17 Mayor's Parlour

18 Town Council

The Nicholas Hamond Academy

Our students and their teachers have adjusted to

online learning with tenacity. Students have weekly

drop-in sessions with their tutor where they have

the opportunity to work on their debating skills by

supporting or challenging a controversial statement

each week. It is also a time to catch up and discuss

how they have found working from home. Our

weekly assemblies have gone ‘virtual’ and students

have been logging on to learn how they can keep

themselves safe online, how to most effectively

learn remotely and how to tackle bullying in all its

forms. With more relevant and interesting topics still

to come such as inspirational stories, county lines

awareness and kindness to your fellow humans.

Students have adapted quickly and effectively to

the demands of remote learning and have shown a

determination to ensure that the situation we find

ourselves in does not hinder their learning. A very

big well done from the TNHA Team!



Heartwood CE VC Primary

At Heartwood our Christian vision

and our core values are at the

heart of all that we do. We want

all children to live their life to

the full (John 10:10); to be given

reg no: 277789

opportunities and Heartwood experiences CE VC now Primary and Nursery School

which will inspire, encourage and change them for In 1724 Nicholas Hamond set up a Swaffham based

their whole We lives. were excited to open our doors to welcome charity back to promote all our the families education as of people under

Through Heartwood our Hygge (Danish CE VC cosiness) Primary approach and Nursery to School. the age of 21 years who were in need of financial

classroom We decoration have missed and our families focus on and building children dearly assistance over and the who COVID-19 lived in the closure. Breckland District.

positive The relationships children have between enjoyed all of being our school back in school, The Charity seeing is still their functioning friends with and a working title of

community, learning. we provide a safe and nurturing

the Hamond Educational Trust.

environment for all our pupils. We challenge

ourselves to offer a rich variety of experiences for all

At the start of this pandemic when home learning

the children; whether its visitors from castles in the became necessary, the Trustees recognised the

At Heartwood we love outdoor learning. We

Norman era, Indian-style dance lessons, activities impact



a wonderful

could have on




families who might

where our Forest School teacher plans exciting learning in. The children love

in our Studio with the Art Teacher or weekly forest find it difficult to access the required technology. A

taking part in their weekly forest school session.

school sessions in our own Heartwood forest. specific fund was set aside to assist these families

In Heartwood Forest school sessions, our children will achieve and develop

Children are given the opportunity to discover what with grants to purchase laptops and associated

confidence and self-esteem through hands on learning experiences, trying

they are good at and develop these talents for the software to facilitate essential school based learning

good of



risky activities such as tree climbing, building fires, using real tools and

at home. To date 40 families in Breckland have been

We want


all children


to love their time at Heartwood, helped in this endeavour and the Trustees are keen

but more than that we want to teach them that they to expand their project given the severity of this

have a purpose and that their life means something

second major "lockdown". Funding is still available

that they Please can make visit a our difference website to others to find and out what more about our wonderful school

and full details of our Trust and the Application

they do www.heartwood.norfolk.sch.uk

and how they act can change the world.

Form required to be completed can be found on our

Our Religious Education curriculum and our daily

website at www.hamondeducationalcharity.org.

collective worship provide an opportunity for the

children of Heartwood to learn about different

uk, keeping in mind that our Charity Commission

cultures and beliefs that others hold. They learn to registered scheme only allows us to help families

practice tolerance and engage in reflection about resident within the Breckland District of Norfolk.

their own beliefs. Children learn about the story of

the Good Samaritan (Luke 10: 25 -37) as a basis for

how to treat others and we see this in the positive

relationships formed across our school community.

Through everything we do, in and out of the

classroom, we really want children to love learning,

find their purpose and learn to make a difference in

the world.


Swaffham Methodist Church

Swaffham Methodist Church sadly remains closed

during March. Therefore, there won't be Church,

Saturday Coffee Mornings or twice weekly Drop-Ins.

However, although the building is closed, strands

of Church life are kept together in other ways. Our

Superintendent Minister and the Circuit Staff work

hard to prepare Sunday Worship at-home sheets.

There are also Zoom Services, Zoom Meetings

during the week, quizzes etc. We also have many

prayer initiatives and rest assured we are continuing

to pray for the people of Swaffham and the wider

world. Obviously, we are praying for the NHS and

carers and all those affected by corona virus. As a

body of believers, we are concerned about people

who are lonely or have mental health issues. We

opened the Drop In for that reason. Whilst we can't

meet with people, if anyone is in need of a chat

they can phone Anne or Barrie on 01760 722611 or

contact us through swaffhammethodistchurch.org

Anne Thorp, Steward.

St Peter & St Paul Swaffham

Following updated advice from the Bishop of

Norwich, St Peter & St Paul, Swaffham and St Mary,

Sporle will not now be open for Sunday Worship

for the next few weeks. Funerals will, however,

go ahead and can continue to be booked (as can

emergency weddings).

Sunday Services will be live-streamed from

Swaffham on the Swaffham Parish Church

Facebook page, owing to the licences in place, and

subsequently shared to the Sporle Parish Church

Facebook page. It is planned that St Mary’s will be

open for individual prayer 11.30 - 12.30 on Sundays

7th, 14th and 28th March (Palm Sunday). Both

churches will open for individual prayer at times

when they can be kept Covid-safe.

The Magpie Centre

Magpie Centre Looks Forward To Spring 2021

Now that the Covid vaccination programme is

gathering pace we at the Magpie Centre, home of

West Norfolk Riding for the Disabled Association

based at Wallington Hall in South Runcton are

looking towards a brighter future.

November 2019 saw a pilot session of 'Tea With a

Pony' aimed at people living with dementia and

their carers. Participants enjoyed tea and cakes, had

a ‘meet and greet’ session with some of the ponies

and enjoyed handling items of tack and grooming kit.

Care home supervisors reported that residents had

been very much stimulated by their visit and had

continued to talk about it for days afterwards.

Monthly 'Tea With a Pony' meetings scheduled to

start in spring 2020 were put on hold because of

the pandemic are now re-scheduled to begin when

current restrictions are lifted.

The Magpie Centre is also creating a Sensory Garden,

including a variety of scented plants in raised beds

and a water feature for participants to enjoy. Work

on this is progressing apace. One of the features has

a ‘seaside’ theme, therefore we need a small wooden

dinghy, which upturned as a planter will form the

centrepiece of this alongside several varieties of

ornamental grasses.

We also need Clematis and Jasmine plants/cuttings

to grow up the newly-erected fences. So, if you have

any offcuts or might like to donate funds towards this

project, please visit www.rda-westnorfolk.org.uk;

email me c.dudley@success-in-english.co.uk or call

01553 828935. We should

be most grateful for any help

you can offer towards this

exciting project.


The Pickenham's WI

On Tuesday 9th February Carolyn

hosted two on-line Zoom meetings,

with a 15 minute break in between.

The first one started at 2.00pm and was a very special

gathering as we were entertained by Three's Company!

For the following 40 minutes we listened spellbound

as Leah Spencer, Irma Fowler and Katherine Shaw

recited poems and sang songs for us. Leah started by

reading 'No man is an island' by John Donne, which

expresses what we are all feeling right now, that we

all need company (not easy to arrange during the

current lockdown!). Katherine then sang 'Bridge

over Troubled Water' by Simon & Garfunkel, always

a favourite song for so many of us. Irma read 'Ethel'

by Joyce Grenfell and she was followed by Katherine

singing 'a little help from my friends' by the Beatles!

There were so many readings and songs they cannot

all be mentioned. The variety is exemplified by the

fact that Irma read 'To my dog' by Adrian Mitchell and

this was followed by Katherine singing 'Stand by me'

- memorably sung by Chrissie Hynde and also by The

Pretenders! Amongst many other poems, Leah also

read 'Friendship' by the poet UA Fenthorpe.

Sadly, the 40 minutes were over all too soon. We were

so grateful to Three's Company for the lovely selection

of songs and readings they performed and read to us,

all of which were so relevant to life during lockdown.

We broke to make a tea or coffee and then rejoined

for the 2nd 40 minutes, where the 11 members who

had been able to access Zoom had a catch-up chat.

On 23rd February there will be another Zoom meeting

- starting at 10.30am when we hope to be joined by

Claudia from Italy, who will update us on life there

through such a difficult time. We should also hear

about the results of the competition - a poem about


If anyone does want information or help, please

contact: Carolyn Vincent, President of The Pickenhams'

WI on 01760 755089 or Melanie Cousins, Secretary,

on 01760 440456.

Swaffham Counselling and Psychotherapy

Due to Covid 19, Barbara O'Hanlon MA is now offering

telephone & Skype sessions

For more details or an initial consultation contact Barbara on:

07516 917171 / barbarann688@gmail.com


Iceni Lockdown Photo Competition

We have been throughly impressed by your entries

so far, so many varied styles and subject matters, but

all excellent in their own right.

Here are some of our favourites from the past month:

• Hobbies & Interests

From the hobbies and interests category, this image

by Andy Simmons really blew us away. Andy is 58

and an amateur astrophotographer. This image of

the Heart Nebula was taken from his garden during


• Pets & Animals

This adorable snap was sent by 28 year old Phillipa

and shows her litter of fox red labradors, on their trip

to the vets for their health checks.

• Plants & Nature

Is there any more cheerful a sight than that of a bold

and beautiful sunflower? This one was captured

back in the summer by Sally Palmer in her garden in

Swaffham and is making us long for warmer days!

• In Your Neighbourhood

Andreia Sibu beautifully captured our recent snowfall

in the glow of a street lamp on Castle Acre Road.

• Black & White

We love the atmosphere

in this wintery scene sent

in by Marcy Loan of her

4 year old son Barnaby

taking a stroll through

Drymere woods. Also a

worthy contender for

plants and nature too!

Please keep sending us

your photographs for

future issues, we're really

loving seeing what you've

all been up to.

Swaffham 5



President’s Corner

By the time this Newsletter

is published all over 70’s in

the United Kingdom will have been offered at least

one dose of the Covid-19 vaccine and we will have

had chance to study the Government’s updated

road map of the route out of this pandemic. Their

first priority appears to be the re-opening of schools

on 8th March. I’m not sure many will quibble with

that ambition.

I may not be as well informed as I might be - I have

surprised myself how easily I have got out of the

habit of buying a daily newspaper - but it seems

there are many who question whether this will be

possible and, even if it is, what the route will be for

all scholars to catch up on lost learning.

I know from family members, both those involved

in “delivering” and others in “receiving” tuition

how hard the profession has worked to deliver high

quality remote education. Notwithstanding those

efforts, the Institute of Fiscal Studies published

a report last month which concluded that by the

time the pandemic is over, most children across the

UK will have missed over half a year of normal, in

person schooling. That’s likely to be more than 5%

of their entire time in school.

The report estimates the lifetime costs of this

could be very large indeed, Based on earning £1

million over their working life (not far off the likely

average in the UK) one person, losing half a year of

schooling will mean losing £40,000 in income over

their lifetime which equates to an astronomical

£350bn in lost lifetime earnings across the 8.7

million school children in the UK.

A truly staggering impact on a generation. Since

the start of the pandemic, I and my fellow Rotarians

have been frustrated by what we cannot do to help

mitigate the impact of the Covid-19 epidemic. At

last, we think there is something where we can

make an admittedly modest impact. We have seen

many items on TV featuring the inability of pupils

to receive “high quality remote education” for the

want of an internet connected device. Families may

well have a computer and maybe a mobile phone,

but now parents and children all need access at the

same time for work or learning. And it looks very

likely that need will continue

until the end of the school

year. So, we have rooted out

those not needed but too

good to throw away items

and moved on to asking

friends and family if they

have any laptops or tablets which they could pass

on. If any reader has an item they could donate,

there is a collecting bin in the foyer of the Iceni

Partnership. If you are unable to deliver it, send

me an email -address below – and we will find a

way to collect it. Thank you.

Another much reported

consequence of Covid-19 is

the impact it is having on our

mental health. With this in

mind we have decided that

the proceeds of our Golf Day

on Monday 19th July will

go to Norfolk and Waveney Mind, the Swaffham

Community Hospital League of Friends and other

Rotary charities. A great day’s golf for great local

Charities. What could be better? Please join us if

you can – full details on our website.

If you want to find out any more about our

Club, please visit our website – http://www.

swaffhamrotary.org.uk– or e mail me club_


John Wallace

Swaffham Men’s Shed (SMS)

2020 was certainly a very different year with a

whole lot of negatives. However, despite that,

Swaffham Men’s Shed saw many positives evolving

as the year progressed.

The past year has seen the following:

• SMS achieved Charitable status and are now in

receipt of various grants.

• SMS formed an affiliation with Swaffham Rugby

Club which has given us the use of the club room

for meetings (when restrictions are lifted) and

the use of a shed which is being converted into a


• Membership is in double figures with more

people following on Facebook.

• A company which manufactures sheds has kindly

offered to donate a substantial building for SMS

use and we are working with the Rugby Club to find

the optimal location for it.

• Tools and equipment have also kindly been

donated by several individuals.

• SMS members have carried out community

projects in the town.

The above has made sure that SMS will come

through the restrictions stronger than we went into

them and it is the Committee’s intention to arrange

a meeting for members, old and new, as soon as

is allowed. Then we can make decisions about

the future direction of the Shed, elect committee

members and look forward to 2021 and beyond.



Swaffham Community Hospital L of F's

Another fairly short article this month as there is still

little new to report. As time goes on I must admit it

is getting harder to keep our spirits going. However,

when feeling a bit low it is best to remember all

those less fortunate including those who have to be

admitted to hospitals including ours.

We are all pinning our hopes on the vaccination roll

out and it is encouraging to see the national numbers

doing well. I hope you are availing yourselves of this

as you are called.

Our NHS colleagues, as ever, are doing a wonderful

job and here in Swaffham the pressure remains

as the hospital has expanded the number of beds

available for extra patients. Sadly there are a few

covid cases. From talking to senior staff it is more

obvious that the ongoing pressures are having

a visible effect on staff's physical and mental

wellbeing. As a token of our ongoing appreciation

we have delivered another supply of refreshments

and hand creams for the staff.

There is no sign of us being able to commence

any fundraising activities so I continue with my

suggestion that if you would like to help, a good

way is to participate in our coin collection. The idea

is to ask you all to consider whether you would

like to have a jam jar or tin at home in which you

might donate any spare change over the coming

weeks. It would be a small way of recognising the

fantastic service our NHS colleagues are giving over

this difficult period. If you would like to do this,

the donations could be left at hospital reception

or if you ring me I can arrange collection. We have

had some more response to this and I would like

to thank those of you who have contributed so far.

Nothing further to report at the moment on any

capital schemes.

We are really keen to attract new people to join

our small committee (especially after the loss of a

member) . Do ring me for an informal chat. I promise

it's not too onerous, so why not give us a try?

It is important that we all follow the latest

Government guidelines, so stay safe and well.

Colin Houghton (Chairman)

01760 336025

Norfolk Libraries Online

We're providing activities and groups you can join in

with online as part of our response to the coronavirus

outbreak. There are also lots of exciting, interesting

and stimulating online resources you can use to help

you stay happy and healthy at home. Discover more

at https://www.norfolk.gov.uk/libraries-localhistory-and-archives/libraries/whats-on


Swaffham & Litcham Home Hospice

During this terrible time living through the pandemic,

our lifestyles have changed in many ways. We have

had to follow rules which we don’t like very much in

order to stay alive. We fear for our ourselves and our

loved ones so we try to do what is best, no matter

how difficult life becomes. However, there is another

‘pandemic’ which has been going on for much longer

than COVID19 and that is cancer. Cancer has not gone

away, it is still taking the lives of the young and the

old. According to research, one in two people will get

cancer in their lifetime. Many of you who are reading

this may have experienced cancer yourself or have

known someone who has suffered with the disease.

Throughout the pandemic we have been advised

to avoid places where we will come in contact with

others, to stay at home and stay safe. This has meant

that we have not had access to the medical facilities,

as we would normally. So maybe we didn’t go to see

our GP with concerns or worries about our health as

we would have prior to this situation.

We all know that the earlier a cancer is diagnosed,

the more treatable it is and chances of beating it are

increased. We are all guilty of ‘wait and see’ thinking

too. After recently reading an article written by a

39-year-old GP I understand even the most informed

people can ignore symptoms which may be cancer.

This doctor failed to recognize her own symptoms of

bowel cancer, thinking she was too young to fit the

profile and was not diagnosed until a year after her

problems first presented. She now advises ‘Don’t

wait, see your GP.’

Because of the restrictions caused by the virus much

of the routine cancer screening has not taken place,

so we must be even more vigilant to changes we pick

up on. We know the difference between not feeling

very well for a while and something which is really

worrying. If you have concerns, a new lump, unusual

bleeding, persistent pain or unexplained weight loss

for example, speak to your doctor - the help is there.

The enormous tragedy of deaths from COVID19 is

more than we can comprehend. So much loss and the

tsunami of grief which follows will cause even more

devastation to the lives of many.

Swaffham & Litcham Home Hospice is here to support

people who have a cancer diagnosis. We also have

qualified counsellors who specialise in Grief and

Bereavement Counselling. If you would like to talk to

us, pick up the phone and give us a call. We will do

our best to help. There is no charge for our services,

but we are a charity, so if you would like to make a

donation to our organisation, or if you are interested

in joining our team of volunteers, you can contact us

by calling 01760 722937.

Wendy Martin, Co-ordinator


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01760 336029

Census 2021

Census Will Provide A Snapshot Of Modern Society

Households across King’s Lynn and West Norfolk will

soon be asked to take part in Census 2021. The census

is a once-in-a-decade survey that gives us the most

accurate estimate of all the people and households

in England and Wales. It has been carried out every

decade since 1801, with the exception of 1941.

It will be the first run predominantly online, with

households receiving a letter with a unique access

code, allowing them to complete the questionnaire

on their computers, phones or tablets.

“A successful census will ensure everyone from local

government to charities can put services and funding

in the places where they are most needed,” Iain Bell,

deputy national statistician at the Office for National

Statistics, said. “This could mean things like doctors’

surgeries, schools and new transport routes. That’s

why it is so important everyone takes part and we

have made it easier for people to do so online on any

device, with help and paper questionnaires for those

that need them.”

Census day will be on March 21, but households

across the country will receive letters with online

codes allowing them to take part from early March.

The census will include questions about your sex,

age, work, health, education, household size and

ethnicity. And, for the first time, there will be a

question asking people whether they have served

in the armed forces, as well as voluntary questions

for those aged 16 and over on sexual orientation and

gender identity.

Results will be available within 12 months. Personal

records will be locked away for 100 years, kept safe

for future generations.

For more information, visit census.gov.uk.

Family Action - Social Prescribing

Many things affect your mental and physical

health and your feeling of wellbeing. GPs tell us

that a lot of people visit them feeling isolated or

lonely; stressed by work, relationships, money

and housing problems. We understand that living

with a long term condition can be stressful too,

and social prescribing has many ways to help you

manage your condition on an ongoing basis. To

find out how Social Prescribing might be able to

help either contact

your GP Surgery, or

Family Action Norfolk

(01760 720302) to

find out more about

Social Prescribing and

how to be referred.



Greetings from the Allotments

I am writing this on a wonderful sunny bright snowy

day that lifts the spirit. After the awful perpetual rain

that we have had since November last year.

Since I last wrote we have had an Avian Flu alert

and all the fowl have had to be be protected. This

meant either keeping them inside or netting over the

areas. We managed to cover a smaller part of their

enclosure amidst much slipping and sliding (and 1

roll) in ankle deep mud. We also had to place pallets

on the ground like board walks to try to keep their

feet out of the mud. Chickens are happy creatures

and still greet us with joy and much noise even

though they must be bewildered by the restrictions.

As it has been so wet we have not been able to do

much work other than tidy up on the dryer days.

Those plotholders that grow produce over winter

have been enjoying their leeks and winter greens,

soups and stews have been on the menu in our

house. On a brighter note, we have now acquired

a second area to divide into starter plots. We have

been unable as yet to get the area ready for use

but can now take applications from people wanting

to take them on. They are slightly larger than the

previous plots. Other than a months rent there is no

long term obligation. The whole idea is to get a taste

for growing. If it is not for you then nothing is lost.

For more information call:-

Graham Edwards 07919 888872

Jennifer Edwards 07919 888870

from my friends

At The Paddocks Care Home, we’re not just


carers, we’re friends – and sometimes our friends

need a little help. That’s why we personalise

each day to meet the individual needs of our


residents and their families.

With a little help

from my friends

from my friends

The Paddocks

And hearing their laughter is music to our ears.


With a little help


At The Paddocks Care Home, we’re not just

carers, we’re friends – and sometimes our friends The Paddocks

from my friends

need a little help. That’s why we personalise

each day to meet the individual needs of our


residents and their families.


And hearing their laughter is music to our ears.

The Paddocks

1:58/2:45 WITH 1:58/2:45 A LITTLE HELP WITH FROM A MY LITTLE FRIENDS www.castlemeadowcare.co.uk



At The Paddocks Care Home, we’re not just

carers, we’re friends – and sometimes our friends

need a little help. That’s why we personalise

each day to meet the individual needs of our

residents and their families.

And hearing their laughter is music to our ears.




At The Paddocks Care Home, we’re not just

carers, we’re friends – and sometimes our friends

need a little help. That’s why we personalise

each day to meet the individual needs of our



residents and their families.


At The Paddocks Care Home, we’re not just

The Paddocks

And hearing their laughter is music to our ears.

carers, we’re friends – and sometimes our friends

The First Carbon Neutral Iron Bed Maker


need a little help. That’s why we personalise

each day to meet the individual




of our




residents and their families.

And hearing their laughter is music to our ears.


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SwaffhamNewsletter_HalfPage_Template.indd 1 05/11/2020 09:21

IT Support for "home learning"

The government has stated that, where required,

laptops will be made available to families whose

children now have

to study at home.

Distribution will

take considerable

time and may not

reach every family

in time to really help

in these demanding


Can you help?

If, like me, you have

an old working laptop sitting unloved in a dark

cupboard at home why not donate it. The hard disk

will be wiped clean, Windows system re-installed. It

will then be given to a local school for distribution to

an appropriate family to help provide their children

with much needed equal opportunities for 'home


Donations through the Swaffham Community

Centre, Campingland. Monday to Friday 9

-3pm. 01760 722800. Make a difference by your

contribution to the learning of our young people -

donate today! Thank you and stay safe.

Club activities restarted after its festive break on the 20th January with a co

Winner of the Christmas themed section was Alan Peggs, with his Image "Ca

Swaffham & District Lions Swaffham & District Camera Club

winner of Despite the the Open pandemic competition Swaffham was Club Rae activities Mitchell restarted with after her its festive image break "Pile on the of Pu

Lions are continuing to support the

shown below:-

20th January with a competition evening. Winner of

the Christmas themed section was Alan Peggs, with

community with their Sunday food

collections as well as the weekly his Image "Carols and Lessons" and winner of the

delivery of donated food to the foodbank

Club activities

in Dereham,

restarted after its festive break on the 20th January with a competitio

Open competition was Rae Mitchell with her image

returning with made up food parcels. Winner The Lions of the have Christmas themed "Pile of Puppies" section was both Alan images Peggs, arewith his Image "Carols and

also answered calls to collect and deliver winner duvets of the to Open the competition shown below:- was Rae Mitchell with her image "Pile of Puppies" b

local women’s refuge and helping shown a lady below:- by moving

a bed downstairs so that her husband could return

home from hospital. The Lions see this as a major part

of their work even in the good times.

Like many other organisations, Swaffham Lions

activities were curtailed with the outbreak of Covid-19.

The Lions around the world are used to dealing with

adversity, whether its earthquake, famine or flood.

Swaffham Lions took the view that they need to

review how they could continue to serve the local

community whilst remaining safe, for our members

and the community we serve.

It was important that we remained safe so like our

grandparents in the first world war we had to wear

masks, not for a gas attack but to stop the transmission

of the virus. Another change is handling money which

has become a problem as coins especially could carry

the virus, we now have to collect money electronically.

Do y


SINCE 1999

Office currently

closed to visitors,

please contact us

on 07393 981295



befriending only

at present


Befrienders & Hospital Buddy Drivers Needed

In the current pandemic it is amazing how many people

have volunteered to help those that have had to shield

due to age or health. Hopefully, lots of you have found

this extremely rewarding and may like to continue as the

restrictions lighten. If you have enjoyed helping others

and have an hour or two to spare a week or enjoy driving,

we would love to hear from you. We need caring

compassionate people like yourselves to join our

fantastic team of volunteers to help elderly people to get

to medical appointments or just to stop an elderly person

from being lonely. Please call us for an informal chat to

see how you could help. Thank you.

We are here to improve the quality of older

people’s lives in Swaffham & the villages nearby

Tel: 07393 981 295

EMAIL: swaffhamsss16@outlook.com


The Community Centre, Campingland, Swaffham. PE37 7RB

• Are you interested in

helping in the community?

• Do you enjoy

meeting new people?

As the committee rolls out







rolls out


its modified

will be no


competition in

there will be no competition in February, the item will

item will be replaced by a presentation given by the renowned photographer Jame

be replaced by a presentation given by the renowned

Members from other clubs photographer have been invited James to Kerwin. attend this Members "Zoom" from event. other

clubs have been invited to attend this "Zoom" event.

Future competitions, starting with March 17th, for which there are sections for "Pet

Future competitions, starting with March 17th for

plus "Open" will, as far as which possible, there be adjudicated are sections by for external "Pets Judges. and Abstract"

plus "Open" will as far as possible, be adjudicated by

A limited A.G.M. will be followed by a quiz on the 3rd of March

external judges.

A limited A.G.M. will be followed by a quiz on the 3rd

Whilst restrictions exist the Club continues to hold its regular meetings via "Zoom"

of March. Whilst restrictions exist the club continues

forward to being able to welcome

to hold its





to meet


in person






as possib

forward to being able to welcome its members to

The club assists and encourages photographers of all abilities, and looks forward to

meet in person as soon as possible.

its new venue as soon as



club assists and encourages photographers of all

For further information please abilities contact and looks us by forward e-mail at to richardludlow@compuserve.c

reconvening at its new

venue as soon as possible.

For further information please contact us by e-mail at


• Whether it's helping with

food collections, putting on

events, or enjoying the social

programme, As the committee why not rolls join out the its modified programme there will be no compet

item Swaffham

will be replaced Lions?

by a presentation given by the renowned photograph

Members from other clubs have been invited to attend this "Zoom" event.

• Membership is open to all

Future Give competitions, John a call on starting with March 17th, for which there are sections

plus 01760 "Open" will, 337403 as far as possible, be adjudicated by external Judges.

for more info

A limited A.G.M. will be followed by a quiz on the 3rd of March


Swaffham History Group

One of life's small pleasures is that of going to the

hairdressers, salon, barbers et all; sitting back,

relaxing, and being coiffed and pampered. However,

due to the current covid constraints we find that

these establishments are all closed until such time

as it is thought safe to open up and get back to life as

we used to know it.

In the 16th/17th century Swaffham had its very own

'peruke' (periwig or wig) maker who had a shop in

Station Road (Castle-Acre Street) where he fashioned

bespoke perukes to compensate for hair loss or to

improve one's personal appearance for (those who

could afford them).

Due to the unhygienic conditions prevalent during

this period it meant that natural hair attracted head

lice, a problem which could be reduced if natural hair

was shaved off and replaced with a more easily deloused

artificial hairpiece.

Samuel Pepys recorded in 1663 'I did go to the Swan,

and there sent for Jervas my old periwig maker and

he did bring me a periwig, but it was full of nits, so,

as I was troubled to see it, did send him to make it

clean.' Today, of course, we only see these peruke's

within the law-courts during high profile trials.

For more details regarding the group please phone

01842 879140 or E-mail jbaz@go-plus.net.


Painters and Decorators Est. 1970

Call us today for a free quote and experience the difference.

We offer competitive quotes on all interior and exterior jobs

TEL: 01760 - 722511

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52 Filby Road, Swaffham, Norfolk PE37 7SX

Carers Matter Norfolk

Are you helping or supporting someone who is

living with Parkinsons?

If so, contact Carers Matter Norfolk. Covid19 and the

lockdown has been particularly difficult for people

caring or supporting someone with a long term

health problem. You may not have been able to have

family support or support from groups and friends.

Norfolk County Council has commissioned new

enhanced care services from this September which

will hopefully offer more support to carers.

Rather than going through Adult Social Services,

carers assessments are now being carried out by

Carers Matter Norfolk. To get an assessment you

need to contact the Carers Matter Advice line or

request this through the website or you can ask a

health or social care professional to refer you. The

assessment can offer you advice and information,

as well as the help and support you need in your

carer role. If you need more support, you may be

referred to a local Carer Connector who can look in

more detail at what can assist you to continue caring

and to support your health and wellbeing. Unlike

previously, the assessment is not a one off thing

but an adviser will contact you regularly to see how

things are going and you can ring as often as you

want if your needs change or you just need a listening

ear. An assessment can lead to you being offered

practical help in the form of a short break, a grant

from the health and wellbeing fund, counselling or

help to access education and training. A short break

can be someone staying with the person so you can

go shopping, a few days for you to recharge your

batteries or even help towards a joint holiday. The

grants can be for anything that may enhance your

health and wellbeing such as funding massage, an

electronic device or a spa day out. The definition of

a carer for this service is wide and you do not have

to be living with the person you support or caring

for them full time. Contact the advice line for more

information. Hopefully this new enhanced service

will give you as a carer some practical support at a

time you need it.

Call our advice line on 0800 083 1148 to have a chat

with our friendly advisers, it is open 7 days a week

Monday-Friday 9am-8pm and Saturday and Sunday

10am-2pm. You can also contact the service via the

website www.carersmatternorfolk.org.uk.

Lindsay Goward

Swaffham Museum, Town Hall, London Street,

Swaffham PE37 7DQ. Tel: 01760 721230

Email: swaffhamheritage@gmail.com

To keep up to date join us on our website:


Howard Carter snippets no.1/10:

The Norfolk grandparents

The first definite record of the Carter family in Norfolk

is Robert Carter, perhaps from Cambridgeshire,

who married Susannah Dunger of Great Dunham

in 1785. The local connection between the Dungers

and Swaffham goes back to 1612, when William was

baptised in Swaffham and married at Houghton-onthe-Hill.

The family moved to Necton and grandson

George, a master cooper and Susannah’s father,

moved to Dunham on his marriage to Ann Whiskeard.

Their son Samuel, Howard’s grandfather, moved

from Dunham to Swaffham when he married Frances

Spinks from Great Cressingham in 1832. He was the

gamekeeper to Anthony Hamond’s Swaffham estate

and lived in the gamekeeper’s cottage next door to

the Manor House. He raised his family in the house

and retired to a house on Sporle Road around 1861.

This house was to become the Carter family home

until 1939. Both Samuel and Frances are buried in

Swaffham churchyard. The gravestone still stands.

Howard’s maternal links with Swaffham go back to 1777

when Henry Sands, Howard’s great-great grandfather

married Martha Codling. A family of carpenters/

builders - at some time they bought property on Lynn

Street. Henry and his son William are both buried in

the churchyard, but where Howard’s grandfather,

William, is buried we don’t know.

Who are Carers Matter Norfolk?

Carers Matter Norfolk’s service has gone through an exciting

refresh to provide additional support to unpaid carers in

Norfolk. This ensures they deliver a highly personalised service

that enables carers to improve their health and wellbeing and

support them in their caring role.

On behalf of Norfolk County Council, Carers Matter Norfolk

provide Carer’s Assessments, information, support and advice

for unpaid carers in Norfolk. They offer a 7 day a week advice

line, along with one on one community support.

You can learn more about their services by visiting their

website or calling their advice line on 0800 - £20, and 0831 no 148 34 - (open £10.

Monday to Friday 8am – 8pm, Saturday and Sunday 10am –


What do Carers Matter Norfolk offer?

This refreshed service further improves the health and wellbeing of

carers and their capacity to fulfill their caring speedy roles recovery. by: –

• Carers assessments

• Carers breaks

14 • Health and wellbeing fund


Tell Us about 2020-2021

This is a once in a lifetime era

which we and our children may

never forget but will want to look

back on and share memories

of with our grandchildren and


“Tell us about when you didn’t

go to school for ages and ages,


Photos, videos and stories of

things that you have done or made, new hobbies,

ways in which you may have helped; things that have

been different, good things, not so good things –

funny or sad.

How about starting with The Beast from the East 2

and the snowmen you built? Just tell us!

We will be collecting items from now until the end of

April and perhaps beyond – but we want you to enjoy

a Summer of sunshine out and about. The record is

planned for release in October this year.

Email us at tellus@swaffhamheritage.org.uk

Find us on facebook www.facebook.com/

swaffhamheritage (@swaffhamheritage)

Visit our website www.swaffhamheritage.org.uk

Pop printed or handwritten notes through the

museum letter box.

Friends of Swaffham Heritage

Once again we are unable to report any activity

concerning the Friends, but we are brainstorming

ideas for events for when the 'lockdown' ends.

However, we are not anticipating that we will be

running anything until September at the earliest, but

we do hope that we will be able to put on a couple of

events in the Autumn; more on this later.

We are also looking at possible events to run during

2022 to support the Carter 2022 celebration.

Our 100 Club is however still running, and thank you

for your support.

The January draw was as follows: no 62 - £40, no 41

We would like to send our best wishes to James

Dean, our past Secretary. As some of you may already

know, James is in the Queen Elizabeth Hospital after

suffering a very nasty fall. We understand from

Barbara that he is in good spirits and we wish him a

John Zielinski,

Secretary, Friends of Swaffham Heritage

Even ironing!

Tracy: 01362 820 966

Caroline: 01953 882 154

Mobile: 07927 161 201







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Mayor's Parlour

Dear All, hope you’ve all enjoyed

the snow; I’ve masses of aconites

and snow drops out at the moment

in the garden but have to confess to

looking forward to Spring.

I can’t believe we are nearly a year

in to our COVID troubles. Very pleased to see the

vaccines are rolling out at Manor Farm Surgery, most

days when they are vaccinating it’s up to 800 people

daily. This needs a lot of organising, help with parking

the cars and where to go when inside, which is done

mainly by volunteers. I’d like to extend a big thank

you to the volunteers, the weather has been very

cold and they do at least a five hour stint. Having

said that they all seem very happy to be serving the

community in this way, and the people having the

vaccine even happier. Wonderful to think that within

a year of Covid landing on our doorstep. We have

some hope of getting back to some kind of normality,

but we're not there yet!

We have our loan permission through for the Barn and

now we are looking for someone to appoint regarding

the business plan and feasibility. At some point we

will put together, in the not-too-distant future, a

Steering Group similar to that of the Neighbourhood

plan. We do recognise the importance of this so that

the Barn can be used effectively for community use

as soon as possible.

At the same time as looking at the Barn, the

Swimming Pool group will look energetically at the

possibility of the pool which we would all love to see

in use. I’m sure the group would appreciate anybody

who would like to join them in trying to do this.

I’m afraid, not too much luck with the ducks.

Breckland will clean up twice a week, we did try for

three times a week but they were adamant it would

be only two.

We welcomed a new councillor to the Council on

Wednesday to fill the vacancy we had, this is Kurt

Oliver. I’m sure he is coming to us with lots of ideas

and thoughts which will be good.

Another bit of good news, our market was a winner

in the National Ass British Market Authority and

Blachere Lights Award. We have a trophy and a lot of

thanks going to our Market Committee and Traders

for their diligence in keeping a safe market during

Covid time. A special thanks to Fabian Eagle and Ruth,

our Market Superintendent, for their organising and

believing that this could be done.

I know we all can’t wait to meander into town, maybe

pop in for a coffee and meet up with friends. Let’s

hope it won’t be too much longer. This lockdown

certainly seems longer than the last.

Take care of yourselves, Best wishes,


The Town Council

Mayor – Cllr Jill Skinner


Deputy Mayor – Cllr. Judy Anscombe


Cllr. Lindsay Beech


Cllr. Stewart Bell,


Cllr. Wendy Bensley


Cllr. Paul Darby


Cllr. Graham Edwards


Cllr. Brendan Holmes


Cllr. Colin Houghton


Cllr. Shirley Matthews


Cllr. Ian Pilcher


Cllr. Les Scott


Cllr. Kurt Oliver



Richard Bishop – Town Clerk



Claire Smith – Deputy Town Clerk


Hannah Duggan – Office Administrator


Swaffham Town Council

Tel: 01760 722 922


Town Hall opening times:

Monday 9.30am – 1pm. 1.30pm – 4pm

Tuesday - Friday – 9.30am – 1pm

Town Council Committee

meeting dates

Virtual Zoom meetings

• Wed 10th - Full Town Council - 6.30pm

• Wed 15th - Market, Events & Tourism - 6.30pm

• Mon 22nd – Recreation & Community - 6.30pm

• Tue 30th - Planning & Built Environment – 4pm

Breckland District Council


01362 656 870. For all enquiries regarding: Planning,

Refuse Bins, Housing, Recycling, Licensing & Benefits.


In Touch With Your Town

'In Touch with your Town' is put

together by the Town Clerk Richard

Bishop or occasionally by the Deputy

Town Clerk Claire Smith. It deals with

some of the most topical items of

the day and the odd item where the Council want to

share information with the Town.

Swaffham Town Council Market Committee Win

National Team Award

It was announced at a national conference recently

that Swaffham Town Council Market Committee

are winners of a Market Heroes award for smaller

markets. The National Association of British Market

Authorities (NABMA), sponsored by Blachere

Illuminations, put in place an awards programme

to recognise people working in the market industry.

Particularly those

that have gone the

extra mile this year

so that shoppers can

continue get local,

good quality produce

at markets around the

country. The judges

were faced with a

difficult decision as

there were many

deserving entries,

but Swaffham Market came out on top. Judges

were impressed with the dedication and teamwork

involved to successfully operate the market in these

challenging times. Not only has it survived, but it is

looking good for the future with new traders making

enquiries about coming onto the market when the

current restrictions are lifted.

The team of Councillors, Trader reps and council

staff have ensured that

Swaffham Market has

continued to provide

a food and essential

shopping facility for

residents, many of whom

feel happier shopping

outside in the current

climate. The general

market and auction

have also been run,

Fabian Eagle – Market Committee Chairman

when allowed by the

government, with social

distance measures in place. After initially closing

in the first lockdown, there were many requests to

reopen from members of the public, Committee

members have turned out as volunteers throughout

lockdown periods to support Market Superintendent,

Ruth. The good-natured enthusiasm and practicality

of the team help set up a new layout and support the

introduction of social distancing and other measures

to make the market as safe as possible.

Market Committee chairman Fabian Eagle said

“I am delighted and feel honoured that the Team

have won this award. It goes to show what you can

achieve with good teamwork. Thank you to Liz Truss

for nominating us and for all involved, keeping the

market open and as safe as possible. This award is

well deserved recognition for the market team and

Swaffham, Norfolk’s Market Town.”

Casual Vacancy Filled – Swaffham Town Council –

New Councillor…

The vacancy was filled at the virtual Council meeting

on Wednesday 10th February 2021. Congratulations

to our newest Town Councillor Kurt Oliver who now

serves for the remainder of the term, which ends

at the local government elections in May 2023.

Welcome on-board Kurt…

Sacred Heart Barn Theatre and Swimming Pool

The Town Council are pressing ahead with this project

at pace now, with all the legal due diligence in progress,

the permission to borrow from the Department of

Housing, Communities and Local Government in

place if needed and a firm commitment from the

Town Council at a meeting in January. Concurrently,

some further work will be necessary to look at the

feasibility and a business plan for the Barn Project,

with a management structure. Then at the same

time assessing some of their other assets such as

Days Field for an example, as something like that

could be cashed in to fund the Barn purchase and

development, or other ideas may come to the fore

whilst this overall asset review is completed.

Swaffham Scarecrow Scavenge

Please note, as stated last month this competition has

been POSTPONED until the Easter Holiday, but at the

time of writing we are no nearer knowing whether

this will go ahead or not. We are still planning as if it

will continue, all we ask is to keep an eye out on our

website and on social media, as soon as we are able

to confirm one way or the other, then we will let you

know. A decision will be taken on 10th March at the

Town Council Full Council meeting.

Ducks and Duck Poo

The great debate on Ducks and Duck Poo goes

on… Over the years this problem is exacerbated by

people who love the ducks and continue to feed

them. Others hate the ducks and want them culled

or relocated, and in the past the Town Council have

paid out for contractors previously for all sorts of

schemes including removing or pricking the eggs.

There have been times when no action has been

possible because of bird flu.

The Town Council’s Estates Committee recently met

with the Public Protection Officer from Breckland

Council Craig Fowler. All that could be guaranteed was

that the clean-up operation would be stepped up in

the Town Centre to twice a week by their contractors

Serco. There were constructive discussions regarding

the possibility of some educational leaflets or

messages through social media and the Council’s

websites, which advise against the feeding of ducks,

to educate the public in this regard. To date, these

have not yet happened, and Breckland Council are

reluctant to put up signage that cannot be enforced.

Another problem is that Breckland Council do not

regard this to be serious enough to be classified as

a public health hazard and there is always the issue

of who is ultimately responsible, as the duck issue

appears to fall between the responsibilities at Town,

Breckland and County level, with none of the Councils

having the statutory power to enforce the issue. The

appeal is therefore for ‘common sense’ to prevail, as

ducks will go where there is water and where they

are being fed. The Town Council will keep working

with Breckland Council to monitor the situation and

will try to educate the public and to discourage the

feeding of the ducks, and they will ensure that the

duck poo is cleaned up on a regular basis.

Dogs and Dog Poo

There seems to be a bit of a theme this month…

There are already a lot of bins around the Town,

some dedicated dog poo bins and other dual purpose

dog poo and litter bins; the Town Council are always

receptive to ideas where new bins can be located,

indeed we are in the process of getting this matter

addressed at the Swans Nest site with the developer

Abel Homes Ltd.

The behavioural issues to which we have become

accustomed i.e. dog owners not picking up the dog

mess and putting in the bins, is something we have

worked with Breckland Council in the past from time

to time, as the educational side of things is their

responsibility. The Town Council take responsibility

for providing the bins, with the capital cost of the bin

and installation, Breckland Council are responsible

for emptying the bins. So, PLEASE pick up after your

dog, and use the bins provided and if you can’t find a

bin, then take it home and use your own bin – THANK


Census – Date For Your Diary Is Sunday 21st March


There is sure to be a national campaign regarding the

Census date coming up later in March. Look out for

your Census Form and make sure you fill it in. You

must complete the census by law. If you do not, or

you supply false information, you could be fined up

to £1,000. Some questions are clearly labelled as

voluntary. It is not an offence if you do not answer

these. The Census gives us information about

households across England and Wales. If you want

to find out more about the Census, please visit the

Office for National Statistics Census website www.


Voluntary Gritting Scheme

Swaffham were one of the first Towns to roll out

a Voluntary Gritting scheme for the Town. It is

something that we have let slip in recent years,

for many reasons, not in the least being a few mild

Winters that we had in successive years. The main

reason for the scheme was to compliment the gritting

being carried out by the Highways Department, their

routes are clearly defined on the Norfolk County

Council website and cover mainly the main roads,

even some of B roads do not get gritted and most

outlying estates do not get gritted. The Town Council

outside team would concentrate their efforts on

the Town Centre, providing safe access to the shops

and Town Centre businesses. Our grateful thanks to

those of you who have sent messages of thanks to

our outside staff who worked hard during the coldest

spell of the year. All our work has to be under the

guidance of guidelines set by Highways, similarly we

have to brief any volunteers if they come on board

for next Winter. If being a ‘Gritting Volunteer’ is of

interest to you, please drop a line to Kerry at the

Town Hall reception@swaffhamtowncouncil.gov.uk

Your Breckland District Councillors:

Cllr. David Wickerson

01760 725 741



Cllr. Ian Sherwood

07795 236 878



Cllr Ed Colman - also your Norfolk County Councillor

07940 406 356

ed.colman@breckland.gov.uk / ed.colman.cllr@norfolk.gov.uk

Highway issues

Norfolk County Council – www.norfolk.gov.uk

– 0344 800 8020

For Highway issues & faulty street lights:

- Highways - please give the location of the issue and

a telephone number where further information can

be obtained.

- Faulty streetlights – please give the precise location

of the light and the number on the column.

Alternatively visit the website and search for Highways

or Street Lights to report your concerns.











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