Apothercary 2016

Journal of the Worshipful Society of Apothecaries, Society year 15-16

Journal of the Worshipful Society of Apothecaries, Society year 15-16


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Anniversary Year Events<br />

As we prepare for the 400 th Anniversary of the<br />

granting of our Charter on 6 December 2017, here's a<br />

reminder of some of the Anniversary events.<br />

Up to and throughout the year, we're raising money<br />

for our Apothecaries’ charities, supporting medical<br />

education and rhino conservation. For more details<br />

about any of these events contact the Clerk’s Office.<br />

Instant Sunshine Concert<br />

17 February, 2017<br />

The brilliant witty all-singing doctors group "Instant<br />

Sunshine," of BBC Radio 4 fame, will be live on stage<br />

at the Cadogan Hall to celebrate their 50 th<br />

Anniversary, our 400 th , and the baby charity,<br />

Tommy's, 25 th . The band are very generously<br />

performing for free, with all proceeds going to the<br />

Apothecaries' and Tommy's charities.<br />

This should be a fabulous evening, and a great<br />

opportunity to raise money for great charities. Tickets<br />

£15 to £75 from Cadogan Hall.<br />

Advertise, send a message of support in the<br />

programme, or donate direct – all donors of £100 or<br />

more will have their name listed in the programme!<br />

Master's Day Service and Dinner<br />

17 August, 2017<br />

In a change from our usual routine, the Master's Day<br />

Service 2017 will be held immediately after the<br />

Election Court on 17 August, followed by a dinner<br />

rather than the usual lunch. All Guardant Members<br />

are welcome to attend the service and/or dinner.<br />

Provisional timings are 5.30 pm for the service, 7.00<br />

for 7.30 pm for dinner, with booking details to follow<br />

later in the year.<br />

Anniversary Evensong at St Paul's<br />

20 September, 2017<br />

The Society is honoured to be holding a special<br />

evensong at St Paul's, where we will be joined by<br />

Masters and Clerks from other Livery Companies,<br />

invited guests, and the Members of the Society.<br />

The service will see the first performance of a newly<br />

commissioned anthem by Michael Berkeley, which<br />

will become a firm fixture of future Apothecaries<br />

events.<br />

Following the service, there will be a reception at the<br />

Hall, with free entry for Guardant Members.<br />

Booking details later in the year.<br />

Guildhall Banquet<br />

6 December, 2017<br />

400 years to the day, the Society will celebrate the<br />

Charter with a magnificent Banquet at the Guildhall.<br />

After a Reception in the Old Library, there will be a<br />

four-course white tie dinner in the magnificent<br />

surroundings of the Great Hall, in the presence of key<br />

figures in the life of the Society: Royal Freemen, the<br />

Lord Mayor and Sheriffs, Presidents of the Medical<br />

Royal Colleges, the Grocers, the Barbers, and the<br />

Patrons of the 400 th Appeal.<br />


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