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TALK OF THE TOWN 25 March 2021 Advertising & Newsdesk: (046) 624-4356 Find us on Facebook 7

Screen against

cancer of colon

Highly prevalent disease often asymptomatic


With colorectal cancer

being the fourth most

common cancer in

SA, and that one in four patients

will have synchronous

metastatic disease at the time of

their primary diagnosis, it is

important to focus on screening


Colorectal cancer can be

totally asymptomatic, which

implies that by the time it is

diagnosed for the first time, 25%

of patients will already have

metastatic disease.

The most successful

treatment modality to achieve

cure or prolong survival is

surgery of primary tumor and

metastases. Chemotherapy,

however, is also used in most

stages of the disease.

As stated, 25% of patients

with colorectal cancer will have

absolutely no symptoms (hence

it is important to screen as per


Of those who will present

with symptoms, the most

prominent symptoms would be

persistent change in bowel

habits, alternating between

diarrhoea or constipation, blood

in your stool, persistent

abdominal discomfort such as

cramps, gas or pain, a feeling of

incomplete defecation,

weakness and fatigue and/or

unexplained weight loss.

The gold standard of

screening is a colonoscopy

done by a general surgeon or a


Current guidelines suggest

one screening colonoscopy

from the age of 50 in patients

with no family history of

colorectal cancer.

Thereafter five yearly, or as

indicted by a surgeon

depending on the results found.

In patients with a positive

first degree relative with

colorectal cancer, screening is

recommended from the actual

age that the diagnosis was made

in the relative.

A Faecal Occult Blood test

can also be asked for by your

local GP, which aims to detect

microscopic blood in stool that

cannot be seen with the naked

eye and may be an indication of

colorectal pathology.

Colonoscopy, however, remains

the gold standard for screening

and diagnosis and a negative

feacal occult blood test does not

exclude colorectal cancer.

A positive test, however,

necessitates an urgent

c o l o n o s c o py.

Modifiable risk factors that

may increase your risk for

colorectal cancer (risk factors

that you can change): smoking,

excessive alcohol consumption,

high intake of red meat and

processed foods, low intake of

fruit and vegetables, obesity and

physical inactivity.

Non-modifiable risk factors

that may put you at a higher risk

of colorectal cancer (risk factors

that you cannot control): 50

years and above, male gender,

ethnicity, family history of

inflammatory bowel disease,

colorectal polyps or colorectal

cancer, type 2 diabetes.

As with many other diseases,

make sure you have a healthy

lifestyle, and be vigilant in

knowing your body and the

symptoms it may or may not

show you. Go for your regular

ch e ck u p s .

FACE 2 FACE with /

Bubele Bouga Vulani librarian assistant, office of the chief justice

QTell us about your


AI am a librarian assistant

employed by the office of

the chief justice.

On a part-time basis I am an

underqualified personal fitness

i n s t r u c t o r.

What is the most satisfying

aspect of the work you do?

To see someone being satisfied

by the service I rendered.

To me, it’s not about how

many people I help but about

those who come back and are

happy about my service.

What is the one tourist aspect

you would recommend to a

visitor to the Sunshine Coast?

I would recommend Bathurst

because it has the Big Pineapple

and a restaurant and cultural

a c t iv i t i e s .

There is also a spot which is

sort of a hiking trail, where you

see the [start] of the Kowie River.

I’d recommend it to any visitor.

If you have a bucket list, what is

the top item?

If freedom was an item I would

buy it, freedom financially and

doing what I want to whenever I

want to, freedom to spend time

with family and my loved ones.

What is your motto in life?

I often say to people there is no

progress and improvement in

your comfort zone. If you are

comfortable you will not grow.

What keeps you motivated?

Every time I wake in the

morning and look at myself in

the mirror and check where I

come from, and where I am

now, and where I want to be in

the future, is what motivates me.

A lot has changed in my life,

things like lifestyle, yet I am not

satisfied about where I am now.

With the high unemployment

rate in our country, what do

you think could be done to

address the situation?

As a young parent, I would

encourage all other parents that

we motivate our children to go

to school, not only to be

employed, but so they are able

to start their own businesses and

do not rely on government.

Do you think enough is being

done to reduce our carbon

footprint on the planet? If not,

what do you think could be

done to change it?

This is a tricky one because

factories produce carbon but

also produce employment, so if

we close those factories it

means jobs will be lost.

If we can plant more trees

and keep our environment

clean and do not litter, use our

dustbin to throw away rubbish,

that might have a positive effect

in reducing carbon.

What is your favourite music of

all time?

I love all genres of music,

depending on my mood.

If it connects to my soul I

enjoy it. In most cases, I love the

golden oldies and deep house.

When I feel emotional, I

listen to gospel and jazz.

What is the one item that is

always in your fridge?

Fruit, depending on the season.

If it’s summer you will find

apples, grapes and peaches. In

winter, oranges. Fruit is one

thing I don’t run out of.

If you could be president of SA

for one day, what would be the

top three things you would do

for your day in office?

1. I’d recognise everyone in the

office for the great work they do,

so they feel appreciated; 2. I’d

make everyone feel like they are

in charge, so they don’t feel like

they are taking orders on a daily

basis; 3. I’d give everyone a

responsibility to be in charge of

a certain task so everyone can

know the feeling of being in

charge and giving and receiving


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