Heart Church Vision Book

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Transfor —




The Spirit of God unleashes the

potential He placed within us. Potential

that has for too long been buried in fear,

rejection and sin, which clogged up our

mindsets and perverted our behaviour.

But thanks be to God - he who the Son

sets free is free indeed.

The mission is not religion, but the

restoration of humanity. We don’t just

want to rescue people from the ‘car-crash’

for them to remain broken and

hospitalised for the rest of their lives.

The Gospel has the power to transform

your whole life, all your life. In this regard,

we are not even simply talking about

rehabilitation but transformation -

metamorphosis! Jesus restores, renews

and resets your life to original purpose.

All the days ordained for me were written in

His book before one of them came to be.

- Psalm 139:16


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