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Quantum Coupling

of different such QEC codes have

been theorized, but not all have been

practically implemented.

Revisiting The GKP Algorithm


A photograph of Yale’s Quantronic Laboratory (QLab) Team

All the hype (and troubles) surrounding

quantum computers stems from the

fundamentally different manner in which

a quantum computer operates. While your

laptop (a ‘classical’ computer) uses the

principles of classical physics to operate,

a quantum computer exploits seemingly

unintuitive quantum phenomena to

perform its computations. Investigating

how these quantum phenomena can be

leveraged in a quantum computer is at the

heart of the mission of Yale’s Quantronics

Laboratory (QLab). “The laws of quantum

physics are radically different from the

laws of classical physics, so quantum

computers pose new challenges that

one does not encounter with classical

computers,” said Michel Devoret, F.W.

Beinecke Professor of Applied Physics,

QLab principal investigator, and coauthor

of the research.

Correcting Errors in Quantum Computing

Among the most significant of these

challenges that the QLab attempts to tackle

arises due to the curious phenomenon of

quantum decoherence, wherein quantum

information is lost. Just as classical

computers store information using bits

(binary values of 0 and 1), quantum

computers utilize qubits (quantum

bits). Unintuitively, these qubits can

take on a combination (superposition)

of binary values which are encoded

by their wavefunctions; it is these

wavefunctions that are manipulated

while performing computations.

‘When a qubit is encoded in a physical

system, its wavefunction interacts with

the environment, and the information it

stores tends to get corrupted in a process

known as quantum decoherence,” said

Alec Eickbusch, the co-lead author and

a graduate student at the QLab. Since it

is impossible in practice to completely

isolate a qubit, quantum decoherence

tends to quickly scramble the qubit,

destroying its information in a matter of

microseconds. “In a quantum computer,

we need to find a way to give a qubit a

longer lifetime,” Eickbusch said.

Unsurprisingly, prolonging a qubit’s

lifetime is much easier said than done. This

goal is the focus of quantum error correction

(QEC), which seeks to correct for errors

stemming from quantum decoherence

and other sources. In classical computers,

error correction, in the very unlikely

circumstance that it is required, is relatively

simple: all one needs is redundant copies

of bits. Any error causing a bit to change

value is easily detected and rectified by

observing the values of its copies.

Alas, quantum physics does not allow

for such a straightforward solution.

The aptly named ‘no-cloning theorem’

disallows the creation of independent,

identical copies of quantum states. Even

more frustratingly, checking whether

the encoded information in a qubit has

changed requires one to measure that

state of the qubit, which itself alters the

qubit. With such enormous roadblocks,

QEC seemed an impossible feat, until

MIT professor Peter Shor developed a

roundabout technique (a “code”), which

corrected errors in a “logical qubit” that

was made of a collection of ordinary

(“physical”) qubits. Since then, a number

The QLab team chose to focus on a

particular code devised in 2001 called

the GKP code, rather creatively named

after the initials of its theorists: Daniel

Gottesman, Alexei Kitaev and John

Preskill. “The GKP algorithm was a

very ingenious form of error correction,

developed ahead of its time,” Devoret

said. It relies on the principle that

quantum noise - the cause of errors in a

qubit - is local: it affects different parts

of a system differently. Therefore, if

information is stored non-locally, it

can be recovered in spite of noise.

Devoret uses an analogy to explain

the basis behind the GKP algorithm:

“Suppose you have two boxes put close

together, with a hole in them to allow

them to ‘communicate.’ If a bit is stored

by placing a ball in either the left (0) or

the right (1) box, then shaking the system

(introducing ‘noise’) may cause the ball

to move between boxes, thus changing

the bit stored. However, if the boxes are

placed far away (‘non-local storage’), then

the ball will remain in its box and the bit

will be preserved in spite of the system

being shaken. Similarly, the GKP code

provides a way to put the 0 and 1 of a

logical qubit as far apart in ‘phase space’

as possible, therefore preventing errors to

as large an extent as possible.

Although the GKP code has been around for

nearly two decades, it was believed to be too

impractical to physically realize in a laboratory

setting. However, in the decades since, the

development of better instrumentation has

allowed the QLab team to recognize that

implementing the GKP code was “very

possible, using tricks of superconducting

circuits”—the quantum mechanical apparatus

that hosts the qubits they manipulate.

Eickbusch outlined the two-year research

journey by separating it into three rough

stages. First, the team set about crafting

simulations to determine whether their

idea would work in practice. Then, they

spent time in the cleanroom, building,

tweaking, and debugging their quantum

superconducting circuits. Finally, with

20 Yale Scientific Magazine December 2020 www.yalescientific.org

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