
Revista histórica de 1924 con 100 consejos para radio aficionados.

Revista histórica de 1924 con 100 consejos para radio aficionados.


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100 RADIO 11O0H-UP8


Fig. 26

Fig. 24. This is the circuit of the Paragon RA -10. A "leading

coil" is inserted in both the primary and secondary circuits so

that higher wave -lengths can be reached. These coils are cut in

and out of the circuit by switch "SW".

Fig. 25. The hook-up of the Aerolia Sr. Coils A, B, C and D

are all wound on the same tube while coils E and F are wound

on smaller tubes and rotate within the others. When the aerial

switch is on contact "S" shorter waves can be received than when

on contact "L".


Flu. 24

Fig. 26. A very good regenerative receiver with but two

controls, i. e., the variometer and the variable condenser. Coils

"P" and "8" are wound on the same tube with about 1/3 in. between

them. The variometer should be placed at the end of this

tube. Coil "P" should be "stagger" wound.

Fig. 27. Another circuit with but two controls. This is an

adaptation of the Colpitta oscillator circuit and has proven to be a

very sensitive regenerative receiver.


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